If you could make a new zone, what would it be?
1. Shadow Shard revamp and co-op
2. Dark Astoria
3. Boomtown
4. Eden
5. Creys Folly
Revamps; making old stuff new for everyone.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.

Different wilderness zones.
Desert. Could have your cowboy ghost-town in it. Probably mountains somewhere too.
Jungle/Forest. A large one with actual trees, not the kind of weird maze you get in Perez but trees big enough that each one is modeled individually.
Frozen wilderness. Snow and ice, maybe some snow-covered trees, maybe some mountains.
Mars. An alien landscape with weird alien artifacts left behind. It could be used to represent all kinds of other worlds, especially if the sky could be set to different colors.
Orbit. Earth far below, moon high above, fly granted to everyone in the zone. You enter and exit through a space station airlock. The space station is often under attack. There are various satelites and chunks of rock and other space stations scattered about the zone, with different enemies inhabiting them.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
A giant plane while it's in the air. You can walk out and fly/fight on the wings and stuff
I would take a duplicate oil rig from Sirens and place it in deep water off off Talos Island.
I would alter it in 3Ds Max so that it is looks a bit more of a scientific research platform.
I would have at it's inner core a large pool with depth markers marking a tunnel plunging down into the dark depths, then via submersible or just plain ole' swimming I'd make this so that going down deep you see the City of the Coralax looming out of the depths.
I'd finish that darn launchpad and get us up to Space station Gagarin and Moonbase Armstrong.
I'd put a ruined Amphitheatre built into the hillside in the Hollows. It would be for all intensive purposes at lower level - just a RP enviroment if needed, but at higher level i would make it so that clicking on an enchanted pillar in the arena took you back in time to before the hollowing and to a time when the Arena was in its prime and you could fight various beasts of increasing difficulty in a tournament.
I'd use Ouroboros to do historical missions properly in the game. Use the lore that we read about in the books and in-game. I want to visit the Isle of Praxidae for the Incarnates TF, I want to visit Eastgate and witness the Hollowing, I want to visit Whitesands before The Rikti saucer crash, I want to see the launch of The Moraine and its ill-fated journey.
In short after 6 years of so of a City of Heroes, i think the franchise can allow itself to explore the wider global enviroments - It doesn't mean we stop being a City of Heroes.
Lets get Tokoyo, Egypt, Antarctica and the a Wakanda-style Jungle complex in there, lets have that zero-G space station, the underwater City of the Coralax, and an underground city at the earths core.
As gorgeous at The new GR zones are, it is more urban sprawl. I'd love to see Ultra-Mode applied to something entirely different.
See Frozen Fire's excellent post: #306 for some ground-breaking architectual examples that could be used for inspiration to populate said new zones.
Underwater Nazi Moonbase!
"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."
"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me
Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
I honestly don't know. I'd much rather discuss how I'd revamp existing zones that either don't get as much love as they should, or need to be updated to fit in with the game's meta-story advancing.
If I had to make a new zone, though, it would be somewhere (or somewhen) other than Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, or Praetoria proper. I don't think we have an desert areas, so maybe something like that. Or since most of Praetorian Earth is still destroyed or overrun by DE, I'd like to create one of the other places that are mentioned as being rebuilt. Vegas or Tokyo, for example. So we can see what life is like away from Cole's protection and his rule.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
1. Shadow Shard revamp and co-op
Revamps; making old stuff new for everyone. |
I wouldn't make a new zone. I'd make the Shard a more interesting place to play around in. It's a beautiful zone... but there's just not much out there.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
Different wilderness zones.
Desert. Could have your cowboy ghost-town in it. Probably mountains somewhere too. Jungle/Forest. A large one with actual trees, not the kind of weird maze you get in Perez but trees big enough that each one is modeled individually. Frozen wilderness. Snow and ice, maybe some snow-covered trees, maybe some mountains. Mars. An alien landscape with weird alien artifacts left behind. It could be used to represent all kinds of other worlds, especially if the sky could be set to different colors. Orbit. Earth far below, moon high above, fly granted to everyone in the zone. You enter and exit through a space station airlock. The space station is often under attack. There are various satelites and chunks of rock and other space stations scattered about the zone, with different enemies inhabiting them. |
The most disappointing thing about Going Rogue for me was that the new zones gave us nothing different. Sure, Praetoria is a prettier city than the old cities we have, but it's still just a city, and I don't think we really needed even more city zones. I want to fight in jungles, or deserts, or the arctic, or space, or Atlantis, or anywhere other than more city zones.
More time travel zones in general would be great. And yes, I'd love a medieval zone. Croatoa comes close, but not quite, and it's only accessible heroside.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
The dinosaurs should be in a South American or African jungle, and there should be some kind of lost city to discover too.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
1) Amusement park
2) Shopping Mall
3) Rikti homeworld, moonscape, or other space/sci-fi location.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
1) I'd set the Trains so that randomly a "spot mission" would occur where the train was either being taken over by para-military (Council, 5th Column, Arachnos, etc) or the passengers were being robbed (Hellions, Skulls, Freakshow, etc) or someone had glitched the controls so it was going to go faster and faster until it crashed. In any case the map is the train interior and you need to make your way to the conductor's cab to complete it. This would only happen when you're not on a team and not set up to run a timed mission.
2) Mirror Carnival. When first approached it is inhabited by civillians, gang members and the like. Perhaps some mini-games at the carnie booths or a targetable Test-Your-Strength platform to ring the bell. However, if you enter the House of Mirrors it transports you to an evil, mirror-dimension of the Carnival. Here it is always night time. The Carnival looks old and derelict. The Carnies come in various and deadly varieties. The Workers are the base variety and are found everywhere in the Carnival, they resemble concentration-camp survivors (Barely) wearing uniforms of faded colors. The Big Top tent precincts are home to the Carnie Beasts; bizarre half-human, half-animals of the kind you'd expect to see at a Carnival (lions, tigers, bears (oh my), elephants and the like). Also in the Big Top is the Ring Master who is the EB/AV of the zone. Along one dangerous (red-zone) edge of the Carnival is Side Show Row where the geeks and freaks exist; fire-eaters, sword-swallowers, goat-boys, snake-women and a host of other hopeless and deformed creatures. There is also the Rides and Amusements area of the Carnival where you find the Ferris Wheel, Roller Coaster, etc. The Merry Go Round has crouched creatures for the kiddies to ride instead of horses, these creatures attack in hordes if approached. The Roller Coaster tracks are festooned with Gremlins (not the electrical kind) who are busy tearing up the rails, removing support pins, etc. Other rides are similarly dangerous. Every so often the Ferris Wheel will shudder and groan into a deadly half-life becoming Feral Wheal, the GM for the zone; consisting of long iron beam arms, a huge wheel that serves as its legs/locomotion, two seats atop one another forming its mouth and a large spot light as its cyclopsian eye.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
The Rikti homeworld would work pretty well if they wamted to go the GR route and make it an expansion, as they've already established the two factions there and how they interact with Primal Earth, so there's already a multiple choice set-up for any Rikti homeworld content.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I got to thinking the other day, how neat it would be if we had a 'western' theme zone. Maybe a small ghost town that consisted of a single intersection, nothing but dirt roads, and a dessert in the background. The buildings would be the traditional flat scaled store fronts, that included things like: a hotel, bar, county jail. The doors would be swinging panels like in the movies, and every once in a while you'd see some tumbleweed drifting through the landscape. I imagine dual pistols players would frequent the zone often. Maybe you could even have a gun dual in the center of town (even if your toon didn't have dp as a power). Perhaps it could be an ouroboros destination, and the landscape could have a sepia tone to give it that antique feel.
So, if you could create your own zone, what would it be?