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  1. I would say Citadel.

    He has the worst costume, a terrible grindy Task Force, and is literally the most boring of the entire Freedom Phalanx. He doesn't do anything, while his Praetorian counterpart is powerful and looks awesome.
  2. All my friends except one left for good.

    I am still having fun, though. So i ain't going nowhere. I went to the other games for a little while, and they don't keep me playing.

    Being alt-centric helps.
  3. Yes, because as the new shiny set that doubles as a costume piece, there is pretty much no doubt that it will look more awesome than every other weapon set.

    and i am all about looking awesome.


    A) Having a free hand looks stupid in the current sets.

    B) Shield kinda sucks.
  4. It was an entertaining romp.

    It was no batman, though.
  5. And we will push a button to get anything we want and take a pill to be perfect.

    The american dream lives on.
  6. Because after you do a trial once, it becomes a grind.

    BAF is the easiest to grind. It is short and you get lots of stuff.

    Keyes is the opposite. It uses the same reward tables as the BAF but the average team will take 15 minutes maybe on a BAF and almost an hour on Keyes. And your chances of getting a 'rare' or 'very rare' do not shoot upwards for the time spent. So, 50 minutes on a Keyes for a reward or do 3 BAFs in the same amount of time for 3 times the chances to get a 'rare' or 'very rare'

    It is, literaly, a grind, and ill take the BAF every time. No, it's not awesome fun but after the first couple times, few things are.

    And you have to do a LOT of trials to get T4s...
  7. Would be nice, but frankly I wouldn't be surprised to see it overlooked as we have an almost completely different design team.
  8. I have a basically bottomless budget right now [ripped apart a few alts i never used and made billions. ahh, if only the real market were so easy.] and am looking at making my SS/Elec brute into a powerhouse. My problem is this:

    I have no idea how to enhance an elec armor brute's survivability.

    I thought Defense but is it pointless because Elec armor has NO def debuff resistance? All it takes is a whack from a Cimeroran or countless other mobs and my IO bonuses may as well not exist. I can get about 30% smash/lethal defense, 22% in others through creative slotting. But with no def debuff resist, should I even bother?

    Or should I slot for regen? It seems pretty hard to get Elecs regeneration anywhere decent however, even with near-perma Energize.

    I like doing lots of damage. I like being tough to kill. I want to be a tank mage in the melee sense.

    Please help me out.
  9. Gods in COH-verse are not all powerful. They can be defeated.

    Ask Hequat, who can be readily crushed by villains.
  10. Poor Statesman indeed. A fun thing I have noticed is that pretty much every single time you travel to the 'future' in the game, HE IS DEAD.

    Be it the future of operation:destiny, the future of the LRSF, the future showed by Mender Ramiel. etc.

    And I can't say I am surprised. The guy has been a non issue since this game was released, many years ago.
  11. I honestly never knew he could be so difficult. My SS/Elec brute crushed Protean.
  12. Dawnslayer

    Best Finale Map?

    The Center's Danger Room.

    I know it wasn't a finale but damn if it ain't cool taking out each and every one of his little cronies.
  13. Eh, whenever the heroes/villains travel into the future, Statesman is always dead. It is fated to happen, and is really the only constant I have noticed when characters travel to the future.

    And good riddance when it happens, I say. Emperor Cole notwithstanding, Statesman stopped being relevant a long time ago.
  14. Very nice pre-expansion content and QoL stuff, even if it isn't zomg teh humungous, it is still very nice.

    And having new foes to face is always fun.
  15. I have one simple question.

    What is the point of the zones?
  16. So basically this is just an attempt to placate us due to the complete lack of news?
  17. lol I remember the initial invasion. Watching all the untargetable rikti pile up and not able to do anythign to them until the streets were full of them.

    Then the devs flipped the switch and all hell broke loose.
  18. If there was a point to PVP i'd do it.

    Say a one time event where heroes had to protect something/villains had to destroy it. STORY BASED.

    Then next issue a different event heroes and villains could partake in, all with their own special but not gamebreaking awards, like costume pieces. And the next event went off of if heroes won more often/villains won more often.

    Yeah, i'd PVP if there was something like that. That is to say, a point.
  19. Darrin Wade seems to be an aspect of Rularuu, given his strange statements and his weird, misshapen head which is shaped like the many statues of Rularuu throughout the shadow shard.
  20. Well one thing is for bloody certain, a graphic upgrade in GR would make sense because Paragon can happily advertise all over the place without the problem that the game looks... well, it's age.

    It'd help quite a lot.
  21. PCGamer ceased being relevant a long, long time ago.

    IGN or Gamespot does everything they do better, and you don't have to pay to take them home.
  22. Dawnslayer will have gold lightning and i hope to change Willpower to have the black/red color of Fortification.

    Still amazing changes on the way, CoX's come a long way this year. Still got a couple months left in Iraq, but there are so many new toys to play with in CoX... craziness.