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We all knew it would come to an end some day; nothing is forever. But to be blindsided like this, when the game has been experiencing an extraordinary renaissance, is a terrible shock. It seems a little strange to me that I'm as upset as I am. It's a game, right? But it's been a part of my life for so long...all these years, the arguments, the passionate advocacy--everything from the old "empaths can solo" crusade to the myriad Incarnate discussions. And the devs listened to us, and acted on our feedback. I think, maybe, I made the original suggestion that became Pocket D. (Yes, Virtue folks, go ahead and blame me for the Catgirl Menace. I'll take the hit.) Whether they were already planning it or not, seeing what I envisioned manifested in the game makes me feel like I have a stake in it. There's an awful lot of emotion tied up in there.
City has been so innovative all along, solving problems years before the rest of the MMO companies even started trying--sidekicking, and super-sidekicking, and the Architect (which, for all its faults and the trouble it's caused, is a stunning achievement). To see it thrown aside now in favor of...what? WOW Clone 25: Prettier Pictures? The idea disgusts me.
If I could work my will--short of reversing this decision--I would see the people of Paragon stick together to form an independent studio. They have the talent, they have experience, they are already a team, and they certainly have a lot of good will. I want to see them go on to make a great new game together. And in some quiet corner of that game, there would be a thinly disguised NCSoft office. Directly across from it would be a statue of a superhero in the sniper pose, taking aim.
Regardless of that dream, thank you, devs, for the dreams you've already brought to life. -
Datamining showed that no character that has been logged in during the past six years actually has Challenge, so an exception was made.
OK, not really, but it wouldn't surprise me. Even on the occasional non-melee build that wants a taunt, why would you take Challenge over Provoke? If you're pulling single targets, there are better ways, from simple blasts to Teleport Foe. -
Quote:A question relating to this: Is it possible for an aura part to be solid? We have combat auras that shift state when you switch into combat stance; is it conceivable that we could have a holster/sheath "aura" that switches to an empty appearance when we go into combat stance?[*]Holsters, sheaths, etc (Unless they are empty or weapon contained will be rigid)
It wouldn't be perfect, because there are powers that put you in combat stance without drawing a weapon; your sword would disappear when you pulled out your Nemesis Staff, for instance. It might be an angle to look at, though, if the static nature of sheaths/holsters as a costume part is otherwise a showstopper. -
I do play a defender (several actually). My main and namesake is an Emp/Dark, who recently took great satisfaction in defeating the army of Romulus Augustus, purging Moth cemetery of Banished Pantheon, rescuing the Vindicators, and crushing Mot beneath his heel. All by himself.
Just think what he can do with some pets...er, I mean, "teammates". -
Quote:It's not my fault the devs broke the timeline there. I have been trying to overlook it ever since they decided to copy/paste her into that role. It's already a problem, since you can do that TF, then go rescue child-Penny ten levels later.That'd also be a problem, as the modern Penny is already active in IP, and handing out a 20-25 TF.
The business about all the Phalanx TF contacts being their L50 selves makes sense for the rest of them, because they don't appear as anything else anywhere in the in-game timeline. They're L50 from the time we're L1 to the time we're maxed-out incarnates. It breaks for Penny because we meet her as a child, and presumably see her grow up into a hero. With her giving out the TF, we go from her half-asking to be our sidekick to her being twice our level and assigning us a task in the space of about ten levels. -
Quote:The unpopularity of the task force aside, I can't say that I agree with them about the Clockwork story. The original, low-level story is wrapped up at that point, I suppose, but there's obviously more to it. We see the Clockwork King again much later, in the Lady Grey TF. He's on the loose, and he's manifesting his psychic powers more openly, like the CWK we encounter in another dimension. Clearly, things have happened since we beat him up at the end of the TF. The question is, what? And what might come of it?Oh the other thing I had to laugh at about the King's Row discussion was the dev that piped up about Clockwork not featuring as much in a revamp because the Clockwork story is tied up in the Synapse TF (Cuz we ALL Run that often, amirite?).
He's still bonkers, but maybe a little more aware of his state, as evinced by channeling his psychic powers through his minions. He's still protective of Penny (if in a creepy stalkerish way); he cares about her despite her ongoing friendship with active heroes, and the fact that she is presumably approaching the point at which she becomes a hero herself. There's material there to work with.
I would have pitched revamping Boomtown to a 30-40 zone, and the story would have been "The Conscience of the King". (Yes, that's a Star Trek reference, but it's also a nod to the early arc.) It would open with the Clockwork established in a Clockwork Palace in a corner of Boomtown and be focused on the period when Penny becomes a hero, and the reevaluation that forces on the King. He would not be completely redeemed, but his general hatred of heroes would be resolved into specific bitterness aimed at Blue Steel, and he would at least begin to engage with the world again. His Palace would become a refuge of sorts for the city's mechanical castoffs--damaged mek-men and Praet clockwork, and the like--and maybe even a few organic outcasts. The zone repeatable contact would be the Clockwork Emissary, who offers a choice of missions with vigilante and rogue bents, aimed at protecting the King's domain, both from villains and from the reconstruction efforts going on in other parts of the zone.
It would tie up some loose ends, breathe some life (or a horrid mechanical facsimile thereof) into Boomtown, and give us a chance to see Penny as a heroine between rescuing her and "Yay, I'm in the Freedom Phalanx!" -
Mercedes Lackey has played CoH for years, and has been doing The Secret World Chronicle alongside that.
Quote:I remember the story. The concept just amuses me so much that I have to reference it occasionally.Actually at the end of the arc it's revealed that even though Nemesis himself thought the plan was a 'good idea' but he has this thing where he decides that he wants people to genuinely adore/fear him into submission and mind control was too easy.
The remaining sections of railroad were removed and replaced IIRC since old Nemmy didn't give two figs about them in the end. -
Quote:Smashing idea. How strange that no one has thought of it before!You could also have 'duplicate maps' of a zone.
Essentially, two versions of (for example) a revamped Nerva Archipelago, hero & villain, playing out an near escalation to open war between Longbow and Arachnos. Different arcs, etc. On the hero-side, add safeguard-mission-esque "named" villains going around doing essentially what the villain-side PC's would be doing, and on the villain side, include NPC heroes acting out their part.
You'd have the essential feeling of a "shared" zone with real conflict between heroes and villains without dealing with the unpopularity of zone PvP (or the "why can't I 'arrest' that bad guy, he's right there!" immersion issues).
Quote:I proposed making them parallel, rather than shared, because I'm concerned about potential player frustration at seeing other PCs working against their goals without being able to affect them. Current co-op zones don't have that because we've got shared goals. I don't know that it would take up that much in the way of resources, necessarily; would it really be that much more intensive than having two instances of a highly populated zone? Virtue has had two instances of DA practically since the update went live.However, what I was thinking was that it wouldn't be a direct PvP zone. It would still be a co-op zone. Heck, let the missions in them count as 'tip' missions, so if a villain wants to run with heroes, they could, but it could potentially 'tarnish' their reputation unless they made sure to cause a lot of havok beforehand (made sure they did all their villain tips for the day) or simply set to where heroes and villans can't work together, even though they can't fight either (making being a Rogue or Vigilante super beneficial for zones like these).
Also, I imagine creating two seperate Boomtowns would take up a lot of resources as well.
Quote:Take out Babbage GM and put in huge 5th Column Mech Robot GM.
Say that all this time, the Clocks have been scavenging material and rebuilding a number of ruined underground bases in the area Babbage now patrols. Now that it's complete, they've begun expanding it into an aboveground Clockwork Palace, and Babbage guards it. The Column tests its defenses occasionally, hoping to put a stop to the Clocks' scavenging of their equipment.
Maybe even have a Clockwork Emissary contact that reflects the King's divided mind. He hates heroes, but Penny is a hero now. How is he reconciling that? His Emissary ends up giving missions to both sides, grudgingly cooperating with heroes to fend off the Column, but working with villains to keep the reconstruction from encroaching on his territory. -
Quote:This would be a good place for a parallel zone, as opposed to either PvP or co-op. (I think most of us will agree that co-op is already getting pushed too far.) Each side gets a version of the zone, just as each side gets a version of Ouroboros. The kicker is that the each version gets random spawns of the other side's named characters. Blueside gets members of the Rogues Gallery, and redside gets Vindicators, the Civic Squad, and the like. They would usually spawn as a single boss or elite boss, but occasionally you'd get duos or even full teams.PvP without the PvP. Heroes and Villains wouldn't fight each other, but missions and actions of heroes and villains in the zone can affect the appearance of Boomtown, maybe even what spawns where if they add contacts trying to vie for power in this section of the city. Maybe Hero Corps wants to help rebuild and add a new headquarters there, maybe the 5th Column or the Council are willing to make a deal with a supervillain for a decisive victory (which would be the next stage in their conflict's story). Really let things get crazy in there with the new tech.
The named mobs aren't just hanging out--they're on the way to a randomly selected mission door. If they reach the door, they go inside, and about 15 minutes later, a change happens in the zone. Blueside, a pile of construction supplies might be destroyed, and any amenities near it might become unavailable, or a contact might disappear from his usual location and be replaced with a beat-up model in the hospital who can't be reached by phone. Redside, temporary war walls might come up, making certain areas inaccessible, or there might be increased patrols of PPD or Longbow. Bigger "teams" of mobs would trigger bigger changes. The repeatable mission contact on each side should offer missions that reset these changes.
See, the named mobs are running missions, or even task forces, to do those things, and you're ambushing them. -
I devised Britannic Earth as part of the background for one of my characters.
A strain of preternatural perception arose in the British royal lineage, and several monarchs made key enlightened decisions regarding colonial practices. These practices defused rebellious sentiment in the colonies, which eventually became semi-autonomous member states of Great Britain. As a result, the sun truly never set on the British Empire, and eventually every nation on Earth became willing members. The Pax Brittanica persisted for centuries...until a previously insignificant gang of demon-worshipping street punks botched a ritual so badly that they literally unleashed Hell on Earth. -
It was an honor to be in at the "kill", so to speak. (Also, I was happy enough just to get the Master badge on that run.
Quote:I'm only running incarnate material on two characters, both at least theoretically squishies--an Emp/Dark defender and an Ill/Storm controller. Both have beat the timer at base difficulty with bosses turned on. I'm currently running both with bosses off for the sake of speed (bosses really aren't significantly more challenging for either of them, they just take longer), and when I repeat the fight in question, it tends to be rather...brief. I think the shortest time it has taken the defender to mop them all up as lieutenants is about 10 seconds, the longest about 30 (when they scatter in the worst possible way and I have to chase one of the guardians). The controller usually wipes them out fast enough that I don't get a chance to look at the timer.You can fail this, but I am a pretty casual player and I have not failed it yet, even on my characters who do not solo well. I have died during it and used a self rez. I have emptied my inspiration tray and scrambled for to use temp powers I did not have in my trays. In short, it is very challenging for some of my characters but it feels great when I win and I had to really stretch to do it. It feels heroic. On my non-solo types I play this at +0/0 but with bosses on if that is any help. (There are levels when heading to 50 I turn bosses off, but by 50 I think the bosses need to be there, even for my squishies)
Disclosure: The defender is fully incarnated (for now, of course) and heavily tweaked. A non-incarnate level 50 Emp/Dark defender with basic slotting would presumably have a much harder time with the boss version of the fight. If I were doing that, I'd bring temp pets and pack the heaviest load of inspirations I could, including an Ultimate from the repeatable missions if possible. -
Quote:During the brief "breaking" cutscene in the finale, I hit one of my main's costume macros so that he was in his angelic form, instead of his usual gray "balance" outfit, when he became visible again. I also made a point of finishing the final battle with a Judgement (Pyronic, of course). I don't do that kind of thing very often, but the climax of the DA arcs deserved all the theatre I could throw at it.Also, it's really important to have a great costume. One that you'd be proud to be seen wearing in a cut scene when you save the world.
Sam, given what you've said in this thread, and what I know of you from your posts over the years, I believe you will greatly enjoy Dark Astoria. -
Quote:I assumed it was one of two things: either the island was an overlap point with the Shadow Shard and affected by Shard-like gravity, or it was still accelerating upward at about the right rate to simulate 1 gravity. A map-wide auto jump buff would have been cool, though.Wades Island. This is meant to be in space, so why is gravity at Earth normal? Very dumb. They should have at least reduced the gravity to a fraction of normal to make everyone super bouncy; very fourth wall breaking.
Honestly, the main thing I found annoying is that they didn't even try to excuse the egregious stupidity of the previous arc. Oh, you could blame Manticore for it in the press conference...but is it really his fault that the script forced everyone who might have any competence to actually do something helpful to leave the room? Even if the PC couldn't do anything, Penny should logically have stayed behind--or at least given you the option to tell her to. That was just bad writing, and the new arc made no attempt at all to justify it.
I did like the new maps, and I liked the acknowledgement of the PC as a major force. I would have liked to see a little more from the Phalanx for heroes; you've been fighting for them all this time, after all. I choose to pretend that there was an off-camera discussion with Posi about it, probably before the press conference--the upshot being that the PC is more effective as an independent force, while Penny needs the support and guidance of a team familiar with powerful psychics to reach her potential. -
Quote:Actually, many of us are aiming for the baseline to stay where it is, with optional ways to make things more interesting and challenging (which are not really the same thing as "more difficult", as Samuel pointed out). My earlier post, for example, called for the devs to avoid the "higher hit points" = "more challenge" trap that has periodically plagued the game.I'm very nervous about this discussion due to recent personal experience with an Elite Boss/Hero.
Everyone's pushing for More and Harder as the baseline.
Dr. Aeon seems to be on board with this, since he said
Quote:Absolutely, to re-iterate, the goal with this is to not force new difficulty on solo players who are playing on regular settings. A great example is the Civic Squad one; a solo player on normal settings still fights only 1 member of the Civic Squad, but a player on a higher difficulty will see more. -
Something I've advocated in the past is giving the boss an equivalent to an inspiration tray--a set of powers that work just like inspirations, on an extremely long recharge, that are triggered by events in the fight. Low health is an obvious trigger for popping a green, for example, but the boss might trigger a red or purple on aggro, a Break Free when immobilized, or even an Awaken when killed. You can tweak the contents of the "tray" for different bosses if you like, but a standard load-out should be sufficient for most cases. Then, if you want to adjust the challenge, you adjust the scripted triggers for the pseudo-inspirations. Ideally, you could make the triggers dependent on team size, so a solo player wouldn't see any triggers, a small team might face a boss who starts with a couple of buffs, and a large team gets a boss who empties the tray. Even if that's not an option, you could at least use it to tweak the challenge in response to beta feedback.
If that takes too much work on powers (or the scripting tool), there's an alternate approach: caches. The boss has caches of resources in the map--essentially inspiration bins. The caches are stationary critters that look like objects, and each has one or more very short-range buff/heal powers, again on a very long recharge. They will activate those powers on any friendly target within range whenever they're charged. Then you give the boss a run-away script with a path that leads to the cache spawn points. When he gets within melee range of a cache, it triggers a heal or buff on him, then becomes inactive for the rest of the fight (due to the long recharge). The number of caches that spawn would rely on the regular spawning rules, so the boss would get more of them when facing a larger team.
There could be other types of object-critters, too--fortifications to hole up behind that have an aura that buffs the boss's defense, for example, or even things that are already in-game, like CoT healing crystals, Vahz barrels, or DE emanators. (How about a DE boss that flees into a room full of cairns and trees when it gets low on health?)
Just in case this needs to be reinforced: the giant sack of hit points/massive regen approach needs to be not merely off the table, but sealed in lead and stuffed under a mountain somewhere. We've been there, it stinks. -
The whole setup annoyed me. My main is a Magic origin empath that has been pushed to be about as powerful as he can currently be made. So, who's in that room when the flunky shows up to interfere?
1) A bloody archmage with angelic blood who specializes in healing.
2) One of the world's most powerful psychics.
3) A rich guy with a bow.
Why would the psychic and the healing mage run out to deal with the flunky, while leaving the guy with no magical or psychic powers to supervise a dangerous magical healing ritual on a psychic? In fact, it doesn't even matter what character I was on. I could have been playing a Natural tanker--it still wouldn't make sense for Penny to leave.
I was okay with not being able to rez Statesman, despite being right there and swatting Wade aside like the bug he is. They explained why in-game, and it was acceptable enough, especially given that neither I nor my character have ever much liked the guy.
Psyche, though? No explanation. Just dead with an arrow through her...a wound that might not even kill a regular human that quickly, depending on exactly where it hit. By game mechanics, she should have been back on her feet the moment I got back to the chamber--assuming neither the mediport system nor Manticore managed to do something first. There are plenty of workable handwaves, some already mentioned here--her soul/psyche was distributed among everyone she was in contact with, she's mindriding someone in particular, the ritual itself sheared her soul from her body when it was disrupted, and so on.
The next arc had better give a damn good reason for it.