What will you miss from Galaxy City?




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I honestly hope that, outside the tutorial, Ruined Galaxy is still a complete zone.
It isn't

The old Galaxy City zone will be available as an "echo" in Oroboros - possibly still with NPCs in it, or possibly now.
But in the "real world", Galaxy City will be gone - the zone entrances to it will be sealed up or removed, and the contacts in it will be killed off or moved.

Originally Posted by Icy_J View Post
BABs will always be my favorite trainer too. Such a shame.
BAB isn't dying - he'lll survive the destruction, and keep on fighting the good fight

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
The only two things I'll miss from Galaxy City are the one contact that's part of the cape mission, and the one plaque that's required for the Atlas Medallion accolade. As long as they move those two things to a safe zone, I'm good.
The cape contact is being moved, and the plaque will remain in the "echo" of Galaxy City in Ouroboros.

Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
Yes, exactly. While I would expect the City of Heroes team to instead do something new and innovative with the contacts that have been in the game for years and with which players have developed a real fondness for intead of just trashing all that potential new content.
And why wouldn't some of them dying create new content? Don't forget that Atlas Park is getting a total revamp, so dead, injured or missiing people from Galaxy City could quite easily be part of the revamped mission content there - it'd make a nice progression from the tutorial, where you fight in the ruins of Galaxy, and then get missions from time to time in Atlas related to the meteroite strike.
For example, Rick Davies is a contact in Atlas Park, and his wife Caitlin Murray-Davies is a contact in Galaxy City - there are all kinds of missions that relationship could generate from the changes in I21.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
To people like MrNotorion who say "What content? It's like Atlas Park but harder to get a group." I say "the story, the design, the ambience". If you're an Achiever-type and you don't see any of those things or at least fail to see the value of them then I can only shrug and agree that Atlas Park IS the right place for you to be. Go play the Yang and leave our Yin alone.
Me... an Achiever-type. Oh, if you only knew how funny that is.

I think those who chose GC as their starting zone will naturally have a greater affinity for it. Those who chose Atlas as their starting zone will generally favor Atlas but will likely have little concern over GC in any case. It never bothered me that it existed or that other people held different views on the place. You say there's "content" there. I don't really see much there but frankly that helps build the game world. I just personally never saw the point in going there, any more than there's a point to Boomtown still existing.

I can remember going to Boomtown occasionally! On purpose! Without being sent by a contact! The game is FULL of EMPTY zones and every new zone only means fewer players in every other zone. It's unfortunate that you're gonna lose a zone you actually like (for whatever reason) but frankly I think the game could use an even heavier hand in mucking about with the zones.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The cape contact is being moved, and the plaque will remain in the "echo" of Galaxy City in Ouroboros.
Wait. So the only way to get the Pupil badge, needed for the Atlas accolade, will be to go through Oro? That does not sound like a good idea.

Maybe the accolade is obsolete now, with inherent fitness, and maybe it's not necessary to let it be easy for newbies to get. (shrug) It's not worth starting a big argument over, but hiding one of the more important hero-side accolades in Oro seems like a bad idea to me.

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Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
Me... an Achiever-type. Oh, if you only knew how funny that is.

I think those who chose GC as their starting zone will naturally have a greater affinity for it.
Well, there's no denying the truth of that, even if other factors play into it. I think that a lot of it comes down to whether the back story of the zone "clicks" with you (or you're even aware of it) and whether the relative peace of the zone in comparison to Atlas Park is something you value or not.

I know that when my "signature" hero hit level 50 and I made the trip to visit BaB to make the final "ding", that being there in the peace and quiet was exactly the sort of atmosphere I wanted for that moment.

Progress is change and I'll miss my old stomping ground. Hopefully, the new zone and the story progression will make the leveling of Galaxy City worthwhile. All I can say is that it better be a *insert non-moderatible epithet for emphasis here* good story.



My first (and main) character started in Galaxy and I knew it like the back of my hand. Feels like his home is going.

It's a shame that the devs probably aren't getting rid of it following a month or so of zone events but will just make it disappear as the servers blink and issue 21 goes live.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
you can't blame someone for not knowing, what with Back Alley Brawler being a semi-retired super trainer, no task force, and all those plaques tying him to the Regulators super group.
If BAB can be encountered as a standing NPC in another neighborhood after newbies meet him in CoH Fredom's Galaxy City tutorial zone, he deserves his own task force.

One thing I'll miss about Galaxy City is how its discrete neighborhoods had a real sense of individuality, much more than the sprawl of Atlas Park. Some time ago, I'd recommended the zone be revised so that they flowed better from one to another, but I never imagined that the devs would decide razing it was better than urban renewal.



I'll miss everything about it. Like many others, I started almost all my Heroes there, originally for the peace and quiet of it not being Atlas Park, but eventually because I knew it like the back of my hand. That, and the fact that it didnt have a third of the zone cordoned off from the rest behind a wall you couldnt get over without travel powers, which you dont get until after youve outleveled the place (Atlas Park Warehouse District, I'm looking at you!)

I remember being upset when Longbow moved in and started kill-stealing all the mobs around the building just to the south of Freedom Corps HQ, as I used to get my first couple levels clearing its parking lots.

Theres a little spot on the northside, next to a parking lot and a bend in the road with a tiled plaza and some stairs going up a ramp that Heartbreaker will always consider her stomping grounds- back when I was still learning the game and taking forever to level up, she spent a lot of time clearing that block. I always hoped we'd one day get the ability to put a statue of our character In-game, and knew that would be the spot if I ever got the chance.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post

And why wouldn't some of them dying create new content? Don't forget that Atlas Park is getting a total revamp, so dead, injured or missiing people from Galaxy City could quite easily be part of the revamped mission content there - it'd make a nice progression from the tutorial, where you fight in the ruins of Galaxy, and then get missions from time to time in Atlas related to the meteroite strike.
For example, Rick Davies is a contact in Atlas Park, and his wife Caitlin Murray-Davies is a contact in Galaxy City - there are all kinds of missions that relationship could generate from the changes in I21.
Why do you object so much to new content being added to the Ouroboros version of Galaxy City? There's no reason they can't do both. That's the beauty of time travel. Just seems lazy and wasteful not to take advantage of all the possibilities instead of just keeping it around as a ghost town.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
Why do you object so much to new content being added to the Ouroboros version of Galaxy City? There's no reason they can't do both. That's the beauty of time travel. Just seems lazy and wasteful not to take advantage of all the possibilities instead of just keeping it around as a ghost town.
It's being retired, just like the original Positron TF - Ouroboros is where old content goes to rest in peace

The old Galaxy City zone is finished - it's not going to be developed anymore.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's being retired, just like the original Positron TF - Ouroboros is where old content goes to rest in peace

The old Galaxy City zone is finished - it's not going to be developed anymore.
Except that's completely different. People can actually play the old Postitron TF so it has a purpose. You propose just keeping a shell of Galaxy City around which will be totally useless except maybe for collecting badges? There is such a thing as taking nostalgia too far or not far enough. Galaxy City is a huge space which they could do a lot more with.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
Except that's completely different. People can actually play the old Postitron TF so it has a purpose. You propose just keeping a shell of Galaxy City around which will be totally useless except maybe for collecting badges? There is such a thing as taking nostalgia too far or not far enough. Galaxy City is a huge space which they could do a lot more with.
Moving the old Galaxy City to Ouroboros isn't really such a big job - it's a simple way to let people still visit the old zone and have a look around and collect the old badges - but that's as far as it goes - there's no real point in developing any content for an "echo" zone that's just there as a tourist attraction - the story's moved on now, and Galaxy City is gone.

And I'm not proposing anything - I'm saying exactly what's happening to the old zone in I21

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
Except that's completely different. People can actually play the old Postitron TF so it has a purpose. You propose just keeping a shell of Galaxy City around which will be totally useless except maybe for collecting badges? There is such a thing as taking nostalgia too far or not far enough. Galaxy City is a huge space which they could do a lot more with.
As much as I enjoy bantering with GG, I have to agree with her here. I'm of the opinion that the only reason an "echo" is hanging around is that it means they don't have to relocate the badges and history plaques.

I don't see any new content going in there after this.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
As much as I enjoy bantering with GG, I have to agree with her here. I'm of the opinion that the only reason an "echo" is hanging around is that it means they don't have to relocate the badges and history plaques.

I don't see any new content going in there after this.
Why? It's the perfect opportunity for some new Ouroboros content.



I'll miss all the Vahzilok talking about "the freshest ones hanging around that brawler fellow" and all the hellions talking about going to the movies. All I ever see Hellions do in Atlas is mug people, they seem much more relaxed in Galaxy City.

And not having to stand under a gigantic stone crotch to level up. xD

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Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
Why? It's the perfect opportunity for some new Ouroboros content.
Legacy content isn't developed any futrther when it's moved to Ouroboros - the Galaxy City echo zone will not be developed any further - it'd be a waste of time and resources - the new role of Galaxy City in the game is to be the site of the new Shivan attack, and the backdrop for the new "neutral" tutorial - any further mentions or use of Galaxy City in the post-I21 game will be based on its new status as a ruined disaster zone.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Legacy content isn't developed any futrther when it's moved to Ouroboros - the Galaxy City echo zone will not be developed any further - it'd be a waste of time and resources - the new role of Galaxy City in the game is to be the site of the new Shivan attack, and the backdrop for the new "neutral" tutorial - any further mentions or use of Galaxy City in the post-I21 game will be based on its new status as a ruined disaster zone.
So there will be no more Ouroboros missions into the past which is all legacy content technically? This is getting too far from the point of this thread. End of line.



New Ouroboros missions won't be focused on a "museum" zone - the old Galaxy city doesn't have a role in the story anymore - it's finished with -the enw Galaxy City is where it's at when it comes to generating new content linked to it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
New Ouroboros missions won't be focused on a "museum" zone - the old Galaxy city doesn't have a role in the story anymore - it's finished with -the enw Galaxy City is where it's at when it comes to generating new content linked to it.
I think you're being a little obtuse here, GG. You're taking your self-appointed content-police role a little too seriously.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I also don't see any particular reason why the devs could not or would not come up with a new Ourorboros story that involves time travel to a city zone in the past. I'd go so far as to suggest that it could be one of their intentions, even.

Due to the way that "time travel" works mechanically, the devs were never able to customize the city zones to truly be "in the past". This, for instance, is why the Calvin Scott task force was problemmatical to insert into Ouroboros for a long time. Calvin didn't exist in the "current time" city zone so there was no place to put him in the "past" either.

Now, they have a whole city zone that truly IS "in the past". If they want to fiddle around with it, or just layout a set of tasks that involves running around and doing a patrol mission or some other kind of zone-wide activity, they now have the ability to do it as long as they set it in Galaxy City. It's a city-sized Ouroboros playground instead of just a "dungeon instance" sized playground.

You can't categorically state "this is all it is and all it will ever be". The best you can say is "we don't know of any current plans to exploit the zone in that fashion". You can't prove a negative and features that were "never going to be implemented", like weapon and power customization, teach us that there are few absolutes. You should keep that in mind when you're pronouncing what is and isn't in the future of the game.



Don't forget it's also being left behind graphics-wise - it's not going to have any time wasted on it, while other zones will be getting a new ultra mode friendly look - the echo zone is going ot become more and more of a pre-Freedom relic as time goes on - putting new content in an out-of-date zone that doesn't even exist in the game story anymore isn't going to happen.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't forget it's also being left behind graphics-wise - it's not going to have any time wasted on it, while other zones will be getting a new ultra mode friendly look - the echo zone is going ot become more and more of a pre-Freedom relic as time goes on - putting new content in an out-of-date zone that doesn't even exist in the game story anymore isn't going to happen.
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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't forget it's also being left behind graphics-wise - it's not going to have any time wasted on it, while other zones will be getting a new ultra mode friendly look - the echo zone is going ot become more and more of a pre-Freedom relic as time goes on - putting new content in an out-of-date zone that doesn't even exist in the game story anymore isn't going to happen.
You keep saying "doesn't even exist in the game story any more" as if that matters to a time travel story.



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
The main thing I'll miss is the Arena. My SG has had it's annual Golden Age Festival there for the past six years and it's always been a lot of fine. Good memories there. It was easy to set up, low level characters could get there easily, and it wasn't too far from the trains, and since it's Galaxy, mostly had the zone to running the event.

Guess we'll have to move it to Talos or King's Row or something.
Doc, I too will miss this. It was a great gathering of good characters, awesome to HILARIOUS costumes, and good RPers.

Sounds like it's time to move it to KR, or sneak in ONE more party before it's gone!

Oh and for the record, my main on Infinity is Galaxy City born and raised. He'll DEFINATELY be missing GC when it's gone. I'm thinking of him "turning to the dark side" as a result.

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Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Atlas Park is "downtown" where Galaxy City is "old town". In an ideal world, we'd have both. However - The devs today seem to agree with the poster I mentioned, that the new player experience should be streamlined and funnel everyone into a single space. It's too bad. I'll miss the place.
Well said, Slick. Bravo.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
If you're thinking "the dude is a big deal," yep he is; but believe it or not, he's a natural origin. Kind of like Batman, he learned training techniques from all over the world to toughen himself up. Unlike Bruce Wayne, he was a police officer beforehand. He's also connected to Blue Steel, who has been one of his friends since childhood and who was also a member of the Regulators before it disbanded.

There's your history lesson for the day. :P
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