Ralaruu And the Shadow Shard




This isn't a new idea by any means but I'm going to talk about it anyway.

So I just got done in the last couple days running my first two Shadow Shard Task Forces. Starting with Faathim the Kind and then I did a Sara Moore just a bit earlier.

Reading through the clues, and the text for each mission from the contacts, I've gotten a much better understanding of whats going on in the Shadow shard and honestly, it's just too friggen cool for words.

The story, the idea, Rularuu and his aspects.. All amazing, who ever came up with that stuff has got a fantastic imagination and the art, the style, it's all fantastic. The aspects, Faathim, Ruladak, Lanaruu.. All gorgeous characters and they are tons of fun to look at and fight. Some of the unique maps are amazing, the zones themselves are all gorgeous.

Simply put, we need more.

There are 4 or 5 more aspects not in the game, and I want to fight them all. Seriously, there is so much that can be done with this set of zones as far as missions, TFs, more zones, Trials etc. It's just fantastic and honestly I feel like the Devs could do another paid expansion after GR just for SS stuff.

I feel they should open it all up, make it all a co-op zone, (I could easily see this as something Lord Recluse would be interested in having his chosen ones being a part of for his own gain.) And develop it further. Not just adding missions, but add task forces, more contacts, and a couple new zones. I'd love to see the Cathedral of Pain as it's own zone.

That brings me to Rularuu. Up until earlier, I had no idea that Cathedral of Pain was Shadow Shard related, and that it had Rularuu himself in it. I didn't realize Rularuu himself was actually in the game.

That said I looked him up on Paragon wiki.

OMG! That's all I can think. He looks amazing, he's the biggest GM in the game and he's bigger than any of the current AVs, and he looks like he'd be tons of fun to go after with a team.

I know Cathedral of pain had a broken mission and the whole item of power thing didn't work out quite right, but it needs to be fixed and re-added, or they need to do something else with Rularuu because he is too damned cool to be sitting on the back burner of the server hard drive.

Honestly, I'm more blown away by the SS than I was before, I can wait to do Justin Augustine and Dr. Quarterfield, I just really want to see more of this fantastic idea brought to the game. Use the other aspects, use Rularuu, get more maps, give Heroes and villains a chance to explore this entire world of the Shadow Shard.

Just my 2.5 inf worth.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Rularuu's a GM, not an AV. That's why he's in that lineup of other GMs.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Perhaps Uuralur the Mirror might have something to do with I17?
Is it too much to hope for?

I'd LOVE that!

Though I think it's more likely dark mirror is leading up to Praetoria for going rogue. Kind of like along came a spider for The Rogue ISles.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



i do agree that they need to expand content in the shard, as well as making it co-op (since there is canon story arcs that HAVE arachnos in the shard and mishs that make you go to a section of the shard)



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Simply put, we need more.
As a fellow lover of the Zone I agree.
I finished all the TF's and contacts there a while ago, but It's so cool I cant get away from it.

I missed the Cathedral of Pain. (/e kicks self)
I would have loved to have experienced it the short time it was live.

One can only hope that someday the content will be expanded .

@1st. Son

Help Agent Martin in: A Favor for Liberty
AE arc #381565
My 1st. Video: Agent Martin in the new tutorial zone.



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I feel they should open it all up, make it all a co-op zone
I disagree, but I'll get to that.

Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
That brings me to Rularuu. Up until earlier, I had no idea that Cathedral of Pain was Shadow Shard related, and that it had Rularuu himself in it. I didn't realize Rularuu himself was actually in the game.
He's not, and never was. The Cathedral of Pain Trial had "Aspect of Rularuu", which used Ruladak the Strong's model.

Rularuu the Ravager is, literally, too big to fight. The combat engine simply doesn't support him correctly. It even has trouble with the Jade Spider that heroes face in Mender Silos' TF, but Rularuu is even bigger. A while ago Castle was experimenting with large targets on the Test server (using the giant MekMan model), but we haven't seen anything come of that, and we don't know if he got any results.

Now, as for why I don't think the Shadow Shard should be co-op: I think we've got too much co-op already, and I find the trend of "make every new zone co-op!" annoying. I realize that making zones co-op makes them accessible to more players, but frankly that argument has held little water since CoV and CoH were merged (since any player can simply make a character on the other side of the game), and it will hold even less water once GR arrives.

On the other hand, we're missing a large portion of the Shadow Shard.
  • Cascade Archipelago: Ruladak the Strong (Brutes)
  • Factory Cubes: Chularn the Slave Lord (Wisps)
  • The Repository: Kuularth the Scavenger (Natterlings)
  • The Palace: Aloore the Watcher (Sentries)
  • Garden of Memories: Uuralur the Mirror (Reflections)
  • The Storm Palace: Lanaru the Mad (Storm Elementals)
  • The Chantry: Faathim the Kind (None)
  • Firebase Zulu: None (None)
There are four existing Shard zones. One (Firebase Zulu) has no associated aspect of Rularuu, and serves as a beachhead for Paragon City. There are seven aspects of Rularuu, each associated with or located in a region of the Shard. We're missing the Factory Cubes/Chularn, The Repository/Kuularth, The Palace/Aloore, Garden of Memories/Uuralur.

I'd say that villains need their own four Shard zones, all to themselves. One of them would need to be a beachhead, similar to FBZ. That would leave one remaining zone/aspect not assigned to either heroes or villains: this, I would make into a co-op or PvPvE zone (the latter being PvP via PvE action akin to capturing pillboxes in RV or PvP missions in the other PvP zones, rather than direct conflict)

Edit: If you look into the game's files (which is against the rules and you absolutely shouldn't do it), there are powers assigned to Chularn the Slave Lord (PFF and some Psy blast attacks), though he doesn't show up anywhere.




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I disagree, but I'll get to that.

He's not, and never was. The Cathedral of Pain Trial had "Aspect of Rularuu", which used Ruladak the Strong's model.

Rularuu the Ravager is, literally, too big to fight. The combat engine simply doesn't support him correctly. It even has trouble with the Jade Spider that heroes face in Mender Silos' TF, but Rularuu is even bigger. A while ago Castle was experimenting with large targets on the Test server (using the giant MekMan model), but we haven't seen anything come of that, and we don't know if he got any results.

Now, as for why I don't think the Shadow Shard should be co-op: I think we've got too much co-op already, and I find the trend of "make every new zone co-op!" annoying. I realize that making zones co-op makes them accessible to more players, but frankly that argument has held little water since CoV and CoH were merged (since any player can simply make a character on the other side of the game), and it will hold even less water once GR arrives.

On the other hand, we're missing a large portion of the Shadow Shard.
  • Cascade Archipelago: Ruladak the Strong (Brutes)
  • Factory Cubes: Chularn the Slave Lord (Wisps)
  • The Repository: Kuularth the Scavenger (Natterlings)
  • The Palace: Aloore the Watcher (Sentries)
  • Garden of Memories: Uuralur the Mirror (Reflections)
  • The Storm Palace: Lanaru the Mad (Storm Elementals)
  • The Chantry: Faathim the Kind (None)
  • Firebase Zulu: None (None)
There are four existing Shard zones. One (Firebase Zulu) has no associated aspect of Rularuu, and serves as a beachhead for Paragon City. There are seven aspects of Rularuu, each associated with or located in a region of the Shard. We're missing the Factory Cubes/Chularn, The Repository/Kuularth, The Palace/Aloore, Garden of Memories/Uuralur.

I'd say that villains need their own four Shard zones, all to themselves. One of them would need to be a beachhead, similar to FBZ. That would leave one remaining zone/aspect not assigned to either heroes or villains: this, I would make into a co-op or PvPvE zone (the latter being PvP via PvE action akin to capturing pillboxes in RV or PvP missions in the other PvP zones, rather than direct conflict)

Edit: If you look into the game's files (which is against the rules and you absolutely shouldn't do it), there are powers assigned to Chularn the Slave Lord (PFF and some Psy blast attacks), though he doesn't show up anywhere.
Simple answer is this:

Give Villains access to the shadow shard, in one way or another. Either Co-op zones, or not. Though after GR comes out, the point is completely moot. Either way, Zones should be open to all ATs.

As for adding new zones for the other aspects, by all means.

As for him being too big for the combat model. I don't care. Put the combat box on his head and I'll fly up to it to shoot it.

There is a phrase floating in our culture now. "Too big to fail" Well Rularuu the ravager is "Too cool to be excluded" put his *** in the game where I can shoot at him and I will do so.

Frankly all of the shadow shard is too cool to be half done. After learning about the lore of the last week or so, I feel it is at best, half done. They need to expand this piece of the game and give us all the chance to take on that baddy.

IF we can fight a hami, we can fight a ruly, let's do it, shall we?

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



I agree that the Shadow Shard should be a co-op zone.
It gets very little traffic and making it a co-op zone would increase it's use.

I either suggested or supported this idea when it was suggest before. Honestly, it was so long ago, I can't remember which but I think it came up in a QOL (Quality of Life) Zone discussion.

It's kind of sad that the base Mission Computers can't even give you the broken Cathedral of Pain mission. From my view point, it would be good to be able to run the Cathedral of Pain mission even if it didn't allow your SG to have a IOP (Item of Power). I really think that the Mission Computers should give you other missions that are specially related to SG teaming.
I can understand why the DEVs might not want to do this, but there are so many SG's that won't play with non-sg members that they might as well set-up some missions for the Mission Computer.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
I agree that the Shadow Shard should be a co-op zone.
It gets very little traffic and making it a co-op zone would increase it's use.

I either suggested or supported this idea when it was suggest before. Honestly, it was so long ago, I can't remember which but I think it came up in a QOL (Quality of Life) Zone discussion.

It's kind of sad that the base Mission Computers can't even give you the broken Cathedral of Pain mission. From my view point, it would be good to be able to run the Cathedral of Pain mission even if it didn't allow your SG to have a IOP (Item of Power). I really think that the Mission Computers should give you other missions that are specially related to SG teaming.
I can understand why the DEVs might not want to do this, but there are so many SG's that won't play with non-sg members that they might as well set-up some missions for the Mission Computer.
Unfortunately it seems the CoP trial being taken offline had more than just the IOP counting against it. My understanding was a broken mission allowed people to simply click a contact over and over again to get repeated mission complete rewards to the point people could get from lvl 1 to lvl 50 in a manner of hours.

According to Paragon wiki, that was the reason CoP was pulled offlline. Seems a simple fix to remove or fix the mission but who knows.

Still I'd love to see it put back into the game in one way or another,

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Unfortunately it seems the CoP trial being taken offline had more than just the IOP counting against it. My understanding was a broken mission allowed people to simply click a contact over and over again to get repeated mission complete rewards to the point people could get from lvl 1 to lvl 50 in a manner of hours.
Correct. I believe the issue with that was because the CoP was designed to be run by multiple teams simultaneously, and in concert.




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
On the other hand, we're missing a large portion of the Shadow Shard.
  • Cascade Archipelago: Ruladak the Strong (Brutes)
  • Factory Cubes: Chularn the Slave Lord (Wisps)
  • The Repository: Kuularth the Scavenger (Natterlings)
  • The Palace: Aloore the Watcher (Sentries)
  • Garden of Memories: Uuralur the Mirror (Reflections)
  • The Storm Palace: Lanaru the Mad (Storm Elementals)
  • The Chantry: Faathim the Kind (None)
  • Firebase Zulu: None (None)
Random theory time...

I am of the strong opinion that The Dream Doctor is an aspect of Rularuu, and that his home would have been the zone we use for Firebase Zulu.

But yes....moar Shadow Shard please. Include zones with less jumping and more underground open-world tunnels, or something like the sewer system that lets you go from area to area on foot (ie, expanded mole point system)



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
Random theory time...

I am of the strong opinion that The Dream Doctor is an aspect of Rularuu, and that his home would have been the zone we use for Firebase Zulu.

But yes....moar Shadow Shard please. Include zones with less jumping and more underground open-world tunnels, or something like the sewer system that lets you go from area to area on foot (ie, expanded mole point system)
Expanded Mole point system for the win!

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



I'd like to see more Shadow Shard too. One thing I'd like is to pull the minimum number for the task forces down to 5 or 6, and the total duration down to a couple of hours.

As for the hero vs villain piece, I'd vote for doing it like Ouroboros. Both factions can get in and walk around and get missions, but they never see each other. It's not coop or pvp. It's just two instances of the same zone. The SS is much bigger, of course, but I'd rather see the zone split that way than have hovering stalkers AS me mid-jump, or have yet another "the world is in so much danger that we all have to work together" storyline. Although, technically, it is. If we are going to do that, it would be nice to do it in a more interesting way. Maybe give heroes and villains different mission briefings and slightly different goals even when they're on the same team, but that gets much more complicated.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Rularuu's a GM, not an AV. That's why he's in that lineup of other GMs.

He is?

I normally speak to GM_Clive I think. Maybe he's new?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



i highly disagree to make the shard pvp related in any way, and i agree that once GR is out with side switching and stuff, non-co-op zones will be pretty moot.

i think just expanding the shard and making it co-op is the best way to go since the zones are huge

as for the CoP was removed, i do not think it had anything to do with IoPs and they werent an issue, and i remember someone saying that they talked to a dev about the issue and it wouldnt be a "simple fix" they would have to completely rework the entire trial.



I will support the Shard being made co-op.
Why? Simply put, it makes sense.

Boomtown or DA being made co-op? Why? Whats so dar kand scary that villains wouldnt simply rip the places of for profit as normal?
Shadow Shard? Oh, Helloooo dimension eater of doom and all powerful nastiness. THAT is something you go 'Yeah, truce' to, and team up to lay the smackdown on.

Another reason? You try getting Rularuu weapons once you miss Technician Naylor's arc, and dont want to run Scirroco's arc. Its a real s*d I tell you.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



What happens to the MM pets when you jump on a geyser?

I am having all sorts of funny mental images of minions being thrown all over the shard...



I say they should just get rid of the propelled jump thing and make em like teleports between floating islands



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
I am of the strong opinion that The Dream Doctor is an aspect of Rularuu, and that his home would have been the zone we use for Firebase Zulu.
Based on what we know of the Dream Doctor, it seems more likely that Rularuu is an aspect of the Dream Doctor than that the Dream Doctor is an aspect of Rularuu.
Originally Posted by Dream Doctor
... I guess after all I've seen, a part of me is still human. I wonder if the same can be said for my counterpart, Rularuu.

As I used the blade, I shaved off a piece of myself...




Originally Posted by Wuigly Squigly View Post
I say they should just get rid of the propelled jump thing and make em like teleports between floating islands
/signed to that one

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post

Now, as for why I don't think the Shadow Shard should be co-op: I think we've got too much co-op already, and I find the trend of "make every new zone co-op!" annoying. I realize that making zones co-op makes them accessible to more players, but frankly that argument has held little water since CoV and CoH were merged (since any player can simply make a character on the other side of the game), and it will hold even less water once GR arrives.
I would prefer an alternative. I see two possible approaches: mirrored zones and coexistence zones.

Mirrored zones would be simpler; they would work much like the Ouro zone--a separate version of the Shard for each faction. I find this justifiable in the game's fiction by the scale and complexity of the Shard zones. You could easily wander the Shard for ages without bumping into someone from the other faction. Of course, the villains would need their own versions of the content, and a hidden base (perhaps in an abandoned Mole Point, rendered irrelevant by the Expeditionary Force's discovery of a way to tap the Hortha vines remotely).

Coexistence zones would require tech that doesn't currently exist, allowing heroes and villains to be flagged as non-hostile to each other, but not allowing them to team. This stretches the fiction a bit more, because you would expect the factions to go after one another, but I could handwave that away with an uneasy truce in the face of the native dangers of the zone. Of course, this would still require content to be added for the villains, so it doesn't really make anything easier, and requires new tech, so it's not an ideal option.

On the other hand, we're missing a large portion of the Shadow Shard.
  • Cascade Archipelago: Ruladak the Strong (Brutes)
  • Factory Cubes: Chularn the Slave Lord (Wisps)
  • The Repository: Kuularth the Scavenger (Natterlings)
  • The Palace: Aloore the Watcher (Sentries)
  • Garden of Memories: Uuralur the Mirror (Reflections)
  • The Storm Palace: Lanaru the Mad (Storm Elementals)
  • The Chantry: Faathim the Kind (None)
  • Firebase Zulu: None (None)
There are four existing Shard zones. One (Firebase Zulu) has no associated aspect of Rularuu, and serves as a beachhead for Paragon City. There are seven aspects of Rularuu, each associated with or located in a region of the Shard. We're missing the Factory Cubes/Chularn, The Repository/Kuularth, The Palace/Aloore, Garden of Memories/Uuralur.

I'd say that villains need their own four Shard zones, all to themselves. One of them would need to be a beachhead, similar to FBZ. That would leave one remaining zone/aspect not assigned to either heroes or villains: this, I would make into a co-op or PvPvE zone (the latter being PvP via PvE action akin to capturing pillboxes in RV or PvP missions in the other PvP zones, rather than direct conflict)
I would love to see the other Aspects and zones added, as long as they came along with content. I would prefer to see both sides have access to all of them, however, one way or another.

I'm particularly fascinated by the Garden of Memories as a zone. It seems to me that you could introduce some very interesting event mechanics to it. Say, a PvE version of one of the PvP mechanics, for example: When a PC zones into the Garden, the zone spawns a Reflection of the character (a Mission Architect-type NPC with the same powersets and costume, but with the Reflections transparency effect added.) The Reflection uses ambush AI, and is flagged as hostile only to its target. Defeating your own reflection X times would award a badge ("Shattered Mirror"?) that counts toward a Shard accolade.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



I like the geysers & there is jet packs for puravhes. I dont think it needs changing as that is part of the zpnes appeal.

I'd like to see it opened to redside, the Ouroboros style suggested by peter peter would be a good way of doing it.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I'm so glad this thread showed up, so I can post a theory I came up with earlier today:

Who says Rularuu is a strictly a bad guy? If Faathim is an aspect of Rularuu (and he definitely is, considering the huge hole in the big guy's chest), then clearly Rularuu had some amount of benevolence.

This also makes the entire tale more tragic in several ways, with the Midnight Squad being forced to cage the equivalent of a bear who wandered into town and most of Rularuu's/the shard's problems being blamed on Lanaruu completely losing it, likely as a result of being unbound from Faathim's influence.

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I like the idea of more Shadow Shard zones.

I like the idea that some SS zones should be hero only, and some should be villian only.

I think one SS zone should be co-op. I think one SS zone should be PvP.

I think, as well as opening up zones for each and every aspect of Rularuu, we should all remember that Nemesis' base is also located in the Shadow Shard, and it should get its own zone. Maybe even a taskforce where you end up going after the real Nemesis once and for all, darnit! What you see from the RWZ arc is just way too little.