What will you miss from Galaxy City?




Yeah, I know, Issue 21's a ways away.
And "Galaxy city's dead!" - but, y'know, some of us do like it.
And sure, it'll be available in Ouro.... but it's just not the same, somehow.

So what, if anything, will you miss when Galaxy City's gone?

1. TANK!

I'm not a badger. But this is one of my favourite badge locations. And even now, I'll turn off travel powers, even combat jumping, and try to get the badge the "hard" way. There aren't many that make you work for them, and there are a few in interesting locations (Ace is like this, and I still like Destined for ValHalla, even though it's nowhere near as difficult.)

But for someone at level 4 or so, this was fun to try to get.

(And how many newer folks have ever really perfected jumping up the side of a building via window ledges?)

2. Blue Steel and Bird Watcher

So Blue got moved to King's Row - but he has a badge here. And this (and Bird Watcher, on the small ledge on the building in back) were also in the "Fun to try to get" list of badges. Anything remotely feline went for Bird Watcher. Again - no travel powers. Go ahead and try 'em out. (Easier with hurdle inherent, I know. *sigh*)

3. Under the bridge

I'm not sure why, but I like this spot. There's nothing significant about it, no memorable event in Paragon history - but it's one of those spots I could imagine the cops having to keep checking out. Not for gang activity, but to chase out kids on a date looking for that "quiet, out of the way" spot. At least before the Vahzilok moved in. It's the sort of place with a feel that makes a city "someone's home," not just a setting to beat up stuff for XP.

4. Freedom Corps. HQ.

I'm not sure just what it is with this. There was, of course, the BABs sendoff memorial when he left, but even before that I liked this. Just the monolithic, solid architecture - not interesting in itself, perhaps, but in the way it comes together with the ramps/steps, the park in front and Galaxy Girl in the back looking over the whole thing. (I find ancient monumental/monolithic architecture interesting, and this kind of calls to it.) Plus, of course, as a Warshade you get to visit Shadowstar in back - which kind of ties to the same thing, given her ties (or at least her Warshade's ties) that go all the way back to ancient Egypt. I still think more could have been done with this to add a touch more visual interest.

It still "works" better than the Atlas statue and City Hall for me.

Plus it's a great place to fight Rikti.



I'm with you. As a generally lurker/soloer when not running with my SG (try to be more social from time to time- like lately LOL) I liked Galaxy. It was quiet-activity wise, well designed, and as you pointed out overall, pretty. I think that'll make its destruction all the more profound.

I thought the Phalanx set up shop in FC's headquarters too at one point? Maybe that justifies the move to Fort Trident?

What I'll miss most about Galaxy is the park. All of it. When I was first leveling up Lyc in the 'good ol' days' I spent time with a couple future friends (and one a future SG mate) roaming around it and leveling up before heading into Kings Row. It wasn't that I didn't want to try the missions. I was just having fun talking to them about stuff while fighting baddies in the park. We were all relatively new to the game. Heck, at the moment I'm not sure I knew the distinction between street sweeping and missions back then, really (This was my first MMO).

I had no clue which was the better zone to pick when I talked to Coyote (and before I knew who he was and his history) so I just picked one... happened to be Galaxy. The quiet from lack of other players didn't bother me because I didn't know what to expect anyway. Probably for the best because I was already overwhelmed with the scope of the world. I was afraid I'd miss something, and everything seemed so big and anything was possible... The music from Freedom Corps. HQ started up and I got a chill. It sounded really heroic. Still one of my favorite starting songs in game (in Galaxy or Atlas, makes no difference).

Still haven't forgotten that first experience really... I think I'm going to have to make a new character heroside and run it through the tutorial and go to Galaxy one last time before the change...

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I couldn't agree more.



I'll miss the peace and quiet. I started most of my blue side characters in GC just because I enjoyed the laid back change of pace before getting into the rest of the game.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



What's a Galaxy City? (j/k)

Just a reminder that although it will be deactivated from its normal functions according to the Devs you'll still be able to visit it and the badges and plaques will still be there for the taking. So, it's not going anywhere it's simply being turned into a ghost town.

As for what I'll miss, well, apart from the badge, plaque and cape missions and the WS storyline I never did play much there (except with a couple of toons who started their lives in GC, but that was years ago).
I guess I'll miss the neighbourhood names. Always thought those were very good.

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There's some important stuff in Galaxy... the Warshade story is centred there, and of course some essential badges and plaques are based there.

In many ways I preferred Galaxy for a new toon although with GR I mostly start in Praetoria these days but that will change with Freedom - for at least a while.

I'll miss a lot about Galaxy but on the other hand, I remember looking at Skyway in the Sutter TF and being genuinely moved. "Look what those bastards did to our city!!!!" so I'm excited to see how the changes to Galaxy look and feel too.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I'll miss the peace and quiet. I started most of my blue side characters in GC just because I enjoyed the laid back change of pace before getting into the rest of the game.
Yeah. That's also a biggie. About the only way I can stand starting someone on Freedom, when friends talk me into it.

Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Just a reminder that although it will be deactivated from its normal functions according to the Devs you'll still be able to visit it and the badges and plaques will still be there for the taking. So, it's not going anywhere it's simply being turned into a ghost town.
Yeah, but by the time you get to Ouro... it's just not the same as starting there, having to sprint around and dodge Vahz, or - as mentioned - trying to get those badges with no travel powers. (Which, admittedly, you almost need to remember to shut OFF these days, with all the packs, temps, etc.)

It's like growing up somewhere, leaving and coming back twenty years later. A lot of that magic is just... gone. That place you hung out with friends is turned into a strip mall, the bike trail is paved over and turned into a road... just not the same.



I almost never go to Galaxy... so I won't miss a dang thing and don't have a single attachement to the zone. I understand being sentimental, but I guess I just don't have any personal connection to relate to this zone. Not really understanding what is so great about it.



I started my first character on Galaxy City, back when I was a complete newb with no clue of what to do. A friendly scrapper gave me a bunch of hints back then, and one of those was making me swim near the Perez Park gate until I got a "Badge Earned!" popup (the Land Locked badge).

That would be the beginning of a very long obsession with collecting badges...

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I'm going to miss all of it!

I love GC. I love how its laid out. Over on Pinn the RPCongress used to meet under the statue of Galaxy Girl. I almost always start my toons out there, because I love BAB, he's kind of more relatable-to than Ms Lib. I love the WS arc. I love the badges. I love the park.


I'm really going to miss it.

Author of: GOOD TASTE: A Frequent Die-ers Guide to the Turf, Sand and Carpet of Paragon City



Galaxy city is one of the nicest zones, when it is gone, its gonna be just another disaster zone that probably wont get used for naff all.



This is a strange spot to mention, but for some reason, the first place that came to mind is a sloping ledge to the north of the train. I remember WAAAY back when I first started, having only a couple under-20 characters, being so proud of myself for knowing a zone well enough to know a shortcut, and not have to take a roughly two block detour to get back to the train.

Not a glamorous spot, but a spot I'll miss nonetheless. (Even if I can go to the flashback version... won't be the same as running past it on a lowbie on the way to a contact.)

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Originally Posted by BigBoss Eyepatch View Post
Galaxy city is one of the nicest zones, when it is gone, its gonna be just another disaster zone that probably wont get used for naff all.
It's not going to be a disaster zone - it's only going to appear in the new tutorial - once you exit the tutorial, there's no way back, like with all the current tutorials - it's going to be come an instanced map, not an actual zone.

Although that means they can use the runined Galaxy map in other missions too, if it's needed

The changes to Galaxy City in I21 are not a zone revamp - they're a zone removal.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The changes to Galaxy City in I21 are not a zone revamp - they're a zone removal.
To which I say, 'Boo! Boo, devs, boo!' for reasons stated elsewhere on these forums.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Yeah. That's also a biggie. About the only way I can stand starting someone on Freedom, when friends talk me into it.

Yeah, but by the time you get to Ouro... it's just not the same as starting there, having to sprint around and dodge Vahz, or - as mentioned - trying to get those badges with no travel powers. (Which, admittedly, you almost need to remember to shut OFF these days, with all the packs, temps, etc.)

It's like growing up somewhere, leaving and coming back twenty years later. A lot of that magic is just... gone. That place you hung out with friends is turned into a strip mall, the bike trail is paved over and turned into a road... just not the same.
Well said... maybe it would've been better to turn somewhere like Boomtown into the new training zone... leaving Galaxy as is

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Well said... maybe it would've been better to turn somewhere like Boomtown into the new training zone... leaving Galaxy as is
Well said- personally I vote for Brickstown. I mean really, who uses that zone except for the Manti TF and that is BORING!

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



I'll miss having the option of NOT starting in Atlas Park where all the perpetual loiterers are where the "social hub" of hero-side is supposed to be. I started my first character in Galaxy City before badges or Coyotee existed, this was the first zone I memorised the layout of, and to this day is still my prefer starting spot because I don't have to put up with the inane broadcast of Atlas Park or trip over characters people made to shock me and cause me to facepalm more so than to play.

I don't have any real, special love for Galaxy City so much as I have real, special hatred for Atlas Park.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The main thing I'll miss is the Arena. My SG has had it's annual Golden Age Festival there for the past six years and it's always been a lot of fine. Good memories there. It was easy to set up, low level characters could get there easily, and it wasn't too far from the trains, and since it's Galaxy, mostly had the zone to running the event.

Guess we'll have to move it to Talos or King's Row or something.

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It will be interesting to see how the balance of power shifts. Just as Atlas Park is the home of the Hellions and King's Row is the home of the Skulls, Galaxy City is the "home" of the Vahzilok - a newbie science character spent a fair amount of time working the Galaxy City beat.

What will I miss about it? Everything, really. Several years ago, a forum poster started a thread questioning why Galaxy City even existed - from the standpoint of a new player experience, this poster felt that it was redundant with Atlas Park and it split the player base needlessly instead of funneling new players together as it "should" be.

My response at the time was a sort of mini-essay that analyzed Atlas Park and Galaxy City as the thematic "poles" of the city. Yin-yang, male-female, active-passive. Whether it's the back-story, the atmosphere, or something else, there are many people who have an attachment to Galaxy City whereas I have hardly ever heard of anyone forming an emotional attachment to Atlas Park.

Unfortunately, Atlas is iconic of the game and, as Joss Whedon likes to prove again and again, you get a lot more dramatic mileage out of killing something that the audience cares about.

People, devs included, who say "Well, just take a story mission in Ouroboros and you can visit the old zone whenever you want" are people who really just don't "get" it. The loss is not about badges. Galaxy City is as much about Galaxy Girl and her part in the story of Paragon City as it is about an alternative to spam in Atlas Park. It's about being connected to a living, breathing part of the history of the game world and about feeling like some part of the city is actually "home". For whatever reason, this is something that they never succeeded at doing with Atlas Park; at least not for me.

Atlas Park is "downtown" where Galaxy City is "old town". In an ideal world, we'd have both. However - The devs today seem to agree with the poster I mentioned, that the new player experience should be streamlined and funnel everyone into a single space. It's too bad. I'll miss the place.



Agreeing with Samuel Tow. Not having the option to start there is the only thing I can think of that I will miss from that zone. I never spent much time in that zone.



On another note and maybe I shouldn't mention this - When Paragon Dance Party was removed from the game, and then replaced by Pocket D, there were people who had logged out of the game inside of Paragon Dance Party.

As it happened, when those players went back and logged in those characters, they discovered that they were STILL in Paragon Dance Party. The zone existed still. The doors leading in were just all closed, so to speak.

Anyone who wants to keep access to Galaxy City over and above whatever access might be available from Ororbouros, might do well to create a character whose only purpose is to "live there" past the launch of Freedom.

As far as that goes, I have to wonder what will happen to the super group teleporters. Hmm... *heads over to suggestions forum*



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'll miss having the option of NOT starting in Atlas Park where all the perpetual loiterers are where the "social hub" of hero-side is supposed to be. I started my first character in Galaxy City before badges or Coyotee existed, this was the first zone I memorised the layout of, and to this day is still my prefer starting spot because I don't have to put up with the inane broadcast of Atlas Park or trip over characters people made to shock me and cause me to facepalm more so than to play.

I don't have any real, special love for Galaxy City so much as I have real, special hatred for Atlas Park.
This is pretty much identical to what I was gonna post, so I'll just /agree!



In all honesty? Nothing. My first toons always started in Atlas BECAUSE that's where everybody was. Later I started a few times in Galaxy and didn't care for it because there were fewer people and I was much less familiar with the zone. It seemed an unnecessary, redundant wanna-be of Atlas with nothing to REALLY distinguish between the two except that GC didn't have a direct connection to the Hollows - you had to go back through Atlas or Skyway by rail.



Ummm, where are they moving Jack Wolfe to?

You know, the only place to go to use an earned repec if you're a hero?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Mostly I will just miss having a choice about which zone to start in. I still remember with great fondness being a newbie and discovering that there were two completely different starting zones to choose from and how neat I thought that was.

Unfortunately the devs seem hell-bent on doing away with anything unique about this game so it can be a clone of Champions or every other MMO out there.