What do think/hope to see in the Nat/Mut boosters?
what would I like to see?
more cool stuff.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Natural: Holsters, quivers, sheathes. Might be nice to have some some more cowboy options(vest/shirt, chaps, boots with spurs) considering the upcoming Pistols set. Perhaps adding a bunch more weapon options to all sets.
And of course, walking. (Yes I know it was probably a joke. But I can dream...)
Mutation: More monstrous heads, tails, and legs? I'm not sure what else.
Yeah I'd really love to see demon heads (Like the Hellfrost boss) but not sure if that would go with Mutation. What kind of powers can you think of?
Only thing I can think of that's remotely natural or mutant is more bestial costume parts - the ones that are currently available are limited in my opinion.
The one 'feature' that could be implemented (based on my comments above) would be to allow a new 'beast' pose where you can run on all fours and then stand upright while not moving or figthing.
Only thing I can think of that's remotely natural or mutant is more bestial costume parts - the ones that are currently available are limited in my opinion.
The one 'feature' that could be implemented (based on my comments above) would be to allow a new 'beast' pose where you can run on all fours and then stand upright while not moving or figthing.
[/ QUOTE ]Devs have said that a new skeleton for NPCs and PCs is really hard to make and if they make it, I hope they will release if for everyone, but that doesn't seem like the devs nowadays.
Natural, I'd like to see more "low tech" melee weapon options. Things like kitchen knives, straight razors, broken bottle, tire iron, chainsaw (even if non-animated), machetes, etc.
Mutant, I guess more bestial options would be nice. "Mutant" is so ill defined that it's hard to think of anything distinctively mutant-y
Distinctively Mutant-y?
New faces with extra eyes?
New tail options: Third Arm or Tentacle.
For me...
Natural - A couple of more melee weapon models would be nice and actual back-item things like Jetpacks and the like.
Mutant - Some more beastial like stuff (more beast heads, Claw hands, more Monsterous leg options).
Thank you for the time...

Natural - Sentai/Kamen Rider-style costume change emotes. Detailed military uniforms. Walking.
More sleeveless costume options ( sleveless tight's options)
more hat options
more weapon options
A day without sunshine is like...you know...night time.
For the mutant pack : more animal heads. Hawk, wolf, snake and so on....
[COLOR=darkorchid]Nebulhym's AE Arcs: Try them now![/COLOR]
# 12647: Of feathers and fur...[COLOR=yellow]Winner of [B]The American Legion[/B]'s January 2011 AE Author Contest![/COLOR]
# 292389: From Tartarus with love...
# 459592: Interdimensional Headache
Some body fur that doesn't leave so much skin exposed. Something shaggier.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
As long as they don't name it "the Furry pack!" as was recently touted in another thread, I am open to ideas.
That thread was Epic Lulz at their finest. For those of you who missed it, a synopsis:
OP: "Let's call the Natural Pack the Furry Pack! I win one Internet for sheer cleverness!"
respondant 1: "YAAAAAAAAY I love Furries! Best idea evar!"
respondant 2: "Uhhhh.... guys. I want a Natural pack right up there with the best of 'em, but The Furry Pack?! That is not gonna work. What if we had a water-themed pack that was called Water Sports, do you think that would work...? See what I mean...?"
...And on it went, with much fodder for snickers therein. A little hyperbole in my synopsis, but not too much. And remember: FURRY IS NOT A TERM DENOTING DEVIANT BEHAVIOR. EVER. As I recall we had one person in there claiming that if you did artwork featuring animals, that this made you a "furry artist." I learn something new on these boards every day, man.....
lovin' a good laugh with the best of them
Devs have said that a new skeleton for NPCs and PCs is really hard to make and if they make it, I hope they will release if for everyone, but that doesn't seem like the devs nowadays.
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yeah, it really stinks that they're charging us for power customization.
oh wait.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
What do you hope to see or think we will see in the natural and mutation booster packs?
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I don't have much interest in the Mutation Super Booster Pack, but I'd absolutely love to see a new trenchcoat in the Natural Super Booster.
what would I like to see?
more cool stuff.
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That's a safe bet.
More faces
New auras
Aquatic costume set
New costume change emotes (maybe a morph-style change?)
No idea what the power would be.
Addtional facial hair/makeup styles
Additional period outfits (turn of the century, steampunk, etc.)
Costume change emote: summons telephone booth, change inside
I have no idea what a good natural bonus power would be.
I was hoping the jet packs and other non-wing flying costume pieces would be in the science set, but maybe it'll make the natural set.
"I don't have an angel and a devil on my shoulder, I have Rocky and Bullwinkle." - Lore Sj�berg
...quivers, sheathes....
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Yes, please backpacks and other non-wing back gear! They are so long overdue!
Heck a parachute or para-glider would be awesome!
Yeah, I know it's kind of "Tech", but I thought it was better than asking for Flint and Steel and the ability to "create fire".
Next to Bubble-helmets, I would have really have liked to have seen the various non-wing back items as costume parts - raptor pack, jump pack, etc. in the Science Booster (but I guess they were more Tech and that's what the Cyborg booster "was"... *sigh*)
As long as they don't name it "the Furry pack!" as was recently touted in another thread, I am open to ideas.
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I always liked the idea of "The Well of the Furries" for a name, myself.
Two ideas for a nonhuman head : a bird head, and an insect head with mandibles ( moving, if possible ).
Another idea for the Mutant Pack : Extra arms or tentacles, sort of like with the Crab Spiders. They'd just be cosmetic, like with Crabs that go Bane in their second build.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
A monstrous frog head and frog flippers for gloves and boots.
For natural pack:
more weapon models in general
clown nose (add to face1 options)
bonus power: grapel hook, essentialy teleport with but with the added bonus of staying where you land until you move/regrapel, make it unenhanceable (so not unbalanced) and less than 100ft range.
animal faces/monterous faces
Turtle shells
squirel/skunk tail (same tail just bushy and colorable)
power: self rez (them mutants tend to come back to life an awefull lot in the comics)
I would like a Robin Hood outfit (includingthe hat with feather) for Natural.
I would also like a Zorro Cape and mask.
um. For girls >.> i guess we could have nipples.
I want a friggin' permanent jetpack already, preferably a choice between the types we have in the game and some ones exclusive to the booster. Rocket boots don't fit all costumes and concepts.
Put in the jetpack and I'll actually be inclined to buy it.
The Science Pack introduced such a revolutionary feature in the Super Tailor that I think sky's the limit for the next booster packs.
I'm betting on the natural pack introducing back options. Backpacks, quivers, sheaths, jetpacks, jump packs, and so on.
Mutant will probably be some more animal themed parts.
What do you hope to see or think we will see in the natural and mutation booster packs? I was sitting down thinking about this today. Costume change ideas, costume pieces, and of course the "power."
Natural seems like a lot of the costume pieces could possibly revolve around showing bare skin. To be honest, I am not sure how costume pieces can be created that are fairly generic (See: Apply to wide range of concepts) and be natural. Maybe it could have certain weapons.
No idea on costume changes or powers though. Do you have any? What about mutation?