What will you miss from Galaxy City?




Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
In all honesty? Nothing. My first toons always started in Atlas BECAUSE that's where everybody was. Later I started a few times in Galaxy and didn't care for it because there were fewer people and I was much less familiar with the zone. It seemed an unnecessary, redundant wanna-be of Atlas with nothing to REALLY distinguish between the two except that GC didn't have a direct connection to the Hollows - you had to go back through Atlas or Skyway by rail.
Wanna-be? Whatever criticisms you might level against Galaxy City, THAT is one that is patently false. Nobody who made Galaxy City their base of operations thought of it as a second-rate Atlas Park.

That's just the thing, though - Galaxy City may be redundant from a strictly mechanical viewpoint like the one espoused above. The people that prefer it fall into two categories. One is the group represented here who say "I like that it was quieter". The other is the group like MemphisBill and myself who say "I liked the CONTENT."

To people like MrNotorion who say "What content? It's like Atlas Park but harder to get a group." I say "the story, the design, the ambience". If you're an Achiever-type and you don't see any of those things or at least fail to see the value of them then I can only shrug and agree that Atlas Park IS the right place for you to be. Go play the Yang and leave our Yin alone.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
On another note and maybe I shouldn't mention this - When Paragon Dance Party was removed from the game, and then replaced by Pocket D, there were people who had logged out of the game inside of Paragon Dance Party.

As it happened, when those players went back and logged in those characters, they discovered that they were STILL in Paragon Dance Party. The zone existed still. The doors leading in were just all closed, so to speak.

Anyone who wants to keep access to Galaxy City over and above whatever access might be available from Ororbouros, might do well to create a character whose only purpose is to "live there" past the launch of Freedom.
That only worked with PDP and the Rikti Crash Site. Since then they have implemented a auto teleport feature for changed zones. Just like at the Chalet after winter event is done. You appear in the old zone for a few seconds and then are teleported to a different location.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



All of it, almost every hero side toon I have on Pinnacle started their career there.

Was even a little miffed one timr when somebody refered to GC as Garbage Can

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



I am wondering though where M.A.G.I. is going to keep it's vault now. Not that they kept anything in it but Azuria needs somebody to blame.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
Well said- personally I vote for Brickstown. I mean really, who uses that zone except for the Manti TF and that is BORING!
Well when you could play tank pong it was a cool place to hang out. I loved that glitch

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



I always liked "Lion Plaza". I chased quite a few punks through here. That parking garage behind it is the site of a number of battles from my "signature" Hero's early career.

I'll miss eavesdropping on the Vahzilok surgeons - "The freshest meat is right by the Brawler fellow." "If you want real choice limbs, do go check out that Brawler fellow. The youngest ones tend to flock to him."



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
I am wondering though where M.A.G.I. is going to keep it's vault now. Not that they kept anything in it but Azuria needs somebody to blame.
Maybe they'll still keep it there - once it gets totalled, you now have to dig through rubble to get anything out of it...

Or not.

I imagine the FC people will now end up in City Hall along with their AP counterparts (might be nice to see City Hall a bit 'busier', with more contacts in there you can talk to).

Something else I'm curious about... how they're going to close off GC from the other zones (Perez Park and Kings Row). I think it'd look fricking AWESOME to have the car tunnel collapsed with a mob of cops and medics and civilians milling around for Kings Row (a la the Sutter TF when you go down into the tunnels under Talos).

And those HUMONGOUS security doors going in and out of the hazard zones? GC is now closed off with a detail of armed guards.

Even more heartbreaking would be to put the background sound effect of battle and sirens and panic (the way you hear bowling sounds near the Alleys or sirens as you run past the PPD, etc).

If the zone's gotta go, make it REAL that it went.


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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
And those HUMONGOUS security doors going in and out of the hazard zones? GC is now closed off with a detail of armed guards.

Even more heartbreaking would be to put the background sound effect of battle and sirens and panic (the way you hear bowling sounds near the Alleys or sirens as you run past the PPD, etc).

If the zone's gotta go, make it REAL that it went.

That would be perfect.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Sad. I have been playing for years (I did have a different account) and I think the only time Im ever in galaxy is when I need a respec, or during a TF.

Seriously...I just never end up there.



It has Eidolons. A good exposure to super powered beings at low levels rather than just thugs and robots.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!




On Virtue, before the PDP and Pocket D, the place RPers used to gather was Galaxy Park. Galaxy City was where the RPers would start, you could get lowbie teams with people playing IC, and then head to the park for RP with others. A lot of my high-level character spent time "cleaning" the park so that lowbie RPers could get there without fear.

Atlas was so noisy, so crowded, so annoying, so full of constant SEWER TEAM FORMING! - I started one character there and then never again. I have started every one of my character that wasn't a villain or a Praetorian in Galaxy City, and BAB is my favorite trainer. I make sure I train every 50 with him, just like (almost) every level 2 trained with him.

Galaxy is one of the nicest zones in the game, and the one I knew best for years, back when leveling was hard and I ended up with LOTS of lowbies and only a few characters straggling over the 30s hump. I'm going to miss that place



Grumble, grumble.

There's plenty of space on the city map between the zones we know for a whole new tutorial area. There's no need to destroy Galaxy City. Why do it, anyway? Shock value? Bah. I would once again advocate destroying Atlas Park, but upon reflection all that would likely accomplish would be to turn Galaxy City into Atlas Park II.

Grumble, grumble.

I'm not keen on losing Outbreak, either. I take screenies of all my new heroes with Flower Knight. It's become a TRADITION. I'm sure there are others who would like to keep Breakout as well. Why the heck can't the devs keep *both* of those starting areas in game and just *add* this new one so we can CHOOSE which one we want to start in... and keep Galaxy City, too!

Grumble, grumble.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So to you, female = passive?
Yin is represented by a tiger if I recall, so "passive" in a stalking predator sort of way...

Back on topic though I'm not a big Galaxy goer, so other then low level badging there I'm not going to be very broken up. But removing it seems ill-concieved if CoHF increases the player base as hoped. There is bound to be some of the incoming player base that would like a less frenzied environment and with a numbers boost there would be enough people there to justify the zone for them. Since they are changing the building look of Atlas, they could easily justify both zones being attacked and rebuilt to explain why the look of things suddenly gets altered.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Going to miss the Galaxy Girl Statue, this City was rename after Galaxy Girl when she died in the Rikti War, kind of felt like She Dieting again. This Statue might be as tall as the Atlas Statue is, kind of going to be down about seeing this Statue go always.

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Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
Grumble, grumble.

There's plenty of space on the city map between the zones we know for a whole new tutorial area. There's no need to destroy Galaxy City. Why do it, anyway? Shock value? Bah. I would once again advocate destroying Atlas Park, but upon reflection all that would likely accomplish would be to turn Galaxy City into Atlas Park II.

Grumble, grumble.

I'm not keen on losing Outbreak, either. I take screenies of all my new heroes with Flower Knight. It's become a TRADITION. I'm sure there are others who would like to keep Breakout as well. Why the heck can't the devs keep *both* of those starting areas in game and just *add* this new one so we can CHOOSE which one we want to start in... and keep Galaxy City, too!

Grumble, grumble.
They Can't Destroy Atlas Since what heard thx to the leaking of Information is that they Revamping Atlas and Mercy island. I really don't like Outbreak, never had, I don't like tradition and junk like that.

I believe in Change, change is good, I am sure they not removing Galaxy City form the game all together, i am sure we will see it as an Hazard Zone in the Future.

Trust me Friend this is a good thing, don't be Scared of Change, Who no's we might get Access to Galaxy again maybe in Ourobos or a Flashback mish, i guess we just have to wait to find out.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Yeah, I know, Issue 21's a ways away.
And "Galaxy city's dead!" - but, y'know, some of us do like it.
And sure, it'll be available in Ouro.... but it's just not the same, somehow.

So what, if anything, will you miss when Galaxy City's gone?
I think I'll mostly miss my Christmas Event collection loop. I got Toy Collector on several characters there (at least 1 per winter event).

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Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
I don't like tradition and junk like that.

I believe in Change, change is good,

Trust me Friend this is a good thing, don't be Scared of Change, Who no's we might get Access to Galaxy again maybe in Ourobos or a Flashback mish, i guess we just have to wait to find out.
This is why Americans always destroy their grand old houses and have very little connection to their own history. If they are gonna put Galaxy City in the Ouroboros they better do it up right with multiple missions into the history of the city in which we can meet many bygone heroes of yesteryear or there is no point.



I think that maybe not all of the contacts will make it out alive from the Freedom Corps building - which would be another way of making the destruction more dramatic, and explain away the removal of the Galaxy contacts

Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
If they are gonna put Galaxy City in the Ouroboros they better do it up right with multiple missions into the history of the city in which we can meet many bygone heroes of yesteryear or there is no point.
It's just going to be an "echo" zone - it might not even have any NPCs in it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



*b'awwws at GG's picture*



Smashing Galaxy City will actually free up BAB for a more active role - he'll still be the only member of the Freedom Phalanx without a TF, but by not being tied to a zone, he could pop up all around the city in lower level content, and really get fleshed out a lot more - he could become a semi-mentor for Hero players, as they'll meet with him in the new tutorial, so it'd be nice to run into him again later on in your career.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Smashing Galaxy City will actually free up BAB for a more active role - he'll still be the only member of the Freedom Phalanx without a TF, but by not being tied to a zone, he could pop up all around the city in lower level content, and really get fleshed out a lot more - he could become a semi-mentor for Hero players, as they'll meet with him in the new tutorial, so it'd be nice to run into him again later on in your career.
BaB isn't a member of the Phalanx. I don't see him taking on a task force unless they decide to add one in King's Row.

Funny pic.



As long as the badges for accolades go somewhere else, not much.

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