Pinnacle Ladder League
Kara and the hardpunchers
@XFUNK @Funk-X @X.Funk - CoCaptain
@JKwervo @JKwervo2
@Neuronia @Neuronium - Captain
JK please PL my Rad/Psy, she'll be 42 by the end of the night and I have the $$$ to IO her out. Also, lf Maria Jenkins run at -1 once I hit 50.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
lol alright Neuronia. :P I'll PL her. We gotta get that fender crazy uber. >
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Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
1.Captain @-Machina, @Machina-
3.@death nymph
Its on.
@XFUNK @Funk-X @X.Funk - Captain @JKwervo @JKwervo2 @Aponiwi @Neuronia @Neuronium - CoCaptain |
fixed and i went from not being in the league to having a team and being a captain lol
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.
Moar teamz!!!
I'll join if someone wants to PL me a toon on pinnacle lol
Sure, why not :P Hit me up. Since you already know my global :P
I'm looking to join someone else's team on this.
Kara and the Hardpunchers
@XFUNK @Funk-X @X.Funk - CoCaptain @JKwervo @JKwervo2 @Aponiwi @Neuronia @Neuronium - Captain |

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Your team is looking quite beastly.
Alright some friends and myself from Champion are comin on over to teach you nubs how to PvP. I'll get you the lineup as soon as we hit 50 on our toons. May the battle of the servers begin.
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.
as did I.
Alright some friends and myself from Champion are comin on over to teach you nubs how to PvP. I'll get you the lineup as soon as we hit 50 on our toons. May the battle of the servers begin.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
lol test, pvp for people too inept to earn their io's so they dupe them. Test is for people who can't hang on live
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.
Need more teams. >_<
lol test, pvp for people too inept to earn their io's so they dupe them. Test is for people who can't hang on live
![]() |
If Mebs joins that makes 3, I'd imagine BadBadGirl can proably throw together something. We should have 4-5 teams at some point.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Yeah, Omega Factor can probably field 1-2 teams as well.
Want me to post my team now or wait till it's you know, created.

Ladder Entry and Positioning:
• Teams sign up for the ladder by announcing so in an official Pinnacle Ladder League thread.
• Initial ladder placement will occur when the first match takes place between the teams that have signed up for the ladder.
After these initial matches has taken place, the following procedures will be in place:
• Teams climb rungs by challenging teams on higher rungs.
• Challenges must be accepted by teams that are less than 1 rung higher than the challenging team.
• Challenges can be made to teams 2 rungs higher than the challenging team to vie for position and rank.
• Challenging teams can only move up 1 rung at a time by winning matches against teams on higher rungs.
• Challenges are to be made and responded to in the official Pinnacle PvP Ladder League topic.
• Challenges must be responded to within 72 hours and a match must be scheduled within a week of challenge acknowledgement or the challenging team is awarded a forfeit.
• Each Ladder team registered are only allowed 5 players on their given roster. 4 starters and 1 bench/sub.
• Players under the ladder team must be signed up using their global names.
• Challenges can only be made one team at a time, due to scheduling constraints and fluctuation of rankings.
Banned Powers List:
• Banned: Dominator Poisonous Ray
• Banned: Corrupter Lingering Radiation
Team Captains must be able to show proof for a ruling to be made on the use of restricted powers, enhancements, and/or procs. Use of the above-listed powers will result in a forfeit for the violating team.
Match Rules:
• All matches will take place in Pocket D, Pinnacle Server.
• Matches will consist of 10-minute rounds (or if agreed to by captains, could be any time duration). Rounds will be played until 2 rounds out of 3, have been won by one of the teams. (or if captains agree, could be best of 5 or 7)
• Matches will be 4v4.
• In the *rare* event that both teams have all 5 of their members present and agree to run it, a 5v5 can be done.
• Round Wins: The team that has scored the most kills at the end of a 10 minute round (or agreed upon format) is the winner of that round. Rounds in which Sudden Death occurs are considered ties, no matter the result of the Sudden Death Round.
• Round Draws: Round will be replayed with the same lineups submitted initially on a random map.
Round Details:
• Round Length: All rounds will be 10 minutes in length. (or any length above the minimum 10 minute mark if both captains agree)
• Round Settings: All rounds will be set with only the following options selected: No Travel Suppression; No Heal Decay; Small Inspirations Only, Super Heavyweight.
• Map Selection and Illegal Maps: Map selection will be set to Home, Away, Random. The challenging team is considered to be the away team. Resets occur if the map draw is: Monkey Cage, Office, or Cave
• Each team is allowed one reset within 60 seconds of round start if a player did not load into the round, disconnected, or loaded in off-team. Teams will play short-handed if their reset has been spent. If a round is reset, the line-ups submitted for that round are to be played again with no AT alterations and on the same map.
• Only small inspirations and temp powers bought from the Arena Store are allowed. No Base Buffs or special inspirations (i.e. Presents and SoWs) are permitted.
• No Ouroboros portals will be permitted during the match.
• All matches must start within 15 minutes of the agreed upon match time. This includes time required to submit and approve line-ups.
• Match Results: The captain of the winning team must post the match results in the official ladder thread within 24 hours of match completion. Both team captains should be prepared to supply screenshots of the results for all rounds if necessary.
Line-up Submission Rules and Procedures:
• Prior to each round of a match, the captains of each team will be required to present their lineups via private tells to a neutral, 3rd party line-up taker (agreed upon by team captains).
• The 3rd party line-up taker will ask both captains for their lineups at least 5 minutes prior to the start of each round. The line-up taker will announce that the round is playable once he or she has received both team line-ups. The line-up taker will NOT disclose the line-ups to anyone until both line-ups have been received.
• A team will forfeit the round if they do not submit a line-up prior to that round.
• A team will forfeit the round if they run any line-up other than the one submitted to the line-up taker.
• 1 Stalker Limit
• No more than 2 of the same ATs (ie: No more than 2 blasters, 2 veats, 2 tanks, etc...)
• VEATS are all the same regardless of being a bane/fort/widow/crab
General Match Procedure:
1. Team Captains present their lineups to the agreed upon line-up taker.
2. In arena chat, the line-up taker announces both line-ups and that the round is cleared to start.
3. The round is listed and played out.
Rule Changes and Amendments:
1. Captains can call forth a meeting and by majority vote, can change, alter, take out, edit, any guideline given.
PRIZES:(They will he handed out every 1st of the month to the #1 Ranked Team)
• Costume Codes
• Gold Titles
• Possible In Game Time
• Other prizes may include T-Shirts, etc.
1 Run N Shoot 5-3
2 Facegrape 2-2
3 Team 320 2-2
4 NWS 2-1
5 TWSS 3-4
6 Freakinasty 0-5
7 PKGB and the Hardpunchers
7/1/10-7/31/10 Kara and The Hardpunchers
Also, Guidelines are not set in stone. Captains/CoCaptains must discuss any changes made.
Signed up teams
@Neuronia @Neuronium - (Captain)
@XFUNK @Funk-X @X.Funk, @Mlorb - (CoCaptain)
@KGB FTW (Captain)
@projects1, @projects pain (Co-Captain)
@Rage I (captain)
@Aceovhartz, @Aceovhartz1 (co-captain)
@Fear the Junior
@Lite of Paragon, @Dark Daimyo
@enigma-88 (Captain)
@barron (Co-Captain)
@Dark Angel Ace
@the barroness
@Dark 0mega @Dark 0mega2 (Captain)
@sulaiman, @rufus balthory, @hernan cortes (Co-Captain)
@Warpus, @Warpus2
@BadBad Girl (Captain)
@Cloud Surge, @Ghost Mist (Co-Captain)
@Blu Skye
@Jon Solo, @Leviathan X
@-Machina, @Machina-
@96th Rodent (Captain)
@Targutunky, @Targutmunky2 (Co-Captain)
@fire ice king
@snipern44 (captain)
@Zuella, @Zuana (co captain)
@Utopia, @Utopia2
@Doctor Miracle
@Jade Forest