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  1. I'd buy that if Banished Pantheon, Clockwork, Nemesis Jaegers/Automotons, and Mek Men didn't work just fine with Warhade powers.

    The Devs didn't want to clutter the ground with corpses of some reason, and that's fine aesthetically, but it's annoyingly punitive to my main character when the entire trial is nothing but corpseless baddies.
  2. None of the mobs in the Halloween Trial leave corpses when they die, despite the fact that that's basically all they are. Warshades can't heal, summon pets, or make explosions if there aren't any corpses. It's annoying to be locked out of three of your powers for the whole trial.
  3. Mr_Remarkable

    Blight - 140423

    Seriously Witch Engine, just apologize for your arc kicking Venture's dog, and the healing can begin.
  4. My "Trouble at ParaCon!" mission (29900) hasn't had many plays since my most recent round of changes. Issue 15 fixed the bugs I had with item placement.
  5. Mr_Remarkable

    Blight - 140423

    People complaining about the "unforgivable trespass" of having your character's story dictated to you should remember that, within the game, all MA arcs are played out in a virtual reality.

    Your character is choosing to essentially watch an interactive movie. Nothing that happens there affects the character's "real life" so your character shouldn't feel violated.

    Back to the arc, I absolutely loved it. The non-combat mission was a little slow because I took my time not knowing what would happen with each glowie, but overall it was a good time.
  6. Willie Mace is my Will/Mace tanker with a baseball bat mace.
  7. My biggest concern when it comes to Going Rogue is whether or not Epic ATs will be allowed to switch sides.

    It might seem goofy for a Crab Spider to become a hero, but I want to turn a Warshade into a Nictus, dangit!
  8. Is there a way I can define a boss as 'Random' from a custom group filled with only the bosses I choose?

    Basically, I want to add a random Arachnos boss to a mission, but I don't want to include Tarantulas, and I don't want to include any Signature characters. I made a custom NPC group filled with all the bosses I want, but it looks like I can't define the boss in my mission as Random from that list.

    So I'm stuck either accepting the wide open pre-written Random choice, or I have to define a specific boss, which would limit my mission to a specific level range.

    Am I missing a third option?
  9. I'd like some backstory on Steven Sheridan.

    Is Dr. Science just his character on the kids show he hosts? Does he do any actual heroing? (you know, aside from figuring out how to end the Rikti War!)

    What are his powers? Just an eidetic memory?

    I put him in an Architect mission (plug plug 29900) but I had to guess on his powersets.
  10. This is a great thread. I'll be working my way through these short missions this weekend.

    I'd love some honest feedback on my mission. ArcID 29900: Trouble at ParaCon!

    (not to be confused with the other ParaCon mission. also separate feedback thread here if you're interested.)
  11. Can you invite more teammates after you've already started a MA arc, or is it like Ouroboros that puts you in "TF mode"?
  12. Base Repricing
    1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
    I won't feel the compulsion to constantly be in SG mode anymore, so I'll make better progress on the epic Influence badges!

    2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
    I'll probably dismantle several rooms, but others I might leave alone. This gives me an excuse to take a fresh stab at redecorating some rooms I'm not totally happy with.

    3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
    Probably two or three nights of tinkering around, plus a lot more experimentation with the awesome new pathing rules.

    4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
    I like how smaller SGs will be able to afford bigger bases sooner, but after three years of collecting prestige our SG doesn't really NEED to grow much anymore, so I'm not going to expand as much as the little guys.

    5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
    Long term: The SG as a whole can relax on the prestige grinding to keep us at the status quo. Short term: I'll be playing around a lot more with the editor!

    Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
    1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
    It'll be much more difficult to store holiday event salvage for use by alts throughout the year. I'd be fine with the lower Invention salvage limit if it didn't also include event salvage. Could we have a separate bin for candy canes and costumes?

    2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
    I'll get the 10k crafting badge! I'm also planning to stockpile a lot of random rare invention salvage for use by the SG.

    3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
    No time at all. It's fairly clear, except for rent calculation.

    4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
    Let's say I have 40 Hamidon Costumes in storage right now. Someone in the SG accidentally double-clicks on them when they meant to just single click. Now THEY'VE got all 40 pieces of event salvage, and they can't put all of them back for other people because that'd put the bin over the limit.

    5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
    No concerns. We don't recruit, so everyone in the SG is trustworthy.

    Additional Notes:
    Please consider giving us a new higher-limit storage bin solely for event salvage. I understand you want to limit hording of the Invention stuff, but Events only come around once a year, so please don't make us deal with the Wentworth's inflation we'll no doubt see in a month or two.
  13. Awesome event. I always have a great time.

    My only complaint is that the zombie corpses disappear too quickly for Warshades to summon pets. I guess that's to keep the pile of corpses to a minimum, but it cuts into my effectiveness.
  14. Those are most likely remnants of the skills system they junked years ago before inventions. I remember hearing there was a Detective and an Academic path, and Science makes just as much sense.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    That said, I have no problem doing this if you guys don't. Just let me know what missions you want on Ouroboros and I will do my best to get them there.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Could we get all of the stand-alone Praetorian missions from Maria Jenkins? It'd be nice some times to just automatically jump to fighting Siege or Diabolique without having to work your way through the arc.

    It'd be especially cool of the Gold Star for completing each mission was keyed off of whether you already had that AV's kill for Dimensional Warder, but that might be pushing it.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Why not make them last like two hours of in-game time?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    They already last for an hour of in-game time. They don't count down while you're logged off.

    The major problem with Empowerment Stations is the strength of the buffs. They were designed so you could stack them to make them into something meaningful for 15 minutes. When the stacking didn't work, the devs decided to let you keep the weak buff for four times as long instead of making the buff four times as powerful.

    _Castle_ has said in the past that he'd happily make player buff powers stronger if he could ensure that they couldn't be stacked. This is a prime candidate, and it's been ignored for over a year.
  17. You guys do realize that you're turning this thread into a discussion thread by constantly making new posts telling other people not to post, right? Almost half of the replies so far are you guys telling people not to participate.

    Back on topic: I'd specifically like arcane-styled bases to get some decorative love.<ul type="square">[*]Wall Detail: Hanging Vines, Fireplace, HUGE Old Maps[*]Room Detail: Spell Books, Cauldrons, Smaller/Colored Crystals, Skulls, Chests, Statues (shouldn't need to craft expensive Aux items to get these)[*]Lighting: Candelabras, Glowing Crystals, Candles, Chandeliers, Braziers, Balls of Light[*]Furniture: Workbenches, Stools, Taller Bookcases (one with a wheeled ladder)[/list]It's difficult right now to make a good looking Arcane base, because many of the Arcane-themed items are either HUGE or they're modular units that are already pre-decorated and you can't put anything else on or near them.
  18. Mr_Remarkable

    Drops II

    I'd love the ability to just repeat the 45-50 story arcs over and over. They're some of the best missions in the game, and both sides contain plenty of AVs and unique tilesets to keep you interested.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    5. PROBLEM: "Mission Complete EXIT" message=

    This causes untold numbers of people to exit the mission not having known about the other things in the mission remaining to do OR by force of habit doing so on any mission. Its been a problem as well long before on villains side.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This is a HUGE design problem with Safeguard missions as they stand.

    When does it make sense for your character to leave a Mayhem? after you rob the bank

    When does it make sense for your character to leave a Safeguard? If you leave after saving the bank you're missing out on up to 5 side missions, but there's NO REASON TO STAY! The only justification your contact gives you is "do side missions to delay the REAL cops from showing up!" How heroic is that?

    Mayhems start with a timer, and it makes sense for villains to do side missions to cause distractions and extend that timer. The Safeguard timer seems tacked on with barely a nod toward thematic justification.

    Safeguards should build toward something that makes you feel like you really ended the mission. Right now they're just 6 small missions that share a map, and all of them are pretty underwhelming.
  20. I can't use my SG's teleporter to zone to Faultline. Every time I try, I get the Faultline zoning screen, and as soon as it finishes I get another loading screen for Atlas Park which puts me on the steps in front of Ms. Liberty as if I just zoned in from Outbreak.

    We've had the beacon since before the zone was revamped. Is it still pointing at the old Faultline or something?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    It is low priority, however, since Stalkers are still the best in PvP according to our data. As such, there is no ETA for a fix.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Haven't we been repeatedly told that the AT we THINK is the best at PvP isn't really the best according to the numbers? And wasn't this usually when people were complaining about Stalkers?

    Now I'm confused.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I think they may have recently squared the Arcane Telepad footprint.

    I put in my fourth Telepad after the last patch, and unlike all the others I can rotate it freely next to its neighbor. The proportions look off compared to its neighbor as well.

    Will someone who has "old" (pre-patch) telepads and space for new ones check me? It hasn't affected my previously-crafted ones - it's just the newly-placed one that looks... different.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I just built two arcane telepads on the test server, and they're the same non-square blocks that they've always been. They're SO close to being small enough to fit in one "square" of a room, but there's juuuuuuuuust a little hangover.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I sent a bug report in the game but I have not heard anything back.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Just FYI, you'll never get a response from a /bug report. They get sent to the devs for review but aren't handled by the GMs. If you need a response from in-game support, use /petition, but this scenario doesn't really justify a /petition.

    My supergroup has a bomb logo, and it's coming across as biohazard on our SG items. So, they're about as useful as Empowerment Stations right now.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    NOTE: You can only earn the The Lord Recluse Strike Force reward once every *24 hours* This is by design to help prevent farming.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's dumb.

    Hamidon respawns in less than 24 hours. What if you did an evening TF on a Saturday and wanted to get together again Sunday afternoon?
  25. I don't really have a problem with the buffs being passive temp powers that start counting down as soon as they're purchased. All I want is for them to be noticable.

    I want Increase Run Speed to be as fast as unslotted Speed Boost.

    I want the mez resistance to be as strong as Accelerate Metabolism.

    I want the perception buff to be as strong as Tactics.

    I want each damage resistance buff to be as good as one of the sonic shields.

    I want an Endurance Recovery buff as strong as unslotted Stamina.

    Maybe I'm a little greedy, but I thought the whole point of these buffs was to help in very specific ways as much as a defender can in a broader sense. The stations still wouldn't be as good as teaming with a defender, but they'd be worthwhile.

    Just give them the strength they'd have if they were cast by a defender, but only let each empowerment buff count once (like it currently does).