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  1. JKwervo


    I think the site itself went through a maintenance. But it should be working now.

  2. LOL I leave and the **** hits the fan. Ah well. Ce la vie

    ALSO...prior to this being lolsponsored by the PvPEC....this was never ran UNDER that banner. I, alone, had to contact mod08 since PvPEC was wrapped up with the LEAGUE. And we still haven't gotten our prizes. But that's besides the point.

    So...in essence...the origination of this LADDER has never been under PvPEC umbrella. I only edited it to fill my lolquota to run an event for said Committee. But since I'm no longer in game and just waiting for my account to run out...it doesn't matter.

    I only posted to clarify that ORIGINALLY, this ladder was not UNDER PVPEC.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post

    Also, as per the standings...

    What were the Standings previous to the challenge to TWSS and Facegrape as to Omega's positioning and TWSS. If TWSS was lower, Omega doesn't move up. you can only move up one ladder rung at a time, remember, so if it was like this

    4.Naked, Wet &Soapy
    7.KGB Reborn

    Then Omega jumps over NWS (forfeit), then beats Facegrape, jump over 320 (second place).

    Also, we can probably field 4 given enough notice.

    *sigh* I have kept up with updating the standings on the 1st page.
    You're killing me Neuronia. To clear up any mix ups on the standings the official standings are as follows.


    1 Run N Shoot 5-3
    2 Facegrape 2-2
    3 Team 320 2-2
    4 NWS 2-1
    5 TWSS 3-4
    6 Freakinasty 0-5
    7 PKGB and the Hardpunchers
  4. Congratulations on Omega Run N Shoot for claiming the top spot. From what I heard it was a very very intense and fun fight.

    In any case, this will be the last time I'll be updating anything regarding Pinnacle PvP. I will keep this short and sweet. Kiwi's and my accounts are going to run it's course on the 21st of August. We will not be resubbing at all. Not even for Going Rogue. A combination of real life and the direction the dev team has taken is not something we both support, unfortunately. We have had some memories and this is still a MMO unique of it's kind.

    With this said, Pinnacle has been and will always be the best server. Community is like no other. Have made a lot of friends, bred rivalries and also made some enemies. Overall, it was a friggin blast.

    Keep PvPing. Pinnacle is still one of only 2-3 servers with active organized PvP and that gives me pride.

    Anyway, TL;DR lol Have fun Pinn. One last drink to you all! HENNY BABY!

    Also, Neuronia is your go to person regarding PvP. Rage I and Neuronia have op status on the Pinn Cup Channel.

    Might be good to start a new thread too >.> So you can edit stuff Neuronia :P

  5. WOW! Man...I'm very very impressed. Especially the last mission. WELL DONE GUYS! :O
  6. JKwervo

    Mr. Bruise

    The point of this topic was.....?
  7. Be prepared to have over 2 billion to pay for it. >.>
  8. Since it's literally the end of the month, and we really don't have a match tomorrow......



    1 Kara and The Hardpunchers 6-0
    2 Facegrape 2-1
    3 Run N Shoot 2-3
    4 Team 320 2-2
    5 NWS 2-0
    6 TWSS 3-3
    7 Freakinasty 0-5
    8 Team WE PvP 0-0
  10. You should also welcome the newest member of the PvPEC. Funk X!!!! :O
  11. Need to get in touch with you with a LOLPVP Event I have in mind. :O
  12. Quote:

    Kara and the Hardpunchers vs. Freakinasty
    Wednesday, July 29 8:30 pm Eastern.

    Don't think I'll get 40-50 on my Grav/TA by then, pity that.
    Kara, it's the 28th tomorrow...Wednesday. :-P Not the 29th.

    Also, gotta shoot for 930PM EST. Funk might be a little late due to work.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blacier View Post
    We are back down to a 4 man roster Rocker is sliding off the roster do to RL situation and will not be participating can you please take him off of the lineup. Thanks.
  14. Rankings have been updated. Congrats to the winners!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TargMunky View Post
    Freakinasty challenges TWSS.

    ...and so BBG doesn't need to grab his reading glasses

    Freakinasty challenges TWSS.
    rofl xD
  16. Agila coming back? Osnap.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TargMunky View Post
    Just a heads up Rodent will be MIA for a bit, so I will be holding the captain chair for Freakinasty, temporarily. Also would like to add Fire Ice King to the roster as a replacement for Tesla Effect.
    Cool....and added.