What will you miss from Galaxy City?




What will I miss..firstly I will misss my Candy Cane gathering loop.

I had a little loop when I ran for Candy Canes. It did not encompass all of Galaxy, just a small fraction, but I loved it.

Second, I will miss the park. It is beautiful and well done...good Embalmed Vaz hunting to be had there too.

Oh well, there will be other Candy Cane loops to be found, and Perez Park and a certain place in Boomtown is still standing to hunt the explody type of Vaz.

And I am looking forward to the new Tutorial

I do think though that the Galaxy Girl statue should be hauled to Atlas Park...I don''t want her to be forgotten.

Lisa-Very excited for Freedom..is it Late Summer/Autumn yet?

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
/this. Or "update" while keeping the buildings looking *like galaxy city.* That doesn't look like Galaxy City at all, any more than me saying "This is manhattan!" with this pic:

That looks more like Neutropolis looking towards Imperial City

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
Your statement confirms that it is NOT our Galaxy City.
Yes it is

Also, at least the old, lower quality Galaxy ty is still being kept as an echo - the old, lower quality Atas Park is being totally swept away - so fans of the current Atlas Park will be left with nothing - except for RV , which isn't being updated

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Atlas Park has fans?

In any case, why would anyone bother keeping the old, non-enhanced version of Atlas? You have a career in marketing ahead of you if you can really pitch the preservation of an old zone without any graphical enhancements as a feature that will make the "fans" of the newly remodeled zones jealous over their lack of preserved nostalgia.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Atlas Park has fans?

In any case, why would anyone bother keeping the old, non-enhanced version of Atlas? You have a career in marketing ahead of you if you can really pitch the preservation of an old zone without any graphical enhancements as a feature that will make the "fans" of the newly remodeled zones jealous over their lack of preserved nostalgia.

Do not underestimate it. Particularly in the comic book fandom crowd...

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
In any case, why would anyone bother keeping the old, non-enhanced version of Atlas?
But that's what they're doing with Galaxy - keeping the old, non-enhanced one around as a museum for older players tio visit

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Atlas Park has fans?
Sure, why shouldn't it? The city hall-park area makes up a great nexus design that comprises useful buildings in its outer zone, viz. transport, hospital, AE, Vanguard, Wentworth's, Vault, and Ft. Trident. Atlas's statue is a highly visible landmark, much more so than Galaxy Girl's, and features a prominent raised staging area that's perfect for costume contests and other player events. (The outer neighborhoods, though, don't flow together as well or have the distinctiveness of Galaxy Park's.) All this bring back players at every level, which makes the zone the Times Square of Paragon City. Perhaps it's too bustling for many players to think of it as "their home".

And what's offered by Galaxy City, which has so much less than Atlas Park, that its rival zone doesn't? An arena, which, with the popularity of tournament PVP, isn't a strong selling point. The zone really got the shaft from the Paragon urban planning department. Its coming destruction just seems like the final insult after so much injurious neglect.

Nonetheless, the zone has genuine character and some nice lore, so it's unsurprising some players have adopted it and, in the case of its signature statue, made their own.



((Original content deleted because it became a personal message to another forumite, who was not the one posting directly above me in this thread.))

And, yes, I'm sure that Atlas Park actually does have some people who are attached to it but I never hear about them. The number one reason I hear for going to Atlas Park is "It's where everyone else is!"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But that's what they're doing with Galaxy - keeping the old, non-enhanced one around as a museum for older players tio visit
So, you're suggesting that instead of revamping Atlas Park that they should delete it instead?



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post

Do not underestimate it. Particularly in the comic book fandom crowd...
Heh. I'm sure that this is probably very funny, but you know - when you have to explain the joke, etc..., etc...



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
And, yes, I'm sure that Atlas Park actually does have some people who are attached to it but I never hear about them. The number one reason I hear for going to Atlas Park is "It's where everyone else is!"
Nothing succeeds like success, I suppose. I still say that the view of Atlas Park from the lounge in AE is one of the best city views in the game.

Then again, if the devs somehow screw up the revamp of Atlas Park - and messing with success isn't beyond them - we'll hear plenty from its admirers. Atlas Parkers (Parkists? Parkians?) have been silent so far probably because we haven't seen so much as a teaser yet. Let's see what happens once glimpses start leaking from Comic Con over the weekend.

Galaxy Citizens, after seeing their beloved Galaxy Girl statue up to its mini-skirt in flaming rubble, are understandably vocal.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
So, you're suggesting that instead of revamping Atlas Park that they should delete it instead?
Can't delete the heart and soul of the game

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Can't delete the heart and soul of the game
Well then I don't see what "losing" low-res Atlas Park to a high-res makeover has to do with Galaxy City being deleted and relegated to being a "museum" as you put it.

It's my opinion, which I've alluded to earlier, that Atlas and Galaxy TOGETHER are the heart and soul of the game. They reflect opposing principles while simultaneously embracing the seed of the other. The real loss here is that the "heart and soul" is being diminished to something monolithic.

That's philosophy, though, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me even if I AM right.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Well then I don't see what "losing" low-res Atlas Park to a high-res makeover has to do with Galaxy City being deleted and relegated to being a "museum" as you put it.

It's my opinion, which I've alluded to earlier, that Atlas and Galaxy TOGETHER are the heart and soul of the game. They reflect opposing principles while simultaneously embracing the seed of the other. The real loss here is that the "heart and soul" is being diminished to something monolithic.

That's philosophy, though, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me even if I AM right.

On the good side the devs may have finally cured me of my altitis since I don't think I could stand creating any new characters anymore. The whole business of what used to be explained in the tutorial being stretched out until level 20 or whatever sounds really annoying even if optional like those help pop up things. Does anybody really like those?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Can't delete the heart and soul of the game
Tell it to Stateswell.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post

On the good side the devs may have finally cured me of my altitis since I don't think I could stand creating any new characters anymore. The whole business of what used to be explained in the tutorial being stretched out until level 20 or whatever sounds really annoying even if optional like those help pop up things. Does anybody really like those?
Eh, I think you're misinterpreting the changes. The change for the 1-20 game is to be cover more of those popups and incidentals, and most likely include stuff like "how do I craft inventions", "how do I get to ouroborus and start a flashback" [since Ouro is going level ~14 now], and other aspects of the game that don't really get covered by the tutorial, but new players still need to be educated on.

I guess prolly better to think of it similar to the those tip pop-ups only with some game content to showcase them better.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
On the good side the devs may have finally cured me of my altitis since I don't think I could stand creating any new characters anymore. The whole business of what used to be explained in the tutorial being stretched out until level 20 or whatever sounds really annoying even if optional like those help pop up things. Does anybody really like those?
So being able to avoid newer content is enough to put you off the older content you've always ran in the past? That doesn't even come close to making sense

And you might even find that the new, optional training missions could be quite fun

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think that some people may feel that they are "required" to do all of the training missions on all of their alts, just as they were "required" to defeat 100 Contaminated on each of their new toons to get the "Isolator" badge on them.

Since that is strictly a self-imposed "requirement", I don't really see a problem with it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So being able to avoid newer content is enough to put you off the older content you've always ran in the past? That doesn't even come close to making sense

And you might even find that the new, optional training missions could be quite fun
That's okay. You don't make sense to me either. Just consider us polar opposites.



Just an update from the UStream today - the echo zone in Ouroboros will not have any of the old Galaxy City mission content in it - the contacts will all be removed form it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Just an update from the UStream today - the echo zone in Ouroboros will not have any of the old Galaxy City mission content in it - the contacts will all be removed form it.
They couldn't just leave the NPCs with their standard greeting dialogue and remove the missions? What next, removing Ouro BAB? Are the devs deliberately trying to excise the old Galaxy City's character from the game?



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Are the devs deliberately trying to excise the old Galaxy City's character from the game?
No - it'll still be an empty ghost town

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



This is an update from the beta - in the later part of the new 1-19 content, Galaxy City is described as undergoing rebuilding, and there's also a mission map that uses a mix of the old zone map, along with the new ruins from the tutorial.

These screenshots have been taken from angles that hide what's going on in the actual mission:

So while the destruction looks pretty catastrophic, some parts of the old zone seem to have survived:

So it looks like the devs might be planning to repurpose the zone into something for to be used at a higher level - possibly even a co-op zone.
There's almost a bit of a Bloody Bay set up forming there - there's a devestated urban area with Shivans still lurking near their meteorites, as well as an Arachnos and Longbow presence - and if you throw in a rescontruction effort like in Faultline, plus the huge amount of items that must have been lost from the M.A.G.I. vault that both Heroes and Villains would want to get hold of, and there's a lot of story potential for a semi-ruined/half-rebuilt Galaxy City co-op zone.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
Grumble, grumble.

There's plenty of space on the city map between the zones we know for a whole new tutorial area. There's no need to destroy Galaxy City. Why do it, anyway? Shock value? Bah. I would once again advocate destroying Atlas Park, but upon reflection all that would likely accomplish would be to turn Galaxy City into Atlas Park II.

Grumble, grumble.

I'm not keen on losing Outbreak, either. I take screenies of all my new heroes with Flower Knight. It's become a TRADITION. I'm sure there are others who would like to keep Breakout as well. Why the heck can't the devs keep *both* of those starting areas in game and just *add* this new one so we can CHOOSE which one we want to start in... and keep Galaxy City, too!

Grumble, grumble.
The pragmatic reason for destroying Galaxy is the Atlas Park revamp. The devs wanted players leaving the new tutorial to have an updated zone to transition to, rather than one of the oldest zones in the game.

Keeping Galaxy City would have doubled the work required to do that - so it had to go, and if it had to go, it may as well go out with a bang.

I'll miss Galaxy too - I do hope for a new event/trail fighting Shivans in the ruins of Galaxy, however. I also do like the idea that the game world evolves over time.

Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
Fighting crime on Champion since 2004



Maybe a good ground for more of this phasing tech they use these days.

We'll see.