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  1. CockAroach

    Lore Answers?

    Wasn't there going to be a q&a for lore from Posi today?
  2. I didn't have a problem with the promotion myself, as a first run. As time progresses and I loose the ablity to stay home and wait for the twitter feed to update, I won't loose sleep on being excluded from promotions either. The world isn't fair, not everyone will be able to get everything whenever they want it.
  3. CockAroach

    Bind Key

    /bind t em throwconfetti
  4. Will they use this as a reason to revamp the Numeria TF? I hope they don't overlook the missions that actualy do use this zone.
  5. 7 Years!!! Omg, just yesterday it feels like I logged on for the first time, and now it's been SEVEN YEARS!

    Happy Anniversary CoH!
  6. I've never used the NCSoft launcher, been playing for almost 7 years. If I'm having trouble finding it, I'm betting the 90% of the non-forum going playerbase is never going to find it either.
    I have no problem finding the info in the forums, would be nice to have it on something in game that you could see without having to forum dive.
  7. So...I'm not missing it, it isn't IN GAME, right now?
  8. Seeing a bunch of threads that are player made, but where the heck is the WTF (weekly task force) info in game? It isn't on the launcher, at least not in a way that I can see it. I've tried the /gmotd command in game, and it shows me what am I doing wrong?
  9. After watching that...I love ponies too...
  10. I do wonder if in Pratoria the salvage will have the same names...
  11. CockAroach

    Favorite Mouse

    Ever have a piece of equiptment that even after it winds up breaking on you, you replace with the same thing?

    I have. My Logitech mx518 mouse gave up the ghost, it kept dropping the usb connection at bad times. I went to my local store and was looking at the different types of mice and kept being drawn back to the same one I have been using. Going to make sure it is registered and look forward to another few good years of mousing.
  12. "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners. "

    Been trying for a week, same response...
  13. How do you fight a tyrant? You go after the tyrant. The senators of Rome didn't decide to wipe out the city, poison it's water or burn down the local hospital, they took their issue with their tyrant to point on the floor of the senate.
    That's my problem with the Resistance, they are doing it wrong. They are burning down the system and the people that are being controled by Cole, and doing nothing to defeat Cole himself. The best that they can hope for is what? To kill the city and it's people and since Cole is immortal, have him decide to leave? The Resistance are terrorists, plain and simple, they don't want a revolution, they just want an excuse to cause havok. Crusader or Warden, Al Quida and Al Jazeria ;one is just the army, the other's the press.
  14. Think I'll wait for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, Fort Worth is a bit far for me to get to right now.
  15. Mines make Rom go Crazy Run Away OMG my feet are on fire...

    Who knew?
  16. I'd be up for that. Can bring either Agent Oakley DP/Devices lvl44 blaster , or if you include Trick arrows...Fetching Fletchings.
  17. CockARoach:

    Who thought that a simple Periplaneta Americana could be such trouble?

    A simple American Cockroach, after feeding on potions and materials in one of the Circle of Thorns secret lairs in Kings Row, wandered into the Circle of Power left over from a night's incantation. The raw power left over from that twisting of the forces of nature and physics changes the humble creature into somthing that has never existed before. Hundreds of times bigger, faster and with inteligence aproaching that of a small dog, the being that calls himself CockAroach now fights for the forces of truth, justice and is a guardian of his city.

    Zonko The Clown:

    Straight from Paragon Channel 39, from 3pm to 4pm. Its the Zonkarific ClownAround show!! Bringing you slapstick comedy and classic cartoons to all the boys and girls of Paragon City!! Watch as Zonko pulls magic icecream cones out from thin air,watch....Yea that was my life. Entertaining the children of Paragon on a low budget local kiddy program. That was until the day that mafia type strolled in wanting his little brat in the Zonko chair. Sure the money was good, sure I could have used it, but no one messes with the Zonko chair. That was for sick kids and orphans, not rich little brats. The Mafioso didn't see it that way... When I slipped on the ol' joy buzzer I knew that was a bad idea, When I loaded up my suit with extra ice cream, I knew that was a bad idea, When I ran the extra long extention cord from the transformer outside to the buzzer in my hand I knew that was a bad idea. Shaking hands with the don and Giving him a lethal dose of electricity, what can I say? 8D


    SGT Phineous G Rage was an average member of the US Army until he entered the top secret "Los Angeles Project", the United State's attempt to create Super Heroes. After being given the round of steroids, training and experimental radiation treatments he emerged a changed person. The USA used Phineous again and again until August 6th 1946. After the war he became a test pilot for the "forever project" a test in crygenic freezing. Years passed and he was recently discoved still in his cryo-chamber. The long hybernation had peserved the old soldier and now he has been reawakened to a brave new world. After joining forces with an extraordinary woman, Freedom Rings, they fight a never ending battle for Truth, Justice and Liberty for All.
  18. CockAroach


    I Survived "Hack"
    Prize claimed (if any)Whatever I'm still qulified for
  19. CockAroach


    ah crap, completed the mission and clicked too fast...
    Looks like it's over.

    Looks like global chat crashed too.
  20. CockAroach


    Agent Oakley
    "I WANT TO PLAY A GAME!"(and learn how to put the darn screenshot on this screen...)
  21. Pretty sure one AV wouldn't put me at agro limit...

    KHTF 1st mission.
  22. On my lvl34 Will/Electrical tank and noticing that even with taunt and auras running, the agro seems to slide off me like water off a ducks back.
    Is this just my perception, or has anyone else noticed this?

    I know Willpower is not great for holding agro, I have taunt, but it was taking multiple taunts and being in range for the agro to start to turn.