Random Sub-set of Standard Bosses
Unfortunately, no you aren't missing anything. For bosses, you have to pick a particular one, there is no way to just have it pick one out of a custom group to fit the level range of the mission or to exclude particular mobs.
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy

Is there a way I can define a boss as 'Random' from a custom group filled with only the bosses I choose?
Basically, I want to add a random Arachnos boss to a mission, but I don't want to include Tarantulas, and I don't want to include any Signature characters. I made a custom NPC group filled with all the bosses I want, but it looks like I can't define the boss in my mission as Random from that list.
So I'm stuck either accepting the wide open pre-written Random choice, or I have to define a specific boss, which would limit my mission to a specific level range.
Am I missing a third option?