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  1. I really don't get how any of this is important to CoH.

    These are CoH boards after all.

    Vinnie is the best rad/psi and target caller in CoH. End.

    Wait, no, then someone might say something like:

    "Lolz who cares about coh you guys just act like it's so much harder and more competitive than it actually is"

    Wrong. We don't. We play other games more than we play CoH.

    Is CoH competitive? No. You're all terrible.
    Is it hard? Nope. It's really easy.

    So... why are you all so bad at a game that:

    1. you play more than us
    2. isn't competitive
    3. is easy

    ... why is that?

    [I don't know if that last bit made sense grammatically or not - I'm not sure there are grammatical guidelines for numbered lists in dialogue format, such as this one - at least, not when they are broken apart for emphasis/easier reading.]

    The answer: I have no idea. Seriously, I have no idea. I really don't. I have many things: A lot of orange juice, several hats in tf2, Doritos, a rather large microwave, brown hair, an enormous *****, and a pink card than says I can tell planes to do stuff - but an idea? No, that I don't have.

    The real question is: are you mad about it? Yes.


    Nope. It is. You're mad.

    "Just stay out of this, you're just trying to back up your butt buddy internet friend because you're all just a bunch of circle jerking elitists who take this game too seriously"

    Nope. Mad.

    "Blah blah blah"

    Fwoop. Mad.










    Conclusion: Our dilz are enormous, everyone else is terrible, and mad.

    In the word's of Protector's very own Rastafari Man - "Silit, I know we may not have seen eye to eye in the past, but I love you right now" (after Sneaky, Vinnie, and I griefed a Protector hami-raid into failure).

    Thank you, and good day.
  2. Silit

    Arena Team size?

    Not that I'm aware.

    You'd have to all be in the same SG and use the SG rumble feature to do anything bigger than 8v8. The devs removed the ability to form teams before loading into the arena though, so you wouldn't be able to decide who goes on which team.
  3. The story of By Kurgain, edited by Mirrage Mage, with illustrations by Battlewraith.

    CoH was a peaceful game. PvPers of all types - of all shapes - of all sizes, be they "zoners" or "arena players"; casual players or more intensive players; stronger or weaker players shared companionship. There was no trash talk. No drama.

    The PvP community flourished, and began to grow rapidly. Many players expressed interest in forming a PvP league, so that they could all be friends and have fun playing together. But who would lead such a league? Katalyst, Duke of the great Exile, beacon of light to the PvP community stepped forward to the challenge. There were no attempts at team stacking, no secret rosters - any player was welcome to join whatever team he or she pleased.

    But word of this league of friendship and fun spread rapidly, until it reached the ears of the most evil of creatures - Vincent and Silit. They searched far and wide, uniting the most powerful and evil warriors to ever walk the earth:

    March the Vile, known for his relentless trash talk
    Spiner the Wicked, Antagonizer of the Innocent
    Dexington, Destroyer of Hope
    Seethe, Spreader of Lies
    RyRy, Devourer of Souls
    Peril the Deceitful
    Liberty, Lord of the Kingdom of Woe
    Hot Heals, the world's youngest serial rapist
    Rystorm, Bringer of Sorrow
    Mebs, the Jew
    h0j, a man eating half demon from beyond the northern mountains
    Walrus, the Dragon

    and HP, Bringer of Thunder, the Dark Beast from beneath the earth

    It was the first time any of them had joined forces - an uneasy alliance, bound only by mutual hatred...

    A blight upon the game, they sought only one thing - to terrorize the innocent PvP community - to instil the idea that CoH was an incredibly competitive game, and that was the best at it., knowing it would be impossible to go head to head with Exile in a fair fight, employed dastardly tactics in order to gain the upper hand - Exile's champion, Gunrock, Master of Dental hygiene, was tricked into standing atop a roof during Exile's battle against WARE. Even still, Exile fought valiantly, but at days end were defeated and forced to retreat from the battlefield.

    Dark times these are. Trash talk, drama, disparity between players - has brought these plagues upon us!

    We can only hope that good will prevail, but without Exile to lead us, I fear all may be lost.
  4. "Beat" would be an understatement.
  5. Not to rain on this, because in all honestly, I'd probably say similar stuff in your position due to my tendency to grief people for reasons non-existent, but I'm pretty sure that even if you were to count practices, we'd still have a far better w/l ratio than anyone else, save for CoTD.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    Mostly fire though right?
  7. We talked briefly about it - we've gotta work out some schedule conflicts, but it should be fun.
  8. Silit

    PVP assistance

    You can probably make a cheap 200 mil build for a Stalker that's still viable. Anything /WP can be be very cheaply slotted, as all you really NEED is a stealth IO. It will be totally useless if you're not on a team, though.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prophet_8 View Post
    i got a team that will 6v6 you in tf2 - let me know if your actually serious
    If by serious you mean, will we do it? then yes. Most of us aren't serious players, but we can certainly grab some if that's needed.
  10. will happily 6v6 Shenanigans or Exile in TF2, as that's the game we actually play now.

    If Shenanigans is interested in doing CoH 8v8s, they should probably seek out that random compilation of players staring Suckafish and Condro on two completely useless dueling builds. I don't know if they have a team name or not, but I know they beat someone really bad.
  11. Silit

    LF Arena history

    Actually, in the earlier days of PvP, the standard for team matches on test was a 16v16 20 minute round. 12v12s were also popular for a time, as were server vs server battles with over 20 people on each team.

    The way to do it is by using the "super group rumble" setting. Unfortunately, not enough people play for it to be a consistent thing.

    Even if enough people played - you can't form teams before entering arena matches now, so it'd be dumb, because you couldn't control who ends up on which team when in the match.
  12. Silit

    LF Arena history

    Originally Posted by Like_Woah View Post
    I doubt any serious migrating PvP group/guild would ever return to this game in force. The Devs have already made it perfectly clear how they view the pvp community. Grass is greener elsewhere where pvpers are acknowledged as important community members and our concerns are actually addressed.
    He was being sarcastic.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thorizdin_LotD View Post
    I keep waiting for someone to develop something along these lines and I keep being disappointed. Maybe Hi-Rez will get one of the Tribes games their developing right....
    It's called team fortress 2.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
    Its a miracle anyone died really. There were so many snipe calls like 3 seconds after the spike lol. That and the only time I think we targeted him was when I was off target and randomly threw damage at him as he AP'ed. Good times, I also have the one where you guys ran 1 rad 1 mind/fire and 2 blasters against us and managed to have two of us dead at the same time on several occasions.
    You were missing your best emp.
  15. Uh... whoops. Kinda wish I'd known. I tried to make the post comprehensive enough that I wouldn't have to follow up with any further posts on the same topic. Ironically, it would seem I didn't have to post at all.

    Anyway, if anyone would try to bring my sanity under fire, I will remind them that I made a completely irrelevant post on an already resolved topic, and thus: I don't care.

    No regard for human tears. Get at me.
  16. So far, I'm glad to say that we've lived up to our name, and then some.

    Watching round 3 against shenanigans seems unreal - there is no video on youtube, past or present - there is no team any of us have ever played for - pre or post changes - that has ever matched that pace.

    This team has come a long ******* way from the first week we were back, trading games with Exile. I honestly thought we'd be more like usedtobegood - we'd come back, never practice, squeak out sloppy wins and laugh about it. Never did I imagine we'd put this much energy into CoH again - Never did I think we'd actually practice, roll toons, be online - never did I foresee Vinnie actually writing match commentaries for more than two weeks consecutively, and certainly, never did I see us making the Earth/Fire vision into a reality.

    We obviously have a three week hiatus until playoffs, due to CC's advance forfeit (I really wanted Gfunny and Bud to show us how the big dogs roll on Champion too).

    I'll cut to the chase. Playoffs. We will be voting to keep the current system. This is a conclusion we, as a team, came to just before last Sunday's games against Shenanigans.

    While many of us wouldn't mind seeing a best of 5 single elimination system, the longer match nights could put a strain on some of our schedules, and that's a feeling felt by other teams we've talked to concerning the matter.

    We don't support attempts at a best of 3 single elimination system, mainly because of the arguments being brought forth in it's promotion, and because of the intentions of some of it's supporters.

    A common dissent with the current system is:

    "If the current system is kept we'd have to sweep WARE to have a chance at winning"

    We don't see any issue with this, as we've swept every team we've fought thus far, and we plan to sweep every team in playoffs.

    I realize that I may potentially catch flack for this vote, as this vote statistically benefits my team, and is only in favor of one imperfect system over yet another imperfect system. The people who should be catching flack are the ones who were adamantly opposed to a best of 3 elimination system until we took a fat dump on everyone and made a mockery out of this league.

    If you are one of the select few who may attempt bring my integrity under fire over this, please remember that I disqualified a team over a typo in lineup submission once, and thus: I don't care. What benefits my team infinitely more than the vote I've cast is the roster that Vinnie posted.

    We will continue to do what our name suggests - no matter the playoff system. And to any team that, at the end of this league, believes they deserved to beat us: we will play you whenever we are able, as long as we continue to play.

    Good luck to everyone in playoffs, and with the remainder of their regular season matches. We look forward to practicing with you all in the meantime.
  17. You guys do realize that the test server is now a copy of freedom, right? And f2p accounts cant use it. And the copy tool is broken.

    I hope I'm not the only who knows that.
  18. Silit


    It was only a matter of time, honestly.

    The dude carried me while I was playing roamer in a lobby. That's not humanly possible.

    I think I have the screenie in my tf file somewhere. Xhiggy and HP are in it too.
  19. 3-0 over shenanigans.

    Round 1: 33-2
    Round 2: 20-3
    Round 3: 31-3

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    With CC dropping I would assume they dont vote.
    They can't stay for one more week to play us? Rofl.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IronFlag View Post
    In The League, U2BG was in 2nd place and the chances of us winning relied on us pulling off something ridiculous. We did and we won. Do it, Shenxile.
    This is true. Due to the points awarded for d6 matches, we'd have had to win every playoff game just to be tied for first. Keep in mind, this back when teams could force ties and lose you points - if just one team was successful in doing that (multiple teams tried - CIGAL even had everyone quit out save for their stalkers in an attempt to make us lose) we would have lost.
  22. Would anyone be opposed to a double elim system?

    And, I think the vote for 2/3 vs 3/5 should be taken and decided BEFORE a vote is held on single elimination implementation, as the results of the former may effect voting for/against the latter.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
    I guess it was too revealing because it was taken down and replaced with a short slur against me personally and the team, which is accused of not making a legitimate effort.
    Actually, the original commentary was the one I wrote when I noticed Vinnie hadn't done it yet. Once Vinnie got around to it, he just edited the original post into what's there now.

    It really did seem like you guys weren't trying to win, because there was literally NO offensive pressure on us AT ALL. It got to the point where Klesk got bored of emping and started spiking with us.

    Surely, I'm beating the dead horse with this, but, even in matches where we've won 40-0, Klesk and Spiner were Emping their dicks off the whole time. That, combined with the general lack of offensive pressure on us, the turtling in the middle of the map, not healing Kali's tank for like 30 seconds straight as we spiked him, followed by apparent excitement at the results - as lib put it - "cemented" that idea for us.

    But, as I said at the end of the commentary, GGs.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post
    We were pleased with the results because we thought that that match might be a complete trainwreck and it wasn't, despite the fact that we hadn't practiced it and didn't have the actual lineup there. We ran the lineup the second time simply on the chance that we might get a favorable map, which didn't happen. Even at that the results were pretty much the same.
    In all fairness, losing 8-0 on an MM inclusive lineup intended to be a direct counter to our lineup is a complete trainwreck.

    I'm honestly happy you guys ran something like that though, because no one would do that in a practice against us (for obvious reasons), so it was good to actually get some experience against disruption on the dom lineup - even if it was on the fly.