Official Thread for Empowerment stations
Sounds quite cool. I'm looking forward to it.
Hmm, cool, I wonder how the prices on these will be though.
Kinda offtopic, but are we getting anything towards making obtaining an IoP less... giving up your soul-ful in I7?
Prices on bases and things are waaay to crazy
Some info.
Price on each of the stations, magic and tech, are 15000 prestige. They take no control and no energy. They can craft salvage into The first 4 types of components (Material, Power, Hardware, and Prototype for tech, Element, Foci, Essance, and Glyph for magic)
Here are the powers they grant. I did not have a chance to try them out, not enough components yet. (I will use the tech material cost, magic is the same costs with the matching component. Element <--> Material, Foci <--> Power, Essance <--> Hardware, Glyph <--> Prototype)
Confustion Resistance
5 Material
7 Power
Fear Resistance
5 Material
7 Power
Fire Resistance
5 Material
7 Power
Grant Invisibility
31 Power
2 Hardware
6 Prototype
Increase Attack Speed
9 Material
9 Power
Increase Flight Speed
9 Power
Increase Jump Speed
9 Material
Increase Perception
11 Material
4 Power
Increase Run Speed
9 Material
Knockback Increase
5 Material
2 Power
Knockback Protection
5 Material
2 Power
Lethal Resistance
5 Material
16 Power
Sleep Resistance
2 Material
7 Power
Slow Resistance
5 Material
4 Power
Smashing Resistance
11 Material
11 Power
There was also, at least on the magic station, the very last tab to the end. It hinted at making a level 2 station, but I could not make it. It said 36 Essance and 12 Foci. The description for the tech equivaliate, however, mentioned something about an item to prevent destruction of base items during raids. Bug or different trees, not sure.
Also, there was a tab in each called 'Invention'. There were 2 receipes, both taking 5 Abberiant Tech and 2 Amulets called 'Enhancement Test' and 'Enhancement Test 2' with a subtitle in each of 'Craftin' Enhancement Test'n'. Again, could not make either of those. Will dupe my character to spawn excess salavge tomorrow to better test.
Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb
Empowerment Station buffs don't work in Nova or Dwarf form for Kheldians. I do most of my fighting in Nova form, and if I'm going to need some extra help, that's the form I'll need it in. I know temp powers can work in Nova and Dwarf form, so these need to be fixed.
Also, I was disappointed that with all the salvage I've saved up since I6, all I could get out of the station was ONE buff of Fear Resistance, Slow Resistance, Knockback Protection, or Knockback Enhancement. Maybe I just had bad luck with my salvage, but it seems like all the good buffs are too expensive to be used more than once an Issue. What's the point?
Doesn't mez resistance just lower the duration of mez powers? It'd be much more useful if these buffs provided mez protection.
More later.
Some info.
Price on each of the stations, magic and tech, are 15000 prestige. They take no control and no energy. They can craft salvage into The first 4 types of components (Material, Power, Hardware, and Prototype for tech, Element, Foci, Essance, and Glyph for magic)
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I see all 6 types. They're just all sorted alphabetically instead of by level.
It's worth noting that these items are not destroyable in a raid. Can anyone test if they're USABLE in a Raid? Are they at least interruptable?
It's odd that a powerup station would produce another station. I guess that's so you don't need a functioning Worktable to get the second level one - the description says it's self-powered.
It's also odd that all higher level components can be crafted on the smallest table, even though they're not usable. It does make it easy to start with the difficult pieces and use up your rare salvage first, but I wonder if it will confuse newer players giving them more tabs full of recipes than they need.
Like all interractive items in the base (worktables, mission computer) there's a limit of one user at a time. This is sometimes very annoying. Can we get an AFK timeout on the interractions?
>.< made second lvl empowerment station, both tech and arcane. Both Lvl2 DON'T DO ANYTHING!!! they grant the same buffs, at the same prices. they just look better than the originals.
<.< the cost for putting down the lvl2 salvage made empowerment is 300000 as apposed to the store bought model at 150000... o.o this have to be a bug right? what use is the lvl2 if its more expensive and does the same?
>.> also, there are 3 aux connections avalable, but nothing connects to it....
I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe
the description on the table refers to a "long duration buff" from the level 2 table. You didn't mention if the buffs last any longer.
if the buffs are all the same cost, it does seem odd to keep the level 1 around after building the 2, yet you can hold 6 powerup stations on every base plot.
so the tech one is actually a buff station, huh? is it still called a Linear Accelerator like the table says?
would it be possible to move the Raid Pylon power off of the Worktables and onto the Powerup stations? it would make much more sense there. and would let us delete worktables if we don't want people in the SG dropping personal crafted items in the base.
on a related note... I'd like a security permission for worktables. This could just be one big setting to turn them off completely, no fuss over locking out just items and not components - if people need to refine salvage to make more room they can use the powerup stations for that.
the description on the table refers to a "long duration buff" from the level 2 table. You didn't mention if the buffs last any longer.
if the buffs are all the same cost, it does seem odd to keep the level 1 around after building the 2, yet you can hold 6 powerup stations on every base plot.
so the tech one is actually a buff station, huh? is it still called a Linear Accelerator like the table says?
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o.o both buffs last 15 min, they are also listed as minor buffs
I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe
Also, I was disappointed that with all the salvage I've saved up since I6, all I could get out of the station was ONE buff of Fear Resistance, Slow Resistance, Knockback Protection, or Knockback Enhancement.
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With really careful foreplanning, on a character who has been accumulating salvage from level 12 (or maybe 11) to 31, I am able to craft at BEST 5 or 6 status resist buffs. Foreplanning is, granted, made somewhat easier with the salvage storage, provided the supergroup permissions are set up well, but...
If this really is to help out small supergroups, I don't really see it accomplishing that well, and honestly it doesn't even seem that helpful to larger ones, since the collection rate to number of characters remains more or less steady.
I'm basically getting one resistance buff every couple levels. While I grant these are fairly cool buffs, that does seem a rather excessively low rate. I think either the recipes or the rate of salvage drop (or both) may need to be revisited.
(Edited to remove side comment about other storage, now properly in the storage thread.)
One drawback of the internet is how it has trained so many people to think that one day is a long time.
When I saw the empowerment prices in game (omg!), I thought it was a one-time fee to enable the empowerment station to provide those buffs (i assumed for a lower, more reasonable fee per buff - say a single piece of crafted salvage per use)
Imagine my surprise!!
OMG look at the cost for the invisibility buff! That's more than the cost for five (5!) basic telepads! For a 15 minute invis buff???
The empowerment stations aren't really intended for use by small casual SG's, I suppose? Do the really, really huge SGs find this affordable enough to be useful?
Wow, and the duration of the buffs is 15 minutes? Short enough that if I have a mapserver disconnect and then trouble getting back on, I could easily miss it entirely.
Please tell me this is a bug? Hangon, when was April first? No that's not it, wrong month. Huh?
Oh, maybe it's supposed to be 15 hours? Hmm? If so, then I understand the costs.
The empowerment stations aren't really intended for use by small casual SG's, I suppose?
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That was exactly who they were intended for. This isn't workable as it stands. The buffs need to be made much cheaper in terms of materials.
With really careful foreplanning, on a character who has been accumulating salvage from level 12 (or maybe 11) to 31, I am able to craft at BEST 5 or 6 status resist buffs.
I'm basically getting one resistance buff every couple levels.
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It's probably obvious to everyone, but the "In lieu of helping my SG build any new base items," that follows from this seems like as much of an issue as the silly high cost of these things.
Yay, another way to have to choose between helping a SG and yourself . . .
"I think you're confused. This is /b, not /b/."
OMG look at the cost for the invisibility buff! That's more than the cost for five (5!) basic telepads! For a 15 minute invis buff???
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The cost for these buffs, which only last 15 mins, need to come WAY down so characters in small supergroups can get them more than once or twice every 10 character levels.
Looks like the enpowerment station was designed by the same guy who designed base rent and base item costs. When is he going to be fired?
The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.
Well, I managed to make a 3rd tier empowerment station. This grants all the ones that the first 2 tiers did, plus a couple more (psi resist, for example).
You ready for this?
A 15 minute psi resist, made from the 3rd tier station, costs 50+ tech power, 30 something tech material, some tech hardware, and 7 tech software. (The numbers on those are rough, I'm just working from memory. The 7 tech software is right though).
SEVEN tech software for a 15 minute buff??!? My sg has been collecting salvage since launch, and weve only managed to accumulate a total of 10 tech software. (3rd tier component). Who the heck is gonna use 7 of a 3rd tier component to make a 15 minute psi resist buff for one person?!?
Thats not all. So many of the recipes in there are just completely crazy in their requirements. No small SG will ever be able to use half those buffs, and even the bigger ones like mine still arnt gonna spend that kind of stuff on a 15 minute buff.
The only buffs ill ever see myself using are those that only use tier one componants.
Lol these recipies are the craziest thing I have ever seen! I have been running a fairly large Vill SG since about 2 weeks after launch and we are still struggling for Tier 2 Components and have not even moved up to Tier 3 at all yet! With these prices we simply will not be able to put a station into the base, or we would never be able to build anything ever again!
And also, I assume these buffs are to help with things like AV battles etc, if so, is it the devs intention that you should go to the mission, fight all the way through to the AV, stop, run back to your base, use the buff, run like crazy back to the AV and proceed to kick his/her/its [censored]?
That sounds a little silly to me.
And also, I assume these buffs are to help with things like AV battles etc, if so, is it the devs intention that you should go to the mission, fight all the way through to the AV, stop, run back to your base, use the buff, run like crazy back to the AV and proceed to kick his/her/its [censored]?
That sounds a little silly to me.
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Yeah, we were just discussing this. Considering the length of the buff, travel time alone will eat a significant portion of it, and it certainly won't last a mission. And this is for a buff that takes at least 27 pieces of salvage, no less.
Better would be to create a temporary power you can activate whenever, of course. Otherwise, the length really needs to be reconsidered.
One drawback of the internet is how it has trained so many people to think that one day is a long time.
What I find interesting is that these buffs are limited duration right? And the devs claim that travelpowers are not a requirement to play the game (statesman said he has a char without anything but sprint). So tell me, what is the point of anyone without a travel power using an empowerment station, then using the teleporter to go into a hazard zone (terra volta for example) and then needing to run to the far end of independance port. The trip alone will take around 10 minutes so by the time they get to their mission they get only 5 minutes worth of benefit.
God forbid someone wants to get to PI in time for thier mission, taking the route from their base (entering from AP) then out into Dark Astoria, crossing Talos Island to the PI ferry and then making it to the portal corp building.
All of these buffs and not a single temporary travel power....
City of Heroes. You WILL take a travel power... or else.
What I find interesting is that these buffs are limited duration right? And the devs claim that travelpowers are not a requirement to play the game (statesman said he has a char without anything but sprint). So tell me, what is the point of anyone without a travel power using an empowerment station, then using the teleporter to go into a hazard zone (terra volta for example) and then needing to run to the far end of independance port. The trip alone will take around 10 minutes so by the time they get to their mission they get only 5 minutes worth of benefit.
God forbid someone wants to get to PI in time for thier mission, taking the route from their base (entering from AP) then out into Dark Astoria, crossing Talos Island to the PI ferry and then making it to the portal corp building.
All of these buffs and not a single temporary travel power....
City of Heroes. You WILL take a travel power... or else.
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There is a run speed increase, while I doubt it's on the same level, it'd be interesting to see how well it stacks with sprint...
Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb
Tested the Increase attack rate buff.
It takes 9 power/9 material (a base teleporter only takes 6 power).
This gets you ... (wait for it) ... a big 0.2 bonus for a grand total of 15 mins.
Somebody shifted a decimal point someplace if this was suppose to be useful to smaller SGs.
There is no way a 15 minute buff should cost more than one piece of refined salvage. As has been said in this thread already, as it stands now this does not help a small SG at all. I'm in a group of 5, if we pooled all our salvage I doubt we could craft more than a few of the lower tier buffs let alone any of the tier 3s.
The Pillars of Might:

I am wondering though, how easy it will be to accumulate the necessary salvage to use these regularly when you take into consideration the salvage storage bins. I know many of my primary toons have probably capped out on certain kinds of salvage that they could have been continuing to acquire if they had someplace to put the stuff. Just a thought.
Dominators don't need mitigation from their secondaries. Even if they did, there's ice (slows), psi (-recharge), and fire and elec (death).
-Talen_Lee commenting on Energy Assault's Utility
I posted all the recipe costs here.
I agree with what everyone else is saying. The prices for the buffs are quite ridiculous. My level 19 Warshade who has been playing in SG mode since creation only has enough salvage for 1-3 buffs. If these are supposed to help the little guys, they're not really doing their job.
This thread is solely for discussions regarding the new base item empowerment stations. From the Issue 7 Training Room patch notes:
"Empowerment stations are base items where players can convert basic salvage into Tier 2 salvage and cash Tier 2 salvage in for special buffs. Players can choose the buff applied from the recipes available at that Station, determined by the station rank."
All off topic posts will be removed. Please do not post bugs/feedback/balance issues before testing this content.