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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Pie View Post
    Thanks for the hyperbole, not taking Leviathan on a corruptor is not seriously gimping yourself. Hibernate isn't the end all be all...people using hibernate get killed all the time as damage keeps ticking away after activation. And Power Boost can be more than useful.
    PB is trash with DR on.
    Look at the numbers.
    Scourging Spirit Shark Jaws means I have to go to the bathroom and clean-up after every other kill.

    Same goes for Doms and hibernate, while Poison Ray does more Dmg than Leviathan attacks and Scorp shields allows you to add/build for Def.
    are you asking people to build for Def on a dom? seriously, go back to PVE, kid.


    I have a Spines and EM/WP that I use in RV and spines is fine but picking up two attacks from Leviathan (both with twice the range and more damage) makes Impale (the best part about spines) only so-so. And there's nothing in spines to compete with the burst damage you get from ET following an AS. I also have an Elec/Ninja which I prefer over the Spines and EM stalkers.

    And I'll agree with Psi/EM
    1. the hold is not an attack.
    2. you don't need shraks on a spines.
    3. three ranged attacks > ET + 2 ranged attacks.

    please try again later.
  2. I'll cut ghost falcon some slack when my fire/sonic corr isn't just pure ornament in pvp.

    If I spend a tenth as much time trowing wrek at ghost falcon as I did learning to play, io-ing, and pvping on that thing, I still have about 25 hours of wrek to trow.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Pie View Post
    just one? roll your preference...

    Corruptor - Sonic/Therm/Soul
    Dominator - Mind/Elec/Mace
    Stalker - Elec or EM/WP or Ninja /Leviathan

    Blaster - Sonic/Mental/Cold
    Defender - Rad/Sonic/Power
    or for something interesting
    Defender - Rad/Dark/Power
    Bad list.
    Sonic/Therm without Leviathan is gimping yourself.
    Mind/Elec/Mace is ok, but a Mind/Elec/Leviathan is 20 times more versatile.
    Spines is better than EM.
    Nothing's better than a Psi/Em/Cold.
    And you shouldn't roll a defender til GR.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Borderline Boss View Post
    Thanks for the information, Ghost Falcon!

    But now, onto a more trendy topic.

    What is the update on the status of removing Travel Suppression, Heal Decay, Diminishing Returns, Mez Resistance opposed to protection, base resistances, and the weird damage of powers? Basically, i13 as a whole. Everything putting a stop to the growth of pvp and its population.

    Here's hope for a fix!

    Yeah. This.

    I seriously don't care if the Cathedral of Pain is coming back, you guys already made it so that you don't need to have a supercomputer to do that crappy SF villainside, and we know that in the end, you're just gonna back off and make it the Cathedral of Pain Trial, which starts in some random co-op zone.. blah blah blah, etc etc.

    My point is, this announcement is only relevant to the PVP community if one of the following conditions is met:
    1. Cathedral of Pain includes PVP based on i12 rules.
    2. I can PL a toon from 1-50 in 45 minutes again.
    3. That's basically it.

    I vote someone move this thread off of the PVP forums.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quatermain View Post
    arctan isn't quite 3rd grade.
    don't have the formula with me, should have it saved at home along with the #'s to plug into it for most of the attributes if interested.
    i was talking about i12.
    multiplying fractions is third grade math.
  6. black_barrier

    PVP Caging

    Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
    caging was one of the most retarded mez's in the old system. one button to completely eliminate one or more players for the entire duration of combat is not fun(and required zero skill), especially when you knew you were going to be the target of perma caging.

    anyone who wants it back the way it was is just being nostalgic for the sake of being nostalgic. we have tons of better stuff to want back before this.
    only applies to hero pvp.
    caging villainside interacted with the perception and mm duties in a pretty damn different way. it took skill to keep 7 clarities on your team and perma-cage someone while also being the most likely spike target.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WarScribe View Post

    PS Hi Dro - Hi Oz

    my life is complete.
    now add yourself to the roster.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by h0j View Post
    Supermax and Colonel Jasmine are by far some of the best pvpers, right up there with Cover Man, Skarps, and Hotman.
    I got kicked from the "Freedom Elite" channel for calling Cover Man.. Cover Man.
    That dude still rages hardcore when he hears that.
  9. black_barrier

    Orbiting Death

    Originally Posted by Galactor View Post
    Not as good as Orbital Cannon, muhahahaha!
    Dahjee V. 0.5
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teh_Siph View Post
    I just lol'ed.

    Dark Blast is NOT bad, especially if you factor in Procs, Rad debuffs, and other things. I have seen a couple of them in Team Arena, and they are impressive. Dark does not have as much burst as Sonic, but it is much faster with a little less damage.

    In Team Arena, you will also usually have the most kills because of Gloom being DoT, which is fun =p

    However, I would agree with Con in waiting for GR.
    Hey Hey, you were in Integrity.

    You may not get as many kill-steals on a Sonic blast defender/corr, but you'll do more for your team than a dark in team arena.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
    Wait for gr til you decide.
    I love you.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
    ive come to the conclusion that the whole point of dr was to hide all the numbers so people stop asking this, and other, questions. my proof is that noone will be able to answer your question because noone exactly knows. all we know is from players testing and even that knowledge is limited since all the ingame numbers are inaccurate.
    more so, it allows for opaque as **** rebalancing so that all the downies don't feel so obviously bent by the players that can do third grade math.
  13. black_barrier

    PVP Caging

    Originally Posted by JonnyDeadSide View Post
    Actually, its not. It's people like you. The ones that feel the self entitled need to point out when "they think" others are being useless and verbally attack them for "trying" to contribute something that's at least constructive, thereby making there own drivel useless and troll. While this idea was not a partial and/or complete game fix/improvement in any way, it was at least using energy in a positive way, whereas your energy is pure troll...and a waste of all our time. What did you contribute here? You score 0 cool kid E-points. Back to the bridge with you....
    Attacking people to simply make them feel bad for "trying" to help is about as D-bag as you get. At least -Hot told him "why" his idea was fail. He also did this without calling the "person" fail. Just the "idea" the op posted was shot down by -Hot, and done so without telling the person they are useless.
    The only useless contribution was yours. Hell even my less than miniscule contribution is at least an effort to get rid of trolls such as yourself.
    I should have gotten a coffee first this morning instead of reading......


    Asking the devs to change anything having to do with PVP is like asking a new york hobo to perform brain surgery on a subway car. Both retards are gonna **** it up no matter how nicely, and cleanly you break it down.

    Stop suggesting ****.
  14. black_barrier

    PVP Caging

    tru spiks dimension shift target and phase spike liek pro in forst of noub tree. wdup?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by aumakua View Post
    i wrecked a elec/therm with a db/elec/weapon mastery scrapper. Once i webnaded him he freaked out and lost his game plan. I do think he was new and an experienced elec/therm would more than likely have beat

    let me guess, ts on, hd on, dr on, in the cage map, no running.
  16. someone once did the math and it was something like a 2.5% average damage bonus assuming your character is constantly attacking.

    there's better things to waste slots on if you're gonna put it into tactics.
  17. cheap and useful doesn't work with doms.

    thank you come again.

    VORI's team roster

    @barrier, @black barrier
    @oh my gad, @doof.

    @Johnny Wildfire
    @Reaver Dirge
    @Reaver Dirge 2
    @Star Alpha
    @Dark Web Chambers
    @Web Chambers
    @silent aether
    @Unholy Weapon
    @Darkest Disaster
    @Divine Majestic
    @Impotent Ninja
    @Death's Widow
    @Chaos King
    @I Eat Babies Yo
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
    who the hell are you.
    sum dumb beech tree
  20. black_barrier


    Originally Posted by Gamete_NA View Post
    What use does Spectral Terror have? Because i wasn't sure whether to include it in my build or not for dueling. Is the fear duration like blaster Scare (Hopes :P)
    way f better than blaster scare.

    think of it as a pet that spams confuse with controller mods on people.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    This is a great help for MMs who, after Resting to refill, then re-drained their END having to re-summon... and they couldn't Rest again since it was recharging!

    Now, if we can only get one-click full-respawning for PvP...
    gowai green lantern
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post

    Also there was a lulzathon were people kept saying they nerfed sharks, while they were getting farmed by said sharks. Good times.

    so so gud.

    those kills on that miracle plant noub were so nice and clean.