can someone give me the 101 of how to make the best XP




thanks to the recent patch, am very confused as how to make my missions, give the must xp per mission

like what boss setup is best

or does anyone have some good farms for freedom server already? name?

i was told ingame some AE missions have not got nerfed, ever normal one has, but something about all boss's and stuff

but ever one being hash hash, sense their fearing for their lifes sense they said the devs are on a mission to destory AE missions that give any decent xp

can someone just plz give me the info on how to max the xp, thx in adv
i can understand them wishing to hide their info in fear of the devs nerf bat, but plz am beggin you, give me the info ,

i just want to know how to spend my time wisely in ae and not waste it playing carp xp missions that now pluge AE thx to recent patch nerf of all normal AE content



"Stories and lore."

I don't see "Farming and PLing" in that description. Also, have you read the patch notes? The ones that tell you straight out what have been changed in this patch?

Mission Architect
Experience rewards for custom mobs in Mission Architect have been changed.
Enemies created using the Standard setting will reward 75% of normal experience.
Enemies created using the Hard and Extreme setting will reward 100% of normal experience.
The total amount of experience an enemy is worth is split evenly between their two power set choices. Their primary set adds an amount to the experience, and then the secondary set adds an amount.
The specifics numbers for individual sets are as followed:
Standard: 37.5%
Hard/Extreme: 50%
If a mob is created that has a standard primary and a hard secondary, it will be worth 87.5% of the normal experience (37.5% + 50%)
A mob created with a hard primary and a hard secondary will be worth 100% experience (50% + 50%)
Custom villain groups will suffer an experience penalty if they do not have at least one minion, lieutenant, and boss within them.
If one rank is missing, there will be a 50% experience penalty applied to all enemies in the group.
If two ranks are missing, there will be a 75% experience penalty applied to all enemies in the group.
Players will still receive full experience for an enemy in their own unique groups if they are spawned in the "Fight a Boss" objective. This only applies to the specific enemy spawned in this manner and not the group spawned along with them.
Players can now select any powers for custom mobs to have. However, if the minimal amounts of powers required for them to be considered standard difficulty are removed on either power set, the mob will be worth 0 experience.
As an example, a standard minion with Broadsword has Slash and Throwing Knives. If either of those two powers are removed, that minion will be worth 0 experience, even if a secondary power set has all powers selected.
This will not cause any custom mobs currently on live to be worth zero experience.

New Enemy Groups
Rogue Isles Villain (1-54) - Players can now use the villains you fight at the end of Safeguard missions in Mission Architect.
Paragon Hero (1-54) - The heroes that are fought at the end of Mayhem missions are now usable in Mission Architect.
Anti-Matter's Robots (40-54) - Anti-Matter and his minions are now available to use within Mission Architect.
Arcs containing Bosses have a warning flag again.
Custom Critters – As with player characters, Claws and Stone Armor are now mutually exclusive at critter creation due to animation issues
Custom Critters - Kinetics - Transference should now correctly drain endurance from players.
Defender: Oil Slick Arrow no longer cons friendly and can again be targeted by player in a MA mission.
Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when editing a published mission.
Fixed the waypoints for players to exit the map in the Carnival - Commercial map in Mission Architect and also to allow for escorts to be completed on it.
Freakshow Sonic Bombs, and Hamidon’s Mitochondria Electrolytes and Antibodies have been pulled from the Mission Architect due to exploits with these mobs.
Removed the option to select location for ambushes - it wasn’t doing anything.
Removed a number of enemies from multiple enemy groups within Mission Architect that only had the Quantum Gun as a viable attack power.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



like what none costum mobs are great to spawn

is their a great mob build i could make for hacing a fast time

fast xp, that kind of thing



You might want to ask the NOT Stories & Lore section.



Mission Architect:

Show me where else am i to post AE questions, sense they say Post here

make up your minds people



I think you're looking for the other Architect forums, found here.

Granted, you'll probably still get some flak but it's way more appropriate to ask there than to ask here, since this section focuses on the STORY aspects of the MA rather than the more technical aspects. I think they even have a few threads on the subject going already.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Originally Posted by joshx View Post
Mission Architect:

Show me where else am i to post AE questions, sense they say Post here

make up your minds people
And what are the *next three words* (well, two words and a symbol) after that part of the title?



I was able to at least find some semblence of sence in the merging the servers thread that got locked. This one, I got nothing. Beware, that thread got locked, and I don't see this one going in any good direction either.



I personally see nothing wrong with the question per se; it just belongs on the technical forum rather than the story and lore forum. It probably should simply be moved.

The recipe can also be inferred from the patch notes: use standard critters.

You can still create custom groups. Using the recolor or rename functions will not reduce their XP. Just make certain that your custom group includes one minion, lieutenant, and boss.

This guide lists the known mobs that give more or less than standard XP.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Looks like someone lost their boss farm!

I suggest you get out of the AE building and try some proper missions. Much more fun to play, and the XP rolls in.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Just make a villain and do real teams. You'll get EXP. USE the tools given to you to help get yourself a team.



Boss farms were killed for a reason. Seriously, give the game outside of the AE a chance.