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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    A complaint about one of the missions in the RWZ:
    Please revisit the mission where you need to rescue diplomats and negotiators in the cave. You end up getting a Rikti Mind dude and a human General (General Arkins?) that join you in the fight... however, if either of them DIE during the fight- FAILURE.

    No big deal except that they apparently have a death wish. The Rikti is manageable, but the General is a complete moron. He has no powers except a pistol... but for some reason, REALLY has to get right up into the faces of his foes to shoot at them. Even with his would be killers taunted, he dies thanks to the massive AoEs from the Nemesis.

    No fun.

    Who made this man a general if he doesn't understand the basic concept behind ranged weaponry?

    1- drop the idea of failing if they die. they are stupid NPCs, and having a base human with no powers and beserker mentatlity will only lead to frustration.
    2- Beef up the hostages to actually be able to take a few punches (99% resist to AoE?)
    3- eliminate melee from their option list. make them stay back at range.
    4- drop the idea of them following you, like all the other people you rescue in the mission and let them FLEE!
    5- allow non healing classes to give these fools inspirations

    It was real frustrating to do this mission carefully KNOWING that it is easily failable, getting all the way to the very end with 1 Fake Nem at half health left, and his last AoE shot drops General Stupid. We had a moderate healer too and he just could not keep up (rad corruptor.) But if ol' Blodd n Guts General there would have just stayed BACK and shot his gun, he would have likely lived.

    Or new suggestion:
    Have the NPC dialogs for these types of missions with crazy beserker mentality say the following: "Hey man, thanks for rescueing me from unlikely doom. But now I'm afraid I'm going to make your trip a waste and spoil your reward, SEE YA!" As he runs off into an entire 8 man spawn... ALONE. WITH A PISTOL. AND A CIGAR.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Quoted for Truth. Even more silly if there are warhulks going boom that he melee's with.
  2. (only read first page)

    I really quite like this. The general idea is very sound, though it would need a lot of checking to make sure nothings overkill or exploitable. I think the long recharge (though perhaps not 25 minutes, 10 or 15 maybe?) would go a fair way to checking against that though.

    Hope a dev has read this!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    - Elite Energy Cannon (same as the Sapper.)

    [/ QUOTE ]No way to get this in game, yet[/LIST]
    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um, Is this just for Heroes? Cause my Villain Group HAS an elite energy cannon in the base. I built it, and its got several aux items hanging off it too.

    Yes, it is elite, not improved or normal.
  4. I just got home for the first time this weekend to really have a close look at the whole picture.

    All I can say is: Holy god damn wow!!!

    This has really far exceeded my expectations. The taxi is a fine example of some extraordinarily good artistic license (I never mentioned a taxi or car in my description to Gill, but man does it look good). This is Flame Thug as I really imagined him. An angry, angry man with some serious arsonic (is that even a word?) power behind him. The heat effect on the background/border is also very, very coool. And hey, after so many fights with longbow wardens, I really wanted to see one getting handed something painful.

    I will definately be getting a piece with my main hero(es) done. Hopefully I will be the first to have a Kheldian done by Gill

    P.S. The spiked belt was a constume piece I had all but forgotten about, seeing as I almost never see it form a behind view. However Gill has brought it out wonderfully. Here it looks like it has an actual function, as though Thug might grab people and thrust them onto it if/when he grapples onto them.
    I think that this sort of attention to detail exemplifies just what an awesome artist that Jomaro is. Muchos Gracious and Cheers Mate!
  5. Mate, thanks sooooooo much. He looks like the awesome angry man that he so well should!!
  6. Woohooo Flame thug is being done!!! And it looks just sooooooo cool already.

    Damn full queue. I want one of my heroes in a duo.
  7. Well, I managed to make a 3rd tier empowerment station. This grants all the ones that the first 2 tiers did, plus a couple more (psi resist, for example).

    You ready for this?

    A 15 minute psi resist, made from the 3rd tier station, costs 50+ tech power, 30 something tech material, some tech hardware, and 7 tech software. (The numbers on those are rough, I'm just working from memory. The 7 tech software is right though).

    SEVEN tech software for a 15 minute buff??!? My sg has been collecting salvage since launch, and weve only managed to accumulate a total of 10 tech software. (3rd tier component). Who the heck is gonna use 7 of a 3rd tier component to make a 15 minute psi resist buff for one person?!?

    Thats not all. So many of the recipes in there are just completely crazy in their requirements. No small SG will ever be able to use half those buffs, and even the bigger ones like mine still arnt gonna spend that kind of stuff on a 15 minute buff.

    The only buffs ill ever see myself using are those that only use tier one componants.
  8. Heya.

    I did a whole lot of warshade testing a while ago, which joe chott included in his planner, but apparantly the numbers never made it anywhere else and someone suggested I post them in here.


    Warshade Info
  9. I am very very sorry about this one. If someone doesn't already have it.

    Crap, someone goes and links it while im actaully damn well posting!
  10. Earthstorm_

    Ten Tracks

    [ QUOTE ]
    Silence (Slow Remix) - Delerium & Sarah MacLachlan

    [/ QUOTE ]

  11. Im expecting paragon to look a little like Libria with all the grammaton clerics going around if pistols come in with scrapper. In fact besides that, having a scrapper with range (or semi-range) would be fantastic for those freaking runners.

    Not that I'm complaining, I'd probably weaken and make one myself, seeing as Equilibrium is one of my favourite movies.
  12. [ QUOTE ][*] Someone else brought up pistols, and he added that to the "must-have" list. Pistols are going to be "probably scrapper."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm, pistols and super reflexes. Gun-kata, anyone?

    [ QUOTE ][*]Semi-regular zone-specific events are coming. The first 3 or so will be in Issue 3. He said (I believe) that this was partially in preparation for giant monster attacks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  13. The exemplar thing is meant to allow you to go down to a lower level so you can do theyre missions, as well as sidekicking them so they can do yours.

    Thats great, except I like to progress while I play. If 50% of the time were doing his missions, then I'm suddenly progessing half as fast. At level 38, I have influence coming out of my ears, I dont need the bonus. And get this, I like to actually STAY OUT OF DEBT. I rarely have debt anymore unless its after a trial gone horribly wrong. And seeing as I certainly don't need the inf, It kinda makes the system a big waste of time. It might be fine for a single mission to help out, but for continously doing a low friends missions? I'll never get anywhere.

    Id much rather see this whole system ditched, and the user suggested flashback system introduced
    ie you talk to an NPC in atlas or somewhere, and it drops your level down to what you specify until you talk to them again. But your xp/inf/debt repay all stays the same as if you were fighting stuff relative to your level, much like sidekicking. Would also seriously drop the exploits, as your stuck in that level till you see the NPC again.
  14. This is the origin for what was my beta char and what was supposed to be my main char. Then I made a controller and couldn't be stuffed doing the same thing over with my scrapper that I did in beta. Anyway, comments are welcome. I was trying to write this in my ID, but ran out of room, so then I decided I might as well write it in full detail.
    As his appearance might suggest, Necroshade is not as noble as many of Paragon’s other heroes. When his mutant powers of darkness emerged in his teenage years, he found himself unable to control them, and gradually slipped into their evil nature. Taking the name of “The Necropath”, he quickly rose to become a powerful villain, managing to escape the notice of the city’s signature heroes who were too busy with the Rikti, Circle of Thorns, and the appearance of superdyne. Though faced by other heroes, he always emerged victorious, and too often with the death of his opponents.

    It wasn’t until many years later, having killed hundreds of innocents in his rise to power, that he was challenged by a team of young and inexperienced heroes. They were unprepared for what they faced, and were brutally slaughtered at the villain’s hands. However, with a last gasping effort, the team’s telepath saw a faint glint in The Necropath’s mind... a tiny area, hidden deeply within the inky darkness. With all her remaining will, she punctured her way through.

    Inside, imprisoned for years, was The Necropath’s compassion, remorse, his very human conscience. Suddenly released, the emotions flooded his brain, raking his mind with guilt at the images of all those who had died at his hands. Coupled with the scene of dead and dieing young heroes before him, he snapped. With an unearthly howl, an explosion of dark power erupted from his body, sweeping with it all of his shadowy works and wraith-like minions. Exhausted and powerless, he fell to the ground.
    Though the heroes were later found in the wreckage of the villain’s stronghold, no trace was found of The Necropath himself. As there were no living witnesses aside from the telepath who now lay in a coma, it was presumed at the time that he had perished in the blast. In reality, the broken mutant had managed to stagger from the debris, and disappear into the night.

    Almost precisely a year later he emerged from the decrepit King’s Row flat where he had been dwelling, and travelled to King’s Row hospital, where the young telepath who had opened his mind still lay comatose. As he looked through the window at her, painfully remembering the events of the night she fell, he heard a scream in the alley below. Looking down, he saw two members of the Skulls attempting to wrest a purse from a panicking woman. Seeing the same look of horror on her face that he had seen on so many others, he dropped to the ground and for the first time since his defeat, reached into his power. Wrapping his arms in darkness, he slammed his fists into the bodies of the gangsters, who where overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught. At the same moment, unbeknownst to him, the telepath woke up and screamed.

    As the saved woman gratefully thanked him, she asked the name of the brave hero who had saved her. He replied “I am Necroshade. And I am no hero.” Whilst he felt no joy at having saved the lady, no sudden elation for a life protected, he understood that this was where his path must now lie… fighting for those whom he had once terrified, and perhaps one day, to find redemption.

    Whilst Necroshade’s powers are still weak from his defeat, they are once again quickly growing in strength. Though a shade of what he once was, he is far from naïve, and knows that if not cautious it is possible that the shadows will once again gain control over him, and more people will die at his hands. For this reason, he now limits himself to using his powers of darkness to aid him in melee combat, and to shield him from harm.

    Some other notes:
    His costume changes when he becomes Necroshade.
    The mask loss is due to him not hiding from who he is. The other changes are mostly due to the transition to a melee fighter, as opposed to the non existant AT with every dark power. Though I did actually make a dark/dark def for Necropath. May even use the idea for CoV
    I'm not happy with the patterns ive used for Necropath. Especailly the leg ones.

    Indeed, other ideas for the Necropath have him leading a breakaway group of the skulls (The crimson skulls) as his minions, who are far more interested in evil and carnage than just selling superdyne. And this becomes why Necroshade has it in for the skulls in particular.

    I have ideas to make this into a fan film trailer, of which all the above story will only be the start. Later on, Necroshade will begin to fall again, and seek help. And of course the only one who can help him is the telepath whos friends he mercilessly wiped out. Eventually, she'll tell him that his powers alone could not have caused him to fall in the first place, and that it was aided by technology. Some more characters later, including a scientist hes already met, and he discovers that an arm of the crey revanent hero project looking to include darkness powers into their clones had captured him. Whilst they were still unable to effectively clone the dark powers, they instead create the prison for his conscience and release him, sans kidnapping memories, in order to cause some more general chaos around for them to clean up themselves and gain more public favor. Over time, the shadows pushed all the good in him into this area, leaving only the evil. As he committed more and more acts of evil, his guilt grew, so that when it was finally opened by the psychic it raged out across his mind.
    And so, Redemption takes a back seat to revenge as he starts going after Crey.

    I also had the idea of making it so that crey are behind the superdyne in paragon.
    (Tangent: Read supes history. Scientists were found to have made it in order to observe the reaction that it had in extreme cases where it allowed the user to see into other dimensions, and cared nothing about it as an actual drug. Back alley brawler smashed up the opweration, but another scientist used the info to invent portal technology, and found portal corp. Those original scis sound a lot like crey to me!)
    Though I believe we will find it was crey behind it, I think using this idea would step on cryptics toes too much. Besides, I could be wrong.

    Now I just have to wrap my head around the demo code.
  15. *hijack* can we get the stone bloke to not use his ranged *quite* so much too?
  16. About the meteors: Ive seen meteors in brickstown before. They were just a simple streak of colour, green if i remember correctly (Doesnt that make it nickel? Or copper?) If this is the kind of thing you saw, I'm fairly certain it's just a usual part of the night sky.

    Oh, and this was several weeks ago.

    On a side note, did the blyde square statue always have that red tint at night? That would kindve go along with an aethric energy buildup if the satue suddenly comes alive and goes rampaging. Of course I did just get a new video card, so that could be all it is
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    "Dogs and cats, living together! Mass Hysteria!"*

    *-guess that quote.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  18. [ QUOTE ]
    "Something really bad is going to happen someplace near here sometime soon."

    "Gee, could you vauge that up for us a little?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    WOO! Go Buffy!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    The commanders have a <Censored. This information is CLASSIFIED. Omega Level Security Clearance Required>

    Oh man. That was soo much fun!!! If it is going to be alive event, I can't wait!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey hey HEY!, I HAVE omega level clearance!
  20. THe blue hand also appears when you place your cursor over any bench seat in steel canyon etc. Sometimes a cigar, is just a cigar.