912 -
Pre-ED Multi-stack Burn on my fire tank with no Aggro limit.
The best community out there.
More Pie per player than any other MMO in history. -
As some of you may know, I like Pie. I have, over the years, struggled against the forces of darkness, being dark cake, to make sure that the forum is a sanctuary for Pie.
Many have died....many have suffered. Frosting and filling litter the killing fields.
It is time for peace! It is time for unity.....
On a side note: Happy Pi day! -
Any idea if the others hero watching are just random or pulled from the game?
Because I see one that looks like my main...and that makes me smile -
Master Midnight - Unemployed Male Escort.
It is a little known fact that anybody who hates Street Justice also hates Pie. Me, I love pie so I know I will love Street Justice...once I get the money for it.
I love the idea of the combo system. it sounds like a much more open version of the Dual Blades combos that I also enjoy alot. -
I just assumed that rescuing some people would be part of a future arc to be released.
Quote:Other.......servers?? I do not know these words.Well... we're still glad to have you back. Does that count? I'd rather that than posts about how people went to some other server.
I have tried some alts on other servers but I just don't have as much fun. Besides, I have a lot of incarnate stuff to do on my main -
I got my build into the low 20s for defense by slotting weave and combat jumping, picking up the +3 def steadfast IO, fixing my slotting in Plasma Shield, and replacing 4 of the enhancements in Haymaker with Kinetic Combats.
I can feel increase in defense, but I can also feel the decrease in recharge and a there is a bit more of an endurance drain. Overall it is an improvement and a step in the right direction.
I am concerned with changing my slotting any further at this point as any change will reduce my recharge by at least 10%. One option would be to reduce the slots in my shields and go with Reactive armor as you suggested, then put the slots into Boxing and use it for a mule for another Kinetic Combat set. Not sure if I am sold on that idea yet...but I have some time as I work up the funds to afford that type of change. -
Nobody is going to stop me from creating my psychologically disturbed vigilante...
Rose Shack! -
So, a Rikti and a Praetorian Clockwork walk into the bar and want to talk politics.....
Putting all the other stuff aside I do think there is a gap in the power set sales process that could be better filled to cater to newer players. The ones who have no idea there is a test server, limited forum access, and just got an email about Street justice.
It could be stats in the paragon story, a more accessible area to try stuff out, or Null flying to your house and turning you into a digital avatar so you can try it out it seems that it would be a benefit to try and fill that gap at some point.
Personally I like the Null idea myself. -
It is an eight step plan to kill one person....only Nemesis would come up with such an overly complicated plot.
As to who dies...it has to be Citadel. Nemesis is jealous of his design and kills him, so he can then be rebuilt to look like the Praetorian version.
And all this furthers the plans of the real Lord Nemesis, who is not involved at all with the plan.
He is GOOOD. -
Honestly I have no interest in Haymaker being a cone, or anything outside of what it is now. It is a good ST attack that fits well between jabs and before a KO blow.
Quote:Thank you....my work PC does not have Mids so I was wondering what the defense numbers on that build wereWell, not wanting more damage is an odd concept, IMO. You can, however, decide that the costs of slotting for it outweigh the benefits, but that's not the case for BA, since you can slot it with Eradication which will boost your E/NE defense.
Ruthless Raptor's build is actually quite good, and I think that's the sort of thing you should be building toward--32% defense to S/L/E/NE and all attacks fully slotted. I'd make some minor slotting tweaks, for instance Blazing Aura and Maneuvers both need much more end reduction, but it would be a good place to start.. I noticed your talking type, not positional defense. Do you think type is the better way to go for this type of setup?
The one thing I did notice with his build is that I end up losing most of my +recharge bonuses from sets, though it has an extra LotG in maneuvers so I guess it would balance out.
I am going to load it into Mids tonight and check out all the numbers. -
Quote:You hit on the point I was about to make: being damage type. S/L is the most resisted type in the game.I honesty don't see them changing Foot stomp very much.
Remember that buff they did to Ice melee? that basically turned Frozen Aura into a cold damage foot stomp, complete with a damage type that is less resisted.
What makes Foot stomp so nice isn't Foot stomp itself, its Rage, and double and triple stacking it, basically allowing a tanker to walk around at their damage cap all the time. That what makes Foot stomp so nasty.
(for reference, Foot stomp does 63.17 smashing damage, in a 15ft radius recharging in 20 seconds with a 80% chance for .67KB, Frozen Aura does 63.17 cold damage, in a 10ft radius, recharging in 20 seconds, with a 100% chance for mag 2 sleep)
The radius is a little higher on foot stomp, but the smashing vs cold damage allows frozen aura to keep up damage wise. -
Just because you pay for VIP does not mean that everybody else does not have a right to play the game how they want. -
Honestly I would not have given Reactive Armor a glance until you mentioned it. It looks like I can keep all but a few points of resistance per power and gain some extra defense by using 4 slots. Using the 5th slot for the Steadfast +def nets me +9 total on the build. The down side is that endurance redux is hit a bit on each of the 3 powers.
Blazing Aura is a good damage power but this build does not need extra damage output, at least not as my build sits now. Solo I can melt the largest groups away with little problem, so BA ends up being for Aggro control more than anything else. It still puts out some decent numbers with Rage and Fiery Embrace going.
I worry about pulling from my ST attacks as they are currently buffing my recharge rate. I will have to go over those numbers when I get home tonight and see were it is worth the adjustments.
In all the changes save me 2 slots. Melt armor is basically a mule for the set bonuses so I could likely pull from that if the extra slots in Weave will be worth it.