Badge Questions
Just want the first post
Thanks Positron.
Accolades - we don't seem to have them on the villain side of the game, other then the winter event and respec ones. Will we be seeing these added soon or will it be possible to get the hero accolades for villains?
Since you said you'd listen to suggestions for improvement:
I have a problem with badges being awarded to only the team that does the most damage to the monster, or any other competitive scheme, because it favors AT's that do damage over many support AT's.
To be specific, my tank had to fight the Kraken 4 times before he got the badge for defeating the Kraken. Part of this is bad luck, but much of it is due to the fact that what I add to a team, that is "Aggro control" I am effectively adding to any other team that is competing with me for the badge. Effectivelty, I am a liability to a team as a member because if there were a team with me and 7 blasters and another team of 8 blasters, the team with 8 blasters would be doing more damage and would still benefit from my "tanking" for them, because the Kraken's aggro would be focused on me.
So, please consider changing the system to have everyone on a team that does damage awarded the badge.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Ah... Goodie.
Alright, The gunner badge. Is it still bugged? I know, someone has comfirmed it over on pinnacle, but, they said they had done over 300 firebases to get the badge. That seems to be quite alot of firebases and would take quite a long time.
Is there, perhaps, a trick of sort involved? The badge description does kinda imply that you need to only take over 1 firebase... but 300? Bit rediculous.
Thanks Positron.
Accolades - we don't seem to have them on the villain side of the game, other then the winter event and respec ones. Will we be seeing these added soon or will it be possible to get the hero accolades for villains?
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Issue 7.
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Since you said you'd listen to suggestions for improvement:
I have a problem with badges being awarded to only the team that does the most damage to the monster, or any other competitive scheme, because it favors AT's that do damage over many support AT's.
To be specific, my tank had to fight the Kraken 4 times before he got the badge for defeating the Kraken. Part of this is bad luck, but much of it is due to the fact that what I add to a team, that is "Aggro control" I am effectively adding to any other team that is competing with me for the badge. Effectivelty, I am a liability to a team as a member because if there were a team with me and 7 blasters and another team of 8 blasters, the team with 8 blasters would be doing more damage and would still benefit from my "tanking" for them, because the Kraken's aggro would be focused on me.
So, please consider changing the system to have everyone on a team that does damage awarded the badge.
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Kill Count badges (of which the Giant Monster badges are, just with a Kill Count of 1) require you/your team do 25% of the entity's HP in damage in order to get credit. So in theory 4 teams could all get credit (much more likely that 3 teams will get credit).
In your scenario of Tanker + 7 blasters vs. 8 blasters, I have to assume that both teams would get the badge, since both teams are going to contribute over 25% damage to the entity.
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Ah... Goodie.
Alright, The gunner badge. Is it still bugged? I know, someone has comfirmed it over on pinnacle, but, they said they had done over 300 firebases to get the badge. That seems to be quite alot of firebases and would take quite a long time.
Is there, perhaps, a trick of sort involved? The badge description does kinda imply that you need to only take over 1 firebase... but 300? Bit rediculous.
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Gunner badge is bugged. It shouldn't be awarding at all AFAIK.
I will post here when it is fixed.
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tons of badges are bugged on hero side..
i.e. spider smasher,the pvp badges dont work unless you in the lvl range(i played with a lvl 50 and a low lvl in bb and i couldnt get squat) ,mu guardian and fort see glad badges.titanloses control when he merges to zeus in glad matches...any of these gonna get fixed soon or we gonna wait till iss 7?
im good to wait till iss7 ..but as long as ALL are fixed

Ah... Goodie.
Alright, The gunner badge. Is it still bugged? I know, someone has comfirmed it over on pinnacle, but, they said they had done over 300 firebases to get the badge. That seems to be quite alot of firebases and would take quite a long time.
Is there, perhaps, a trick of sort involved? The badge description does kinda imply that you need to only take over 1 firebase... but 300? Bit rediculous.
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I dunno, I think it only counts firebases after the patch. So he could probably have done a good portion of those 300 before.
Also, Posi:
Will there ever be the possibility in the future of reducing the amounts needed for epic badges? (damage taken, healing, and the like). I mean, it's been done for the SK badges.
Thanks for all the quick replies. I have another question:
It seems that every time that new badges are added they are not in order with existing badges. They appear at either the top or bottom of the badge screen. Some, like the PVP badges, are not even grouped together which makes it difficult to keep track of them. Are there any plans to rearrange the order of these so that similar badges are grouped together?
Since you said you'd listen to suggestions for improvement:
I have a problem with badges being awarded to only the team that does the most damage to the monster, or any other competitive scheme, because it favors AT's that do damage over many support AT's.
To be specific, my tank had to fight the Kraken 4 times before he got the badge for defeating the Kraken. Part of this is bad luck, but much of it is due to the fact that what I add to a team, that is "Aggro control" I am effectively adding to any other team that is competing with me for the badge. Effectivelty, I am a liability to a team as a member because if there were a team with me and 7 blasters and another team of 8 blasters, the team with 8 blasters would be doing more damage and would still benefit from my "tanking" for them, because the Kraken's aggro would be focused on me.
So, please consider changing the system to have everyone on a team that does damage awarded the badge.
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Kill Count badges (of which the Giant Monster badges are, just with a Kill Count of 1) require you/your team do 25% of the entity's HP in damage in order to get credit. So in theory 4 teams could all get credit (much more likely that 3 teams will get credit).
In your scenario of Tanker + 7 blasters vs. 8 blasters, I have to assume that both teams would get the badge, since both teams are going to contribute over 25% damage to the entity.
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Cool. Thanks for the clarification.
And for finding my suggestion so good you ran (not flew as that would violate the EULA) around the world fast enough to reverse time and implement it before I suggested it.
Also, as a follow up question. What about summoned illusionists. Do you have to do 25% damage to them before they disappear? Any amount of damage? Kill them entirely before they disappear?

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
As far as I know, there aren't any badges for a lot of CoV groups. I'm pretty positive that plenty more will be added, but will this be something that we will see in I7? There could be badges for some of these, but I just don't know about them yet.
Luddites, Coralax, Mooks, the rare Spetsnaz possibly, Wyvern, etc...
The Dark Blade
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Paragon Wiki
Any chance you can look at the influence/infamy earned badges? It seems like the last two badges require an enormous amount of earned influence/infamy. Could progress bars be added or perhaps a hint as to the amount required for Popular and Leader? Will the amount ever be looked at for reduction? Since now a Hero/Villain needs to make a choice between Influence/Infamy or prestige around level 34, this needs consideration. Everything else seems reasonable to achieve except these two in my opinion.
Regarding stuff currently on Test:
DJ Zero seems a lot like a badge-unlocked contact, and his chat message seems to be a hint to spend more time in Pocket D, but so far nobody's got anything despite spending upwards of five hours there. Is this a bug or are we just not doing the right thing?
Are any of the Giant Monsters in CoH player spawnable, or are they all on a random timer. I ask because in the past there have been incidents where other players have told me not to kill mob x because I will keep giant monster Y from spawning, and I am griefing them. If there is a risk I am interfering what someone else is trying to do, it would be nice to know.
Will Elite Boss versions of AVs count towards earning badges like their full-fledged AV versions do?
Besides grouping, are there ever going to be ways to go back and get the badges from missions that you missed?
I mostly solo, or group with my room-mates, who are almost all in the same level range. Not a big fan of pick-up groups.
This probably isn't a place to air badge grievances, but: any chance of Veluta Lunata asking for a different badge any time in the future? It's simply not possible for a level 5-10 character to get the ghost-trapping badges on their own, when the ghosts are generally levels 10-15.
The PvP badges are still acting really wierd right now. Is all the text incorrect on the badges, or are they still all being awarded for the wrong tasks? It seems like the badge given for running a PvP patrol mission changes every month.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
Regarding stuff currently on Test:
DJ Zero seems a lot like a badge-unlocked contact, and his chat message seems to be a hint to spend more time in Pocket D, but so far nobody's got anything despite spending upwards of five hours there. Is this a bug or are we just not doing the right thing?
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He is not currently unlockable.
There is no badge for time spent (or time doing ANYTHING) in Pocket D.
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In City of Villains, the level of infamy necessary to obtain Bling (and thereby unlock Doc Buzzsaw) seems a little oppressively difficult to get prior to level 30. (At which point Doc Buzzsaw is outleveled.) Many of my friends only earned Bling at about level 31. I earned Bling by spending a prodigious amount of time either malefactoring to lower-level villains, or racking up debt to slow down my leveling.
I'm also curious as to the current levels of ghosts that spawn in Port Oakes around Fort Hades, and which are necessary to unlock Veluta Lunata as a contact. When I last ghost-hunted, the ordinary ghosts would spawn at levels 8-10 throughout the fort. However, ghost traps would sometimes "explode," spawning a bunch of ghosts in the 11-15 level range. (This would include one or two Elite Bosses.) By comparison, Veluta Lunata's missions cap out at level 10. This makes it hard to experience Veluta Lunata's mission content, unless one enlists the aid of a drastically over-leveled character to do the ghost-hunting.
Is there no badge for hunting Luddites? I haven't seen a progress marker for them, despite taking down both lieutenants and bosses.
He is not currently unlockable.
There is no badge for time spent (or time doing ANYTHING) in Pocket D.
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That settles that. Thanks.
Regarding stuff currently on Test:
DJ Zero seems a lot like a badge-unlocked contact, and his chat message seems to be a hint to spend more time in Pocket D, but so far nobody's got anything despite spending upwards of five hours there. Is this a bug or are we just not doing the right thing?
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He is not currently unlockable.
There is no badge for time spent (or time doing ANYTHING) in Pocket D.
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Does that mean there are OTHER badges in there?
Will Elite Boss versions of AVs count towards earning badges like their full-fledged AV versions do?
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Yes (there is no way to do this any differently).
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Will Elite Boss versions of AVs count towards earning badges like their full-fledged AV versions do?
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Someone tested this already on the Test Server, they count.
Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
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Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad
Ask 'em here. I don't promise I will answer every one, or give out "spoiler" info, but I will try to make sense of some of the confusion people have about badges (and listen to suggestions on improving them).
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