34 -
Do the attacks from hami / the mitos still ignore defense?
- Elite Sapper (requirement unknown, not in Prima Guide, but it's on the worktables on Test.)
[/ QUOTE ]No way to get this in game, yet[ QUOTE ]
- Elite Energy Cannon (same as the Sapper.)
[/ QUOTE ]No way to get this in game, yet
[/ QUOTE ]
What about the elite flame defense please? -
We get actual numbers on inspirations...
[/ QUOTE ]
...which are incorrect.
I agree though, the empowerment stations should definitely list the numbers for the buffs. -
Did they ever buff up the damage resistance from 5%? (i.e. half of a small orange insp?)
Also, are you sure you made disorient protection and not disorient resistance ? -
Excellent work, thank you.
Do we know if the yellow inspirations work as an accuracy boost (like an ACC SO) or a toHit boost (like Aim)? I read the thread but it wasn't clear. -
Is there a prestige cost to run the trial?
Thank you, developers, for reading the feedback and adjusting the TV's unlock requirement.
For your information, my SG is quite well organized. If you'd like to see for yourself, come make a character on Justice. If not...then kindly stop making accusations about something you know nothing about, based on someone else's quote that I included in my post to address a point that had already been covered. I'm not really interested in arguing about this with someone who would rather sling mud than have a mature discussion of the issues at hand.
I only hope the devs read all of the opinions expressed in this thread and take that into consideration before moving I7 to live. -
That is a wonderful idea. There you can now designate a person to earn the infamy badge and then 7 other members of your VG can tag along. They get to experience the content, earn prestige faster as they are teamed up, and everyone gets the badge!
Now only a few people in the VG have to earn the infamy badge as the rest can ride on the coattails of the others.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll quote MadScientist, as this suggestion was brought up and addressed a few pages back already:
I don't think any SG in practice will be as organized as you present.
Who gets to dictate which SG member drops out of SG Mode, has to be online when Infamy is in demand, and is the one person who gets to earn the Souvenier for the TV arcs? (which is VERY important to many Content Completists out there.)
You're not accounting for people who simply want to earn this themselves.
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As for your other points:
I do prefer the challenge of getting badges other than exploration and history, but to each their own.
[/ QUOTE ]
The inf badge is a challenge? How is just playing the game, not doing anything specifically to earn the badge difficult? Making the TV unlock badge the badge for defeating one of the signature characters in RV would be a challenge. Making it be the efficiency expert badge would be a challenge.
That is your choice. get another person to get the mission and tag along. Remember that this is an immobilze power. It does little dmg, just immobilizes, slows and can only be used once every 25 minutes. Wooooo! Amazing powers!!!! My hero main has used this power maybe 5 times in her career.
[/ QUOTE ]
The effectiveness of the power is really irrelevent. I'm willing to forgoe the accolade, but will others be? Why place them in the situation where they have to make that choice at all? Why dangle the carrot of the souveneir, the mission badge, and the accolade in front of every villain in an SG, making life comparatively more difficult for them than for heroes in SGs?
Is is possible to work around this as an SG? Maybe, but I have yet to see a good answer for why it has to be this badge in particular to unlock the TV and not some other badge. SGs are just really getting hit in a drive-by here. If someone runs you over with their car on the way to work and breaks your leg, regardless of whether or not you are able to still limp around, they still shouldn't have hit you in the first place! -
That's about a 1-2% infamy/prestige rate
I think your number of 3.75 million prestige is WAAAY off. It takes 20 Million infamy to earn Midas touch. Before you hit 34 say you earn only 2 million infamy. You stay in VG mode until 40. You then try to earn the remaining 18 million.
18,000,000 * 2% = 360,000
[/ QUOTE ]
Go back and re-read my post. I calculated about 150,000 prestige lost per level 40. That is less than half of the number you calculated here. If we use your number of 360,000 instead, that's a total of 9,000,000 prestige lost for an SG with 25 level 40s.
Q) But all the other VG's will now get more prestige cause of our members running out of VG mode!!! That's not Fair!
A) And you are the ONLY VG who will have this problem? Everyone will be in the same boat.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, but what about the hero SGs? This change only hurts villain SGs. I7 won't be placing any additional pressure for heroes to leave SG mode.
You have a week or so left, get out of SG mode and earn your infamy. It's not that hard.
[/ QUOTE ]
It is not a question of difficulty, though for some reason that point keeps getting brought up. Yes, I could go earn the inf badge. However, I will not be earning this badge. Any effort that I would spend working towards that badge will instead be channeled into helping my SG.
I hope this gets rethought before I7 goes live, so others will not be forced to consider making such a hard choice. -
Nathan, I don't mean to come off the wrong way when I say this, but big deal if someone has to leave VG mode to earn infamy to unlock a contact, your VG will survive the small loss.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, whether you intend it or not, you come off sounding dismissive by saying that. It may not seem like a big deal to you. But to others, it is a problem. That is why we are having this discussion.
If prestige is that important to you for you to be so picky to argue the fact that your VG members have to leave VG mode and your VG isn't gaining prestige, to me it just sounds as if, all you are worried about it prestige and to hell with what others want to do to earn for themselves.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, quite the opposite. I am very concerned about the members of my SG being put in a position where they are torn whether or not to stay in SG mode. There is already tension between individual and SG goals, but that tension is managable (with a lot of effort) as it stands now.
It is because I care so much about the desires of the members of my SG that I don't want them to be put in this position, and that is why I am fighting this change so hard.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for members of my SG and VG to earn prestige, but if they need to leave SG or VG mode to earn some cash for whatever, then so be it, I'm not going to [censored] and moan about it on the forums and ask for the badge or costs of things to be lowered so my SG/VG members can stay in SG/VG mode so they earn prestige at all times.
[/ QUOTE ]
Where have I asked for the cost of things to be lowered? I'm all for substituting an equally difficult to obtain badge to unlock the TV, just not one that hurts SGs to earn.
And, call it what you like, but the test server forum, and in particular, this thread are here to discuss changes to the game before they make it to live. The whole point is for players to give feedback so tweaks can be made. -
isnt the trade ratio realllllllly crappy?
[/ QUOTE ]
1,000,000 inf = 2,000 prestige
So even if all the level 40's in my example above turned around and dumped all 20 million inf right back into prestige, that's only 20 x 2000 x 25 = 1 million prestige regained, for a net loss of 2,750,000 prestige (still very significant). -
This is 2 weeks of playing, taking into account I work 40 hours a week and don't play Tuesday through Thursday night, and most Friday and Saturday nights. I figure 60-72 hours out of SG mode.
[/ QUOTE ]
I just went and logged an hour in game with my 40 corruptor. I earned 5000 prestige. I was active the whole time (street hunting), but the session was fairly casual as I was chatting with the SG etc.
Is this number too high to represent average prestige earned per hour at 40? Let's halve it to be safe. 2500 prestige earned per hour of play at 40.
Let's use your numbers for hours out of SG mode required to earn the inf badge. We'll take the low estimate, 60, and multiply that by 2500, and get 150,000 prestige lost.
Now multiply that by 25 level 40's in my SG. That works out to 3,750,000 prestige that the SG loses out on.
So in summary:
<ul type="square"> [*]The impact on SGs is not small[*]This requirement introduces more conflict between individual and SG goals, but that is an indirect and secondary impact of the requirement and we have no evidence showing that it was the intended effect [*]The TV could easily be unlocked by another badge that does not arbitrarily introduce this SG/individual conflict [/list]
edit: added summary
I don't want to put words in the mouths of others, but I'm pretty sure no one here is saying that the badge to unlock the TV shouldn't require work. The problem is the requirement is an unreasonable one that can't even directly be worked for, and creates a rift between individual and SG.
As has been pointed out, there is already a tension beween personal goals and SG goals. People already give up inf to run in SG mode, and SG leaders already have to work to balance this with their memberships. Making the TV require the inf badge to unlock makes this an even larger problem.
I think there should be a certain conflict between individual and SG goals. But there is no need to "turn the conflict up to 11" for some arbitrary reason. What does Media Junkie have to do with an Immobilization Pistol anyway? The accolade text says something vague about "somewhere in your career you picked up an immobilization pistol, which you kept." Media Junkie is totally interchangable with any other badge as the requirement. At least the hero version of the accolade had a Crey mission involved with getting it.
Change the requirements for the immob pistol accolade, or better yet change the requirements to unlock the TV to something more reasonable.
Oh, and for those keeping score, there is already additional individual/SG conflict coming in I7. Where salvage only helped the SG pre-I7, now people have a reason to consider keeping it for their personal use (empowerment stations). -
I didn't make it to test last night, but I will be there tonight around 9pm eastern.
PS. I believe the luck line of inspirations provide defense to everything.
[/ QUOTE ]
Luck does indeed boost your base defense. Positional defense (melee/ranged/AoE) could also protect against an attack that only did toxic damage. For example, Focused Senses from SR would protect from a ranged attack that did only toxic damage. Anyway, the point is unless there is a smash, lethal, or energy damage component to an attack, Scorpion Shield won't give you defense to it.
I won't be on test tonight, but I still want to help test this sometime. Look for me on live as @Nathan or on test as Mr. Wu3 (global chat there is unreliable) -
My enemy was a Bane Mace Aracnos, minion, level 42. With no toggles running, he hit me 15 of 20 times, or 75% accuracy
[/ QUOTE ]
This seems off. As you mention, minions have a bth of 50%, and in this case there should have been a slight acc bonus for him being +1.
All of the hits were for toxic damage. I'm not sure what kinds of attacks or how many different attacks these bane mace guys have, but it was toxic damage each time.
[/ QUOTE ]
There is no such thing as defense to toxic damage. (That is why the FF shields get res vs. toxic, not defense as they have to other damage types). If there was no other component to the attack (e.g. smash/lethal/energy), the scorpion shield should not have come into play at all.
I'll see if I can find you tonight and help test this if possible. -
I'm really not seeing how dropping out of SG Mode at 45+ long enough to earn 20 million infamy is going to hurt an SG that works together at all, since it allows lower level characters to remain in SG mode longer. I'm going to have to say that I really can't complain with the requirements for this particular badge. And I say this as the leader of an active, moderate-sized SG with a base that still needs quite a few things. (50+ members.)
[/ QUOTE ]
SG A lets its lvl 50's drop out of SG mode to earn 20 million inf, and passes some of that down to keep low level characters in SG mode at all times.
SG B keeps everyone in SG mode at all times. People buy enhancements by selling the drops that they get (difficult, but possible).
By your numbers, SG A loses out on 154,200 prestige for each level 50 that does this. Let's say SG A has 10 level 50's. That's 1.5 million prestige that SG A is in the hole (compared to SG B). I'd say that hurts SG A.
Now extend that to 20 level 50's. Or 40. Or 75. You can see the picture. -
It is already difficult as a leader of an SG getting members to stay in SG mode, as not earning inf makes obtaining enhancements harder. To a degree, we've been able to address this by handing out inf as needed to members that are staying in SG mode but struggling with enhancements.
The situation with the TV makes it even more difficult. We can't give out badges to our members as an incentive to stay in SG mode and help earn prestige for the base. I'm sure a lot of (even dedicated) members would be very upset at giving up an accolade for the good of the SG, and there is no real way to compensate them for this. Of course, the base that is built by the prestige everyone earns is a benefit for all the SG members, but that is a lot less immediate and direct compensation than "You're having trouble with enhancements because of SG mode, here is some inf to buy enhancements."
It is already hard enough to manage this situation. Please don't make it even harder for SG leaders and members. -
I really hope the TV doesn't give a mission that awards another badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
According to the forums over at vidiotmaps.com, the TV gives the badge: Media Junkie - Destroy Books - Lvl 45-50 - Contact: TV - Zone: Grandville
Oh and it gets better. Apparantly this badge is required for the immobilize pistol, the villain version of the Crey pistol.
I think it is absurd to make people choose between loyalty to their SG (staying in SG mode and earning prestige) or getting an accolade power (earning the inf badge to unlock the TV). Surely a different badge could be used to unlock the TV if its badge is necessary for an accolade? -
Aye, I think something might happen to it. However it's not really fair if it does. I mean you can drop someone out of fly very easily and keep them out. You can slow superspeed to a halt. The only one you really can't is teleport. It's the amount of players that have super jump (or rather combat jumping and hurdle) that I am worried about. That will lead to a huge amount of complaints.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would argue that the reason for so many super jumpers is that -fly and slows are so prevalent. Also, SJ isn't affected as badly by travel power suppression when attacking. SJ is far and away the best all around travel power for PvP (not to mention that it unlocks Acrobatics), and it is about time that there are at least a few powers that counter it.
I would also like to point out that Scrappers already have access to web grenade and caltrops (both -jump) in the weapon mastery EPP, but you almost never see this since every scrapper took body mastery to get FA and ignore defense based sets. -
It has become apparent that Deathless, the 4th debt badge, is required for the High Pain Threshhold accolade.
Please don't do this. Some of us actually try NOT to die in this game
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree 100%. Badges for paying off debt is fine and all, but an actual meaningful reward shouldn't be given out for poor playing. -
The buffs are way to expensive for what they do. As a leader in my SG who has collected salvage from other SG members (and not used much of it towards the base yet), I could not make many of these. The cost should be 1-2 basic components for most buffs, perhaps 3-4 for the "higher level" ones.
If abuse is a concern, make it so that only 1 enhancement table buff can be active on a character at any given time. -
Web Envelope
Foe: Immobilize, -Recharge, -Fly
Range: 80 (Explosion)
Endurance Cost: 12.74
Recharge: 20 seconds
Scorpion Shield
Toggle:Self +Def(Smash, Lethal), +Res(Energy, Toxic)
Endurance Cost: 1/second
Recharge: 4 seconds
Web Cocoon
Foe: Slow/Hold, -Recharge, -Fly
Range: 60
Endurance Cost: 10.66
Recharge: 32 seconds
Summon Disruptor
Ranged Moderate Dmg (Energy)
Endurance Cost: 26
Recharge: 15 minutes
3 of the 4 powers' short descriptions disagree with their long descriptions.
<ul type="square"> [*] Web Envelope and Web Cocoon both say they do -jump in their long description, but not their short description.[*] Scorpion Shield's long description says it provides defense to smash, lethal, and energy and resistance to toxic. Its short description says it provides defense to smash and lethal and resistance to energy and toxic.[/list]
Web Envelope - The Executioner's Mace can lob a modified Web Grenade. Upon impact, the Web Grenade expels a strong, tenuous, and very sticky substance that can Immobilize most targets in a wide area. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking, although their attack rate is Slowed. The Web can bring down flying entities and halts jumping.
Scorpion Shield - Black Scorpion's technologies are impressive indeed. This energy shield grants you Defense to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks, as well as improves your Damage Resistance to Toxic damage.
Web Cocoon - The Bane Mace can fire a more powerful version of the common web grenade. The sinewy fibers of this grenade are strong enough to completely Hold one target. Targets able to resist the Hold are still likely to have their attack and movement speed dramatically Slowed. Web Cocoon can also bring down flying targets and prevent foes from jumping. You must have one other Mace Mastery power before selecting this power.
Summon Disruptor - Black Scorpion will grant you an Arachnobot Disruptor to command. Arachnobots were created by Arachnos Orb Weavers to take down particularly powerful super-powered threats.
[/ QUOTE ] -
Question for Positron - Certain badges on the Villains side are only achievable by farming (read: repeatedly resetting) one specific mission: for example the badges for BP Masks, Troll bosses, or Rularuu Overseers.
Will these badges ever be required for Accolades on the CoV side? -
An excellent change overall, that gives added survivability to defense based sets vs. Lts, bosses, and higher level mobs in general while slightly reducing their survivability by increasing final to hit floors for bosses and AVs. I like the fact that the functionality of non-final (read: NOT Elude, Overload, or Kujin Retsu) defense powers is boosted, while reliance on those final powers is decreased.
This makes the already strong purple inspirations much stronger in PvE. With this change, anyone, regardless of AT, can use two small purple inspirations and "tank" an AV, or a room full of mobs (any class, any level) for 60 seconds. I fully support a reduction in effectiveness for purple inspirations.
To comment on the toHitBuff vs. defense in PvP issue, I believe that it is almost balanced as it is. I used to feel that toHitBuffs had too much of an advantage (and commented to that effect in response to the announcement of resistance to
defense debuffs, prompting a reply from Statesman that they are "looking into it"). With the reduction of base to hit in PvP to 50%, I no longer see a problem. Aim and Build Up still cut right through defenses, but only last a short while. Defense based sets need a counter, and these powers provide it. Focused Accuracy should probably be reduced in effectivness (and endurance cost), since it can always be on and allows the user to completely bypass non-9th power defenses. I don't see a problem with stacked tactics (from a team) cutting through defenses.
I'm actually curious now how the other side of the "purple patch," e.g. the reduced chance to hit and damage of players on higher level mobs, works. Is the reduced chance to hit manifested as a toHit debuff on players, or something else?