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  1. PvP on test tonight! 9pm est. I've had a good number of people talk to me about coming out but very few show up so far. Please come out tonight. Feel free to jump on early if you would like to talk about your build or anything before we start.
    To those who have said they only have 1 toon and haven't really learned the system etc, don't worry about it. Come anyway! See you then.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    So my question is if this is to get more pvp going are you willing to take someone who may / may not be able to make it to every practice?

    I have been missing test / highend pvp, but have refrained from joining any teams because my schedule makes me undependable at times and the last thing I want to do is let down my team. This is sounding like possibly an abundance of people where one person missing from practice won't make or break the lineup?

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    Anyone/everyone is welcome. You aren't nessesarily joining the core competitive part of Renegades. You could think of it as an open coilition. Like a really organized kickball as for as the matches go, and a place to hang out and talk about builds and strats any other time.
  3. Jump on vent tonight Hush! We usually have a decent turn out on Tues.
  4. He uses an Invuln/SS it is the best. WP is okay but Invuln is top because it has great res, some def and DP.
  5. If you aren't 50 yet this probably isn't for you. Not becasue we are like haha noob u suck, but because there are alot of long time highly skilled players and you would find it discouraging. I would suggest enjoying the game where you are at, checking out the missions, pvping at your lvl etc. Then once you get to 50 and have a better understanding of the game mechanics, check this out then.
  6. Are we? oh yea! kk cool see ya then.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    what if i am on a team already? <_<

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    If your team is doing well, than keep it going! Just let me know when you wanna do some matches.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    what noub be impfamous

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  9. Man you never commited time to a team even when PvP was thriving. You're one of those guys who have a great valuable opinion and lots to say but have never done anything of note. You talk about the stateof PvP and all this [censored] but you don't even play lol. This isn't an egotistical move at all, if you didn't have your head shoved so far up your [censored] you'd see that I'm trying to help. Which is more than you've ever done. Thx for the "good luck".
  10. Hey! If it isn't our favorite farm target! Gonna join up M3z? lol
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    It's an interesting idea, for sure.

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    I have been playing this game since launch, and have been PvPing since the arena hit test starting with my Perma Elude Ma scrapper. I have seen so many toons go to trash because they change stuff. I just reuped both of my accounts for another year because I still love the game. We need to come together and have fun. Spec please post Renegade vent info so we can all get together.

    I havent felt like a champion since we beat GMW for the 4th or 5th time.

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    Oh, I'm not suggesting it's a bad idea at all. I like the idea and I think it will help preserve what's left of the high-end community. I'm commenting more on the sad state of organized PvP that we even have to bring this up in the first place.

    I love the game too, and the people I play with are one of the biggest reasons I'm still here. What I don't like is getting fed up with the way things have been handled by the developers and community team lately.

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    Spec is prolly reading this thread and thinking, "maX quit trying to help and DRINK MORE PLEASE."

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    LOL no comment.

    Well the idea will be that we grow big and get everyone learning and understaning high end PvP and people will then either become very involved with Renegades or move on to another group. Much like how the Freaks operated when they started long ago. They were like THE PvP group of Liberty. I hope that other groups still surface. I'm not suggesting that everyone HAS to join up by any means but I know that alot of people don't wanna lead and would love to just be involved with a big group. Internals are great as long as they are even and someone is there to balance them. That's where I come in. No commitment needed, just come and check it out. I will ask that you must come on our vent though, I'm not going to try and talk on vent AND type things out. Tomorrow night 9est we'll be on test.
  12. I'm gonna guess Hot as usual lol.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    This is hilarious. Because it's so sad.

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    Too bad you are the sadest PvPer I've ever seen. No commitment, no value to any team, and no skill. Please ask to join Renegades so that I can have the delight of saying "[censored] no"
  14. Bring your whole team Syn! Welcome to The Renegades.
  15. The Renegades are now recruiting anyone and everyone interested in high end PvP. Our hope is to bring everyone that is left into one group. The plan is that we will be able to have big internal matches that will be pretty even. We will also be able to train up newer players and talk about strat and builds. If we get big enough, we may even break off into small teams within the team for mini tourneys. I think there is alot of potential for those of us that are left to still have fun like this. Please post if you are interested, and plase be patient for me to get in touch with you. Thanks
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I refuse to do the dev's job. It was their job to make a fun enough game for people to pay 15 bucks a month for. I for one don't feel like it is worth it anymore. I was in it for PvP and I can get that excitement of out playing and out thinking another player from other games that do not charge 15 bucks a month.

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    We've always had to do the Devs jobs for them. Eg banning Venge cause they have been too lazy to fix it for 4 years.
  17. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. I don't think you really were joking. You were thinking "My tank has ranged attacks in the epic set.. how can I ask if that's okay without sounding like a nub" So to tha I say GETWREKTNOOB
  18. I totally agree with you Syn. That being the case, you need to decide if you can get past that and try and hep us make it fun again. Albeit maybe to a lesser degree for now but in the hopes that we'll find a way to make it better. We(Renegades) are tossing around some ideas that don't actually involve blasters or stalkers. Should be interesting.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Preface: I am a moron

    Question phrased as a statement to hopefully make me look less like a moron: A fire fire tanker is melee.....right?

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    Preface: I am a PvPer and therefore a [censored].

    If you have to ask that question you should /uninstall
  20. Then if we find hey only blasters/emps are good and that's it, we change things again. I personally see that as fair and I'm not trying to side with anyone here. My interests are in seeing the widest variety of teams viable. I don't prefere either way, I'd rather see no global resists but there's no sense in dropping off till we get that. Lets just keep playing and have fun. The stalker team could still work. Try it!