Going Rogue and PvP...




So from what I've read on the chatter:

With Going Rogue, it appears that regarding different archetypes being on both sides:

The players PvPing now in zone will stay similar to what it is as far as Macskull, Conflict, Barrier, Divine, Silit, etc. will still be playing relatively the same sides as now from the strategic standpoint, but the tweaks will be something similar to the following:

The redside toons will be redside but will be using the blue market so the 'getting gear' imbalance will be finally addressed?

The archetype roulette issue is addressed because every AT will be available both sides?

Everyone will not come to the same side to PvP?

Since being able to access both The Isles and Paragon simultaneously, then to fight in RV, it is simply a matter of 'walking through that first door' redside or blueside to determine whether we enter through the villain base or hero base?

If the above case is true, then doesn't that suggest that 'balancing the sides' numerically during zone PvP is going to be easier to accomplish...and possible with the very same characters?

Is there going to be a Praetorian PvP Zone?

How about a transporter in each PvP zone that allows a toon to transport to another PvP zone? (I'd love to go to all the PvP zones, if I didn't have to mapload 17 times to get there.)

Come on, how about AE PvP after GR?

OK that's my questions.

Since I spent all this time typing that, and I can type 80 wpm, I'll hack out some other PvP ideas I'd like to mention to the PvP'ers for their perusal, edification, and review:

My stupid ideas on how to improve PvP:

1) Give everyone the four fitness powers as base values in PvP. Yes, I said it. In PvP, everyone moves like they got swift/hurdle/health/stamina 3 slotted for free. Can people take fitness? Sure. Does it stack? Sure does. Why? It's a cheap way of 'speeding' up fights. If the PvP system is now separate and different from PvE, the laws of PvE apply for the 'boring' stuff in PvP (like base running an leaping, etc.) why? This would seem like a cheap way to get 5% increase in what goes on now time wise...maybe what transpires in 35 seconds now in pvp would transpire in 28 secs. Well, anyhow, that's stupid idea number one.

2) Give everyone 'old' unbreakable stance toggle. If everyone had the old US toggle, combat might take longer. Damage is reduced, your easier to hit, you can't be mezzed easily, etc...but you can't move and you can't attack, and probably can't use powers on yourself either IIRC...I've never played an invulnerable so Supermax knows I bet. Yes, this is specifically for trying to deal with 5 vs. 1 gankshots, stalker's assassin strike, big old brute punch on a squishies, being hit by the entire minion stuff etc...it's almost like a, gasp, block! That's stupid idea number two.

3) Give everyone a MoGlike 'old' elude clickie. Lasts 10/15/30 Secs. Very high rate of dodge. Increased movement speed. A bit of Mez Resist maybe, maybe not, etc. You can use powers on yourself but you cannot attack etc. This would be for getting out of dodge. Stupid idea number three.

4) Keep diminishing returns, but get rid of ED. Why do PvP'ers have to bust their humps making their guys, optimizing sets, getting the money, NOT spending time PvPing, building to ED specs...so that we can get RE-ED'ed again in PvP???? Yuck. I'm not totally sure about the implications of this idea. But if ED wasn't a barrier to slotting, yet DR was, what curves would skew in combat areas? Damage? Holds? Accuracy? Resistance? They'd all hit whatever DR wall was in PvP if ED didn't exist, since, PvP is a different combat engine, one set of universal value constraints should be enough. Stupid idea number four.

5) Reinstate the old level 50's always get big inspiration drops. The entire game is very cheap when it comes to inspirations. Even if a players hates inspirations, they would have to agree the absolute dismal feeling of getting a crappy little teeny yellow inspiration after pulling of a righteous kill on their arch-enemy in PvP. I get a nice stalker kill occassionally on my defender and get an inspiration drop. When it's little, I think, "Wow, how utterly cheap. I guess that stalker was 2nd rate..." Have Bounty prices for big inspirations in Siren's Call. Re-up the Kora Fruit Mission to Big Inspirations. I'm big on inspirations, occassionaly they can change a fight, mostly however all they do is put off the inevitable. But that is the whole point. This idea is to say maybe, if this came about, a combat that lasts 35 secs now might stretch out to a minute. But if they are going to code inspiration drops into PvP, make em freaking drop good ones. I like to keep inspirations I get off villains as a souvenir. So that's stupid idea number five.

6) Have sprints cost 0 End. Come on, when someone gets hit with a dreaded end drain, at least let the person be able run away at full sprint and get shot in the back. All the END costs in the game are again based on PvE. PvP endurance usage is a lot different from the standpoint of this: if END could be tweaked in certain limited ways combat could be similar to what it is now, but the 'fun' factor could be increased without doing PvP 3.0 and 4.0 and 5.0 and on and on. Having sprint on with a stealth IO and paying the .26 End/sec is expensive...but does it increase the 'fun' in PvP much? Methinks not.

OK well those are my 6 big stupid ideas. I don't want to write a novel so I have some 'extras' for consideration:

* Give stalkers/widows/banes/etc. a superstealth power...like a build up that makes em 'extra' stealthy for a short time...

* Give all players a 'extra perception' clicky power like a build up that allows players to 'see' better for a short time...do it in such a way that the hide/see ya game is more intricate and interesting...

* Give brutes a 'fury' clickie...since fury don't work right...make one that does to compensate...

* With all the above changes, something could be done with defenders and vigilance...give defenders a vigilance inherent in PvP that's actually worth a crap...like say a clickie that fills the end bar...like domination does...

* Give everyone in zone an endurance reduction or 0 cost on all travel power and travel temps as long as the player has endurance...so more end is availabe for attacks...

* Have armors all cost reduced or 0 End as long as the player has endurance...when the player's end goes to 0, the armors 'cost' endurance and deactivate. But while fighting attacks would drain endurance and armors wouldn't or wouldn't drain as much...this would still allow sapping powers to be very deadly.

* Get rid of all End Crashes in PvP...or make them less nasty...

* Make elude like MoG and get rid of the End Crash in PvE and port it over. Or the radical idea...make elude a toggle...yes, make it always on, its just another defense. Personally I like this idea a lot. The zones would be filled with /SR.

* Have the little OK dialog button in PvP have a little checkbox that says "do not show this dialog any more". I HATE that dialog. I want it to go away forever. I KNOW I'm in a PvP zone, I KNOW I can be attacked by other players the 85,736,253,393,826,134,123rd time I read it, OK?

* Make rest actually useful somehow, like buff it instead of nerfing it, and get rid of the interupt.

* Have MM summoning minions and upgades cost 0 End to cast in PvP as long as the player has endurace...etc.

* Add in weather changes. Rain might reduce accuracy but increase stealth. Snow might slow movement. Heat my increase end costs. Wind might reduce range a bit, and so on.

* Make a new teleport temp power for players that take teleport and Warshades that just simply reduces in range from travel suppression so the teleport is back in the game.

* Create a power for a booster pack that allows sticking to walls so superspeeders and leaper can run and jump up the side of buildings.

That's all folks. There might be some ways to improve little things in PvP without having to remake a new PvP engine. In PvP, more endurance is good, let's stretch the endurance band to allow players to do more, but stretch it in such a way that all players could benefit from the idea if players could fight longer but have more fun and with more varied outcomes through tweaking certain game aspects that are still 'bound' by PvE rules and creating different PvP rules for that game aspect everyone wins.




@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I summon the ghost of jranger.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Dude, you're all over the place. I know you're just getting your voice out there and stuff, but going from asking everyone move faster to getting Unyeilding Stance added to everyone? That's like saying you like PvP in the game but it needs to change at the same time.

In short, your post is contradicting itself and confusing some people. I like some of the concepts but hate an equal amount.

ED won't change. Getting new powers and toggles to people for PvP won't happen. Sprint is -supposed- to cost end, that's why it's called "Sprint" because you're running at a fast burst. Toggles cost endurance to balance out the volume of protections you use.

End use in PvP shouldn't really be a problem though unless you:
1: Have slotted endurance powers/end redux poorly.
2: Are fighting things that drain end.
2a: Don't have anyone on your team to buff end drain protection.
3: Are constantly slamming attacks at folks in PvP.

For #3, if you end up constantly hitting a target and they aren't moving away from you long enough for you to be cycling through a heavy end chain of attacks, -they're- doing it wrong. The part of PvP that comes down to who has a better build against their opponent (this can also be like RPS, if you have say someone with Energy Melee attacking an Electric Armor target) and has nothing to do with skill in PvP comes down to when two people get in melee and just attack one another. Basically, if you're in that situation, it's PvPeen measuring contest. And at that point I hope you spent your billions of inf, or you lost.

#2 will depend on who you are friends with, what they are playing and who you are fighting against. This is more RPS though, as if you're attacked by an end draining attacker, you would then get a storm or kin or someone else to offset that to cover that base.

#1 really comes down to designing your characters right. If you need help with designing them, and testing and herobuilders don't fix it for you, then ask on the forums. That's why folks really post here, to ask questions or feel smart about giving answers.

Anyway, good luck with your PvP.



Oops...on my OP I meant "Unyeilding Stance" not unbreakable stance.






Originally Posted by LyteInVirtue View Post
Dude, you're all over the place. I know you're just getting your voice out there and stuff, but going from asking everyone move faster to getting Unyeilding Stance added to everyone? That's like saying you like PvP in the game but it needs to change at the same time.

In short, your post is contradicting itself and confusing some people. I like some of the concepts but hate an equal amount.

ED won't change. Getting new powers and toggles to people for PvP won't happen. Sprint is -supposed- to cost end, that's why it's called "Sprint" because you're running at a fast burst. Toggles cost endurance to balance out the volume of protections you use.

End use in PvP shouldn't really be a problem though unless you:
1: Have slotted endurance powers/end redux poorly.
2: Are fighting things that drain end.
2a: Don't have anyone on your team to buff end drain protection.
3: Are constantly slamming attacks at folks in PvP.

For #3, if you end up constantly hitting a target and they aren't moving away from you long enough for you to be cycling through a heavy end chain of attacks, -they're- doing it wrong. The part of PvP that comes down to who has a better build against their opponent (this can also be like RPS, if you have say someone with Energy Melee attacking an Electric Armor target) and has nothing to do with skill in PvP comes down to when two people get in melee and just attack one another. Basically, if you're in that situation, it's PvPeen measuring contest. And at that point I hope you spent your billions of inf, or you lost.

#2 will depend on who you are friends with, what they are playing and who you are fighting against. This is more RPS though, as if you're attacked by an end draining attacker, you would then get a storm or kin or someone else to offset that to cover that base.

#1 really comes down to designing your characters right. If you need help with designing them, and testing and herobuilders don't fix it for you, then ask on the forums. That's why folks really post here, to ask questions or feel smart about giving answers.

Anyway, good luck with your PvP.
I know my stuff was all over the place, but I didn't want to post one post for the questions and another for the dumb ideas.

The endurance ideas I stated didn't say anything about slotting or power builds, it was in the context of current PvP as additional tweaks. Adding a few temp powers to everyone in PvP seemed less work than creating PvP 3.0 which might have different mechanics across the board than current PvP.

And know one even paid attention to:

The redside toons will be redside but will be using the blue market so the 'getting gear' imbalance will be finally addressed?

The archetype roulette issue is addressed because every AT will be available both sides?

Everyone will not come to the same side to PvP?

Since being able to access both The Isles and Paragon simultaneously, then to fight in RV, it is simply a matter of 'walking through that first door' redside or blueside to determine whether we enter through the villain base or hero base?

If the above case is true, then doesn't that suggest that 'balancing the sides' numerically during zone PvP is going to be easier to accomplish...and possible with the very same characters?

Is there going to be a Praetorian PvP Zone?

How about a transporter in each PvP zone that allows a toon to transport to another PvP zone? (I'd love to go to all the PvP zones, if I didn't have to mapload 17 times to get there.)

Come on, how about AE PvP after GR?



What alignment you are in PvP zones is affected by what your "base" alignment is (i.e. if you switch fully from hero to villain, you'd be a hero in a PvP zone, but if you go from hero to rogue you'd still be a hero). This is only going to cause more problems for the "unbalanced sides" issue PvP zones have faced from day 1.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."