What will you miss from Galaxy City?




While I'm not a huge Galaxy City fan (started my first character in Atlas Park because I felt it sounded more interesting), I will miss it. I don't really see much "storyline" to Galaxy, contrary to what others have stated, aside from a few plaques, and I don't get the hate for Atlas Park as a zone (though I agree it can have annoying broadcast chatter and could be more dramatically laid out).

I did rather like the layout of Gemini Park, and I generally prefer the starting Galaxy contacts (Rick Davies, the epeeist who fights crime; Gregor Richardson, the straightforward alternative to the touchy-feely, pseudo-profound Azuria; the fantastically named Prince Kiros Nandelu).

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think that maybe not all of the contacts will make it out alive from the Freedom Corps building - which would be another way of making the destruction more dramatic, and explain away the removal of the Galaxy contacts
I agree. I imagine they just won't appear in the game again, but you never know. Notably, Rick Davies is married to a fellow contact (Susan, I think). This actually happened along with an issue release; they even hyphenated -Davies onto the female contact's name, a rare example of a minor, ongoing change to the game world. In ongoing fiction, especially comics, "getting married" invariably means "signing one spouse's death warrant," and it looks like that's what'll happen here. Unfortunately, I'd be shocked if anyone on the dev team even knows that these characters are connected in any way- that long predated our current story team. Anyway, roleplayers and lore complainers, take note!

On a more mechanical point, what about the slightly higher-level Galaxy contacts? Yes, their missions are all duplicated in all particulars by contacts' in other zones, but what happens to a character who has, say, "Escort homeless people from sewers" from Rachel Torres when i21 goes live? Developers, take note!

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think that maybe not all of the contacts will make it out alive from the Freedom Corps building - which would be another way of making the destruction more dramatic, and explain away the removal of the Galaxy contacts

It's just going to be an "echo" zone - it might not even have any NPCs in it.
That's all I would expect from any other game out there but they usually do things better in COX but maybe that will change with the name too.



Oh...crud. Now I am remember SO many more things that happened that were important to my favorite toons there. I may cry now. I probably will cry when I see it nuked.

Yeah I know I am a sentimental slob.

Author of: GOOD TASTE: A Frequent Die-ers Guide to the Turf, Sand and Carpet of Paragon City



Will they use this as a reason to revamp the Numeria TF? I hope they don't overlook the missions that actualy do use this zone.



I will miss the relative quiet compared to the bustling of Atlas Park, especially back in the days.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So to you, female = passive?
I... what?

*shakes head*

Classic GG post.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So to you, female = passive?
Hey, don't knock passives. You know what would happen if you added up every passive in the game? A broken character with some ridiculous survivability.

Edit: Actually, this is an interesting thought exercise. anyone else wanna help me figure out the approximate survivability of a character using say... Blaster modifiers with all the passives in the game?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I am holding out some hope that Doctor Vahzilok will come out to help defend the zone. That would make for an interesting take on the whole hero/villain co-op meme.



I will miss how almost no one ever went to GC! Now everyone will choose it!

Of course, maybe now we can end the ZIG being escaped from non-stop, as players will no longer escape from the Zig at the start.

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Galaxy Girl RP. Statue RP on Union has always been very marmite (love it or hate it), but I started out a few fave characters there, including my Peacebringer Luminescent Spark. Inspector Jen Kerringer and my other PPD Detective also had Galaxy on their regular beat lists.

Honestly, for everyone saying Galaxy was 'empty of content', the exact same was and is still true of Atlas, at least until the revamp. It's just more people went to Atlas. And, while some people like that, bear in mind that, hey, not EVERYONE likes the same things.

I honestly hope that, outside the tutorial, Ruined Galaxy is still a complete zone. That way it really is win/win. But just removing it wholesale? Meh to that, I say.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I always start and end in Galaxy. I like to do a lap of it as a lowbie, street sweeping to level 6, unless I'm magic, then I can do some of my favourite kick back and relax missions in the game. I like to explore it as a level 51, sometimes finding new places, things I've missed.. There are a lot of very nice touches and sights in the city, you just have to find them.

Galaxy was my Alpha and Omega, and without the chance to protect it with my Incarnate abilities, I feel like it's for naught. If, later on, it's rebuilt and we can return.. Okay, I'll fight for it, tooth and nail, my new Alpha and Omega in hand to meet old friends.

It's quiet, it's prettier, it has one of the most Bad-A characters in the game as your trainer and it has my memories.. I'll miss it all.

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Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
BaB isn't a member of the Phalanx. I don't see him taking on a task force unless they decide to add one in King's Row.
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yes he is
Just to add some details. Golden Girl is correct, but you can't blame someone for not knowing, what with Back Alley Brawler being a semi-retired super trainer, no task force, and all those plaques tying him to the Regulators super group. He actually founded the Regulators, they were a big thing through the 70's and 80's. BAB went into retirement sometime after that (he made a comeback to help with the Rikti War). The group had completely fallen apart by the end of the Rikti War, maybe because, like every other SG at that time, many of its members were unaccounted for. But the SG's significance had waned long before the invasion. To my knowledge, there's no mention of them after the 80's (someone please correct me), so for all we know they could have disbanded before the war even started.

The Regulators had previously focused their efforts on the "war on drugs", eventually taking on the Superadine problem. After the war, Back Alley Brawler joined the Freedom Phalanx. He knew Statesman already, as the two had teamed up in the mid-eighties for the first big bust of a Superadine lab. In his time, BAB has also worked closely with other high profile groups like the Dawn Patrol and the Midnight Squad. If you're thinking "the dude is a big deal," yep he is; but believe it or not, he's a natural origin. Kind of like Batman, he learned training techniques from all over the world to toughen himself up. Unlike Bruce Wayne, he was a police officer beforehand. He's also connected to Blue Steel, who has been one of his friends since childhood and who was also a member of the Regulators before it disbanded.

There's your history lesson for the day. :P

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There's no snark or negativity when I say this, but: Nothing.

I never started there, I only visited the zone when I had to, and nothing in it grabbed my attention when I did decide to do a little exploring. Destroy it, rebuild it, or don't do anything to the zone. It doesn't matter to me.

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on one sense I can see some good coming out of this. There is an argument there are too many zones at lower level and maybe taking one out is a good thing. But as with all things that pass there's an element of "OMG don't take something familiar away and change it for an unknown quantity."

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Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
This is why Americans always destroy their grand old houses and have very little connection to their own history.
Better for the environment!

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You'd expect other games to kill off un-needed contacts in a destroyed zone? I'd expect them to do that too
Yes, exactly. While I would expect the City of Heroes team to instead do something new and innovative with the contacts that have been in the game for years and with which players have developed a real fondness for intead of just trashing all that potential new content.



What I'll miss from it? Most definitely the small park area with the picnic tables where Hellions and Vahzilok hang out. I love hanging there at night with the lanterns on and punching on with villains. The whole atmosphere is just plain awesome





The only two things I'll miss from Galaxy City are the one contact that's part of the cape mission, and the one plaque that's required for the Atlas Medallion accolade. As long as they move those two things to a safe zone, I'm good.

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Although I always started in Atlas Park (had to, I was xp-hungry, and guess where the teams were?), I always came to Galaxy City for any major event. When Arena opened up, I was there, when all of the RPers went to Galaxy City, I was there, during the new rikti invasion, I was there. I love badging there. BABs will always be my favorite trainer too. Such a shame.

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I always start new characters in Galaxy, for reasons already stated by others. For the last couple years, its also been to use the AE building there. With about 125 characters, I've run the low level arcs to death, so I prefer starting out with AE story arcs, and the Atlas AE building is often the most annoying part of the whole zone.

@Doctor Gemini

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Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
Well said- personally I vote for Brickstown. I mean really, who uses that zone except for the Manti TF and that is BORING!
... I use Brickstown...

I do all my 30-40 Tips and radio missions there. It's less annoying to get around in than Founder's Falls, but yeah that's pretty much it.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I think that before I-21 lands, that there needs to be some events involving group shots of folks with BaB and the statue, with their "Galactic Fan" badges on.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I always liked "Lion Plaza". I chased quite a few punks through here. That parking garage behind it is the site of a number of battles from my "signature" Hero's early career.

I'll miss eavesdropping on the Vahzilok surgeons - "The freshest meat is right by the Brawler fellow." "If you want real choice limbs, do go check out that Brawler fellow. The youngest ones tend to flock to him."
I'm going to miss this the most too. My most beloved character started out fighting crime in Galaxy City and I took dozens of pics with these lions. I'll also miss the park with the stream, lotsa time spent just hunting Vahz.

I'll miss ya, Galaxy!

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