752 -
Because they view this game as disposable I suppose.
But, if you truly want to ask them that question, take the time to use the contact information for NCSoft TonyV has collected on the Titan Network. The decision makers certainly aren't reading this forum now. If, indeed, they ever have. -
Holy wall of text batman!
I'll make my way through it a bit later, but Uber, you were always one of the poster names that made me pay attention to a thread. -
Hey Tony, this is great. Thanks for all the hard work and energy you've poured into this and the game, and best of luck with the efforts to save it.
I don't think I can bring myself to log in right now, but I'll definitely be using this before the end. -
"OMG Finally" sums up many of the post TF completion reactions in my CoH career.
Quote:Well, they re-did Positron due to it's unadulterated terribleness, and while none of the other Freedom Phalanx TF's are quite as bad as original flavour Positron, the other one's could certainly use the re-do!Goat, while I understand your pain, isn't 'battling through to the very end and defeating the big-bad' basically the whole point of being a hero? Especially on a Task Force?
At the same time, it would be nice to see all of the original TFs cleaned-up and tightened-up. Fewer missions, better maps, how about a Patrol that actually Finds something? Like a semi-static ambush-spawn at one of the beacons? Spawns around the phone-box and despawns if/when the beacon is tagged, so it's possible to stealth it. Or maybe it turns into a running battle of fresh ambushes? Something that makes you say, "Holy Carp! Everybody Come Here! We've got a problem." instead of, "Gah! Another Patrol. Somebody stick a fresh battery in the Super Speeder and hand him a Red Bull, we'll wait here."
Actually, 'tightening up TFs' might be a great thread on the Suggestions forum. You could list them out, along with your pros & cons, highlighting areas that could be improved. Yeah, more work for the Goat.
Be Well!
Fireheart -
Nice to see new content added to KR, Bricks, and St. Martial.
Edit: Ooh, didn't notice the Prison Break zone event for Bricks at first. That looks great! -
Quote:"Me too" generally doesn't add much to the discourse. "Me too because..." is another matter.what is the approved method of indicating agreement with what has been posted?
I believe that indicating that something is not merely one person's opinion but is shared by other posters is, in fact, valuable information that furthers the discussion.
I would hate to think that disagreeing is allowed and considered good but agreeing is considered a problem. -
Blaster Frozen Aura could do with being made equivalent to Tanker Frozen Aura.
Well, my primary blaster is AR/Ice, so this won't mean anything on that front, but this and the other blast set changes will make my long dormant Fire/Dev more fun, and make my Elec/Fire actually use Thunderous Blast a lot more often.
Nice thread Goat, I've recently got back in to the game and this has been useful for sorting out what all has changed and been added.
I like the set ups they've revealed for these sets. I think it is probably rather optimistic to expect a self heal from the single target immob in Dark Manip though. I'm expecting a single target tenebrous tentacles.
I've soloed him with five different ATs, he's not very hard to beat, especially if he ends up swimming in the lava, which he seems to do pretty frequently.
You can't please all of the people, all of the time. If the game fails to deliver what you want, you tell the developers about it, and then you stop buying the product.
As I've said in pretty much every "can't find a team" post since oh, 2004, if you are not doing everything in your power to find or form a team, you have no grounds to complain.
I'd suggest the following:
* Join an active SG if you aren't in one
* Look for people to play with in your Server forum
* Join the popular chat channels for your server and form teams through those
Also, the devs are now giving people a reason to dust off their old characters, which many people have been looking for for years. Ultimately, the approach the devs are taking makes this game more attractive to a wider range of play styles, and that is a very good thing for the health of the game. -
Because the devs haven't made one yet. However, with the upcoming customization in I19 where you'll be able to customize where various blasts come out of (eyes, hands, etc(, the next logical step might be to create alternative weapon based animations for the non-weapon blast sets.
If you could use Rad or Energy Blast with weapon based animations, you don't really need a distinct "energy weapon" set. -
Unsubscribing if you're not having fun is the reasonable thing to do. I've done it several times. Before coming back this summer I'd been gone for a year or so, and that nice thing about CoH is that you can pick it back up whenever you feel like it without really feeling like you've been left behind.
Quote:The process here seems pretty simple. Someone at NC Soft comes up with the idea for a booster. They try it, it makes enough money that they like it, therefore they make more.While I wouldn't say I agree with some of Invisobill's stronger points, such as saying that the game only has about two years left of life, I do agree with him that the booster packs seem to be getting a bit out of hand.
In the overall, I'd say it's not too bad as long as they don't start locking out powersets or zones based on booster packs.
Your later point is sort of moot. We already have boosters that lock out zones and powersets, we call them expansions. -
Subjective Feedback: The Peacebringer sound effects are awful.
I'd love an Arctic zone, but I think my first choice would be an underwater zone.
Playing no one below 20 at the moment, and consequently staying out of Praetoria since the I19 changes were announced. Same thing I did when Khelds were introduced, and then buffs were announced for the following issue.