PCGamer CoH article
I share their sentiment about the jetpack...but now you can get in game ones at level 1 bot hero and villain side if ya like.
Well, the fact is the game is a series of instanced missions, which can get repetitive quickly.
It's a shame they never got higher though, they missed the Rikti War Zone, Cimerora, Hamidon Raids, STF/LRSF, etc etc.
AE throws a wrench in the mix though, with new content, mobs and placements.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
The article is a bit strange, it says that the game is great but after level 20 there's nothing to keep the interest going.
Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!
It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...
The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013
To be fair. the game 'starts' at two points, level 20 and level 35. At level 35 you get your Vanguard Merits and you can participate in ITF. Those are both great zones.
Villainside, stuff starts getting fun in the mid-20s.
The author does repeat a common lament of people I introduce the game to:
"What is there to do? It's just going in doors all the time and so on. Where are the interesting wilderness quests?"

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I think the author was referring to the character progression as opposed to the story progression.
he started by sayign that the surge of excitement and the pure thrill of getting the travel power at level 14 followed by the expansion of your primary and secondary was completely untouched in any other MMO he's played (good!) but that after that, the powers just all become samey.
that's my take on it. I do realise the content continues to evolve and some of the best Arcs , TFs and SFs are level 20+
according to the author, CoH after level 20 is a game to come back to every now and then but not one that encourages you to stay for any prolonged period of time.
(I dont have the article in front of me so I am paraphrasing).
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

It's possible that they rolled a new character, did the initial contact missions then hit the newspaper route. In that case, they would have missed the Midnighter Arc, Faultline, the PvP zones and so on.
To be fair. the game 'starts' at two points, level 20 and level 35. At level 35 you get your Vanguard Merits and you can participate in ITF. Those are both great zones. Villainside, stuff starts getting fun in the mid-20s. The author does repeat a common lament of people I introduce the game to: "What is there to do? It's just going in doors all the time and so on. Where are the interesting wilderness quests?" ![]() |
I want to have missions where we have to chase down a burglar in Steel canyon while avoiding his minions and the other nasties of the game. Missions that take place in the city with some life going on around. Instanced missions are great but get very repetitive after a while, especially with the similarities in map layouts and tilesets.
Seriousness: Paragon Studios need to invest in advertising
Have seen: Most other MMOs: In somr form of advert
Net based: Or otherwise
CoX: Lacks ANY advertisement
Unless: Radical difference in the US?
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Anyway, I would encourage any player of CoX to give the article a read and make up your own minds. Agree or disagree I think you'll find that the author has a few valid points.
It's possible that they rolled a new character, did the initial contact missions then hit the newspaper route. In that case, they would have missed the Midnighter Arc, Faultline, the PvP zones and so on.
To be fair. the game 'starts' at two points, level 20 and level 35. At level 35 you get your Vanguard Merits and you can participate in ITF. Those are both great zones. Villainside, stuff starts getting fun in the mid-20s. The author does repeat a common lament of people I introduce the game to: "What is there to do? It's just going in doors all the time and so on. Where are the interesting wilderness quests?" ![]() |
I think we could use some outdoor missions that aren't defeat X of group.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
they finish with a comment on the fact that the servers are empty.
i made a post it was time for a server merge, as a new player, saying i cant find find any full teams going ever but during the short prime time of usa, ya, i got trolled and flamed like a nutcase
when a other outsider , new player comes to coh, see's the same thing as me, dears to make a story out of hes time here
at lest i know am not crazy, and all you vets defending the server pop as anything but not empty as hell, read and weap, i told you so
at lest i know am not crazy, and all you vets defending the server pop as anything but not empty as hell, read and weap, i told you so |
Well, after the umpteenth time someone says "I want everyone to go through the inconvenience of a server merge so that they will be available to serve as team mates at my pleasure" it gets a bit old.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
you have every right to your opinion but I personally think that ignoring an article because you dont like what it says is the wrong way to go about it. the negatives are not plucked out of thin air, they do have a basis in reality as shown by many forum members through the years. Perhaps we should be looking at where these negative impressions come from and, if they have a solid base, discuss how they can be addressed.
Anyway, I would encourage any player of CoX to give the article a read and make up your own minds. Agree or disagree I think you'll find that the author has a few valid points. |
Yes, I know, it's kinda the wrong way to look at it, but still. :\
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

well, maybe the fact that its been said for the umpteenth time means there is something to it and maybe , instead of think "its a bit old" you should think "a lot of people are thinking the same thing, maybe they have a point".
before I joined my current SG i saw this as pretty much city of solos. defiant was quiet as a mouse that has recently shuffled off the mortal coil while locked in a soundproof box buried 30ft underground in a bomb shelter. However, since joining the SG the game has a new lease of life! I'm loving playing the arcs and TFs, even if I've played them before. some servers are heaving, others just feel dead. I've seen stats that say otherwise but that doesnt change the feeling of abandonment.... perhaps the server area is too large?
I'm not saying that Alec Meer's talking 100% crap through the article, and I do agree that a lot of it is true, but he should have done more homework. Calling the £3 jetpack a "horrible wound on the soul of a game originally built for unprecedented self-expression", saying there's naff all after L20 is the kind of just plain facepalm-inducing bull that manages to slightly override all the more sensible stuff in his article for me.
Yes, I know, it's kinda the wrong way to look at it, but still. :\ |
I have to say, I wonder if the power progression should be looked at to generate more of the anticipation effect you get when approaching the travel powers? Sort of a feeling of "ramping up" in ability every ten levels or so? more variety in each powerset perhaps? Optional entries into paralell power progression paths perhaps (yes, I really wanted to have 5 p word alliteration so I admit, I shoehorned it in there)
they finish with a comment on the fact that the servers are empty.
i made a post it was time for a server merge, as a new player, saying i cant find find any full teams going ever but during the short prime time of usa, ya, i got trolled and flamed like a nutcase when a other outsider , new player comes to coh, see's the same thing as me, dears to make a story out of hes time here at lest i know am not crazy, and all you vets defending the server pop as anything but not empty as hell, read and weap, i told you so |
Imma: Let you finish
UniqueDragon: Possess best internet rants: of all time
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
they finish with a comment on the fact that the servers are empty.
i made a post it was time for a server merge, as a new player, saying i cant find find any full teams going ever but during the short prime time of usa, ya, i got trolled and flamed like a nutcase when a other outsider , new player comes to coh, see's the same thing as me, dears to make a story out of hes time here at lest i know am not crazy, and all you vets defending the server pop as anything but not empty as hell, read and weap, i told you so |
just because server population is down a little bit does not mean these people have stopped paying for their accounts. in fact if they did we would have heard about it by now.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
PCGamer is a crappy magazine, apparently. Also, that guy is a noob that doesn't know how to use /search.
they finish with a comment on the fact that the servers are empty.
i made a post it was time for a server merge, as a new player, saying i cant find find any full teams going ever but during the short prime time of usa, ya, i got trolled and flamed like a nutcase when a other outsider , new player comes to coh, see's the same thing as me, dears to make a story out of hes time here at lest i know am not crazy, and all you vets defending the server pop as anything but not empty as hell, read and weap, i told you so |
I've been hopping between Aion and here for the last week. For someone coming from another MMO, yes, COH *Looks* more sparsely populated. Why?
Because everyone's running around outside in other games. You're competing for kills with them for that "Get X Enemy-item" and "Defeat X Bad Guy," while another's going for the "Take the soup to Jim" mission.
COH? People are *inside* instanced missions. Yes, there's some travel. No, you don't have to compete to "Defeat 10 Hellions" - because there's around 300 in a 1000 yard radius, if not more. You see me going to a contact, then a door - *and my team vanishes from the map as we all go inside.*
Gee, why does someone who doesnt' spend half a second to think about it think "the servers are empty?"
As has been pointed out, AGAIN, even those of us on "small" servers have no problems getting teams with a *bare minimum* of effort (IE, not just standing there going "vlv 10 nincompoop lft!" in local or broadcast.) Oh, and not every team has to be 8-person, one-of-each-AT minimum, etc.
You also, AGAIN, ignore all the problems with a server merge - including a *very* solid impression that the game's about to die that such a thing sends.
Go learn something before spouting off instead of ignoring what's been told to you.
Unsurprisingly, you ignore what you've been told. If I could red-rep you again, I would.
I've been hopping between Aion and here for the last week. For someone coming from another MMO, yes, COH *Looks* more sparsely populated. Why? Because everyone's running around outside. You're competing for kills with them for that "Get X Enemy-item" and "Defeat X Bad Guy," while another's going for the "Take the soup to Jim" mission. COH? People are *inside* instanced missions. Yes, there's some travel. No, you don't have to compete to "Defeat 10 Hellions" - because there's around 300 in a 1000 yard radius, if not more. You see me going to a contact, then a door - *and my team vanishes from the map as we all go inside.* Gee, why does someone who doesnt' spend half a second to think about it think "the servers are empty?" As has been pointed out, AGAIN, even those of us on "small" servers have no problems getting teams with a *bare minimum* of effort (IE, not just standing there going "vlv 10 nincompoop lft!" in local or broadcast.) Oh, and not every team has to be 8-person, one-of-each-AT minimum, etc. You also, AGAIN, ignore all the problems with a server merge - including a *very* solid impression that the game's about to die that such a thing sends. Go learn something before spouting off instead of ignoring what's been told to you. |
Just got this months PCGamer delivered and there a full page article on city of heroes at the very back (there's also a 3 page CO review earlier on).
The article is a bit strange, it says that the game is great but after level 20 there's nothing to keep the interest going.
It says the micro-transactions are good but the jet pack is a dissapointing rip off
Unfortunately they dont mention I16 (only goes up as far as I15) and they finish with a comment on the fact that the servers are empty.
There's good and bad points but overall, i think the article is not a good piece of publicity for CoH as the negative outweighs the positive and I feel potential players would be put off. Perhaps paragon should give PCGamer a call and address some of the issues the author found. Some hype on going Rogue and I16 would be good too.
Much as I wanted to, I really couldnt disagree strongly with any of the negatives in the article.....