Mr. Bruise




I have been playing CoH steadily for two months now and a lot has changed since I restarted. I have better than doubled the number of characters I am playing. I am looking foreword to exploring all the ATs. So far, I have the most success with a tank and a brute.

Yes, I have gotten back into playing Mr. Bruise, gentleman criminal. He has been using his signature attack, a size 20 Gucci shoe to the face. And that's "Mister Bruise" to anyone who doesn't know the man well. He expects some respect. As I mentioned before, he inherited a villain group, "The League of Extraordinarily Gentle Men". Apparently, the next-most-active player promoted him to Overlord. I have not been doing any recruiting, because I don't know that many people redside who are as active as I am. I expect that will change as he continues to rumble toward the level cap.



*Thumbs up* for the shoe attack.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



The point of this topic was.....?



@KemLi: Thanks. I don't exactly role-play in MMOs but I do have an idea in my head of how to play my character. The shoe thing was a bit of spontanious character development.

@JKwervo: Ah. This was a brief note on my expanding activities on Pinn. If it wasn't so specific, I would have posted something in City Life.

Should I have asked, "Could someone help me revive the villain group I now lead?", which would have gone under Supergroup Recruitment.



Originally Posted by Red_Oukami View Post
...which would have gone under Supergroup Recruitment.
Actually, you put it in the perfect spot. That area of the forums is being defenstrated soon. The forum rules, they are a-changing!



Redside is pretty dead on Pinnacle, for the most part.
I recommend you tag up with one of the more populous VGs and keep your current one for storage.

Welcome back and all that; I've seen you around Cozmic's and hope to team with you again.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Thank you Neuronia for the suggestion. I feel like I'm the caretaker of the group, since I'm one of two people who have logged in within the past year. I'll keep an eye out for VGs as I continue to play. I might try hanging out on Mercy looking for recruiters.

Thanks. I've seen you in Cozmic's, too. I hope to team with you, too.