37 -
What are your in-game Globals?: @Havok Dils
What characters do you have on Freedom?: ill/emp
Are you willing to respec into a PvP build?: yes
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: no
Briefly describe your PvP experience: I am the offspring of Soul of Earth and Johnny Priest. My pvp skils are huge son. -
Ahh yes I see the problem now Commander. I will put in a work order and have our Chief of Colors, Vert come and alter your gamma output.
No son. You didn't have green.
Silit's Jupiterian rainbow = [color=red] Red-Orange- Yellow- Red- Blue- Purple
Havok's Earth Rainbow = [color=red] Red-Orange- Yellow- Green- Blue- Purple
Sneaky Prophet
Toxic Glacier
Rainbow Roster
Havok Dilz
Katana Crey
Poisen Spiner
[color= blue] Siphonic
Snax [/color]
Trina Sanchez Domingez Santos Martinez Riveros
[/ QUOTE ]
Silit you fail at rainbows. ROYGBIV. -
Nah I was hero side killing you
We gave the vg, Retribution away when we left coh years ago.
My apologies for the long read but I like to reminisce about the past because IMO it was some of the best PvP Ive ever played in any game, and the gimpvgimp we have now pales in comparison to what once was :P
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It gets argued all the time about our era of pvp compared to current pvp. It really just isn't the same in every aspect. The community, play styles, and competition are all weak compared to the golden days. Sure I am bias. Who wouldn't be? When I reminisce and think about how many skilled players there were back then it makes me really miss it. The ability to log on to test and see 50+ other faces of friends and SG mates doing kickballs all the time was something I really miss.
As for PM's... I don't have my original account anymore so there goes the memories! I remember having a lot of duel requests in my inbox though.. Some players in particular:
Pork Hugh Pine, okrunko, Ignitor man, Forum troll, soul of earth were some I remember talking to on the forums in PM's.
I think I ran in to you last night in RV Terp? -
The test league that just started is a mockery of past seasons. There are less skilled players and competition. The end result is only 1-2 groups who practice or give a damn.
I'll enter with my rad psi. I need to get the hang of that thing again.
[/ QUOTE ]
give up the dream. its gimp now -
My advice would be to voice your opinion with your dollar. It's the only thing that matters. Long as you are paying, you are approving of their decisions and direction.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah. After trying everything else possible, I've felt like that's the only thing I could do to make any difference (however small some might say it is). The free week has provided an opportunity to come back, try things out again for myself, and then restate the obvious. Not that the devs care, but the window of opportunity is still there regarding their ability to roll back PvP to i12 and begin actually working with PvP'rs. You want back a good number of subscribers and add even more? Install a dev dedicated to PvP that will actually work directly with the PvP'rs-a dev that loves/has loved it because of what it was: a fast-paced, balanced-around-teamwork system that is best suited for those that build their toons and strategies around anticipating a fight against others doing that same thing. I know many have said that before, but it's worth saying again. I wouldn't bother posting if I didn't still love what this game once was and could be again. And un-permaban all the nice people that made fun of a few people.
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[/ QUOTE ]
[censored] just adding an option to turn off global resistance in arena would make worlds of differences. -
Great news! So, could you kindly remove the craptastic PvP changes that started with i13 and then start implementing the suggestions the majority of us were pushing for-you know the ones thought up by people that actually PvP'd and knew what would make more builds viable (thereby making PvP more accessible) and improve QoL? Thank you kind sirs and gratz on the big win!
[/ QUOTE ]
Castle ignores me now. -
the fotm toons right now are only villain side. earth/elec dom or therm/elec corr
Ladder still going? Yes.
League seasons in the double digits? No.
Zones lively? On Freedom.
Fight club hopping? I don't Rp.
Arena inhabited? Hell no.
Balance? It has never been more unbalanced.
Hans do I get anything special for being the first to fill out your survey? -
@Sizik - Leader,
@I Eat Babies Yo - Leader
@Cyclo (insert his other 2 accounts)
@Havok [censored]
@Rad Wail
@Mista Snax
@Colonel Jasmine
@Mad Freak
[/ QUOTE ]
Removing: @Havok [censored] -
It is all about the earth/FF troller. The funnest zone toon around.
why am i on this list son.
jk.. but seriously -
Global Name:@Havok D!ls (! = i)
Home Server: Freedom
1. 9
2. C. Controller
3. 7
4. A. Solo arena pvp
5. 6
6. 9
7. A.
8. True
9. B.
10. This game has issues with producing diversity in "competitive" pvp. This diversification in regards to ladder pvp has become scripted and predictable. There is at most 2 viable team compositions anymore and that really isn't acceptable with the goal that i13 advertised. -
any of you guys on right now? ill be on test.
thanks for the info! I'll look to see if any of these people are on later. I'm in class right now.
One more question.
If I enter the ladder on a rad/psi do I always have to play that toon? Assuming yes -
hey I've never really messed with the duel ladder much but seeing as poisen havok is #1 maybe I should have a look into this.
So the way this works is I duel the lowest rank person and work my way up? -
who holds the #1 spot right now and with what build?
what happened to havok?
[/ QUOTE ]
Forming a new pvp sg with a few triboot folks.