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  1. Nonono . . . the change means DAYS of farming. Instead of WEEKS.
  2. Sweet now I can move over to Sirens for the raider badge.

    . . .what?
  3. I’m also farming the nigh badge and should be there ‘soon’.

    I wouldn’t mind if they lowered the requirement. Why? Because the effort this badge takes is virtually zero.
    I’m afk farming it while at work and asleep. When I want to play, I play. This cuts into my gaming time not at all. When I want to set the mission back up for farming, it takes at most 5 minutes for me to do so. Very little effort on my part.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    about a tick of 6 every second... so 360 damage a minute..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow that's terrible.

    And if anyone cares, this accolade still isn't working for some people on live. I know of one person that has all the required badges but doesn't have this accolade. They petitioned . . . a week ago . . .
  5. Just out of curiosity, how much damage do you net with the pain crystal/healing crystal thing?

    Currently at lvl 34, I get approx 102 damage per second having a 37 juicer freak punch me in the face while resting. This is on a brute.
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    Odd. My EM/EA brute was running relentless from way early on in his career. Solo of course. Overload was pure cake and icing on my ice cream. Defense scaling on top of it all? Oh my...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed. I had few problems with relentless missions on live. On test, I can certainly see a difference running a four man relentless mayhem mission.

    I died once when I jumped into a large psi group though of +3s . . . but that's expected.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    What is the minimum level for this zone?

    [/ QUOTE ]
  8. Did a four man mission on the max setting, was the rob bank in brickstown one.

    Temp power at the end was a 10% health boost for 24 hours. Gives you a dull pain green sparkle look.

    There was A LOT of psi. I think maybe to much heh. /Dark brutes would have a field day.

    Pretty fun though.

    I love, LOVE how when you break a mailbox letters fly everywhere. And when you fly over the letters . . .they move from the breeze.

    Best issue since issues 2/3.
  9. Wouldn't ASSASSIN MAUL! just be uber?

    Wait . . .
  10. Cloak of Fear
    Oppressive Gloom
    Soul Transfer

    Darn. This'll kill trying dark armor for me

    On the DM side, ToF would be nice.
  11. Hey I only post when I'm at work!


    And we're superVILLAINS!
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    If they do than they will need to add to hit checks to every other auto hit power in the game IE taunt,repel. On the side of fairness and balence ofcourse.

    In otherwords let them cry it aint going to happen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought taunt was 50% chance in pvp? I could see them making placate the same, or 75%. Something like that.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe either Rooted or Granite Armor allows you to ignore repel. Not really sure which.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Both provide resistance to repel, actually.
  14. BZZZT

    Dark Armor/Melee

    [ QUOTE ]
    Until they go up against an Ice Tanker with Glacial Armor, Tactics and Focused Accuracy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All four of them.
  15. Rather I should say:

    Castle said the sonic concussion device is a mag 100 stun/hold.
    From personal experience, I know it's the nullifiers that do it to me. It's the spec ops that drain end.

    What I think happened to the original poster:

    Longbow nullifier launched the sonic -res grenade thingie, taking significant resistance away from his brute. His end was drained by the spec ops, which would account for the toggle drop. Which would of course remove the resistance he had from his toggles. Everyone shot him with the alpha, taking away most of his health. He was then shot by another minion/lut, and died.

    The concussion grenade actually wouldn't have needed to be used lol.

    Anywho, that's what I think happened.
  16. The two problems:

    Q. Why did my toggles drop?
    A. Because nullifiers have a mag 100 stun (according to castle), though I see Held. Either way, same effect. He stated this will be changed to a normal mag/duration.

    Q. Why did I die so quickly?
    A. Nullifiers at lvl 40+ have a sonic debuff that they launch, it's a placed AoE. People have said in game that it's a 25% resist debuff, but I don't know. This would take quite a bit of resist from unstoppable, which is why he died so fast.

    Edit for clarification
  17. Ahaha . . .Castle just posted in the COV general forum . . .the nullifiers have a mag 100 hold that lasts 1/4 of a second. There's your toggle drop
  18. Lvl 40+ nullifiers drop some sort of sonic debuff that takes away virtually all resistance. They launch this like a grenade. You can see the effect quite clearly. Nearly killed my granite brute because of this.

    Where there should be the icon for this, it's a blank space on your status bar. For example, if you're in the debuff range you may see the web grenade status symbol, a blank space, then something else, forge for example.

    Nullifiers also get an uber hold that lasts a very short while, 1 or 2 will smash through brute status protection.
  19. I wonder what the mag is? Because I'm pretty sure that I couldn't get toggle dropped (let's call it what it is ) through both granite and rooted by one nullifier. Though one could toggle drop granite by itself (though only having granite on would be suicide as my end would be drained entirely by a spec ops)

    I don't like the mystery sonic emitter grenade (which btw, has a blank space as a status icon under my health/end/fury bar when I'm in it's area of effect) that takes away resistance . . .but I can live with that as I just leave the area. Has anyone else noticed the invisible icon? For example, I'll have a web grenade icon, a blank space, and then another web grenade icon.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    4) The Sonic Concussion power blows through anyones Hold protection, but it only lasts 1/4 of a second. It is working as designed, however, I'll pass this to geko to see if it is too strong of an effect.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So . . . this is effectively just a toggle drop power? Unless I'm missing something?
  21. Uh . . . yeah. I 'd like to revise my opinion please.

    Did a Warburg mission with a team of myself(em/stone brute), an ice/cold corruptor, a ninja/ninja stalker, and a ninja/dark mastermind.

    The longbow we were fighting were 40s mostly.

    Yeah . . I was mostly lowered to the duty of granite tauntbot.

    I was usually just running around in granite, then turning on rooted for the extra mez protection and the end drain protection.

    I would use taunt, and group would attack me (obviously). If there was one nullifer, not really a big deal. One certainly couldn't knock through the stacked mez protection of rooted/granite.

    Now, two or three could lol. I think their mez is uber high mag and really short term. Some sort of ghetto toggle drop. I would get my toggles knocked off, and Held would appear under my information on the top right of the screen. Only for about two or three seconds though. Then I was free to run away.

    Also nullifiers have some sort of sonic debuffer. Because of tough/granite/stone skin, I currently have about 60% resist to S/L. They launch the device like a grenade its a placed AOE like the triage beacon. So a number of times, I would have to taunt, wait, and once they launched the debuffer, tp to a different area. Personally, I think that the thing debuffs a minimum of 40%. I was losing health really quickly lol.

    So anyway, while the pre 40 longbow are pretty easy, I don't think I'll be fighting 40+ longbow in groups of more than three . . .ever.

    Soloing they are pretty easy, even duos and teams of three.

    But my teammates died multiple times, and I almost died on a number of occasions. This was all in one mission.

    So, my opinion that the 40+ longbow are the most difficult group. Ever.
  22. I'm going to have to jump into the "not overpowered" wagon.

    As my brute I've never been mezzed by an energy melee warden boss. The lingering radiation does hurt as it kills my recharge and regen rate. The warden boss that came closest to killing me was a grav/kin warden. For that one I had to use earths embrace and about 10 respites. I don't call that so much overpowered as I do challenging.

    All of this is on the 'Ruthless' setting, I believe which is the equivelent to 'Unyielding'. When I was DOs in Bloody Bay, I was on vicious.

    Granted I do have some advantages, such as I tp in and total focus the boss. But then he wanders away flying while I'm rooted, so that's not too much of an advantage.

    I can also take on longbow on vicious with my corruptor without to much of a hassle.

    My personal opinion is leave them as they are, I enjoy the extra xp.
  23. I didn't either. For some reason, you have to click refresh. At least it worked for me.