Patron Powers: Black Scorpion Mace Mastery
*Edited by Cricket*
Please, no "first post" messages.
how about giving our villains a level bump so we can test these out
good thing i copied el nino over 4 times
Web Envelope
Foe: Immobilize, -Recharge, -Fly
Range: 80 (Explosion)
Endurance Cost: 12.74
Recharge: 20 seconds
Scorpion Shield
Toggle:Self +Def(Smash, Lethal), +Res(Energy, Toxic)
Endurance Cost: 1/second
Recharge: 4 seconds
Web Cocoon
Foe: Slow/Hold, -Recharge, -Fly
Range: 60
Endurance Cost: 10.66
Recharge: 32 seconds
Summon Disruptor
Ranged Moderate Dmg (Energy)
Endurance Cost: 26
Recharge: 15 minutes
3 of the 4 powers' short descriptions disagree with their long descriptions.
<ul type="square"> [*] Web Envelope and Web Cocoon both say they do -jump in their long description, but not their short description.[*] Scorpion Shield's long description says it provides defense to smash, lethal, and energy and resistance to toxic. Its short description says it provides defense to smash and lethal and resistance to energy and toxic.[/list]
Web Envelope - The Executioner's Mace can lob a modified Web Grenade. Upon impact, the Web Grenade expels a strong, tenuous, and very sticky substance that can Immobilize most targets in a wide area. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking, although their attack rate is Slowed. The Web can bring down flying entities and halts jumping.
Scorpion Shield - Black Scorpion's technologies are impressive indeed. This energy shield grants you Defense to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks, as well as improves your Damage Resistance to Toxic damage.
Web Cocoon - The Bane Mace can fire a more powerful version of the common web grenade. The sinewy fibers of this grenade are strong enough to completely Hold one target. Targets able to resist the Hold are still likely to have their attack and movement speed dramatically Slowed. Web Cocoon can also bring down flying targets and prevent foes from jumping. You must have one other Mace Mastery power before selecting this power.
Summon Disruptor - Black Scorpion will grant you an Arachnobot Disruptor to command. Arachnobots were created by Arachnos Orb Weavers to take down particularly powerful super-powered threats.
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the tier 2 power in mace mastery for stalkers supposedly was a snipe but it reads as having the same damage/range/everything as the tier 1 power.
I was under the impression that the developers were going to give out hard numbers for the PPP's so that we can make informed decisions when picking these permanent powers. After checking the statues on test it appears this is no longer the case.
I'll make a short list of my problems with the descriptions for the corruptor here and hope a dev happens to take a look and respond:
Web Envelope- No duration numbers, magnitude, or description if it is a cone or AoE. It seems likely it will be mag 3 but the devs have been known to do some crazy things. Also, I had previously thought this was an aoe but now I'm not so sure.
Scorpion Shield- No description for the amount of defense it provides. Why the numbers for the most important aspect of this power are not given in the details is beyond me.
Web Cacoon- This is not really a problem with the description but having a single target hold that recharges in 32 seconds is on the verge of being useless outside of PvP unless you have another to stack it with. Forgot to add that the magnitude is not given. Again, Mag 3 seems most likely but who really knows.
Summon Disruptor-This power, in my opinion, needs a lot of detail in the decription. Mainly what I would like too see is the HP's of the pet, whether it uses resistance or defense, a list of the attacks it uses and if they are melee or ranged, and whether or not it uses any holds/buffs/debuffs.
Unless we get a level bump on test to actually, you know, test these powers there will most likely be a lot of angry and disappointed CoV players.
Yeah I don't have any idea who to pick based off the information provided to us. I want to know how much [base] def BS shield provides!
I want em all!
Got through the Black Scorpion mission arc. No major problems.
It's mostly a bunch of Crey, then Malta, topped off by an Elite Boss who isn't too hard to solo.
Some concern I have about the blast (haven't been on test server myself yet)
The hard number description list the blasts (Mace Blast and Disruptor Blasts attacks) as doing knockback however the PPP page description list it has ' knocked down'.
Since the 2 effects do have major difference for me, I prefer knockdown to knockback, which one is the correct effect.
I popped in here to check the numbers in hopes someone posted them. Soemone did *glee*
What the....
They tote that we will be getting the hard numbers on powers(sweet!)...and then they give us jack crap for information....
Do they consider these the hard numbers players want and need?
As huffington said they left out the important ones, Damage/Hold_Imm Duration/Magnitude/Def values Res values...all that other stuff
Damn I love this game, just Developers piss me off so much sometimes.
Please give us ALL the numbers on powers.
32 second recharge single target hold ftw. I was hoping for a relatively fast hold to stack with freezeray so I could perma mezz two bosses or get a tank in pvp.
Could someone confirm whether they are infact -jump? As it is pretty much the deciding factor for me with this set. I need something to balance the redraw of the mace and the fact that it really doesn't suit my toon.
Also web envelope says it has -recharge, but does it have -speed aswell?
[snip]Web Envelope- No duration numbers, magnitude, or description if it is a cone or AoE. It seems likely it will be mag 3 but the devs have been known to do some crazy things. Also, I had previously thought this was an aoe but now I'm not so sure.[snip]
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Its targeted AoE like fireball, You can tell by the border of the power icon.
The hard number description list the blasts (Mace Blast and Disruptor Blasts attacks) as doing knockback however the PPP page description list it has ' knocked down'.
Since the 2 effects do have major difference for me, I prefer knockdown to knockback, which one is the correct effect.
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No kidding, I went Black Scorp thinking it would be knockdown. If it turns out to be knockback, that chump just lost my allegiance.
KD/KB are the same effect in game. 'Knockback is magnitude Knockdown.' Or something like that.
[snip]Web Envelope- No duration numbers, magnitude, or description if it is a cone or AoE. It seems likely it will be mag 3 but the devs have been known to do some crazy things. Also, I had previously thought this was an aoe but now I'm not so sure.[snip]
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Its targeted AoE like fireball, You can tell by the border of the power icon.
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Just like all the pet powers they give! You can tell by the icons!
[/sarcasm] Stupid people putting stupid icons in the game...
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

Another thing aside from the soft numbers they provided.......How are these powers "stronger" then their normal counterparts as stated by Matt Miller in a recent interview? If you ask me, all of the power are sub par to anything Ive seen in game ATM.
I agree with most that was said here.
Tier 2 power for Stalkers??? What happened to the Snipe?? I think its just a typo - someone accidentally put the wrong power description in there - but I would like confirmation.
-jump ??? In long descriptions of powers but never in short descriptions?? Clarifications please
Resistance values??
Etc. ??
And for the pets, I would REALLY like to see at least a list of powers they use - not necessarily hard numbers for pet powers, but at least what things they do use!
Another thing aside from the soft numbers they provided.......How are these powers "stronger" then their normal counterparts as stated by Matt Miller in a recent interview? If you ask me all of the power as sub par to anything Ive seen in game ATM.
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We don't agree often, but on this we certainly do. We have been previously told that the patron powers would be MORE powerful than epic powers to make up for the fact that 1) we have to jump through hoops to join up with our patron, and 2) once we have a patron we can never change to another with a respec.
From what I was able to see last night between crashes, the patron powers don't seem to be at all impressive. The reset rates of the powers I looked at were disturbingly slow, and the actual numbers of other powers weren't listed (the resist numbers under mu mastery for MMs for instance).
Yeah its amazing, our 4th tier PP has a 15 minute recharge! Thats basically the WORST recharge than any pet in the game. That means in a 10 min. Arena match, you'll be able to summon the pet twice. And thats only if you have 3 recharge in it.
The hard number description list the blasts (Mace Blast and Disruptor Blasts attacks) as doing knockback however the PPP page description list it has ' knocked down'.
Since the 2 effects do have major difference for me, I prefer knockdown to knockback, which one is the correct effect.
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No kidding, I went Black Scorp thinking it would be knockdown. If it turns out to be knockback, that chump just lost my allegiance.
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IIRC, the difference between Knockdown and Knockback is Mag. A low Mag Knockback just knocks them down (check out comments on Tanker Axe attacks). If you're much stronger then them, or slot for Knockback, you'll get the Knockback instead of the down.
The hard number description list the blasts (Mace Blast and Disruptor Blasts attacks) as doing knockback however the PPP page description list it has ' knocked down'.
Since the 2 effects do have major difference for me, I prefer knockdown to knockback, which one is the correct effect.
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No kidding, I went Black Scorp thinking it would be knockdown. If it turns out to be knockback, that chump just lost my allegiance.
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IIRC, the difference between Knockdown and Knockback is Mag. A low Mag Knockback just knocks them down (check out comments on Tanker Axe attacks). If you're much stronger then them, or slot for Knockback, you'll get the Knockback instead of the down.
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This is true but not really the point. I'm going to take these powers, not slot them for knockback, and shoot them at enemies at or above my level. If those enemies are knocked down, then for practical purposes it's a "knockdown power". If they're knocked back, then I will probably pick a different patron to avoid knocking mobs out of my footstomp.
The first thing that came to my mind as I read the various powers is why is this set called Mace Mastery? None of the powers let you hit something as if you were using the thing like, well a mace. Where are the melee attacks for "Mace Mastery"?
Yeah its amazing, our 4th tier PP has a 15 minute recharge! Thats basically the WORST recharge than any pet in the game. That means in a 10 min. Arena match, you'll be able to summon the pet twice. And thats only if you have 3 recharge in it.
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Actually isn't 15 minute recharge the longest recharge of any power in the entire game?
Yeah its amazing, our 4th tier PP has a 15 minute recharge! Thats basically the WORST recharge than any pet in the game. That means in a 10 min. Arena match, you'll be able to summon the pet twice. And thats only if you have 3 recharge in it.
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Actually isn't 15 minute recharge the longest recharge of any power in the entire game?
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Ha, very very possibly.
That dang pet had BETTER be one helluva tool, that's all I can say.......
My question about the pets considering the 15 min timer is. Are the pets permanent like current mm pets or do they have a timer before they disapear.
This thread is solely for discussions regarding the Patron Powers from Black Scorpion. From the Issue 7 Training Room Patch Notes:
Patron Powers
High level villains may complete a series of missions to gain favor with one of the faction leaders of Arachnos, gaining access to a new power pool. A villain may only have one patron during their career, so choose carefully.
Black Scorpion - Mace Mastery
Black Scorpion will give you access to an Arachnos Mace, and teach you how to use it in battle."
Details on each archetype can be found in the patch notes. All off topic posts will be removed. Please do not post bugs/feedback/balance issues before testing this content.