Fodder for the Canon: Ask your lore questions here
Did Statesman and Maiden Justice have more than just the one child?
Was Tyrant's beginning's much like Statesman, or did he never reform from the thug, and did Stefan Richter play the role of the more noble one in that reality? Was Maiden Justice good or evil on Praetoria, and did she meet with the same end?

Should we restrict our questions to what's already in the game, or can we ask about stuff currently in Closed Beta?
Awesome! My Seraphina question got answered (though I almost missed it)! Here's to hoping this one gets answered as well
Is there a given reason for the Rikti's vulnerability/aversion to magic? I've got another arc that gives a reason for this, but I want it to fall within canon, if at all possible.
Besides the information given in the offical game history on the website, is there any more information in regards to civilians and military forces living situations during the Rikti War?
Question: In the Freedom Phalanx novel and the comics, Synapse is not a scientist. The game itself is rather iffy on the subject. Neuron, on the other hand, is DEFINITELY a scientist on par with Anti-Matter himself.
Is Neuron the Praetorian version of Steve Berry or someone else?
Question: Rick Davies, the technology contact in Atlas Park, was once the hero called Horatio. His battlesuit was used to upgrade Citadel after the latter was injured during the first Rikti War.
Did Rick CREATE Citadel in the first place? If not, who did?
My COX Fanfiction:
Blue's Assembled Story Links
1. What happened to Eisensturm and the rest of the Storm Korps?
2a. Is the Center also the Weaver, and if not...
2b. What happened to the Weaver and what is the Council's connection to Arachnos?
- I've noticed how Reichsman was made taller (same size as Imperious) than Statesman and Tyrant. Is there a canonal reason for this?
- Is there a Praetorian/Cimeroan version of Lord Recluse?
- Whats the connection between the Dream Doctor and Rularru that was hinted at in the Midnighters Club clues?
- Did Positron use his power armor to fight crime before or after developing the ability to generate anti-matter?
- Is Trapdoor in CoV considered an Incarnate?
- Is there any relation to the Winter Lord and the Lord of Frosts from World War II?
How successful were the twenty-six* other Rikti invasion fleets compared to the Paragon City Fleet, and could you name a few locations the Rikti invaded besides Paragon City?
[edit: Paragon City was the twenty-seventh, lolz]
- I've noticed how Reichsman was made taller (same size as Imperious) than Statesman and Tyrant. Is there a canonal reason for this?
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I want to take a stab at this one and say it's because he's supposed to be stronger than them. Reichsman can beat Statesman in a one on one fight, he lost because he purposely let his allies be weaker than him. There's no "I" in "team" Reichsman!
Should we restrict our questions to what's already in the game, or can we ask about stuff currently in Closed Beta?
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Since there *is* no "Closed Beta" this time around, I think you'd be perfectly fine asking. And from everything I've read, whoever wrote the TFs on Test have a lot to answer for.
This please ?
Is there a Praetorian/Cimeroan version of Lord Recluse?
The Blackwell billboards of a problem solving organization who are they?
Onibi---Fire/Fire/fire Blaster
I'm ready to burn it all.
Lets Fight!
ParadigmX City help the city.
Most hospitals in the Rogue Isles is named Black Heart Memorial Hospital. Who or what is Black Heart (I have been wondering since Issue 6.)
o,o wow, pandora's box anyone.
>.> anyway:
Q: any more backstory and info on Jenkins? Its been a while since we've seen him..
Q: also, will he get promoted again? make it up to an EB perhaps?
Q: >.> and for that matter.. is the Jenkins (random body skin) in the police band radio missions the arachnos agent out of disguise? (and have a missed any appearances on the PW page there?)
Q: last Q, we're had a debate about it for a while and is Jenkins a WoW ref, a ref to a now gone dev with the same name, or something we've missed? (I assume the second since we have 2 other Jenkins in game, Chris Jenkins, and Maria Jenkins... o.o I really should ask how they're all related shouldn't I?)
=^^= thanks!
I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe
Good afternoon:
For years, I've been wanting to write the story of Atlas, with some human background, as well as his final battle at Independence Port. Is there ANY story bible information you can provide that goes beyond what we find in the history plaques? Specifically:
1. What was his origin?
2. What were the scope of his powers?
3. What was his identity? Did he have any surviving relations?
4. What were the details of his final stand?
I'm looking to see how much "wiggle room" I'd have for when I finally make my next maxi-arc, retelling his story. Any info you can provide on Atlas would be greatly appreciated.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Best threads ever, and best and most dramatic return to posting EVER, Manti. Much <3!!!!
Is the Dream Doctor really dead? If yes, how did he die? If not, where is he?
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
What is the connection between Clamor (Eve Van Dorn)
And Countess Crey (Clarissa Van Dorn? (Julianne Thompson))
All the other Van Dorns should be dead, and Crey funds the Freakshow...
PERC Supporter
La Pucelle (BS/SR)
Miseria Bella (Sonic/Dark)
Wrangler Annie (SS/Elec)
Coldsmoke (Ice/Dark)
Saber Maid (BS/Regen)
and others...
This please ?
Is there a Praetorian/Cimeroan version of Lord Recluse?
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I would like to expand on this and ask, Are there Praetorian versions of ALL/ANY of the Signature Villains?
Are they Good, Evil, Neutral or whatever else they might be?
What groups are they affiliated with? (e.g. The Carnival of Light)
Finally, if they do exist what names do they go by and what types of powers do they have?
(I've been working on a Story Arc regarding Praetorian Belladonna Vetrano, and Ideally I'd like to make her a Peacebringer (if we ever get to use Kheldian powers for Custom critters) but if you guys already have names/powersets/bios laid out for them, I'd like to go with what you have.)

Greetings all,
This thread is being opened up for lore questions. This is the place I will start looking for each weeks Canon Fodder questions. I will work with the rest of the devs to put together as many answers as I can each week.
The game is afoot!
<a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=13557669" target="_blank">Canon Fodder: Official CoH Lore Q&A</a>
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I just pretty much want to know anything and everything there is about Blue Steel, such as how did he come by his powers, why is he not a registered super hero (instead of working for the police), etc.
Also, I've sent you a PM. Thanks!
Greetings all,
This thread is being opened up for lore questions. This is the place I will start looking for each weeks Canon Fodder questions. I will work with the rest of the devs to put together as many answers as I can each week.
The game is afoot!
<a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=13557669" target="_blank">Canon Fodder: Official CoH Lore Q&A</a>
[/ QUOTE ]
I just pretty much want to know anything and everything there is about Blue Steel, such as how did he come by his powers, why is he not a registered super hero (instead of working for the police), etc.
Also, I've sent you a PM. Thanks!
[/ QUOTE ]
I would like to know how Blue Steel came to work with the police and whether such an option is open for other heroes who do not want to operate under the Citizens Crime Fighting Act but who would rather be true Police Officers.
Is Blue Steel both a registered superhero and a member of the PPD, and in what capacity?
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Thank you for taking the time to make this thread, Manticore. I hope you won't get TOO swamped by questions. Anyway, I have a few different lore type questions. If I had to get any answered, though, I'm curious about this one...
1) Was the Shadow Shard dimension fairly similar to our Earth before Rularuu was imprisoned there and began to bring it to the state it's in now? For instance, was there a Mu-Oranbegan war?
Here's some others if you have the time... The stuff in the parenthesis are just my notes on the question for clarification purposes. They don't have to be included should you actually choose to answer these.
2) What exactly are the Igneous and what is their connection to the Devouring Earth? (I figured it would be good to ask this since it doesn't look like the Igneous will ever be revisited)
3) Do Rikti have "families" in the same sense that humans do? (One soldier mentions that he will miss his wife and children before he self-terminates and Bu'dekka mentions dating Hro'Dtohz, so it sounds like they get together in the same way humans do. I just want to see if I'm correct.)
My arcs:
Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416
Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431
Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757
I'd like some backstory on Steven Sheridan.
Is Dr. Science just his character on the kids show he hosts? Does he do any actual heroing? (you know, aside from figuring out how to end the Rikti War!)
What are his powers? Just an eidetic memory?
I put him in an Architect mission (plug plug 29900) but I had to guess on his powersets.
Okay, I have more but off the top of my head...
1) Is Ace McKnight (Longbow agent in the Willy Wheeler arc) related to Ashley McKnight (villainside Midnighter contact)? If so, how?
2) In Arachnos, do the Arbiters (as a position) pre-date Recluse's rise to power? If so, do they consider themselves truly answerable to him (as their duty is to serve Arachnos itself). I mean sure they do as matter of course, but if they felt he was a threat to Arachnos itself...
3) The above question also applies to Ghost Widow. She has stated that she's bound to Arachnos, not Recluse or anyone else.
And I'll leave you with the biggest one on my mind of late...
4) The Council is often said to be from fascist roots (the Italian political group), though the 5th Column was originally charged by Hitler to come to the US (Nazi Germany roots). Of course the two were allied during the WWII so having it composed of both ideaologies wouldn't be out of place, but that said:
4a) So is the Council the 'Italian' based arm of the 5th Column basically, and was that part of the reason for the breakaway?
4b) Arachnos was originally an Italian based organization, and also played a role in the rise of Fascism in the government. Did they have any involvement with the 5th Column?
4c) Whether or not they had any overt involvement with the 5th Column, did they play a part in the seperation of the Council/5th Column? Until the breakup, it was said that the 5th were the most powerful villain organization in the world. Ironic that they fall apart shortly before Arachnos starts making a show of themselves. Did they have something to do with it, or are they just taking advantage of the breakup?
"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.
Greetings all,
This thread is being opened up for lore questions. This is the place I will start looking for each weeks Canon Fodder questions. I will work with the rest of the devs to put together as many answers as I can each week.
The game is afoot!
Canon Fodder: Official CoH Lore Q&A