Feedback: Attention Base Editors! (ISSUE 13)
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
Very little. My SG's main base on Virtue is considered to be finished. We may be able to outfit out alternate bases on other servers faster.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
Hard to say, can't imagine more than an hour.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
There are no negatives. It will make future development faster.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
I don't expect it will affect me at all in the short term, and little in the long term. We have modest goals.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
It will probably be easier to get the salvage needed for what few items we craft.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
I already have.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
I expect we'll install some more salvage racks to take advantage of the ability to store invention salvage publicly, and I expect we'll have some extra rares for a while.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
None, we don't admit people we don't trust.
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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
My group will 'lose' out on approximately 2,000,000 prestige. Conversely after reviewing the prices and building the guide. My group benefits approximately 11 million prestige. It will let us maximize our plot on the max secure plot, to allow multiple energy and control rooms. ALL FOR RP Purposes.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
I will be dismantling some of it. Approximately 20%
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
If I did the full base: 200 hours
My current plan: 30 hours
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
Fully upgraded base with no concern of not being able to make rent
Multiple control/power room possibilities
More rooms to decorate as needed
Nothing really to spend it on aside from the same old items
Manhours lost.
Influence cost to rebuild items that are required to be rebuilt for any dismantling
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Short term, I wont be getting a lot of missioning done as I am rebuilding
Long term assuming the current rent model on test holds, my group will have the largest base possible, with nothing much in it except empty space until we get more items to decorate with. Though it will have more rooms of creative illusions like the pirate ship available
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Cost to the base architect (me) for three bases I design. Not all my characters have loads of influence to spend and with the flux on the market of costs there is some cost to the designer that the group will be reluctant to share the burden of.
Also the need for a new mouse after I convert 5000 base salvage to brainstorms and then back again. Which will also be taking a considerable amount of time away from actually playing the game while I click ad nauseum.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
There is none that I can see particularly. Sorry.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
Already done, but I am a quick study.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
Increased cost to the architects
Market Flux causing more cost to the architect
Insufficient storage needs during conversion process. The 30 Salvage storage per rack is totally insufficient in regards to the conversion and rebuilding process. Anyone who is attempting it will need multiple racks and assistance of members to hold salvage that they may or may not get to be able to craft new items for the base. The random roll is very...fickle in that regard if you want to make a magic base.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
Already thefts are occuring. There is insufficient security on salvage racks, its either on or its off by level. Anyone can take as long as they got the permissions from someone. The shared salvage is ripe for storage. Already there have been 'thefts' of people taking current base salvage to sell at a sizable profit and then teasing the group in question for it with no reprocussions as 'they were given permission'
Additional Notes:
<ul type="square">[*]There is a lack of understanding of the vision to remove base salvage. No one in their right mind has been confused by it, yet this is what we are told. At the same time you remove "Salvage Found" messages, you introduce a new type of "Merits" into the game. Won't that be as confusing? 'What do you mean I can't use Vanguard merits. it says merit!'
Many of us find this reasoning hard to believe and there has been little to no consideration or conversation regarding it.
[*]There have already been numerous threads regarding the lack of storage. There has been quantitative rather than qualitative and subjective data presented. 30 is just insufficient to hold invention, halloween and winter event salvage and any other salvage invented in the near future that can be shared. Suggestions have been made for and against, with some reasonable (and yes unreasonable) numbers. Again no reply or indication that the subject is even open for discussion.
[*]The building community at large, though not in entirety, does feel slighted by the change not matching anything we've asked for save the modified pricing. No base items that already exist, no new tiles, items anything. Granted what Pohsyb has done with the raid pathing has beneficial aspects and will allow for more illusions of things that exist, some things do exist and we've been waiting.
[*] No official notes listed ever on the new rent. asked about again and again with no reply. Please clarify.[/list]
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
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Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
It will allow me to do more with limited resources. My SG's/VG's aren't exacly filled with people. I've long said that they needed to knock a 0 off of those prices so it's a step in the right direction.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
Do I have a choice?
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
Hard to say with The Final Orders Base. I might leave the large rec room as is because I do NOT want to have to rebuild that even though you made the flaoting desks easier. At the same time I kinda want to take advantage of the new pathing rules. The telpoertation room is a bit of a headache... There is no real easy answer on what I should do. I can't put rooms aside for any reason so I'll just have to play with it. I'll problably have to devote a night to it. The Order of the BLue Crecent base will be somewhat easier as we haven't built it up as much. Again we will hve to try and rpeserve the teleporters somehow.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
I think it is a good thing, It's a shame you can't automatically reprice what is already tehre though.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Short term it may create some headaches with rebuilding. Long term I'll be able to put more in on a smaller budget.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
I do not like converting the salvage over. It means I have to put a tighter reign on all of the bins as I have to proect suddenly valuable salvage from theft.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
The only possible positive I see is the ability to pool Invention salvage for others to use. This is a small issue though.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
0 seconds.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
The enhancment bins are a heck of alot less usefull now. Plus I have to restrict access to all the bins now.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
Again Placing valuable stuff in those bins is a big problem. Especially since I can't set security by bin or even bin type
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
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I thin kits great, cheaper is always better for everyone. But in this case, people who have small size bases for storage will now be forced to pay upkeep which they normally didn't. I know its not much, but its the princible of it. They paid nothing for so long and now have to.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
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Of course, who wouldn't. It gives us more prestige to do more things with our bases.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
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For me personally a few weeks, maybe a month.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
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All positive except for people who have small storage bases due to the limits of storage in a base for a entire SG. They are now forced to pay upkeep.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
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Well if we choose to take advantage of the cheaper prices, we have to dismantle the base and rebuild, thats about it.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
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Time consuming, and now, I will have to rely on taking from members personal storage to contribute to the SG. WIth the old base salvage no one used it except for empowerment buffs, the rest was given to the base. Now personal salvage will need to be requested of the entire group. But as a SG, everyone contributes, its just the thought of having to ask for it now.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
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None really, it will be just as the same after I covert everything to invention salvage.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
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No time at all, just convert all base salvage to invention and craft away.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
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Asking SG member for their personal salvage is the only thing I forsee not liking.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
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People taking salvage from the racks for their personal use, when it is needed for the base, other than that nothing.
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Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
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From the standpoint of a small sg (less than five players/accounts) base designer blueside. We have probably in the neighborhood of 2 million prestige to play with, just because we've been around for forever, with lots of alts.
1) Hopefully drastically: I hope to be able to expand from our tiny plot to next larger and fit in another teleport room (bringing our total to 3 small teleport rooms w/ two pads each). I'd also like to be able to have a superfluous room for pure meeting and deco purposes. as of now, we use every square inch of the plot for 'something'.
2) Yes. I'll probably move all the created deco objects into the entry room to preserve them and then shift as much around as I can (I don't want to destroy the telepads if possible for example) everythign else than can be simply rebought will be sold and repurchased.
3) I expect to spend the first two days of i13 doing this (And it lets the wave of shield'ers get a head start and out of my hair)
4) Selling/moving rooms is going to take a lot of swapping (upgrade the plot size, buy a new room, move the undestroyable stuff into it, sell the old room, rinse and repeat). The editor as is is clumsy for this kind of massive overhaul (being able to select multiple objects to copy into an identically sized room would be soooo nice.. but I digress.)
5) It's a good thing over all I suppose. however we're going to be moving into the realm of paying rent now (which we never have been) and considering we tend to go inactive for months at a time, I worry about this. Until now our base has always been waiting for the next time we make a go at CoX. Which was comforting, almost like another character.
New Salvage
1) It'll still all come out of the pockets of 2 or 3 people, only now it will be more expensive.
2) None that I can foresee
3) Already done
4) Now instead of making the tough choice of whether to buy (or sell) that multi million salvage for my personal use, I have to weigh in what it can be used for in the base as well. gee. thanks.
5) N/a We are all close personal friends IRL. hence why we are such a small sg.
(edited the amount of prestige we had o.O I added a zero by accident)
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
This will be a huge change for many of my 3 man-SG/VG across various servers. This will enable us to get exactly what we need. We have a 3 man group because there is currently no way to send items to other toons on the same account. The other 2 individuals are good friends that I know in real life so this works great because I dont have to worry about theft.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
Yes or we wont be able to add as much for enhancement bins or teleporters.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
A couple of hours to get the rooms where I think they will fit best and a few weeks just to tweak it like I want it.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
It helps those who already have millions of prestige but it doesnt hardly anything for those starting out. Some items could still cost lower.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Long term because I can plan builds for multiple characters alot easier now that we will have more space to do so. But this is only because there is no way to transfer items to other toons without a 2nd person.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Most of the things we want are already crafted so its no big deal for my group. My only complaint is with empowerment buffs wont get used as much since they require harder to get salvage.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation? To be honest its not going to help our base, we intend to use the brainstorms in crafting for enhancements.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
Not long because I am familiar with the base crafting and such but a new person will be totally lost.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system? Too much space that I wont know what to do with it.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?None that I can think of.
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Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
Overall, it seems to be a great change, allowing access to many things that were previously out of reach
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
Somewhat. My 3x4 workshop has a lot of decorative items in it (its a library), so I don't expect I will rebuild it to realize the potential prestige gain. In contrast, my 5x5 teleport room will probably come down and be rebuilt. There is quite a bit of decor there as well, but not near what the workshop has and the prestige gain in the teleport room is too large to forego. I wish there were a method to replace a room without disturbing its contents, as is the case with the plot.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
Without rebuilding the workshop, approximately 15-20 hours. Rebuilding the workshop /library would likely be another 30-40 hours. Admittedly, both times could have been much higher without the new, less restrictive pathing and bounding box placement.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
No negative concerns, other than the method. I would have hoped for something less tedious for the players. The positive aspect is that it should make the system much more approachable for smaller SGs, especially the solo SG or the SG with less than five active accounts.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Short term there will be an immediate plot upgrade and the ability to focus more on decorative items in addition to function. Long term, I am uncertain. I would like to see more about planned base raids before I comment.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Obviously, this forces a base builder to the market in all practicality. I also do not like making the group choose between there own individual needs/goals and those of the group
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
I am trying to see one. I thought it might make things simpler overall, but in practice this does not seem to be the case.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
In the previous system I could load up on base salvage and wander over to see what I could make. In the new system, there is a tremendous amount of shuffling going on to find out what you can make. I am not sure I will ever be "comfortable" with this approach, as it feels tedious and forced. It could be somewhat improved by having the crafting tables linked to the base storage rather than player storage when determing what can be made.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
Well, again forcing the base builder into the market, likely spending their personal funds in many cases.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
Shared invention salvage is a much greater temptation than much of what has previously been storable in a base. Variable permissions per bin, or per room, or something, are near a must.
Additional Notes:[*]The salvage bins desperately need the tabs for event salvage and special salvage returned with greater limits on those tabs.
[*]30 is low for invention salvage, 50 would be better.
[*]Recipe storage would also be helpful
[*]Please make the small bookcases (the two to the far left in the shelf section) stackable with the same properties as the floor safe. This would be an invaluable decorating tool if it could be implemented
[*]Please come to the base forums and enter into a dialogue with that part of the community when you begin to make plans for moving forward with more base changes.
Thanks for listening.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
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Both my solo SG & VG will gain from the repricing of the Tier 2 control items, about 1 million Prestige each iirc.
Don't know how much I'll gain back from any room rebuilds.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
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I don't have much to dismantle. If there is substantial savings on the few crafted items vs the Influence/Infamy cost of rebuilding with Invention salvage, yes. If, however, it costs me a half a million Inf to rebuild a 2000 Prestige-saving Item, then no thanks.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
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Not very long.
Unlike some of the other SGs, I don't have much in the way of decoration. However, I can easily see their argument against dismantling and in no way do I marginalize that fact.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
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Positive - The jump from the Combo Control/Energy Unit is not as big as it was, allowing smaller groups to get a larger base faster.
Negative - The purely decorative rooms should NOT have increased in price.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
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Too early to tell.
I might be able to get a Turbine Generator and possibly an AES within a year, rather than 5+ years of playing.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
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A) The game is now losing some pretty good flavor text and unique artwork for no apparent reason.
B) Salvage Racks are now storing a pitiful amount of Salvage for their Cost. If you want them to hold 30 pieces of silver, then they should NOT cost 15000 Prestige each.
C) Empowerment buffs will now come at the cost of Invention Salvage, salvage that I could use to make IOs for sale or for the betterment of alts.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
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Can easily get Fabricator for my villain. That's it. The only positive. However, that positive is vastly outweighed by the negatives.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
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Not long. But for someone new, it can be "confusing"...which is exactly what was said about the system it is/was replacing.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
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A) People stealing previously donated Base Salvage for resale or conversion.
B) Base Architects now needing to pull out-of-pocket expenses to build for their base.
C) Market Flippers gouging Base Builders for the salvage necessary to build base items.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
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That the pitiful all or nothing Storage permissions are simply inadequate.
Additional Notes:
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Unless something has changed, one might better be directed to examine the threads in the base forum as "feedback" here will be for the most part, cut and paste from there. However, I firmly believe nothing will change, so this thread is essentially useless. If you (nothing personal Ex, "you" is a catch-all term for the devs/red names) haven't heard the feedback from the last month+, this thread won't matter in the least.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
I will be able to aquire a larger plot, more items that i would like to place, and be able to afford rent easier.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
A few hours i suspect. Not bad considering, and i enjoy base building so, nto a nuisance
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
Positive: More SG'd can afford mroe and better bases sooner. Myself included.
Negetive: Can't see any.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
I'll be able to spend less time grinding to earn prestige for a base upgrade, and more time engaging in things i prefer to do, like TF's, Trials, Playign new ALT toons. I'll spend more time playign with the base editor, which i enjoy. All in all, i'm seeing the new pricing is very nice.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
I will be able to purchase larger plot sizes for my largest two (multiplayer) bases, along with larger rooms. I will also be able to get some larger rooms for my largest singl-character bases. However, I have to delete a number of empowerment stations and storage bins, because I don't want to pay rent with my single-character bases. The rent prices are very reasonable, but with 36 of those bases, that's just too much traveling to pay rent. That reduces my base building options somewhat.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
I wouldn't really call it a dismantling. For my larger single-character bases, it's simply a matter of building a new teleporter room, transferring my teleporters over, and deleting the old teleporter room. For my two multiplayer bases, I'll upgrade to a larger plot size, create new rooms, transfer stuff to them (or replace certain items as appropriate), and delete the old rooms. The old bases are a bit cramped, so I'll be able to put more style into the expanded bases.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
Probably about an hour for each of the two multiplayer bases. The smaller bases only have minor changes.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
My only concern is the new rent scheme. As I said, the rent is cheap, but I'm now more limited on functional items I can purchase for my bases. Too many bases with rent means too much traveling to Atlas Park and Port Oakes.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Short term: Bigger plot sizes for my multiplayer bases, larger rooms, and more teleporters (already crafted), but fewer empowerment stations and storage items for my other bases. Long term: Better ability to expand the size of my bases, but with strict limitations on functionality.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Much more difficult to craft teleporters. Takes uncommon and rare salvage that I would like to use for IOs. Severe reduction in public salvage storage, which will make it problematic to share things like event salvage.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
... None that I can see.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
No time at all. I've already learned what I need to know.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
Event salvage goes away. No room to spare for it.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
None for myself. For others, I expect salvage that's popular on the market to be a prime target for theft.
First of all, this is a better way to get feedback. Good one EX for providing some structure to this mess
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
As a small base operator I see nothing but benefits. My base is small enough that I can rebuild from scratch to maximise on the changes
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
Oh yeah, all except the teleporters and storage bins.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
I have 2 bases, one red/one blue. Probably a couple of hours each for basics, then who knows how long to make it sexy
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
Positive, all postive for me. As an SG of two (My partner and I) we have reached about 3mill prestiege total. Under the old system, we were effectively capped on what we could do
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Short term, base building fun while my alts start racking up patrol xp. Long term, it gives me incentive to care about the base as I know it can and will be growing
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
all salvage was owned by me or my partner anyway. I suppose it means I wont just have a collective bin any character can craft from as easy.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Few, I suppose if regular salvage drops in the base salvages place then i will have more useful salvage.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
not long. I didn't have enough things to build under the old system.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
Market flooding with the millions of brainstorms sitting in peoples slavage bins. Increased invention drop rate will cause market salvage prices to plumet. Base builders will have plenty of brainstorms, more than they will need to rebuild their bases. Market glut.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
None, only two accounts access my base and they are paid by our joint credit card.
Additional Notes:
While some of the big groups may be complaining about i13 bases, the smaller operations, the casual gamers, and the little guys will be loving it.
Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
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Mindscape - Reworking
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
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It'll free up millions of additional prestige just from the plot price reductions alone. I'll be able to finally add some of the cooler "mid-range" control and energy items and have room for some nice themed decorative rooms.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
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Yes, at least mostly.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
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A couple of hours initially, to upgrade and make sure we have all the necessary accommodations. After that, it'll take a good long while to get all the extra stuff squared away (experimenting with decorative rooms, floating stuff, etc), but since that'll be part of the expansion that really shouldn't be counted as part of the dismantling process.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
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I'm not really sure there's a negative to the repricing in and of itself. I sympathize with those who have huge bases and have to face dismantling all that work to get the lower prices, but that's not so much of a concern for me personally. The new prices are, in and of themselves, completely positive.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
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Short term, it'll allow me to create a really spectacular base fairly quickly. Long term I guess there's no way to know. My group is never going to be interested in base raids, so if that's the primary focus of bases for the Devs the effort will be wasted on us. Hopefully the Devs will see fit to add things that the base community has asked for for years now, and then we'll see what all the extra space we'll gain from Issue 13's repricing can really do for us.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
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None, really. The negative effects don't have anything to do with bases directly. This change will potentially have major negative effects on base architects, since in many cases it will take a fair amount of influence to get required salvage, and base architects will in many cases have to spend their own influence to get it, rather than rely on members to drop off base salvage like in the current system.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
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There's no positive effect on bases with the change to salvage. There's a minor positive effect on players, since the recipes to make base stuff are a lot simpler now, but I don't think that most people would see that minor positive effect as worth it compared to the negative effects it could potentially have.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
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No time at all. I'm as prepared as I can possibly be.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
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As mentioned above, base architects WILL have to eventually spend their own influence to make stuff from the base. Taking away base salvage WILL reduce the contributions from supergroup members towards base building.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
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The same security concerns the base community has been complaining about for years now, only amplified. Changing base salvage, which most individual players never really cared about or needed very badly, to something that is needed by any player who makes IOs, costume pieces, or temporary powres, WILL cause a rise in base thefts or necessitate shutting off all permissions to withdraw items from storage from most supergroup members. Making this change to base salvage while ignoring the base community's long-standing pleas for better storage permissions is, quite frankly, so short-sighted I simply can't believe it's happening.
Additional Notes:
No one complained about getting confused about the difference between base salvage and invention salvage. I don't care that Positron said it, he's either wrong or he's overestimating the "problem". It can't have generated enough confusion to justify changing it for that reason. And for the one or two players that MIGHT have said they were confused about it, a much, much simpler solution would have been to add the word "BASE" to the "SALVAGE FOUND" message. Positron needs to come out and tell us the REAL reason for this change, because the confusion thing is just laughable, really.
Not giving us a better storage permissions system is just asking for trouble and is, as stated above, short-sighted on the Devs' part. Out of all the stuff that's been ignored on the base community's "want list," I simply cannot believe that the permissions setup is still as dumb as it started out being. Positron, or someone else who can speak to this, needs to come out and tell us why this can't be done, and done soon.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
[/ QUOTE ]
Until we are given a wider array of design options that allow us to leverage the prestige being liberated, the repricing doesn't impact our active supergroups. It will make it easier for us to generate individual "private" supergroups for personal storage, but we shouldn't have to rely on such a mechanism to begin with.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
[/ QUOTE ]
Because the developers have broken the use of "magic doors" with the current implementation of Issue 13, many of our live bases cannot be recreated with the tools provided. As a result, we are going to have to leave our expensive rooms in place until we are given new tools that allow us to match and go beyond our current layouts. For now, we're going to limit ourselves to "upgrading" our plots to regain that prestige, and replace a few high-prestige objects like Turbine Generators, Mega Monitors, AES, et cetera.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
[/ QUOTE ]
Because we're handicapped by the "nerfing" of magic doors, we won't be able to leverage the base changes to their fullest potential. As such, it won't take much time for us to make "safe" changes until we get a real base editor overhaul.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
[/ QUOTE ]
Rent has been rendered irrelevant. It should simply be eliminated for the sake of simplification.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
[/ QUOTE ]
Until we're given a wider array of room sizes in each category and recover the ability to do wide doorways, we're locked in. What remains to be seen is if NCNC can get us a "real" base update before some of us lose interest and jump ship to other titles. (Not a petulant threat or troll, some of us simply feel we aren't getting what we need from that aspect of the game.)
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
[/ QUOTE ]
Limiting us to 30 salvage per rack is overkill. A large supergroup should not have to rely on multiple racks just to stock crafting components. Cut your losses and make storage objects carry 100 items each, regardless of object type. (100 each: Racks, bins, tables.)
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
[/ QUOTE ]
After the transition (burning legacy salvage and components into brainstorms), the resulting system will be easier to comprehend. There would, however, be value in implementing some sort of "Base Architect Tutorial" for new arrivals to run through a la the Invetion Tutorial.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
[/ QUOTE ]
I've already done so.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
[/ QUOTE ]
Rather than burning through Brainstorms willy-nilly to create random invention salvage, we're probably going to have to choose select members of our supergroups to spread the Brainstorms out amongst for future use. The actual conversion process will be simple, but tedious. Some thought should have been given to convenience for users who need to convert hundreds (if not thousands) of salvage/components one at time. It takes too long to do so now.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
[/ QUOTE ]
Obviously, the lack of ranked storage permissions is going to become even more important now than it was before. This is another half-implementation on the part of NCNC, and we're left to deal with the consequences while you "sympathize with our concerns" rather than addressing them.
1.How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
After doing the math I will be able to just about double my plot size and maximize functional items. And since I have 2x the space I can add 2 of every room and do half arcane and half tech. this is assuming my understanding of rent is that its only based on storage now.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
I've already gone ahead and started. Hoping that when I buy the new tp rooms I can move the old tp's in without any problems and then deleate the old rooms.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
Since i've cleared almost everything out now the dismantle process will take about 20 min. the rebuild process will take about a few hours and the decorating...i dont even want to think about it.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
I like the repricing in general. wish that the decorative rooms were less expensive since they have no function but not my call. I do feel bad for freinds of mine who have huge bases they'll have to dismantle to get the prestige back. My other problem is what i've read about the storable salvage being reduced.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
short term it gives me something to do for the next few sessions of play since. Long term i might get my group into PVP but thats hopefull at best.
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
I haven't played test yet so i'm not sure to be honest. but i liked having seperate types of salvage.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
I have a few rich toons so the market should't be to hard to get the things i want..but i dont think that should be the way to go.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
Again i cant honestly say but i plan on trying hard to get it right
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
even more lack of SG contributions. At least people could drop some salvge off before, i don't see that happening to often.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
Variable permissions per bin, or per room, or something, are near a must. I agree with that that is my concern. I'd rather not throw my rares into a pile for the "freinds" to shuffle through. nice guys but were villians for a reason.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
Overall room and plot prices are good.
A few bases will now have rent that didn't before.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
Certain portions will have to be done, yes.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
After planning, I'd expect to take a few hours per base. That is provided I have the needed salvage.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
Positive: While small groups will still have an initial hurdle to set up a base, it will be slightly less than before.
Negative:I think that even the largest decorative room should cost less than the least expensive functional room. Some bases will now have rent that didn't before.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
For the larger groups I'm in, the extra prestige will mean larger bases in the short term.
For the smaller groups, base pricing will narrow the waits between upgrades, and more frequent rent payments or closed bases.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Small groups:
* Functional Base items price increased. By base functionality, I mean base items not directly related to PVP. This includes Control, Power, Teleporters, and medical auxes.
All groups:
* Having to ask group members (or myself) to sacrifice their builds or inf so that a base can grow.
* Increased dependency on having others on line to ask for donations. Before base salvage was donated freely, and I could work on the bases while everyone else was not online.
* Not being able to share event salvage due to the "new" salvage rack.
* Rare salvage, and salvage needed for common IOs should not be used for basic items.
* Forces market use.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Recipes went from 6-39 pieces of salvage to 4-6.
Right at the moment, I can honestly say that I see absolutely nothing else positive about this change.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
Personally, not long.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
* That certain recipes will inflate the market prices so much that being able to purchase a basic item will cost hundreds, if not millions, of INF. Add in the increased demand for the same items thanks to dual builds and the empowerment stations, and you have a "perfect storm" brewing that will make base functionality overly expensive.
* Having to ask group members (or myself) to sacrifice their builds or inf so that a base can grow.
* Having a harder time finding the salvage needed to craft the items.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
Same as the enhancement racks, only more so: theft of rare/valuable salvage needed to build base items.
Additional Notes:
* Getting tired of speaking to a wall.
* Getting sick, tired, and annoyed of not being told why the salvage change was needed in the first place.
* What is the purpose to having to craft a teleporter? A med aux?
* Lack of event salvage storage is a killer, especially with the upcoming Winter Event.
* Shouldn't these questions have been asked in June after Issue 12 went live?
Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Did I read this correctly. Will my currently rent free base, going to have to pay rent because I have salvage and enhancement racks? My SG is me, so any rent is a HUGE impact.
Did I read this correctly. Will my currently rent free base, going to have to pay rent because I have salvage and enhancement racks? My SG is me, so any rent is a HUGE impact.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, but the absolute maximum in rent you can have is very low. We're talking maybe 2 or 3 missions played in SG mode. It's not going to be hard for ANYONE to generate enough to pay such a small amount every six weeks.
It's still a negative change if you were on the default 8x8 plot, yes, but absolutely no one will ever have problems paying rent under the new system, which you can't say for the current system.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not much... I will probably ignore it for the existing bases. For some smaller SGs I'm in it will mean they can get up and running faster.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably not on the filled out bases.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
[/ QUOTE ]
8-10 hours, maybe.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
[/ QUOTE ]
For new bases, I'm happy. For existing bases, it's just disappointing since I don't want to have to put in the effort to get back prestige. And what happens with crafted items like teleporters? Now I need new expensive salvage? That's totally not worth it.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
[/ QUOTE ]
Short-term and long-term it just means we get functional bases faster. I typically make SGs with a small group of friends and it takes a while before we can get a functional base.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
[/ QUOTE ]
It makes teleporters MUCH more expensive. Before I could ask SG people for base salvage and they would happily contribute. Now I have to ask them for expensive arcane salvage worth millions on the market? It will make it MUCH more difficult to get teleporters built since they will be so expensive.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
[/ QUOTE ]
None that I can see.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
[/ QUOTE ]
Learning isn't the hard part. It's the cost that's the hard part. Base items will now require people to give up influence essentially because I need salvage that people would otherwise sell. Whereas before it only required time.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
[/ QUOTE ]
I think it will be harder to get crafted items made because they will be so expensive.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, now salvage storage isn't really a security concern. But now it will be a MAJOR issue since it is all invention salvage which has real value. This change is introducing problems without any real benefits that I see.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
I'll be able to make my base a lot more awesome, larger, more useful, et cetera. No complaints on prestige cost reductions.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
To just dismantle it, not long. Rebuilding afterwards, 4-6 hours.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
Positives is that it makes entrance into a the base business much easier on smaller and newer guilds. Cons... I guess older guilds will feel less accomplished or something? /shrug
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Short term will just be the stripping and rebuilding. Long term will be that my VG's base will be way more kick [censored] and useful much sooner than expected.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
My members aren't going to be very receptive to splitting with good salvage for the sake of the base. The salvage onus is now placed squarely on the cadre of the leadership.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
None that I can think og.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
Like two seconds. You don't need a B.A. to figure it out. It's very simple.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
Market prices on certain items will increase as additional base construction demands are placed on them.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
Security concerns? Uhh... like, PvP base raiding concerns? Be more specific.
Additional Notes:
1.I seems good if it's a new base or you want to dismantle the old one
2. On 2 bases no . On two other small base maybe.
3.Since I and my son and my friend are involved in 6 bases on 3 servers - quite a while.
4. Seems like players versus base on salvage now.
5.Have to rethink base building time versus playing time, salvage to outfit base versus salvage to outfit alts..
1.Have to spend too much time converting - it's City of Heroes not City of Converting.
2. Maybe the pathing changes
3.Small amount of time but I would rather play than learn the new system.
4.Market problems , pricing , availibility with everyone competeing for same things to build.
5.None as it is all family or firends in my groups but this slows down my consideration of other new members. I think it opens the door to people trying to get into sg's for looting problems.
Also 30 pieces of salvalge in a unit is too small. Also we are not intrested in base raiding - why build a base to let someone else come in and trash it.
Oddball perspective for y'all.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
Minimal (if any benefit). Solo VG on a server full of (hero) alts I can't invite.
So, only the 20K starter prestige, and most of the basic rooms/items did not
change in price. On top of that, rent is added ... minimal, but real. No help here...
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
No. It's currently the entry room, a workshop and 1 storage bin.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
0 time (2 minutes tops?)
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
Positive: Minimal. I'm fully aware that's an "outlier" position.
Negative: #1. Little or no improvement for a single character 'lair'. #2. Rent.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Minimal Change. No real incentive to dabble much with bases. Same as before.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
It probably eliminates interest in base building as I'd much prefer to use Invention Salvage
for it's intended purpose - Invention Enhancements.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Finally, there is some (limited) storage ability for IO salvage in the base. It essentially
adds a 2nd "vault" which is handy.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
It curtails interest for base building due to the adverse impact on character development.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
None. It's just me.
Additional Notes:
* Provision of the 300K prestige up-front at base creation time (rather than the current kludge
of alt-padding that is "required" for solo-player bases now) would be a very useful feature.
As mentioned ... an outlier perspective.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
Going to answer this for both my SG (6 bases total), and for my personal (3 players) base.
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
It won't, we already have enough prestige to do what we want to our bases.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
4-5 months of work for about 8-10 people.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
More prestige that we don't need (though smaller groups do), no easy way to get that prestige for our bases.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Many of the architects will be selling/buying to try and get prestige, even though we don't actually need it. There is a perceived loss if the prestige is not recovered, and they will spend their time doing this basic task instead of having fun.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Currently we have salvage containers set up with free components that anyone in the SG can take to use the empowerment stations for free. With the removal of base salvage this option will go away and our members will not be able to gain these temp powers for free.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
None. I see no pros to this change.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
Unsure, most of our items are crafted already - this would only be a curve for empowerment stations.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
Members would drop off their base salvage for free, so that other members could use it. Now they will no longer get this free salvage, and will not be able to donate it. No member will be asked to donate invention salvage, so all members will be forced to pay influence for salvage to use the Empowerment stations, and architects will be forced to pay influence for salvage to craft items.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
None, we will likely not be using salvage containers after this change, the real estate would be put to better use for free enhancements or inspirations.
Personal Base:
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
I will gain quite a bit more prestige for my small group.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
4-5 days.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
More prestige so that I can "fill out" my base, but I will be unable to get this prestige easily.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
I will have a nicer looking base, but I will be spending my time redoing it instead of enjoying myself playing the game.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
Likely will not bother to learn it.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
Crafting a replacement teleporter will not be a free item. It is the only crafted item in my base. I will have to pay for the salvage; the base salvage that I received from drops would have created the replacement.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
None, this is a personal SG
Additional Notes:
Is it possible to at least give us a prestige credit on the rooms in our base, even if nothing else is calculated? The rooms have the largest amount of prestige to gain from the sell/rebuy plan. It would save me hours and hours of work if I could just get the room cost refunded, as I don't think it's completely necessary to sell/buy all of the teeny decorative items (which are probably the reason why any script to refund is a huge hog).
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
It will allow me to create a MUCH larger base for my SG......MUCH larger
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
As it stands, that's what I would have to do. I would have liked to keep my TP room, but the difference in price alone will make it necessary for me to dismantle it.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
Well, if you mean to just dismantle the current base....the armory will take the longest, since it is filled with vet reward hour or so for that room alone...the rest can be torn down in minutes.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
I have absolutely no negative concerns regarding the repricing.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
It will affect me the same either way, now and in the future I will be able to do more with what the SG earns in prestige.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
a) There will no longer be salvage "just for the base". The invention salvage is just too universally needed.
b) As near as I have been able to tell, the Brainstorms are just about useless. I converted nearly 300 pieces of salvage and components over to brainstorms on test, and was able to craft exactly ZERO porters.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
None that I can see.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
No time at all, just a matter of using different ingredients for the same items.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
a) Invention salvage used for bases will be much costlier, influence-wise, to obtain from WW.
b) The storage rack for the base salvage is horribly insufficient. 30 pieces per rack seems unreasonable to the extreme. Consider this: no base is allowed more then 18 storage bins OF ANY KIND. Yet, at this moment one base salvage bin will hold 2,500 items. It would take over 83 storage bins holding the 30 items planned for this system to hold what ONE bin currently holds.
c) Invention salvage will be "borrowed" from constantly by members building enhancements.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
I can't tell you how many posts in the past have brought up the need for individual permissions for each bin. Since this has still not happened, the same concerns that HAVE existed, WILL continue to exist.
Additional Notes:
My Arcs:
Man's Insanity: The Beginning - 93644
Save the City of Heroes Podcast - 103442
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
Greatly! The few SGs I participate in consist primarily of just a few players with many alts. Saving for any sizeable or fully equipped base in the past has been a real challenge, and the new price structure makes our goals seem far more attainable.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
Absolutely! I need the moneys!
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
I'd estimate 10 hours or so, if things go the way I'd like.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
The positive is I feel revitalized about the base architecture process, it's nice to have a whole new range of things become possible, when the were so impossible before. The only negative I can see is the timesink in refbuilding what I already had.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Short term, greater bulding opportunities. Long term. perhaps consider base raids etc. Something I never would have considered doing before.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
The salvage racks are small. Also, now there is a conflict of interests when choosing to deposit salvage to the SG. Do you save it for yourself? Sell it for profit? Contribute to building? It will also be a huge burden on the architect to chip in more salvage and inf than ever before.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
None at all. If there is a grand plan that will make it apparent why this was even considered, please do share.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
Not exceedingly long.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
A lack of willingness to deposit the salvage for base use. Especially since all the added consumption from base crafting will cause certain items to be very profitable on the market.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
It's very tempting to take out that hamidon goo and sell it for lots of influence. Taking out base salvage before didn't yield large rewards, so there was no incentive to do it.
In order to get a more targeted and specific feedback about the base changes we are asking the following core group of players to weigh in on this topic. If you do not have access to making base changes or do not have experience within this system this feedback thread should be kept for those that are experienced Base Editors.
Main issues to weigh in on are the following as well as any additional items that are currently in the sites of Issue 13 (this is not the time to roll out suggestions, etc. that are not currently under design scrutiny.)
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
Additional Notes:
[/ QUOTE ]
We realize much of this feedback may have been generated in the past closed beta and open beta, we are looking now at the feedback based on what is currently on deck on the training room, and how it would affect you on live.
Ex Libris