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  1. So much for getting in before work, I wonder if we'll be compensated with another session of halloween event stuff?
  2. Considering how populated Virtue is, I wonder how Freedom, Liberty, Victory and Triumph are all cued up to come up and Virtue isn't.
  3. I'll post a list of the adware that shows up on my scan tomorrow from that machine, all of them are showing up as cookies in Temp Files so it could be piggy backing on the launcher, or could be from the launcher itself.

    In either case, I'm not really happy about it.
  4. I have two computers I game one, the main one I do some casual web browsing but the second is specifically used for running a second account. Before the launcher, I would run scans regularly on both computers, and I have never had any adware show up on my second computer (redunancy rules force me to run them on both machines 'to be safe').

    Since the launcher was added to my access, I get somewhere between 20-50 peices of adware in my temp files a day. As the only access I do on the second computer is using the Launcher, windows updates and updating the infection files.

    Does this launcher do something beneficial beyond what the old patcher did? Before with the patcher I updated the one game I played and had nothing running in the background, nothing using resources and nothing adding Adware onto my computer. I understand it's designed to 'keep my games updated' but the old patcher used to do that fine... for 6 years. This launcher seems like something that's constantly using my resources and apparently in a malicious fashion.

    Does the Launcher use adware type files? I just want to play the game not uninstall adware files every time I use it. Can I uninstall the launcher and go back to the patcher?
  5. As May wafts its zephyr breezes, thoughts once again turn to – the Dauntless Reverie and Anathema Spring Open Recruiting! Yes, during the merry month of May we’re opening the doors for membership applications to the Dauntless Reverie SG and the Anathema VG. Applications may be submitted through either the “CoH Application” or the “CoV Application” links on the Dauntless Reverie Home Page, where you can provide a brief description of the character, any IC background info you wish to share, and the IC reason why your character is seeking to join.

    Applications can be submitted any time between May 1st and May 31st. We’ll be in touch with all applicants as quickly as possible to set up interviews. After the end of May, our next seasonal (Summer) open recruiting cycle will begin on July 1st.

    If there are any questions, please feel free to drop an in-game tell to the Dauntless Reverie Anointed / Anathema Marked: @Rhianwen, @TheVagabond, @LyteinVirtue, @Elysienne (UK time), @Arinara (UK time).
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Makai_No_Falco View Post
    Steve Jobs eats babies. Thank you, that is all.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Makai_No_Falco View Post
    I'm not sure, but I believe Freedom may have a bigger physical server than Virtue does. If it has twice the capacity, that would explain why it didn't go red when Virtue did. Either way, Virtue and Freedom are the most and second most populated servers, the only question is which is which.

    Eh, Virtue and Freedom have always been neck and neck for years. Most people migrated to Freedom for PvP purposes. However, CoX isn't really well designed for PvP, and many of the diehards moved to PvPcentric games after some time.

    It's entirely possible that the population of Freedom dropped off for a number of reasons. A few years back they did have an issue and had to update hardware, but I don't believe they would have put more hardware into Freedom than the others.

    In any case, the server load screen shows that Virtue is the most colorful of servers right now, take that as you will.
  8. Organize it and they will come. Seriously, that's how we got through so many raid 'adjustments' over the years, people just gathered folks, and we did it. Some people had to figure out X goes into Y and Z smashes, but if you want something coordinated, try it yourself.

    Just be very worried that you may develop leadership skills that could help you in real life.
  9. Til hammó með ammó, Posty!
  10. If there is enough damage, it may not matter. We'd just need to debuff Hami long enough to get through the heals they would dump on him before blooms, and just skip trying to kill the greens. This may mean to get a successful raid that we'd need to clear the blooms except the greens, but it should be workable, albiet time consuming, as long as we get enough of what we need.
  11. It's good to be home!

    This is another example of the devs listening to player complaints and working to make people happy. It may have taken three years, but they did it! Thanks to the Devs for helping out not just VirtueUnited but all the channels out there that had to deal with an annual migration.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ransim View Post
    Just a note.

    These are the times the raids START. It is advisable that if you wish to attend you should arrive EARLY.

    Villain side on Sundays this means 30-60 minutes prior.

    Hero side... I honestly don't know but I've heard 3 hours early from other people.

    I wouldn't say "START" I would say "Plan to Start" instead. As mentioned, all raids start once there are enough people to start them, but for speed of setting it helps to get organized when you arrive. Use Broadcast when you show up, and team leaders will allocate you to the correct teams as needed.

    Typically we'd get more than one on each side, so if you do show up and the zone is full, feel free to go into the second instance and start forming there. If another raid will be planned afterwords, usually it will be announced when the other is going on based on the volume -in- the other instance, so if 5-10 people are outside waiting for someone to drop on the current, and no one is in the other instance, it's likely a followup raid won't start up.

    Remember to clear out inspirations before heading in, unless they are stuff you will use, so that you can acquire as many EoE's as possible. If you sometimes get lag, please reduce graphics settings before the start. You may also want to remove floating names as well as high graphic costumes, especially after UMG have been added.

    Raid Leaders will use Request to provide guidance, so make sure you can see this. If you need to broadcast something and are not leading a team, please use Broadcast instead.

    Above all else, remember raiding is supposed to be a fun experience for everyone to get HO's or Merits. If your intent isn't to have fun while getting HO's or Merits, raiding probably isn't for you.
  13. <==So happy we're back home at VirtueUnited again.
  14. I have 2 50 rads redside, but they're both on the same account.

    I could bring my Fire/Dark as well to help rez the fallen for the final push after all the fallouts have been properly stacked.
  15. LyteInVirtue

    So Kinetic Melee

    Ok, so looking at the animations, effects and comparing them to other affects from tanker melee sets, KM isn't really that much longer of a set base. They give you 8 animations, removing the one that would likely go to Taunt/Challenge/AS, which isn't depicted.

    First Attack is less than 1 second long, with knockback, single target.
    Second Attack is about 2 seconds long, but it doesn't show what it does to the targets.
    Third attack is less than 3 seconds long with knockback.
    Fourth Attack is a Cone, with knockback (but not a strong one as one target is knocked back, the other resists).
    Fifth is the whirlwhind buff buildup placeholder that has a significantly longer activation time than Build Up does for any set, so I'm expecting this to be better than just plain short use buildup.
    Sixth is just less than 4 seconds long with knockup. This is barely longer in animation than Total Focus, so I'm guessing it's one of the big attacks.
    Seventh is about 2 seconds long, and also a knockup.
    The final one is under 3 seconds long and is a PBAoE Knockup. This time is on par with most sets' PBAoE attack.

    The big thing with this for me is that all the attacks appear at or beyond 5 feet from the target. UNLESS this is made just for a preview of the animations and the range should be standard close attacks, this gives KM an added advantage of being able to attack things that can't attack them. Say your dominator/controller friend is able to get a target immobilized, you can melee the target out of range from retribution. This becomes even more significant for Stalkers, who could potentially attack targets without having to get in range of those pesky PBAoE toggles and effects that can unhide them. To me, that's a huge trade up in PvP for maybe .5 seconds added to a couple of the attacks available, while several of them are average animation times.
  16. LyteInVirtue

    So Kinetic Melee

    Is it me or was I seeing a ranged set there? He didn't even look within 5 feet of targets when he was doing animations. Perhaps that was to showcase the animations, but if this is more of a 'ranged' melee set, that could explain the lengthy animations.

    Most melee sets require 2 'fast to very fast' attacks, 1-3 AoE/Cone attacks, 0-2 strong mez/buff/debuff attacks, some sort of build up thing to increase To Hit/Damage briefly, and about 2-3 strong damage attacks. If this is for a Brute, they will have to rely on Boxing/Brawl/Air Sup etc to help get Fury up faster, or try to gather a lot of agro quick to generate it the other way, otherwise they could be having a lot of problems.

    I'm envisioning some sort of PBAoE siphon energy power similar to DM/ElecA/EnA/FA's. That will make it attractive in general.

    Regarding PvP though, most long animations in PvP means you have to either activate it while moving so you land away and don't get pummelled while going through that (see the new Energy Transfer, Total Focus, etc), or you have to run behind someone while they're being attacked and hope to get the attack started before they run away, and not turn around and mez you before you can get this off.

    Pure knockback has its uses in PvP, but not for melee. Set bonuses and special IO's make it less effective against maxed out characters though.

    I'd like to see it have some sort of Siphon Speed effect as well though, as I do feel melee with the ability to debuff is a market really only tapped with some -def sets and -to hit sets, though -recharge would be nice for a psi melee set.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daylight_Kills View Post
    It's a notice for Hami raids. There's been huge turn outs for the blue side raids, but lately red side turn out has been pretty low. To the point of having to cancel a few times.
    I'm starting to think part of it may be the day in general. I don't want to spoil the pot (or get too involved in the politics of raiding/organizing again after all these years), but Saturdays are usually more populated for these events than Sunday. That Saturday tends to have 2-3 raids -before- the start time, and Redside is lucky to get two in on time on Sunday, that could just be that there are more people on and available for a Raid on Saturday than Sunday.

    That it caps at 50 people, and 'back in the day' we had 150-200 people raiding, leads me to believe that the demand can still be there Redside, especially if folks want to start outfitting Villians like they have their heroes outfitted.

    Anyway, just a thought. See you guys Sunday (as I'm usually still working til 6PM Pacific on Tuesdays).
  18. Dude, you're all over the place. I know you're just getting your voice out there and stuff, but going from asking everyone move faster to getting Unyeilding Stance added to everyone? That's like saying you like PvP in the game but it needs to change at the same time.

    In short, your post is contradicting itself and confusing some people. I like some of the concepts but hate an equal amount.

    ED won't change. Getting new powers and toggles to people for PvP won't happen. Sprint is -supposed- to cost end, that's why it's called "Sprint" because you're running at a fast burst. Toggles cost endurance to balance out the volume of protections you use.

    End use in PvP shouldn't really be a problem though unless you:
    1: Have slotted endurance powers/end redux poorly.
    2: Are fighting things that drain end.
    2a: Don't have anyone on your team to buff end drain protection.
    3: Are constantly slamming attacks at folks in PvP.

    For #3, if you end up constantly hitting a target and they aren't moving away from you long enough for you to be cycling through a heavy end chain of attacks, -they're- doing it wrong. The part of PvP that comes down to who has a better build against their opponent (this can also be like RPS, if you have say someone with Energy Melee attacking an Electric Armor target) and has nothing to do with skill in PvP comes down to when two people get in melee and just attack one another. Basically, if you're in that situation, it's PvPeen measuring contest. And at that point I hope you spent your billions of inf, or you lost.

    #2 will depend on who you are friends with, what they are playing and who you are fighting against. This is more RPS though, as if you're attacked by an end draining attacker, you would then get a storm or kin or someone else to offset that to cover that base.

    #1 really comes down to designing your characters right. If you need help with designing them, and testing and herobuilders don't fix it for you, then ask on the forums. That's why folks really post here, to ask questions or feel smart about giving answers.

    Anyway, good luck with your PvP.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    /waiting for patch note to say pkpkg spammers have had their site shut down and their bodies dismembered/

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I so wish I had some hacker friends that I could sic on gold-farming websites...

    Hey, maybe the Devs could make that some kind of paper/scanner mission. You have to go bust up a group of gold-farmers in an abandoned office... hehehe

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Considering their sense of humor, it'll probably come up in one way or another.
  20. Posi, I think I speak for a large amount of the people playing the game when I say there are a lot of people willing to try this content due to it not being raidable at the onset.

    However, I also know a lot of people who will be upset when this trial ends, and bases can be raided. Some groups would like some sort of benefit from running this without having to worry about massive risks associated with groups coming in and destroying everything in their base before focusing on the things needed to win a raid. Even if the raid fails, the results could be catastrophic for groups who many not be able to maintain the base, effectively making the IoP worthless anyway.

    I'd really like to see some sort of content that would allow some groups willing to try to gain a significantly powered IoP (say 5% instead of the previous 1%) and allow others to attempt the same content but select an IoP that provides a more modest (the old beta 1%) buff. This would clearly allow the hardcore PvP SG's who want to get the IoP's for significant buffs something to work for, while still allowing moderately sized, potentially non-PvP groups the option to maintain a base capable of raiding for instant purposes to hold onto one of these lesser powered IoP's.

    Is that asking too much, or do you think there would be a way to integrate the reward system to allow something like this? Possibly a pop up window where one of the SG leaders would get the option of selecting which type, and which power level of IoP they would receive.

    As an even further incentive for PvP raidable groups, how about allow the more powerful IoP's to be selectable, while the lesser powered would be random droped IoP's. Likewise, cap the number of limited power IoP's a group could obtain. This would prevent protective groups from going out and getting 15 Damage IoP's to effectively be the same level of effectiveness as 3 of the raidable ones.

    I'm just trying to find a fair common ground for the large PvP groups and the moderately to large sized non-PvP groups.
  21. The fact of the matter in this is that up to this point, all PvP is consentual. You can avoid PvP zones, you can avoid arenas, etc. This is PvE content which opens up a group of people, many who have come together for reasons other than PvP, to that threat. Not everyone in groups are going to be interested in this PvP, and many do not want to be stuck in a base unaware in the middle of a raid.

    On one hand, you reward hardcore PvPers by giving them the ability to stockpile these things for greater power. On the other hand, you have people who want to enjoy content such as this, but don't want to touch PvP with a 1,000 foot pole. What do you do? Penalize people for not PvPing? Penalize the PvPers who are in non-PvP groups because they aren't 100% all about PvP and don't care about anything else?

    This is an MMORPG game, not an MMOPVP game. Let's try to keep the focus on theme instead of forcing people into something they don't want to do.

    Seriously, what's next? Several Paragon locations have destructable items, how long till whole servers are transformed into full out PvP in every zone? While I'm sure many people would love that, a very strong majority of the playerbase will probably leave in search of a game where they can play PvE in peace.

    I enjoy PvP. However, I also enjoy interacting with countless people who won't go anywhere near it. I'll leave this game in a heartbeat if servers become open to free for all PvP and the multitudes of my friends end up leaving it for something less harsh. If you want City of Gankers, go to a game that's designed for it. CoH wasn't designed for PvP, but has constantly been changed to integrate it.

    While I like the option of running this a few times in order to aquire these a few times, I'm hoping the devs leave the door open so we can get out before the unconsentual exposure to PvP. This is a horrible downward spiral the game has taken, and will only lead to more people leaving the game if the trend remains.
  22. /signed

    100,000,000 damage taken is rediculous. It requires farming or MONTHS of farming damage. Not exactly "fun", but then my idea of fun is a bit different from theirs.
  23. States doesn't realize that with the addition of Dual Origin Enhancements, 3 white minions no longer presents a problem. With Single Origin Enhancments, 3 Yellow Minions no longer present a problem. Toss in Hamidon Origin Enhancements (on a large scale) for Orange Minions becoming easymode (though some people could still hit issues with some combinations)

    The formula wasn't constructed with a level grade with enhancements. This is across the board, not just effecting tankers. Tanker changes in i5 and with ED were done because Invuln and Fire Aura tankers were going into missions with 7 other people, herding the maps, and dispatching the mission by themselves, which had a slider of Invincible. Granted, this did not include AV's.

    Personally, I haven't had an encounter where I didn't feel I could tank something. Yes, I can call on support if needed. However, up till i4, I didn't need anything besides damage. When I went after AV's, I would grab any blasters I could, avoiding anything else that couldn't buff or debuff their damage. It was easymode, plain and simple. After some time, it got extremely boring. Sure, it was great to feel unbeatable. It was great to stand toe to toe with a +3 AV and go AFK for a beer while I had taunt on auto. However, the challenge was severely lacking.

    People got used to that form of tanking. People want it back, or at least closer to that. Personally, I just want things balanced. Scrappers can tank for teams if you remove the tanker and replace them with the right defender. However, the defender can also buff up other people in the group. For then most part, the tanker cannot deal significant damage in a combat, not by the change that the defender can add by joining a group and buffing/debuffing targets.

    Tankers only add agro control. Decent scrappers, built correctly and with slightly more support (again, which can be compensated by dropping the tanker for a defender), can tank just about anything a tanker can tank. They can get Provoke to add with Confront so they can hold agro, and some of the scrapper secondaries have powers which can grab agro as well (invice/DA).

    i5 came about to give Defenders more of a meaning in groups. Instead, it went way over the lines removing an AT that wasn't around in overloading numbers. As I said before, most of my pre i5 teams were me and blasters. Blasters and Scrappers have never had a problem finding a group, because they can deal damage. Controllers post 32 have pets and Containment for extra damage. Defenders can buff teammates so the group as a whole deals more damage. Tankers don't deal massive damage, don't have pets that deal damage, and don't buff teammates to deal more damage.

    Tankers grab agro. What's the point in grabbing agro though, if everything is dead in seconds?