How are you playing until i19?
I'm still enjoying all the awesome from Issue 18, personally. I have no idea how people can say "Okay, it's old now. Gimme more new!"
As for Stamina, I don't take it anyway, so life isn't any different for me. It's a benefit of the freedom I've been enjoying all this time. (-:
Though my scrapper may do #4 because he has Quick recovery.
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

I've never taken Stamina. I've always remembered that there were enhancements that reduced endurance usage and inspirations that can give you a boost in it. After all, mind your potions, three of a kind makes a blue.

I only have one avatar, so the answer is "the same as usual "
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I'm playing other games more...
Desperatly hoping I can get a respec for my Warshade soon...
Getting annoyed at all my other characters having freespecs I have no use for...
I do seem to be playing my staminaless characters over the ones I've planned out inherent stamina builds for.
I'm ignoring stamina.
I have a handful of lowbies I'm playing right now and none of them are worrying about fitting in stamina. I figure they can get by over-slotting for endredux until I19 hits and that will save me a bunch of respec'ing.
For my existing characters, I'm not going to respec anyone specifically to take advantage of inherent stamina....well, unless they dramatically improve the respec interface as a bribe. =P
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
At the moment i REALLY want to create a few new alts but i also know the experience of them will be much better if i wait until i19 to try them out, so new characters are a no go for me at the moment.
Just been playing my main to try and raise his stats up a tiny bit more for the incarnate taskforce and levelling my KM/elec scrapper slowly.
But got the pre issue blues at the moment where i cant log in due to so many ideas of what to do in the next issue, so been playing Fifa11 and Dead rising 2 lately
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Must.... resist.... urge.... to delete.... characters!
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
If one day this game ever ends, when people look back i think two of the things they will remember are
- Your awesome lists you do!
- Your game within a game that you play that still suprises me
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
same as always really, those that have stamina still have it, and those that dont, dont need it. with tips and hero merits, im running my mature(level 50, not naked) characters more, so those decisions are already made..
For me the only changes for the most part are whether or not
to go to Praetoria or not with a new toon.
I have a kabillion free respecs for every toon I have over lev 30
(which seems endless anyways)
and will most likely try to adjust an inherent stamina for them
when I do those respecs.
I am actually excited about doing the respecs.
Otherwise I love what has happened since i18
and I am REALLY looking forward to i19 BIG TIME
@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!
I've taken the #4 route on a couple of characters actually... my Fort and my PB actually. I've stripped them both of the fitness pool and salvaged some of the higher end IOs (a couple of LotGs) from my Fort and plugged them into the PB (the character I'll be taking Incarnate first). Playing them after the fact has proven... interesting to say the least.
I've also been using option #2 (sorta) on my new Elec/Earth Dom. I say sorta because he doesn't actually NEED the fitness pool, but will enjoy the boost whenever i19 hits.
I'm varying by character. Some, if I've gotten (say) Swift, I'll burn the respec, remove it and snag something else. Some of my characters are unaffected. Lowbies (and I've been on an alt-making spree, as it is) I just don't bother taking it. If it's a character I might park for a bit, I'm parking them at an even level (so stamina gets the next-level's slots, in some cases.) It really varies. I've got enough to play that I generally don't worry about it.
Basically #1
I'll worry about i19 details as we know more. When its live, then I care.
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

The same as always!
I have no idea how far any new toons will get in levels, so I level it like I'm playing in i18, which of course, we are.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I'm playing my first Willpower brute. I'm going to see how long I can get by on quick recovery, but I may respec in Stamina if my endurance usage does not improve noticeably with frankenslotting.
I've always had stamina on basically every character. Running out of endurance is the opposite of fun for me, so I try to build characters so I never have to worry about endurance. Apparently, this is a moral failing according to some people, but none of us are perfect.
Anyway, it looks like I am going to be doing quite a few respec when i19 comes out, because I have stamina on basically every character I have, and I will definately be able to benefit from it's change to an inherant.
I'm basically continuing to take stamina on characters when I feel it's appropriate, because I am still not interested in running out of endurance if I can avoid it. What's a few more respecs to do when I already have so many ahead of me? I figure a couple more aren't going to kill me.
I've actually respec'd a few of my characters out of Stamina already, and haven't took the fitness pool on any of my new alts. I have freespecs for a ton of my characters, so I figure I should use them now to get the fitness pool out of my build so I get another freespec on i19's release.
Inherent fitness was a nice surprise for my main, a MA/SR scrapper. I respec'd out of the fitness pool awhile ago, even before the inherent fitness announcement, because Physical Perfection/Conserve Power was enough. I19 is icing on the cake for him.
I farmed my butt off in order to get the +def and +damres unique PvP IOs for my main. Now that I have them, I've not been sure what to do with my game time. Been cranking up new alts, none have touched the fitness pool.
Wait mode is in full force now. Wish they'd hurry it up.
Be well, people of CoH.

I've always had stamina on basically every character. Running out of endurance is the opposite of fun for me, so I try to build characters so I never have to worry about endurance. Apparently, this is a moral failing according to some people, but none of us are perfect.
Anyway, it looks like I am going to be doing quite a few respec when i19 comes out, because I have stamina on basically every character I have, and I will definately be able to benefit from it's change to an inherant. I'm basically continuing to take stamina on characters when I feel it's appropriate, because I am still not interested in running out of endurance if I can avoid it. What's a few more respecs to do when I already have so many ahead of me? I figure a couple more aren't going to kill me. |
I have taken Stamina and triple slotted every single toon for 4 years now for the very same reasons.

Running out of endurance is my least fav thing in the game for any and all toons of mine

So.... when i19 comes around I will try a respec on everyone of the toons (since it seems like I have a billion free respecs left) and test the differences

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!
1. Play as normal, get stamina, then respec after i19.
2. Dont bother with stamina, and be without end all the time. Then respec after i19. 3. Play lowbie toons that usually wouldnt have picked up stamina yet. Deal with all other problems lowbie toons have, no end, acc, money, etc. 4. Respec Stamina out now, add other powers, deal with recovery issues, then respec after i19, to add a slot or two in health or stamina. |
I'm playing a Dark Armor character for crying out loud without stamina, and I have no endurance issues. Don't put so much bias into your choices.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I am collecting Hero Merits for the time being.
Also, what the eff is up with the forums. Every thread I visit logs me out, even if I have "Keep me logged in" checked.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

I ****** up my slotting on my main (can't reach aoe def cap, not farming 4b+ for the pvp +unique) but I also don't want to waste a respec and pickup Stamina which I know is going to be free in I19. So my guy is kinda in limbo right now
ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-
Sorry if this has been discussed already countless times but as always Im late to the show.
With the knowledge of inherent Stamina etc, I just cant seem to want to work on my characters. I always throw Stamina in whatever build Im leveling usually by 25 or so. I also like to respec once I hit 50.
So what I see as my choices are:
1. Play as normal, get stamina, then respec after i19.
2. Dont bother with stamina, and be without end all the time. Then respec after i19.
3. Play lowbie toons that usually wouldnt have picked up stamina yet. Deal with all other problems lowbie toons have, no end, acc, money, etc.
4. Respec Stamina out now, add other powers, deal with recovery issues, then respec after i19, to add a slot or two in health or stamina.
Yeah so I kind of feel stagnant, not sure what to do.
Anyone else experiencing this? How are you playing for the next month? or so?