40 -
While yes the game will sadly close on the 30th, the actions of the community even though we couldn't stop the closure we have created waves throughout the internet.
Even if everyone moves on at least there will be a reminder throughout the world that the CoH Community actually TRIED to do something to stop it's closure. In the end we've our efforts have left something other than a huge dent on NCsoft's public image. -
Quote:Okay I gotta see this. Would you happen to have any pics? I've spent a good hour running around Monster Island and all I could find was killer monkeys and the small deserted Island on the south of the map with the dude and the soccer ball
News Team in Sirens
Portal Corps executive sunning himself on an Island there as well. -
Okay! I hope it's not too late for one last question. I was reading the old lore bible stuff about the Malta Group and I cam e across an interesting faction called the Archonate! Apparently they are a group of super beings? What exactly are they and have they been implemented in the game in some shape or form?
I'm getting that same message with a 60 day time card I just got, my VIP status expires on the 27th and I really wanna play to the end as a VIP
Ah alrighty! Thanks a lot! Just wanted to make sure before I did anything.
Gah, I made a mistake, my account is paid via paypal but I'm going to switch from paypal to a credit card. Sorry for the oversight
Hey everyone,
I just have a quick question. Next month I have to change how I pay for the game from one card to another card. How would I go about doing that? Do I press cancel subscription and just resubscribe or is there an alternate means of doing so? -
Quick question, I've only been playing one my my characters over the last week so the other twelve have been offline for more than 7 days.
Yesterday one of my old alts was at 14 days offline then when I checked out my server list this morning he came up as 1 day offline? Is this a glitch? -
The parts look great on player toons. Though the advent of this kind of makes me really sad. Are costume parts from this point forwards no longer going to be free from the looks of things? i.e like the way we got free costumes in the past issues?
Hi everybody recently I've been going through old info about the game and some things and questions have been gnawing at the back of my head after reading things about them. So here goes!
-Nemesis Jaegers and Wahulks.
I read from some posts that Jaegers are apparently not robots? And that Warhulks are meant to be a form of punishment? Can anyone elaborate further on those two?
Apparently there was an enemy group called Thugs ingame a long time ago. Where could these guys be found back then? Did they have the same powers like the ordinary gangs? i.e Hellions and Skulls? Why were they removed? And finally..Anyone have pics of them?
Thanks in advance all! Just wanted to try and silence those two questions from the back of my head hehe. -
What I'll miss from it? Most definitely the small park area with the picnic tables where Hellions and Vahzilok hang out. I love hanging there at night with the lanterns on and punching on with villains. The whole atmosphere is just plain awesome
Quote:Oh man now I have a mental image of Scirocco in emo clothes mopping even more
Didn't she say something about how "The dead cannot change" concerning how she'll always love Wretch? -
Quote:THIS!!! IF not this maybe a fleet of centaur freaks?
Freakshow welded together into one giant combi-robot, Voltron style!
Anyways with Giant robots, I've got a few ideas
Croatoans- A massive wicker man? A ghostly remnant of a giant machine?
Crey- easy, generic robot with crey symbols and weapons coming from all over
Hellions- demon possessed council robot?
Tsoo- Stolen Japanese robot
Vahzilok- Flesh golem-esque creature. A bit like the Adamastor but more patched up with machinery popping out
Sky Raiders- A giant sky raider jump bot with sky skiffs able to land and take off from it's back. Think of a 40k titan or the S.H.I.E.L.D Hellicarrier on legs
Nemesis- Can anyone say steam powered man-tanks? ala metal slug walkers but steam powered?
Circle of thorns- Maybe the orenbegans managed to create a massive golem to fight the mu and now they have returned it to the world of the living?
Warriors- Odysseus has located a giant suit of armor and using different artifacts has given it some semblance of a living creature but still requires a warrior leader to animate it -
To me personally, I have no qualms with the current writing.
If a section of writing doesn't fit my tastes for my character then I just ignore it, work my way around it or just change it around in my mind so that it fits in with the theme.
Having "you" instead of "I" doesn't really have a huge effect but it does seem strange for me if I was reading it when I enter the mish like Jophiel said.
On another note, while many of your posts seem to flesh out many flaws ingame you do mention a few good points but I think cutting down on what you want to change would balance people's view of your opinions on the game in general. -
Spinoff eh? A couple of things come to mind:
1. RTS- Take command of either the human, rikti, praetorian or DE forces as they fight to conquer their dimension and all others. Think massive forces with heroes and villains being commanders. Heck even Duray could be used as a leader.
2. FPS- I would love a kind of 5th column/council shooter where you as either a council soldier trying to stop the resurgent 5th column from taking down your HQ in striga to a 5th Column Krieger trying to find work after the fall of the 5th Column.
3. An RPG-Where you play as a KoA assassin trying to avenge a loved one as you rise through the ranks or maybe the transition from being a homeless man to a fully fledged Rikti Commander
4. Carnival/Freakshow games- Think of wii games but substitute the theme for a carnie party/troupe or a freaklympics event like rockman tossing or raiding stores. -
Ok some storylines I want to be revisited/added onto include:
- Whatever happened to the missing hero taskforce/army that attacked Shiva and were never seen again? Could turn into a kind of recover hero X kind of storyline
-General Hammond. That guy is like a bucket of untapped stories
Brigadier General Marlon Hammond is the man in charge of the allied expeditionary force exploring the dimension dubbed 'The Shadow Shard'. From his early years in the SAS when he battled subterranean reptile men to his coordination of the British defenses against an invasion of alien mutant cyborgs, General Hammond has displayed an uncanny ability to handle the strange and unknown on numerous occasions. This made him a natural choice to command this expedition.
REPTILE MEN! ALIEN MUTANT CYBORGS?! come on tell me you don't see that!
- Like the others, more on Upstart and The Hellion's leader in the zig. Maybe a TF that shows Upstart's freaks and Tempter's Hellion horde coming into a conflict and breaking out?
-Rikti and the Battalion. we need to take both of them down!
-Paula Dempsey's family history poses some interesting stories
Paula Dempsey moved to Paragon City as a child, when her parents were killed by an invading space armada in the late 60's. She grew up with her grandfather, a famous mechanic who did a lot more than just fix cars. Paula's grandfather maintained the fabulous weapons and equipment used by a hero named Gauge Steele, and Paula grew up hearing stories of their adventures. With a role model like that, there was never any question as to where her career path lay. Today, she not only fixes things, she invents them. She's got a wealth of contacts and has been an excellent resource for new heroes for over a decade.
Small stories like these would make things more interesting. I mean Malta, Nemesis, Crey, Arachnos, Council, Preatorians, 5th Column. Yeah these baddies are scary but they seem a bit plain. I want fantastic robot mutants who want to take over the world or weird alien conquerors that the rikti are afraid of. -
Three different options I will take:
1) tell the devs thank you then barge into NCsoft HQ and make them turn the game on again
2) Copy all the pages of CoH related stuff into a hard drive
3) thank the devs then steal the servers and their computers and start up a secret underground CoH game.
Most likely I will cry and return to the pages of comics -
For me when my lvl 50s try to take on Trapdoor solo I follow this simple order:
1. buy four purples, four reds and some greens if you wanna be safe for your squishy toons
2. either gain a shivan or buy a back up radio, again this is mainly for squishy toons
3. Stealth your way to Trapdoor
4. Unleash the pet if you got it or drag the sucker to lava or TP him
5. Try to hold him if you have the power to hold an enemy
6. If any of those steps didn't work, eat up those inspirations and charge!
Always works for all my toons
If not find two or three people to help you out, always a person willing to give a hand -
Did you know that in certain parts of the Abandoned Sewer you can run into disembodied Hydra Tentacle heads. Pretty disturbing when you bump into them but heck, it's a nice little thing to freak a person while running around.
Quote:If you wipe out the initial first wave of the Clockworks, two of the kheldians run to the side of the stairs and hide, the third normally stays in agro view but a good bubbler or well placed trip mines usually protect him from any harmI've never been able to keep them alive to the end. Best I've gotten is the third wave, then they get aoe'ed. Maybe if it was a buff heavy team that made sure to shield/heal them...
Ah yeah, my bad. It was against the Rikti. But there is a mish that involves you stopping Malta from tearing down a war wall with it's Kronos Titan
Hehe, something similar happened to me and my team at the first mish of Apex. We got three of the Kheldian Cops still alive even after all those War Walkers and Clockwork swarms. Those were some tough cops
Ok I'm might get a bit of flak from this but, personally I like War Walls. It helps achieve the feeling that there is always a constant threat occurring and the war walls are there to help defend Paragon.
Hell even one of the badge missions asks you to help prevent Malta from nuking War Walls to kingdom come. While yeah the whole "rikti threat" is a bit redundant (especially on Freedom and Virtue due to the LGTF spam) due to the rikti being able to shut them down. It still helps keep other threats at bay i.e. Devouring Earth (to an extent) Family getting into Terra Volta, Arachnos invasion hordes, etc.
For me honestly, I know I entered the PvP zone and I knew it's risks. I knew I'd get killed by PvPers and I'm willing to accept that. But the fact that there were TEN of us in the zone at the time and he/she kept singling me out was what really made me angry.
How about a fairground? Maybe in Talos or another seaside zone.
I can see it all now
Ferris wheels, food stands, cages with rikti monkeys inside, Carnies trying to recruit members, clowns and circus performers hanging around and fortune teller machines which could give us fortunes...
Heck why not, throw in a few villain NPCs in there doing the /drink or /eat emote and when you click them make them say something along the lines of "Hey, I'm off duty" or "When's the ride gonna start, the COuntess wants me back in an hour"