Something to think about
When will the 2v2 ladder be set up to start?
The test league that just started is a mockery of past seasons. There are less skilled players and competition. The end result is only 1-2 groups who practice or give a damn.
I don't think its fair to call us a mockery, Considering the PVP system we are using is a Mockery of its past state. We are simply doing the best we can with it. The fact that the PVP system is the way it is, causes teams to be less motivated to take the ladder SRS.I think the teams are starting to figure out the system more and figuring out different lineups to use. Which is making for better competition. Maybe instead of laughing at us, you baddos from the past can come and help us build up the ladder?
The test league that just started is a mockery of past seasons. There are less skilled players and competition. The end result is only 1-2 groups who practice or give a damn.
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That's just how things tend to work out in dying games.
Its easy to say practice moar when you already have the PvP IOs copied over on accoladed toons to counter any kind of KB thrown at you while throwing KB at people that dont have the same protection.
The performance gap is enough for us to not want to really get into it with out the tools. Also we were one of the teams that practiced 4 times a week and it was a quick way to burn ourselves out. When we do practice its going to be internally for the majority of the time. The goal is to keep it fun so when we do practice it will be at most 2 times a week. Until the inherent resists are taken away its kinda "Ladder lite" and will be treated as such by most.
The test league that just started is a mockery of past seasons. There are less skilled players and competition. The end result is only 1-2 groups who practice or give a damn.
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And get off my lawn!!!! But really saying that PvPers are less skilled now is kinda silly. I have played with and VS. people from just about every old school team of note. Evo, tribute and the like and yes they are good but not omg i have not seen anything like that before or again good. People tend to look back at the "golden age" of PvP in a higher regard than I think was actually the level of play. The other day some old school PvPers were talking about missing 32v32s and 16v16s. In my mind that is just to diffrent than what we do now to even compare.
Yes so there was more PvPers so yes there was a bigger base to pull from to get skilled teams going. Much like collage football, Ohio State will always crush a AA team just because of shear numbers that attend the school. Id bet the ratio of good players to enrolled students would be almost exactly the same.
The test league that just started is a mockery of past seasons. There are less skilled players and competition. The end result is only 1-2 groups who practice or give a damn.
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That's just how things tend to work out in dying games.
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The test league that just started is a mockery of past seasons. There are less skilled players and competition. The end result is only 1-2 groups who practice or give a damn.
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So join a team and 'help'.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
hey guys come to test so we can beat you and feel good about ourselves, because CoH is the ONLY thing any of us have to live for
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First of all, Sorrows steal moar IOs plz.
Yea Syn I see your point about the KB thing. However, I didn't make this post to say hey guys prac with me. I just meant with each other/internals. I know in the past wen closed beta was on so we didn't prac at all ppl would lose interest. Also, for the record, the toon I'm currently playing doesn't have all it's accolades I know what you mean about getting burnt out too. I personally just don't have the time to prac 4 times a week. Though I miss the days where I used to log in on a non prac night and hear, hey spec get on test we're prac'ing. Anyway, let me know if you need help duping.
Anyway I'm no Sing or Ajax but just thought I'd share some friendly advice. GL/HF guys!
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So you can't triple stack veng or cage 2 targets?
hi spec.
im not showing up on test until the retarded +res in no dr matches is removed. it's ridiculously boring. in the kick off matches i was getting spiked by dumb's blasters and it got retarded enough that i would just switch around, heat ex and solo ready for war's bad blaster with some help from our emp. it was boring. capped resists and being spiked by only three people = lolz. yeah, we played with capped res villainside in the early days with the 2 therms + 1 sonic lineups, but then you had 8 people spiking targets. playing therm used to be half exciting. it used to be damn tough against a good team like rens, gmw or lolvirtue. shielding the 2-3 stalkers in our team is not a challenge.
...and dying to a non-deterministic spike requires effort (non-deterministic being one that does not involve tk or a kb, when you can't do anything and any idiot with arrow keys, f and an AS bind can get to you).
so yeah.
after the +res in no DR matches is removed, i'll consider coming back.
say hi to your polar bear. i miss it showing up on vent after practice :-(
thats odd I only died twice on my blaster (fire/em) In an official ever.... that I will admin is [censored], but regardless I hardly consider 2 deaths bad. But what ever. I think the point is the way the system is set up. Its either very hard to get a spike kill for more then one reason. Or its to easy with the right team line up. With a KB + stalker line up, its more of who can farm a target faster, then it is any skill. Which is Y people are not taking the ladder SrS and practicing. But I will say when people start getting more creative with there line ups, then things will become more interesting. As far as the Baddo from the golden days. As been stated pri my post. Its easy to say you think you guys have more skill when you practiced 4 times a week and had over 50% more people to practice with. Im sure if the teams on this seasons ladder practiced more they would be just as good. But unfortunately for us the system we are forced to play on, makes us un-interested enough not to even care.
I could care less if Im one of the worst blasters on the ladder. If this game wasnt as shity as it is now. I would take the time to practice and get better. How ever whats the point?
dude please spell check.
my brain hurts.
The only reason why I would take my time to do somthing like that is if I gave to (censored) about my spelling in video game forums.
thats odd I only died twice on my blaster (fire/em) In an official ever.... that I will admin is [censored], but regardless I hardly consider 2 deaths bad. But what ever. I think the point is the way the system is set up. Its either very hard to get a spike kill for more then one reason. Or its to easy with the right team line up. With a KB + stalker line up, its more of who can farm a target faster, then it is any skill. Which is Y people are not taking the ladder SrS and practicing. But I will say when people start getting more creative with there line ups, then things will become more interesting. As far as the Baddo from the golden days. As been stated pri my post. Its easy to say you think you guys have more skill when you practiced 4 times a week and had over 50% more people to practice with. Im sure if the teams on this seasons ladder practiced more they would be just as good. But unfortunately for us the system we are forced to play on, makes us un-interested enough not to even care.
I could care less if Im one of the worst blasters on the ladder. If this game wasnt as shity as it is now. I would take the time to practice and get better. How ever whats the point?
[/ QUOTE ] Check it out. Nothing pointed just a general thought posses on noobs and bad games.
The res capped everyone is kinda BS, I have more fun in RV on Infinity than playing on test. We basically practice or match every Thursday, more than that would feel like work.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
I've avoided arena for a while, because I just got burned out on the whole practice thing. This was around when Lions Den was still around.
Anyway, I have to chime in and say that the arena system now is just a total joke, and I don't honestly think anything great can be expected from the community with a broken system like that. I mean come is literally broken. You have parts from one type of PvP combined with parts from a completely redesigned PvP. They don't mesh at all.
I watched my friend do a 1v1 recently, and it was just laughable how pathetic it was. Psy/EM blaster vs fire/EM blaster. With the absurd caps, the fire/EM literally never got my friend below 90% HP. This is a blaster, the higher damage AT in the game!!! My friend was clearly the better player, so he did get like 3 kills, but each one took FOREVER. The other guy didn't have phase or anything, so that wasn't the issue. It was just mashing buttons for like 3 mins straight, until the person died.
God, what a joke. I'm sorry, but the ladder cannot be taken seriously with the current system. Either it has to be done with full I13 rules, or there has to be an option to do 100% I12 rules. The in-between crap now just doesn't cut it.
thats odd I only died twice on my blaster (fire/em) In an official ever.... that I will admin is [censored], but regardless I hardly consider 2 deaths bad. But what ever. I think the point is the way the system is set up. Its either very hard to get a spike kill for more then one reason. Or its to easy with the right team line up. With a KB + stalker line up, its more of who can farm a target faster, then it is any skill. Which is Y people are not taking the ladder SrS and practicing. But I will say when people start getting more creative with there line ups, then things will become more interesting. As far as the Baddo from the golden days. As been stated pri my post. Its easy to say you think you guys have more skill when you practiced 4 times a week and had over 50% more people to practice with. Im sure if the teams on this seasons ladder practiced more they would be just as good. But unfortunately for us the system we are forced to play on, makes us un-interested enough not to even care.
I could care less if Im one of the worst blasters on the ladder. If this game wasnt as shity as it is now. I would take the time to practice and get better. How ever whats the point?
[/ QUOTE ] Check it out. Nothing pointed just a general thought posses on noobs and bad games.
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There's allot of good points in there. How ever theres a few that are way off, and sound like the Fat "gamer kids anthem".
But to each his own, I don't dislike people who are good at gaming, why would I? I game my self. I don't fall in to the class of "natural talented" gamers but I don't think theres anyone here that does. The 2 or 3 people that Maybe fell in to this category left and arent playing this game to my knowledge. So if your trying to say you or anyone ells on the ladder falls in to the naturally talented category then you dead wrong. Most if not all that are in the ladder now have been playing this game for Years now. There isnt a single one of you that just picked this game up a month before the ladder started and are now the best players in the game. As for the problem with noobs doing game reviews and development I agree. Take Blizzard for example. They release like 1 game every 10 years. But there always far better then anything out, and that comes out for the next 10 years.
I'm not trying to attack you or anyone ells. I'm simply stateing my views in regards to that youtube vid and this thread.
In fact I have a vid that shows what a real "L33t" gamer looks and acts like. Who ever is narrating that video, prob looks and acts a lot like this kid.
[ QUOTE ] Check it out. Nothing pointed just a general thought posses on noobs and bad games.
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That's pretty much everyone in this game.
I said its was nothing pointed. Just a solid train of thought. I by no means am a pro gamer in anything that i pick up. Id fit myself in the C+ B- area. I beat all my friends in games but when i go into Pro mod CoD4 or a Starcraft league i get schooled. Stuck in the middle i guess.
I think that the problem with CoX is that the changes ran off the people that could be called such and pandered the moaning of the unskilled. So when you get a bunch of above average players wanting to compete(Test Ladder) its frustrating to them because they want a test of skill not the lowest common detonator PvP.
Anyway I'm no Sing or Ajax but just thought I'd share some friendly advice. GL/HF guys!
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So you can't triple stack veng or cage 2 targets?
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Sing was a noob at stacking veng. We used to stack veng x7. Ahhh, memories!
So now that the ladder is up and going again I've been trying to watch and see how groups are doing. So far I've only really seen PE and dUmb practicing on test and Rpvp doing some matches on live. Maybe the rest of you are doin pracs and I just haven't seen them and hey that's great keep it up. I know alot of you guys are busy working on accolades and getting IO's and builds, and those things are important, but don't sacrafice practice to get those done. I would rather my guys prac with gimp builds than not at all. To keep people interested and be competitive you should be looking at at LEAST one prac per week. The top teams in the old days used to prac sometimes 4 times a week! That may be exsessive but the results don't lie. The other thing is, if you do a prac with an unfinished toon, it will teach you to adapt to shortcomings in what you have and make you better at dealing with unforseen circumstances. Plus if you do good on a gimp build how much better will you be when it's done
Anyway I'm no Sing or Ajax but just thought I'd share some friendly advice. GL/HF guys!