The League: Signups
What are you in-game Globals?: @perilX @perilXX
What characters do you have on Freedom?: Grav/TA, Energy/Storm, Psi/EM, Rad/PD, Son/Son C, Ice/Cold Corr, Mind/Thorns, Emp/Son, Rad/Therm, Fort, Spines/Nin, Arch/En.
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: Yar
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Yessir
Briefly describe your PvP experience: Test Team PvP Since i6.
What are you in-game Globals?: @CriticalKat, @Kitkat
What characters do you have on Freedom?: Emp & Therm. Currently working on finishing and moving a thugs/poison and cold/ice as well.
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: yes
Briefly describe your PvP experience: Test pvp'd for a little over a year. Stopped pvp'n when ladder crashed. Just started back team pvp'n on Freedom a few weeks ago.
What are you in-game Globals?: @insayian
What characters do you have on Freedom?: sy/em, rad/sy, em/willp, elek/sr, mine/fier
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: respeck?
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: i think i have enough
Briefly describe your PvP experience: i beat frost elf d in a duel once
What are your in-game Globals?:
@Oh my gad
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
Ill/Emp Controller
Psi/Em Blaster
Grav/Sonic Controller
Rad/Sonic Defender
Sonic/Thermal Corruptor
Grav/Kin Controller
Ice/Fire Dominator
Grav/TA Controller
Grav/Cold Controller
Em/WP Stalker
Elec/SS Tanker
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:
I don't use ppv io, too try hard.
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:
If I like it.
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
I casually visit RV, but mainly duel in bloody bay.
What are your in-game Globals?:
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
Psy/EM Blaster
Ice/Kin Controller
Son/Son Defender
Ice/Cold Controller
Fire/Kin Corruptor
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: Yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Yes
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
1. @Z.
2. Psi/Em, Em/Wp stlkr, Emp/Psi, Mind/Fire, Thugs/Psn, Sonic/Therm, and maybe a Sonic/Em.
3. Sure
4. Yes.
5. Enough.
What are your in-game Globals?: @Havok Dils
What characters do you have on Freedom?: ill/emp
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: no
Briefly describe your PvP experience: I am the offspring of Soul of Earth and Johnny Priest. My pvp skils are huge son.
Global : @mrliberty
Freedom Characters : Psy/Em Fire/Regin Cold/Dark (PvE) Ill/Emp Elec/EA (Stalk) Mind/Rad
Characters I can maybe port in the next week : Rad/Psi Kin/Rad Cold/Sonic Inv/SS Fire/Pain
Respec? - Dual Builds FTW
Roll a new Character : Most likely
PvP Experience : Infinity some zones and Arena when people still played there. KS'ed my way to 400 rep on a bunch of toons. Can be found at the nightly KB's on freedom trying not to be too terrible.
What are your in-game Globals?:
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
Psy/Dev Blaster
Grav/FF Controller
Inv/SS Tank
Rad/Therm Corruptor
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: Yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Yes
been making pvp builds since i2 (not i4)
What are your in-game Globals?: @black barrier / @barrier
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
On Freedom:
i16 Spec'd
grav/kin controller
psi/em blaster
sonic/cold corruptor
rad/ice defender
sonic/therm corruptor
ice/psi dominator
spines/regen stalker
elec/ea stalker
ice/ice dominator
bots/therm mastermind
Not up to spec
fire/sonic controller
fire/kin controller
ill/emp controller
ill/ta controller
necro/storm mastermind
dark/cold corruptor
ice/kin/mace corruptor
rad/storm corruptor
fire/sonic corruptor
elec/therm corruptor
mind/fire dominator
mind/ice dominator
fire/elec dominator
fire/psi dominator
ice/psi dominator
grav/fire dominator
ss/fire brute
fire/sr brute
rad/ice defender
fire/em blaster
bane spider
shield/em tank
current projects
elec/ta corruptor
not on freedom but transferable upon employment
wp/ss tank
mind/thorns dominator
earth/ea dominator
em/sr stalker
ninja/poison mastermind
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: More often than not.
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Yeah.. but look at that list?
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
i wrecked project x324234badbad2334 25-0 in a 2v2 with an SO'd fire/rad as my partner.
What are your in-game Globals?: @Soul Touch
What characters do you have on Freedom?: Psy/EM Kat/Regen Mind/fire Elec/therm Elec/Regen stalker
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:Yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:I have a few unslotted pvp viable 50's, so I'd probably only need to slot it.
Briefly describe your PvP experience: PvP'd for 2 years on EU and now nearly for a year on US. I lose elec/therm duels to frost elf d's dark/cold.
@Psycho Jas
What are your in-game Globals?: @Ethical Inquiry, @OG Elite Force, @Elite F0rce
What characters do you have on Freedom?: Grav/Kin Controller, Kin/Psy Defender, Claws/WP Stalker, EM/SR Stalker, Rad/Psy Defender
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: Yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Yes
Briefly describe your PvP experience: Played on test with VR and PX
What are your in-game Globals?: @Steatoda
What characters do you have on Freedom?: Fortunata, Rad/Therm (42 never bothered finishing)
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:Yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: No (can manage practices, but due to rl constraints I don't have time to roll and IO a new toon)
Briefly describe your PvP experience: Regular zone pvp up till I13. Got back into it and started doing kbs the past few weeks. Built for stalker hunting/disruption.

What are your in-game Globals?: @stalwart prophet @sneaky prophet
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
blasters - psi/em, fire/em, elec/em, arch/mm
corrs - fire/therm
defenders - emp/nrg, kin/psi, kin/elec, cold/nrg, cold/ice, ta/psi, dark,psi rad/psi, ff/psi
tanks - wp/ss
controllers - ill/emp, grav/TA, fire/kin, fire/rad, mind/storm, ill/therm
scrappers - spine/regen
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: yes
Briefly describe your PvP experience: test ladder, zones, arena, text pvp
Used 2 Be Good - PvP Geriatric Style
Disgrace and Glory
The Virtuous Vanguard
PvP Characters on Freedom:
1. Psi/Em Blaster
2. Sonic/Em Blaster
3. Nrg/Nrg Stalker
4. WP/Nrg Tank
5. Thugs/Dark MM
6. MA/Regen Scrapper
7. Ice/Cold Corruptor (Semi slotted)
Coming soon:
1. Mind/Fire Dominator
2. Rad/Therm Corruptor
Willing to respec: Dual Builded
Willing to roll more toons: Sure, if I like them.
PvP Experience: Started PvPing with the Nites. Drifted off a bit since the change. But now, trying to work with it since PvE is boring.
What are your in-game Globals?: @Divine @Divvy @Divine'
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
Red Side
Fire/Rad Corrutper
Sonic/Rad Corruptor
Sonic/Dark Corrutpor
Elec/Therm Corrupter
Fire/Therm Corruptor
Ice/Kin Corruptor
Rad/Kin Corruptor
Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ice/Sonic Corruptor
Em/Wp Stalker
Claws/Nin Stalker
Em/Regen Stalker
Dark/Dark Stalker
Ice/Fire Dom
Mind/Ice Dom
Fire/Psi Dom
SS/Fire Brute
Em/EA Brute
Stone/Elec Brute
Elec/Stone Brute
Fire/Fire Brute
Necro/Poison MM
Ninja/ Posion MM
Robot/Dark MM
Thugs/ Force MM
Blue Side
Psi/EM Blaster
Ice/Em Blaster
Archery/Em Blaster
Ill/Emp Troller
Fire/Kin Troller
Ice/Storm Troller
Psi/Storm Defender
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:Yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:Yes
Briefly describe your PvP experience: what is pvp?
What are your in-game Globals?:
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
Energy Melee / Regeneration Stalker
Sonic / Devices Blaster
Ice / Cold Corruptor
Electric / Thermal Corruptor
Mind / Psi Dominator
Mind / Energy Dominator
Super Strength / Invulnerability Brute
Sonic / Sonic Corruptor
VEAT Widow
Thugs / Poison Mastermind
Dark / Pain Corruptor
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:
Most likely.
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
Zone/Arena. Lost and won various PvP events/tournaments. i7-Current.
@faek sim @sim?
PvP Characters on Freedom:
1. rad/therm corr
2. Rad/Son Def
3. Elec/Wp Stalker
4. rad/cold corr
Willing to respec: Yes.
Willing to roll more toons: Yes.
PvP Experience: kickballs, zone
For Divine Majestic.
What are your in-game Globals?:
@Divine Majestic, @-Divine Majestic
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
Em/Sr Stalker
Mind/Fire Dominator
Psi/Em Blaster
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
Velocity, PX, GMW.
What are your in-game Globals?: @EnD-Reitanna
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
i16 spec'ed:
spines/wp stalker
dark/cold corr
sonic/em blaster
under work:
ice/cold troller
psi/em (would slot it only if it is really needed)
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: gimmi moneyz
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: have 1 slot left on Freedom..go figure
Briefly describe your PvP experience: i am Frost Elf D...
What are your in-game Globals?: @We Eat Rice and @We Love Rice
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: All are spec'd for PVP but willing to tweak.
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: No
Briefly describe your PvP experience: i fite klub
@Ra Ra

Global: @-Pulse
PvP toons on Freedom: Psi/Em Blaster, Fire/Therm Corrupter, Claws/SR Stalker, EM/WP Stalker, Sonic/Sonic Corrupter
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: Sure.
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Sure.
Briefly describe your PvP experience: Beat Super Deveron in SC/i6+ PvP.
Ah, what the hell.
Global: @macskull/@Not Mac
PvP characters on Freedom:
- Rad/Therm Corr
- Rad/Storm Corr
- Earth/Nrg Dom
- Fire/SS Tank
- Elec/WP Stalker
- Peacebringer
- SS/Fire Brute
- SS/Shield Brute (lol)
- Fire/EM Blaster
- Son/EM Blaster
- Earth/Cold Troller
- Ice/Kin Troller
- Mind/Storm Troller
- Mind/Emp Troller
- Necro/Poison MM
- Thugs/Pain MM
- working on Grav/TA, Ice/Fire Dom, Bane
Willing to roll a new character: Eh, not so much. Already have a list of PvP characters that need levels.
Previous PvP experience: RV, Siren's, kickballs, lots of random 2v2s, dUmb I14 ladder
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
What are your in-game Globals?:
What characters do you have on Freedom?:
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?:
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?:
Briefly describe your PvP experience:
Please answer every question as complete as possible. Thank you!