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  1. also i forget to add, my Dark bots is a lot like FF, only Better, much better in the hands of a master mm

    i can -tohit a group of mobs so bad, its just like me and my bots/teammates was softcaped defence to their attacks, miss miss miss

    on top of that, I have a ton of damage debuffs, so its like having a lot of res damage
    onto of softcap defence vs your enemys, Crazy good
    plus all the reaction tools, none thing can ambush me, i turn a group of ambush mobs in to helpless babys "lb ambushs"

    like others have said, its the truth that:
    when it comes to sheer survivability of bots/dark none can beat it
    , its insane

    i love these forums,i had ever intent on finding the must powerful builds, and thanks to you all pointing in my right direction, i have found some of them, devs are crazy to let mm's have Dark , its just to good in the right hands
  2. i made a bots/dark to over lvl 32, loved my final upgraded assbot

    so i made a bots/ff to see for my self of this god mode mm that bored people to death

    at only level 24, i have these defence stats on my pets

    on top of having my pets at level 24, be Softcaped defence wise

    i give my team mates who i group with, over 33_ def, or 3/4th of the defence to softcap them also, ever past team i been on has had god mode vs the newb content, We just cant die

    its really funny to be having god mode for newb content, a few more levels to assbot then onto 32 bot upgrades and i be a unstoppable force
  3. they finish with a comment on the fact that the servers are empty.

    i made a post it was time for a server merge, as a new player, saying i cant find find any full teams going ever but during the short prime time of usa, ya, i got trolled and flamed like a nutcase

    when a other outsider , new player comes to coh, see's the same thing as me, dears to make a story out of hes time here

    at lest i know am not crazy, and all you vets defending the server pop as anything but not empty as hell, read and weap, i told you so
  4. am sure a newb at bots/dark, but if your the kind That wants to be in the middle of he fight with your pets, "supporting them"

    o ya, dark the one for you

    dark is the way to go for debuffs and more debuffs, o and a very nice heal that goes with bots must of the time
    "must blind goto commands to keep the few dumb ones who like to melee back to your healing range"looks at you protecter bots"

    hell, you have the best res power in game, i didn't take it to res people, get this, its a group aoe Stun for like 15 secs, and -regen of 500% for 30 secs, it just has +res any dead human players added onto the devs, who are they kidding, this is killer debuff spell, forget its a res power, to a teammate needs it LOL

    i can see why people say slot any build with great stuff and it be greater, cease if you slot that up for near 100% recharge with your other debuffs, group threats? whats that
    what group threats, their no threats to dark Mwahahaha , so many useful dark powers, however i want more power, and i cant tell you how powerful dark is at high levels as i don't have my dark pet yet, and stuff

    if you want to support and just watch your pets, and or party members you team up with, while being in rts mode, in the sense, none thing can kill you, or if you just wish to tank stuff, , FF, force fields,

    form what i can tell, traps is a jack of all trades, a little of ff shields, a little damage/tohit debuffs, a little tiny heal, a litte cc, all in 1, so their jack of all trades, but being jack of all trades, can pull a lot of stuff off like the other MM's

    mm primes , bots, always the way to go sense, the bots self heal, and got a shield for Them, AND you, the and you part is very useful defence

    if you just want the pets defence, without self healing pets, go thugs, read 16 self buffing added def for pets only, bots has only 7 more defence , but it applys to you

    now if melee your thing, ninja = best single target dps, necro = self healing decent damage , but they hate fire, remb , they hate AOE , where as range pets, thank god can somewhat sure get out of a aoe and kill their enemy

    if you pack something like dark, remb, get as much regen as you can, you be burning mana faster then you can count, i have 5 things tuggles running, 1 shadow fall, all 3 leadership debuffs, and dark nite, going full time in combat, its a epic LOLZ of buffing, think of all your - tohit and -damage debuffs on the enemy as massive hp/shield buffs, that are only good for each enemy your fighting at that sec

    remb, dark takes you really having to be "Their and reacting in super fast, real time debuffs the sec you see a threat, powerful stuff"

    their my take on what mm could be for you, if any of this stuff intrest you

    <getting back to game to level my dark
  5. Mission Architect:

    Show me where else am i to post AE questions, sense they say Post here

    make up your minds people
  6. like what none costum mobs are great to spawn

    is their a great mob build i could make for hacing a fast time

    fast xp, that kind of thing
  7. thanks to the recent patch, am very confused as how to make my missions, give the must xp per mission

    like what boss setup is best

    or does anyone have some good farms for freedom server already? name?

    i was told ingame some AE missions have not got nerfed, ever normal one has, but something about all boss's and stuff

    but ever one being hash hash, sense their fearing for their lifes sense they said the devs are on a mission to destory AE missions that give any decent xp

    can someone just plz give me the info on how to max the xp, thx in adv
    i can understand them wishing to hide their info in fear of the devs nerf bat, but plz am beggin you, give me the info ,

    i just want to know how to spend my time wisely in ae and not waste it playing carp xp missions that now pluge AE thx to recent patch nerf of all normal AE content
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heart Attack View Post
    Which Server are you on Joshx and at what time of the night?
    time, around 10pm EST, to about 8am EST, i cant find any
    READ that any groups, on

    now if i wake up early and get on around 6 , guest what, i can find some groups, i been teaming with people, ever day

    but ever time, late at nite, to early morin, its a ghost town

    i have no where to go to level up at any decent rate, i bring up Pre patch AE, cease it was a life saver for me, Now Ha, missions arwe a ghost town
    AE is a ghost town, what is a player to do

    atfer a other nite of NO one on,
    read 3 players in a zone max,

    me and my 2 mission buddies for like 2 hours this nite just said to hell with it and given up on finding more people,
    group broken up,

    its a repeating a them, ghost towns, every where
    show me a full group running anytime but prime time, and i be shocked

    the joke on anyone who tells me am wrong, and freedom, what i was told, once a bery busy, find groups at any time server, is a shell of its former self,

    i guest the devs will have to correct their mistakes in due time, sense the player base overall seems to be in decay, while the old timers, live in a diff reality of any new players lft
  9. will you guys can all be denial,i love to have what your all smoking, sense where living in diff realitys

    "Yay, you love having huge lag spikes as you get near the black market/wentworths and a busy broadcast. Congrats. Enjoy Freedom. Some of us - many of which you will get replies from with this subject - like *low population* servers. If we *wanted* to be on Freedom, we'd *be* on Freedom."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, when was that post made 2004, about Freedom
    HAHAHAHA i am on freedom, lag spikes near market, and busy broadcasts

    O your funny, i have not seen One of these,

    i have Seen none of this , its a ghost time during nite time

    you guys are living in the past, , am glad how some of you have friends, but news players see ghost towns, and

    ALL you people who wanted AE nerf, congrats,

    you have Killed new players leveling,
    and have the Balls, to say, Leave our game, their countless newbs left to riot in ghost towns with NO ONE ON to do missions with

    read that again
    new players can't find mission teams during anytime but prime time

    wake up and smell the decay, i guest people just like being jerks and ********

    also think very careful of my next words

    if this game all about alts,
    then why the hell would i want to make a alt, face ghost towns, and have to do the same old content, over and over by my self

    AE made leveling Alts better, you cryed, whined and taken it away

    i have no motive to make alts, its hard as hell just to get my main in groups, SENSE their no groups going on in the first place

    god you people jus't don't get it

    let players do whatever they want, if everyone wants to hang in AE, let them, all the jerks got their wish of AE death,

    and now their no REAL player base of any great numbers to support people doing their missions, congrats, your stupid is killing the game

    i cant fix stupid, you just have to learn the hard way, mark my words, if something is not done fast, the decay will only get faster and faster, to their none thing left but small hand full of you on each server

    i guest i just keep on playin, looking for these groups "hiding all over the world", doing all the content, sense it seems, you think thats whats going on LMAO

    AE pugs rocked, thanks for murdering it , and replacing it with...............
    , a ghost town, you are all smart to think your helping this game by killing the pop and bashing people wanting Just to find a group
  10. as a new player to the game
    i can't find a full group during anytime but peak time
    as a nite time player, am lucky to find more then 2 people to group with to do more then 1 mission before everyone breaks up

    if we do get one going, people leave faster then we get new ones loggin in lft

    am sick of this, i play to blow stuff up, with others, Not sit their for hours looking for more, doing solo content

    if i wanted to do solo content i would of Freaking buyed a RPG

    its time, to Merge these servers, for the sake of making life easyer for us Pug people

    i won't be staying here long as a new player, the servers are all ghost towns, and anyone staying up late, would know the Pop is dead, and Pug grouping is a shell of former self

    AE has been murdered, and i can't find any leveling groups for the life of me

    fix this devs, fix it now
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    You seem new. You should know that in this game (and most others), the build doesn't really matter nearly as much as the person controlling it. The most twinked out, overpowered build in the game isn't going to do any good to someone who doesn't know how to use it.

    And on teams, don't count on being the center of attention. You might find a few Defenders can make everyone else on the team nigh invulnerable and unstoppable.
    i enjoy understanding spells/skills in games
    am no retard at playing games
    i read and plan ahead, on a new mmo game am going to start
    my mission is to see if you the vet players with all your years of playin
    have any info as to help me find the must Powerful Primary/Secondary for defeating ever thing

    also what defender you refer to that makes others in teams for pve godlike
    whats that defender Primary/Secondary for that?
    is it that
    Radiation/Sonic Defender cill said
    am seeking info for sake of Power ,

    i desire power, OP, nerf demanding power,
    when i find such class's in games, i tend to have the must fun i found,
    am a exploiter at heart
    I grin ear to ear when i found near godlike power and use it perfectly to own in a game

    i understand more then anyone how a OP class in the wrong hands can be useless at best

    i have a active imagination, and can see how spells./debuffs/healing all play out in my head, and once i found what works best by playing around in game
    i exploit that power to the best of my ability

    in this game, their so many choices, so much to look into, am hoping as a new player to get Very good info form you vets
  12. my main going to be a MM, but am looking to make insane powerful alts
    Any Primary/Secondary combination...

    I am looking for the most overpowered class out there

    People say to play whatever is fun to you

    What’s fun for me, the most fun I can have in a game, is playing in the must overpowered class or FOTM that pwns everything.

    I don't care if I have to just look at my character do all the work or be the most active character out there, I just want to know: What Primary/Secondary is the must OP vs PVE content.

    Also, you can throw in an OP PvP if you want, as I like to compare things. Is whatever is the most powerful in PvE solo also what’s the most powerful in PvE when teaming? Is it a DPS setup, debuffing or a Tanker? I just want a character, that when I finish leveling it up to be that character that can defeat anything in this game.

    Get my drift? And thanks for any helpful replies, ahead of time!
  13. Any Primary/Secondary combination...

    I am looking for the most overpowered MM out there. Some of the things I have heard are:
    • Dark is great for debuffs
    • FF is best for tanking
    • Traps is decent tank/more DPS then FF
    • Thugs own in DPS, but the Arsonist has a death wish
    • Bots can defend themselves better then all the others
    • Ninjas have the best [?? crt dps] single target DPS
    • People say to play whatever is fun to you
    What’s fun for me, the most fun I can have in a game, is playing in the must overpowered class or FOTM that pwns everything.

    I don't care if I have to just look at my pets do all the work or be the most active MM out there, I just want to know: What MM Primary/Secondary is the must OP vs PVE content.

    Also, you can throw in an OP PvP MM if you want, as I like to compare things. Is whatever is the most powerful in PvE solo also what’s the most powerful MM in PvE when teaming? Is it a DPS MM setup, debuffing MM, or a Tankermind? I just want a character, that when I finish leveling it up to be that MM that can defeat anything in this game.

    Get my drift? And thanks for any helpful replies, ahead of time!

    edit, thanks to Thirty_Seven, for making the great Translation of what i was trying to ask