257 -
I'm also about 90% sure the Arachnid tunnels are just the large caves with a bunch of webs clogging up the place and terrible lighting.
There's also the Rikti installation maps, pretty much exclusively found in RWZ, though you do explore a couple rooms while unlocking the Midnighter Club.
Ive got a pretty good spatial memory, and have about 90% of the maps in the game memorized, including the spawn points on them. Interestingly, even recently I will occasionally stumble upon rooms that I don't recall- my team usually has to remind me to keep fighting and stop admiring the architecture when that happens. -
Well, I checked around, but there didnt seem to be a better place to post this, so I'm putting it here:
Got a couple questions about some costume items in the Market. First, the easy one:
Costumes>Tailor>Aura unlock 160pp
Am I correct in believing this unlocks all the "lvl 30 Auras", for all characters on my account? or is it 160pp per aura?
Second one, slightly more complicated:
Costumes>Lower Body>Tails>Wolf Tail 60pp
(animated wolf tail 1- the non-shaggy one)
Which costume bundle(s) is this currently part of? ParagonWiki lists both tails as part of the Animal Pack, but I know that was not true at the time I purchased the Animal Pack (at that point it was part of the Mutant Pack), and it is still showing as Locked for me. (still havent got the Mutant Pack yet)
Im asking, because I know there used to be a "bug" with the store that would prevent you from buying a costume bundle if you'd previously purchased any of its parts ala carte. Does that bug still exist, or has it been fixed? (basically asking if buying the wolf tail now ala carte would lock me into picking up the Mutant Pack piecemeal in the future?) -
Finally you guys give us a detailed listing of what's in a costume pack! I hope this is the new plan going forward and not a one-time aberration.
This sets pretty much an insta-buy for me, as one of my characters NEEDS that shiny dress (her name's Shimmer), but I do kind of agree, why make this a limited time offer? I am sure that plan will upset people who join later in the year and have to wait for these to come around again... -
Argh. I REALLY hate that you guys dont tell us what items are included in these sets, or where to find them!
As far as I can tell, we get 3 Masks in Detail 2, 2 Head Pieces in Detail 1 (one of which has 3 variants that are somehow each counted as a separate piece), the sash (but not for jackets, trenchcoat, Magic Bolero or robes), and 2 Boots? -
Quote:You can do a pretty fair 'sexy santa' with the Barbarian Set +Santa Gloves and hat. It'd be a lot sexier if the Santa Hat came with hair...Also, when are we going to get some new winter clothes options? If you need some ideas: Mrs. Claus (Sexy but SFW).
Edit: The hair bow from Gunslinger works though.
I dont really suppor the "X power can be used to grief RP" argument, as, its been pointed out, that argument could go for literally anything in game, but Id completely support addint this setting to Null's options. -
Never really heard of anything like that happening, but thats kind of a specific set of circumstances...
I tend to generally use bits and pieces from many sets together for a more unique look, that said, I do have a few characters that have used almost all of a specific set for one of thier slots.
However, I generally prefer to buy costume pieces as a set. -
Havent really followed the Negima manga, just the shows, he didnt really seem to do a lot of fighting in them. I'll admit my "Magical Boy" critera was pretty lax, I was just going with "cute boy in elaborate/frilly clothes" which is what I'd be wanting out of a companion to any sort of "Magical Girl" set.
I also purchased the Gunslinger set for the Saloon Girl outfit, as it allowed me to make a fairly decent attempt at a loligoth Kanu:
now if there was just a Horse-Cutter in TW... -
Magical Boy
hows that for Gender Equality?
on a slightly more serious note, Id envision a Magical Boy to be someone like Erio Mondial, from Nanoha Strikers:
Chrono or Yuuno (when hes not a ferret) from the same series
Negi Springfield, from Negima
or Kaz, from Pangya
Or really, one could make a case for any of the more elaborate Soul Reapers from Bleach- I mean sure, weve got the Martial Arts robes, but they barely cover your basic Soul Reaper mook, the captains and lieutenants gear can get pretty eccentric... -
Quote:"If you'd like, I can help make it happen. It will be everything you could ever want in an Magical girl costume bundle! All you have to do is make a contract with me!"
Oh, hey man, that sounds cool, sign me up!
After all, Madoka died for my sins, right?
so I'm covered- I mean, I wouldnt want her sacrifice to be for nothing... -
So, heres a concern- I don't know if this has been addressed, but it was discovered a while back that since the Paragon Store is designed to not let us purchase items we already own, purchasing a single costume part from a set individually will then lock you out from purchasing the set, since you already own part of it.
So it's possible that by getting a costume part in one of these Super Packs, I'd "win" the ability to no longer purchase the costumes as a set if they were to be released for sale at some point? -
Still need a magical girl costume pack.
The ability for me to use my Plasma Blade as a skin for the Rocket Board!
Get on it, Devs! -
Ok, theres a terrible problem with the 'Gunslinger' Preset for females- its missing the belt, which leaves the modle just standing there in her panties.
Also, again, its really terrible that I have to hunt through the costume creator just to figure out what pieces are included in thiese sets. I can almost understand not having a specific screenshot for each item, but not even giving a list of whats included is unforgivable. (and its not like we havent told you this before, either) -
That's a she?
I always assume dit was Ed form Fullmetal Alchemist...
Quote:Based on previous posts to the thread I know some posters will disagree with me, but it is my honest experience that this is the "typical" way tf's get run at this point. As always YMMV, but I'm not the only one. My attempts at education were met with insults, hostility, and the underlying attitude that WE were doing something unusual and had wronged HIM and his fiance by not making our plans clear up front. This was plainly not the case. Communication might be key, but when the star holder and six of the eight team members automatically expect something to be done in a way they all consider default, to argue that the onus was not on the minority to make their own wishes clear is pushing things a bit. Quote:Communication might be key, but when the star holder and six of the eight team members automatically expect something to be done in a way they all consider default, to argue that the onus was not on the minority to make their own wishes clear is pushing things a bit. Quote:six of the eight team members automatically expect something to be done in a way they all consider default
(On the other hand, yes, its possible that those players were jerks too) -
Quote:Some nice workarounds in this thread, but I have to get behind this as an official change.My simple suggestion to the Devs would be for the costume window to automatically close the instant you choose a costume, especially when you choose to change costumes with a CCE. That way you get to actually "see" the emote go off while getting rid of a window you can't use again for 30 seconds anyway.
Quote:You shouldnt be asking what you can sell us.As long as we're talking about it, are there any other time vs. convenience options like the cape and aura unlock service you could see being a desirable Market offering?
You should be looking at ALL the cosmetic unlockables in game, and asking yourselves : "Is there a reason we can't sell this?"
and then asking "Is it a good reason?"
If the answer to either of those questions is No, then it should be on the Paragon Market yesterday! -
Holy Pancakes, I need that dress!
Even if they can't make the dress a palyer option, I'd probably settle for just getting that corset. -
While I dont particularly want any of these three, and I still think 480pp is too much, its nice to seen the convention only costume changes availible. If one of them had been the Freakshow Tank, I probably would have caved and spent the cash.
Its a shame those other Beam Rifle models still aren't availible, or I woulda used the one that looks like a critter...
For as long as I've been asking for a Brain in a Jar, this was an auto-buy for me. Thanks a ton for finally making it happen!
bummer, no option for a goldfish swimming around in the jar...