Freedom PvP League 2011 - Rules/Guidelines and main thread.
Please try and keep this thread clear of unnecesary drama or unconstructive banter. This will be used for actual discussion of the league and will be where people will post scores after officials.
If you have concerns or general QQ, I prefer you contact me before trying to crit everyone on the blueboards with walls of text. That's my job.
My **** is bleeding.
I decided to extend the point at which teams may longer be formed for this league.
"UPDATE: The draft is still happening Sunday. However, I am allowing teams to form until the Friday before officals (Just under 2 weeks after the draft). Teams under this circumstance will be able to pull from the supplementary draft pool before officials start, if any arise. Basically, if more teams happen after the initial draft, we will hold a supplementary draft before officials start. This will probably also happen the friday before officials start."
Added to the top of this post.
My **** is bleeding.
Added the following informational section at the bottom of the OP:
Matches will be played based off of a random number generated list, similar to the draft. Each number represents each teams order in the following list:
Regular Season: (First set of numbers is a garbled chart I used to figure out the order, left it here for reference)
Team 1: W1 1v2 W2 1v3 W3 1v4 W4 1v5 W5 1v6 W6 1v7 W7 Bye
Team 2: W1 2v1 W2 2v4 W3 2v7 W4 2v6 W5 2v5 W6 Bye W7 2v3
Team 3: W1 3v4 W2 3v1 W3 3v6 W4 3v7 W5 Bye W6 3v5 W7 3v2
Team 4: W1 4v3 W2 4v2 W3 4v1 W4 Bye W5 4v7 W6 4v6 W7 4v5
Team 5: W1 5v7 W2 5v6 W3 Bye W4 5v1 W5 5v2 W6 5v3 W7 5v4
Team 6: W1 Bye W2 6v5 W3 6v3 W4 6v2 W5 6v1 W6 6v4 W7 6v7
Team 7: W1 7v5 W2 Bye W3 2v7 W4 7v3 W5 7v4 W6 7v1 W7 7v6
Week 1: 1v2, 3v4, 5v7, team 6 sits out/takes lineups
Week 2: 1v3, 2v4, 5v6, team 7 sits out/takes lineups
Week 3: 1v4, 2v7, 3v6, team 5 sits out/takes lineups
Week 4: 1v5, 2v6, 3v7, team 4 sits out/takes lineups
Week 5: 1v6, 2v5, 4v7, team 3 sits out/takes lineups
Week 6: 1v7, 3v5, 4v6, team 2 sits out/takes lineups
Week 7: 2v3, 4v5, 6v7, team 1 sits out/takes lineups
Week 8: Break week before playoffs
Playoffs: Playoffs will continue the points of the regular season, but only the top 4 teams may participate. The top 2 teams after the semi-finals will faceoff in the finals with each match being worth 2 points, while the 3rd and 4th seed will play in another set of finals only worth 1 point each. During the semi-finals of the playoffs, matches will still only be worth 1 point across the board.
Semi-finals: 1v4, 2v3
Finals: 1v2, 3v4
(Numbers represent each teams seed which is based off their total points)
Assume there will be breaks for the weekend of thanksgiving and Christmas if applicable.
My **** is bleeding.
-- Updated the matchups section to reflect what the RNG determined the order to be.
-- Added a section for weekly updates of rankings.
Team signups officially close Friday, first set of officials follows 2 days later on Sunday.
Thanks for everyone's support and feedback so far.
More detailed info can be found on the League's GP site:
My **** is bleeding.
Exile vs. Chicken Nuggets
18-1 Exile
28-1 Exile
40-1 Exile
My **** is bleeding.
GG Chicken Nuggets. vs whoever we fought tonight.
29-0 wins all 3.
Fap wins all 3 matches
Thanks for the good games CC
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
"-- Teams are limited to 3 stalkers per match."
You know what would be a load of fun? No more than any two of the same AT on a team at once. I think that would be a blast! Maybe next time
My **** is bleeding.
My **** is bleeding. vs Exile
18-5 takes all three.
Shenanigans v FAP
13-7 Shenanigans
10-3 Shenanigans
7-3 Shenanigans
LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs

Update the standings 6-0
Shen 3-0
HB 3-3
Exile 3-3
Fap 3-3
CC 0-3
CN 0-6
Shenanigans v FAP
13-7 Shenanigans 10-3 Shenanigans 7-3 Shenanigans GGs FAP |

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Yeah I know type--meaning I can download a font and slap a gradient on it. When you settle down maybe I can get some nice arial and put an emboss filter on it, looks like you'd cream yourself over it.
Because every guildportal design that Peril has ever done featured blocky font and a gradient, right? |
The regular season will run 7 weeks, with a break before the playoffs on the 8th week. The playoffs will run for 2 weeks.
New team signups are closing on Friday, October 7th. Any free agent applications submitted at this point will be in any supplemental drafts/re-drafts that we hold.
-- Match Settings: Each match will be 10 minutes long, set to the following options: No heal decay, no travel suppression, small inspirations, super heavyweight. If both teams can agree on it, matches can be set to 20 minutes long.
-- Illegal Maps: Monkey Cage, Office, Caves.
-- Each team is allowed 1 reset within the first 60 seconds of each match. This will typically be for if teams load in short-handed or with people off-team. Once the reset is spent, your team cannot reset the match again, unless both Captains agree upon resetting it. After a reset, both teams must use the same lineups they used before the reset, including what players were on what.
-- The only temp powers allowed in official matches will be arena temps bought from the arena store, no special inspirations will be allowed. Basebuffs are not allowed. Small Inspirations only.
-- All names must be unique, no barcode names or names that substitute L for I (for example) with the intent of looking identical to someone elses name will be allowed.
Mid-match restrictions:
-- No Ouroboros portals may be placed.
-- Telekinesis, Stalagmites (Dominator version), and Steam Jump/Jump Pack are banned.
-- If a power is clearly broken, and out of line, Captains may at any time move to ban such powers, and it will be put up to a vote.
-- ALPHA is the only legal incarnate power in officials.
-- Teams are limited to 3 stalkers per match.
-- If a team brings a draw team (This will mostly mean 3+ Tanks, Brutes, or Scrappers equipped with taunt) they must win the match. If such a team ties, it counts as a loss.
-- Teams must field at least 5 players per match, if a team for whatever reason can't field 5 or more players they forfeit the match.
-- If a team for whatever reason drops below 5 players during an official match, they forfeit the match. Teams must always have 3 non-stalker players in the match at all times.
Trade rules and other team guidelines:
-- Each team must register with with at least 5 core members. By the time the draft rolls around, every team must have at least 8 core members to participate, with a maximum of 10.
-- At any point during the season, Captains may call for a re-draft. Re-drafts will happen every Friday IF NECCESARY. Re-drafts will be an opportunity for Captains to replace draftees who are no call, no shows, or need to be removed from the team otherwise.
-- Members of a team's core may be replaced at any time, once someone has been removed from the core, they may not be re-added to the core they were removed from.
-- Captains may remove any player from their roster at any time if they are causing substantial issues within the team.
-- Trades are allowed, all trades must be final by every Saturday before match dates.
-- Captain's may not trade themselves, even after handing over the duty to another member on the roster.
-- In the event that a trade occurs, the person being traded may not participate in the set of officials directly after their trade. If a situation arises where allowing a person in this situation to play would allow for 8v8 where it would otherwise not, if both Captains can agree to it, that person may play.
-- The players involved in said trade must consent to being traded, as well as the Captains involved. If no agreement can be reached, the trade can't happen.
-- NO ACCOUNT SHARING, NO RINGERS during officials. The person who owns each account must be the only person to play said account during officials. No unregistered globals will be allowed to play in officials.
-- If a team is disbanded, they may enter the draft and play as soon as they are drafted.
-- ALL ROSTERS ARE FINAL after week 7 of the regular season matches. No trades may be made after those matches, no core members replaced, or new draftees added from a supplemental draft.
Match Scheudling:
-- Official matches will take place at 8 PM central, 9 PM eastern, every Sunday besides the week of Thanksgiving and Christmas.
-- Each team will play each team once in a series of 3 rounds
-- Playoffs will run 2 weeks, with 1st seed vs. 4th seed and 2nd seed vs. 3rd seed to start. The semi-final round will be worth 1 point for wins, 0 for losses, and the finals will be worth 2 points for wins, 0 for losses. These scores will be added to the total from the 5 week main season to determine winners.
Match Scoring, Draws/Ties:
-- Matches must start within 15 minutes of the set start time. If both teams are agreeable, the start time may be delayed, no longer than 10 minutes.
-- There will be 3 rounds per matchup. home team will have 1st map pick, away will have 2nd, 3rd will be set to random.
-- Wins count for 1 point, losses count for 0.
-- Ties must be replayed. The best time for this to happen is directly after the original 3 matches are over, though if teams can come to an agreement it can be scheudled for another time.
-- Ties will be replayed with the same lineups.
-- Ties must be replayed on the same map in which the tie occured.
Lineup Submissions: A representative from a team not participating in each match will take lineups from both teams facing eachother, and will post them in Arena Chat after both have been recieved. Lineup submissions must include all of the ATs playing in your lineup, as well as their individual powersets (Primary/Secondary).
Consequences for infractions:
-- Most common consequence will be offending teams will be disqualified for the match in which the infraction was cited. If a specific player is consistantly breaking rules, they may be forced to be benched for 1-3 matches. If even after repeated chastizing and punishment, said player continues to deliberately break rules, they may be expelled from the league.
-- THERE IS NO sportsmanship or conduct rule, anything that can be handled by moderation from NCSoft GMs I will not be handling. Only things I will step in for is things that NCSoft does not have direct control over (Ventrillo, GP forums, etc.) That said, the EULA has just been redone and we have a red-name participating... My advice is to tread lightly.
-- My hope is also that Captains can be responsible for making sure their players don't step out of line. Let me make it clear, I don't WANT to have to punish anybody, or police drama or anything, but if it becomes a big enough issue I may be forced to step in, it will be handled on a case by case basis.
Something to keep in mind: The easiest way to prove an infraction has occured is to take screenshots of it. The easiest way to end disputes over scores is to supply a screenshot of the match results. While this may not be neccesary in a lot of cases, it might be in some. Always be prepared to be asked for screenshots.
Whether or not an infraction has occurred must abide by the rules, there will not be punishment for things that are not explicitly rule-breaking. If a screenshot is neccesary, the sooner you supply it, the better. Also, I will not be accepting screen shots that are extremely pixelated or distorted, meaning, if I can't read the text in the screenshots it is invalid.
Team Numbers Decided:
List Randomizer
There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Honey Badgers
Chicken Nuggets
Casual Champions
Timestamp: 2011-10-06 04:14:39 UTC
Regular Season: (First set of numbers is a garbled chart I used to figure out the order, left it here for reference)
Team WARE (1): W1 1v2 W2 1v3 W3 1v4 W4 1v5 W5 1v6 W6 1v7 W7 Bye
Team Honey Badgers (2): W1 2v1 W2 2v4 W3 2v7 W4 2v6 W5 2v5 W6 Bye W7 2v3
Team Exile (3): W1 3v4 W2 3v1 W3 3v6 W4 3v7 W5 Bye W6 3v5 W7 3v2
Team Chicken Nuggets (4): W1 4v3 W2 4v2 W3 4v1 W4 Bye W5 4v7 W6 4v6 W7 4v5
Team FAP (5): W1 5v7 W2 5v6 W3 Bye W4 5v1 W5 5v2 W6 5v3 W7 5v4
Team Shenanigans (6): W1 Bye W2 6v5 W3 6v3 W4 6v2 W5 6v1 W6 6v4 W7 6v7
Team Casual Champions (7): W1 7v5 W2 Bye W3 2v7 W4 7v3 W5 7v4 W6 7v1 W7 7v6
Week 1 10/9: WARE@HB, Exile@CN, FAP@CC, team SHEN sits out/takes lineups
Week 2 10/16: Exile@WARE, CN@HB, SHEN@FAP, team CC sits out/takes lineups
Week 3 10/23: CN@WARE, HB@CC, SHEN@Exile, team FAP sits out/takes lineups
Week 4 10/30: WARE@FAP, HB@SHEN, Exile@CC, team CN sits out/takes lineups
Week 5 11/6: SHEN@WARE, FAP@HB, CC@CN, team Exile sits out/takes lineups
Week 6 11/13: WARE@CC, Exile@FAP, CN@SHEN, team HB sits out/takes lineups
Week 7 11/20: HB@Exile, FAP@CN, SHEN@CC, team WARE sits out/takes lineups
Week 8: Break week before playoffs/Thanksgiving
Playoffs will continue the points of the regular season, but only the top 4 teams may participate. The top 2 teams after the semi-finals will faceoff in the finals with each match being worth 2 points, while the 3rd and 4th seed will play in another set of finals only worth 1 point each. During the semi-finals of the playoffs, matches will still only be worth 1 point across the board.
Semi-finals 12/4: 1v4, 2v3
Finals 12/11: 1v2, 3v4
(Numbers represent each teams seed which is based off their total points)
WARE: 24-0
Honey Badgers: 5-13 (Disbanded week 6)
Exile: 15-3
Chicken Nuggets: 2-16
FAP: 15-9
Shenanigans: 12-9
Casual Champions: 2-13 (Disbanded week 5)
Seed Rankings (Updated Weekly):
1st seed:WARE
2nd seed:Exile
3rd seed:Shenanigans
4th seed:FAP
Spreadsheet for the draft:
Free agent thread:
1st WARE: 27-0
2nd FAP: 15-9
3rd Shenanigans: 12-9
4th Chicken Nuggets 2-22
Honorable mention: Exile 15-3 (Unqualified to place due to disbanding before playoffs)
Honey Badgers
Casual Champions
My **** is bleeding.