Respawn w/ Full health & endurance in PvP zones is stupid




New PvP zone rule: You now respawn with full health and endurance when spawn in a hospital in Siren's, Bloody Bay, Warburg, and Recluses Victory.

A hospital is typically used to describe a place where injured or ill people are treated. For instance in this game this is place that you goto when you are defeated. Typically when someone is in hospital their health and recovery is not immediately restored. They need time to rest before the can resume their normal activity. So why is health and endurance fully restored in the game? Is it that hard to click your REST toggle?

If I am the opposing player, and I have defeat you in the zone near your hospital because during the battle I left with 10 Hitpoints remaining. You go straight to the hospital come out within seconds of time and defeat me with your full bar of health and endurance. During that time left the hospital to come back and fight me my HP may only go up by 100 - 300 points, but your health is fully recovered. How is that fair? The person who is defeat should start out with low health, low endurance and not be rewarded with full health.

This new system now rewards wreckless play because if you are defeated you can go straight back into action with no penalty, no time to rest and continuosly you act/play this way because you will be back into action within seconds. There is no penalty when defeated except the fact that you have to travel back to the hospital.

Now you give people the opportunity to EXPLOIT the game with VENGEANCE. Someone can sacrifice themselves for their team in order to use vengeance and be ready to battle within seconds because of new full health and full endurance rule.

I prefer the old system, of starting in the hospital with low health and low endurance. It more realistic and it does not reward wreckless play.



Originally Posted by WhyNerfPFF View Post penalty...
i know this has to be a troll but... one of the original design goals of pvp was combat without any penalty for losing, vs. in pve where you get debt. also if you have been pvping for long enough you would remember that for the 1st few issues following i6 you would respawn with full health in all zones and its always been that way in the arena. it was a stupid decision when it was added back then and im glad they reverted back to this.

also, dont think you can justify game mechanics with rp. you will get laughed at on these boards.



This game is far beyond repair, don't bother making posts about the horrible bugs and gameplay aspects.



obvious troll is obvious, as they say



Originally Posted by WhyNerfPFF View Post
I prefer the old system, of starting in the hospital with low health and low endurance. It more realistic and it does not reward wreckless play.
We are now back to the "old system." Respawning at full HP/End was how it was in the beginning of PVP. And, sorry, using realism to support your argument in a superheo video game is not going to work.

I'm all for getting people back out into the zone as fast as possible because in the long run it will mean more recipes. In fact, this is probably the devs solution to the horrid drop rate.

In other words, what Solo said



This change is fantastic -- especially for squishies with no self heal.



freespec !! everyone get veng!



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
obvious troll is obvious, as they say



Stupid post. When I PVP'd on my EM/Nin Stalker I just used the heal, my end bar and hp were close to full when I approached an enemy anyway and the heal was usually recharged. Same as my ice/psi dom, I just supersped to some npcs, used drain psyche, and I was at full health/end in no time.

This way (full health and end) is better, other toons have to rest and we know how everyone *loves* resting both in PvE and PvP.



Lol rp



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
This is a great help for MMs who, after Resting to refill, then re-drained their END having to re-summon... and they couldn't Rest again since it was recharging!

Now, if we can only get one-click full-respawning for PvP...
gowai green lantern



I think this is a very needed change in the correct direction. Probably my most favorite fix since they fixed all those kin issues with travel suppression.

Honestly though instead of having to pick up vengeance to use on fallen comrads, like some in this thread have suggested. The one who is defeated should get a 2 minute buff on damage, accuracy, and regen ( because heals get DRd). You could call this a "Revenge" buff that helps people who get farmed in zones an equal footing with someone who is obviously better than them. This would encourage people to leave bases after a "rofl stomp" because they are buffed and hopefully this buff combined with thier lack of skill can overcome someone for once.

This is a hopeful move in the right direction devs, please continue with these ideas.

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Originally Posted by Emo_Bitter View Post
I think this is a very needed change in the correct direction. Probably my most favorite fix since they fixed all those kin issues with travel suppression.

Honestly though instead of having to pick up vengeance to use on fallen comrads, like some in this thread have suggested. The one who is defeated should get a 2 minute buff on damage, accuracy, and regen ( because heals get DRd). You could call this a "Revenge" buff that helps people who get farmed in zones an equal footing with someone who is obviously better than them. This would encourage people to leave bases after a "rofl stomp" because they are buffed and hopefully this buff combined with thier lack of skill can overcome someone for once.

This is a hopeful move in the right direction devs, please continue with these ideas.
lol and dr



I don't mind the change but I can see where this does mess with changing the tide of battle in zone engagements. Right now, you defeat their most dangerous guys and it's a good minute or two before they're back in the fight due to the Rest downtime. That tactical element is now lost and their best guys, once defeated, will be back in seconds.

But overall I think it is a good change because Resting, and forced downtime in general, just isn't fun. It also adds a 'berserker'/'chaotic' type element to PvP where people are just constantly churning back and forth in the battle.

Yes, I do think this change ups the fun, even if it is at the expense of some tactical edge that does have some value.

I don't think this'll generate more PvPIOs though due to the Rep timer. In fact, it exacerbates that issue a bit (the more you kill someone the fewer drop opportunities you generate).

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Originally Posted by Borderline Boss View Post
ty devs for fix

i die a lot and dis will halp minimize downstime
i c whut u did thur



Besides the fact that this was a troll thread, there's 2 reasons why this is a great change in the right direction:

  1. That's how PvP was originally designed. As others have stated, it was a terrible idea to change it in the first place.
  2. Name another game that doesn't respawn you with full bars. In fact, in a lot of other games, you get portable respawn stations to move you right back into battle at full power. (We're still slightly behind the curve there. You'd need a player to take Teleport Friend, and most PvP builds have no room for it.)



Originally Posted by WhyNerfPFF View Post
New PvP zone rule: You now respawn with full health and endurance when spawn in a hospital in Siren's, Bloody Bay, Warburg, and Recluses Victory.

A hospital is typically used to describe a place where injured or ill people are treated. For instance in this game this is place that you goto when you are defeated. Typically when someone is in hospital their health and recovery is not immediately restored. They need time to rest before the can resume their normal activity. So why is health and endurance fully restored in the game? Is it that hard to click your REST toggle?
I think it was already stated earlier, but since you are a super hero, this shouldn't be applicable.

Also in PvE where the RP should be taking place (not in pvp)... you respawn in hospitals with full end/hp... the only thing that can be concluded from your post here is you're terrible at life and terrible at RP....



I think this is a great change - it might help push zone battles more into neutral territory rather than camping the hospitals.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Griefer_Dirge View Post
Also in PvE where the RP should be taking place (not in pvp)...
Off topic (not a bad thing), but my Arachnos SG and the Union Roleplayers would like to contest that point, given the full scale war we had not too long ago

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



In RV i was wondering why the vills i killed came back to die again so fast... this gave me more kills i was happy. If i was the one getting farmed then maybe i would get back into action to die faster as well. This indirectly gave me more chances to get IOs... This indirectly gives everyone in zone pvp more chances to get IOs. This indirectly is a good thing.



Originally Posted by Neeto View Post
This indirectly gives everyone in zone pvp more chances to get IOs. This indirectly is a good thing.
I contest this point due to the Rep timer. The more often you beat someone, the fewer drops you get from them.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think this is a great change - it might help push zone battles more into neutral territory rather than camping the hospitals.
Base camping has more to do with overall zone population imbalance than the rest penalty.

P.S. And this is exacerbated by people's general refusal to use the alternate exists for whatever reason. I guess people prefer sticking together so end up just going to the obvious place: the front of the base.

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Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
I contest this point due to the Rep timer. The more often you beat someone, the fewer drops you get from them.

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Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Player A defeats player B. Player A gets an IO roll, and the Rep timer that suppresses further rolls for defeating Player B starts. Player B comes back in less than one minute and is defeated by Player A again, but this time there is no IO roll due to the Rep timer suppressing it.

I'm getting something wrong here, but what?

P.S. Thinking further about it, if there's a Player C that defeats Player B, Player C gets an IO roll. OK, I think I see why people are saying this will increase IO drops base on this, even if my original premise (Player A continuously defeating Player B results in no additional IO rolls) is also true.

Doubtfulness as to IO drops becoming more common overall redacted.

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