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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Considering how big a part costume design plays in City of Heroes, I'd have thought that the largest development effort would have been to make PLAYERS have the coolest costumes around. Instead, the opposite keeps happening - NPCs are always cooler than us, and the best we can hope to get is whatever scraps are left over after an NPC is made.


    Call me crazy, but I don't play this game for the NPCs, I play it for my own creations.
    Seeing the CoT revamp alongside the pieces that we actually get access to, I now hold out absolutely no hope for the All Things Art: NPC Conversions thread. What's the point, really? Any parts we request will only be remade to look worse, and we won't even get access to most of the revamped parts anyway.

    At this point, I'm think we should start telling them we DON'T want access to the Carnival costume bits. If it's going to go down like this, I'd rather the Carnival stay as-is than for them to get downgraded into less interesting costumes that players STILL won't get access to.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tunnel Rat View Post
    Effects mainly cover things like powers, auras, costume changes, and the like.
    Speaking of costume changes, that reminds me: I've been trying to get a CCEmote bug looked at for two years, so I'm hoping you're the right person to tell.

    The Peacebringer CCEmote timing is off when you're in the air. On the ground it's fine, but if you're hovering or flying, your costume doesn't actually switch until 6-7 seconds after the animation has already finished.

    Really, this emote has never worked right. I remember bugging it way in the I15 beta (over two years ago). Since then, I've bugged it in-game numerous times and posted to the forum several more. For an archetype that has inherent flight/hover, its a bummer that this emote only works correctly on the ground.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ModernMyth View Post
    First reaction on seeing these was, "Holy ****, MECHA-KALI."
    First thing I thought was, "what happened to Spiral?"

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talsit View Post
    I appreciate that it's probably not a quick fix, but I was hoping to see a fix for the team UI where team members health/endurance aren't visible. That is one seriously annoying bug.
    I mostly solo, so I wasn't aware of this bug until this week when boyfriend and I played together. Wow! That's one of the most annoying bugs I've seen in some time. And from what he told me, it's been like that for a while? Yikes.

  5. bjooks


    Where'd you find this? I didn't note a story on Massively, so was it an ad?

    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Manticore is going to die so Sister Psyche can move on!
    Well, he was "missing" from the image in that other thread. Then again, so is she....

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That is totally not going to happen you know.

    At least not for a while. Cheat them out of their exclusive, and next time they won't cover you. If it was me at PCGamer, I'd be plenty pissed if NCSoft promised an exclusive and then reneged on that promise. Those pictures probably come with an embargo period where they can't be released to other channels. When that has expired, we'll all get to see it. Until then, you'll have to wait.
    I'm guessing an embargo until Comic Con next week, where we'll (hopefully) learn more details about what will be available at the Paragon Market.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    And I feel the same way about the original version!

    Add a no-makeup option for the people who like plain faces, and leave the lipstick alone! the costume creator is FULL of female faces without makeup, I dont understand why an option without could have been ADDED, so those of us who liked the red lipstick could keep it. People who dont like makeup have a creator FULL of options to use right now. FULL!

    So this means I can never edit Faerie Queen's costume again or else she'll revert to the new version? That's just sad. Yeah, a new, separate face without makeup would have been a much better fix than taking away this beautiful face after we'd had a month to enjoy it.

  8. I think you're trying to come up with one simple answer when there are likely many reasons for the posts you describe.
    • Some people truly want the game they love to improve and lash out bitterly to affect change
    • Some people quite likely are sock puppets; I thought there were several during the first competitor's launch
    • Some people are just big-ol' Debbie Downers and see the world through sad, gray-colored glasses; they're probably not "unhappy" with the game so much as they're just naturally negative
    • Some people are insane, so who knows why they do what they do
    But unless you're referring to one person in particular, I think it's too complicated to generalize beyond "people like to ***** and moan." Any two complaint posts will likely have very different motivations.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    That was . . . . . . awesome! One of your best ones i think!
    Agreed. One of your best yet.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chris_Zuercher View Post
    This "try before you buy" feature in the tailor was unexpected, but very welcome news. *applause*
    Yup. And it makes me suspect that some organizational improvements for the costume creator will be included with this issue, as well.

  11. bjooks

    Giant Shivan

    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    ^ My impression was that Mercy would get some kind of graphic overhaul, but it wouldn't be as extensive and most importantly, it wasn't done yet.
    Quite possibly. I do remember them mentioning something about Mercy getting an optimization pass, or something like that.

  12. So far I'm very pleased, both that this is finally happening, as well as with how it's being handled. But please, I want more info on the new shinies!!! ARGH!

    Seriously though, I'm looking forward to new growth for my favorite game.

  13. bjooks

    Giant Shivan

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    You don't make an entire large zone for a tutorial, because the tutorial lasts from level 1 to level 2. You only need a small instance from that zone where contacts can tell you things, give you things and you can defeat half a dozen minions before moving on into the rest of the game. The Champions Online tutorial spanning six levels and being essentially all most new players see before they wise up is a mistake. The ACTUAL Galaxy City could be a high-level zone, with just that one small instance where the tutorial takes place serving as a safer zone among the chaos where heroes and villains get a trial by fire.

    I sincerely hope we don't get an entire "tutorial zone."
    My pieced-together (so therefore "could be wrong") understanding is that we're getting a new co-op Galaxy City tutorial, with all archetypes available at creation regardless of your heroic or villainous intentions. So at character creation, you get to choose either the Prime world or the Praetorian world, instead of our current Hero/Villain/Praetorian choice.

    As with Praetoria, at the end of the new tutorial we choose to be a hero or villain, sending us to either Atlas or Mercy respectively. Heroside, Galaxy City will still exist, but it will be the new, destroyed map, while an echo of the undestroyed Galaxy will still be available in Oroboros (which Zwil mentioned will be available at level 14 characters).

    On the UStream chat, it sounded as if Atlas got the full graphic overhaul, while Mercy gets not a full graphic overhaul so much as a revamp (rearranging things like starting points, contacts or whatnot -- they were more vague on this). But specifically, they did mention you will no longer start off at Fort Darwin but instead in the city itself (YES!), and will have to re-take the Fort from Longbow who have made inroads. Also, it sounds like all the missions in these three zones have been completely(?) updated, as well, utilizing the new tech introduced in the Praetorian missions.

    As they spill more and more info, it's sounding like this is the big deal I expected Issue 20 to be.

    Again, this is my pieced-together (so therefore "could be wrong") understanding. I couldn't cite where I read any of this, but much has been gleaned from the Ustream chats.

  14. bjooks

    Todays Ustream?

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    I seem to recall Zwill saying there will be another Ustream today to discuss more about the announcement[s] [and possibly some more i21 info?], but i cant remember what time he said it would be.

    Cant find any mention of it on the forums, so does anybody with better memory remember what time he said? 6:30pm BST again?

    Just dont want to miss it if it is info about i21
    Facebook has it listed as same time as yesterday.

  15. bjooks

    Giant Shivan

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Considering this is Praetoria...
    I think you're mistaken, and this is Galaxy City. Check out this picture (labeled "destroyed_galaxy_02.jpg") from the overview page:

    Same new buildings, same blazing comets effect in the sky.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    They've made mention it's on their to-do list. When it's scheduled to be worked on, we don't know. Of course, they're not going to say much more than that because their attempt at coding it may not work, see: The Vault.
    The last line in the description for the Team Up Teleporter in the I20 features page included a caveat that, if you were willing to wildly speculate, could be read as an indication of... something:

    (The Team Up Teleporter is currently only available for Incarnate Trials on the same server.)
    So while this wasn't confirmation of anything, it is interesting wording nonetheless.

  17. bjooks

    Free the names!

    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    I understand people wanting, but unable to get, the special names they associate with their special characters. They all need to get over the fact that, in an environment with potentially tens of thousands of (at least) equally creative fellow players, the "first come, first served" law is the only one that's fair... and they lost out.
    I'd say you're only partially right. The "First come, first served" law is one that's fair assuming you accept the premise that unique names are the best or only option possible -- but I don't accept that premise. I think it would be equally as fair if everyone got to choose whatever name they wanted (short of using an already trademarked name/copyrighted character). Your mileage may (obviously) vary.

    I can see making a case for unique names because it's technically too difficult to implement them (I honestly wouldn't have a clue), and I can understand the argument that visually the names would be unattractive if they went with an "@global" option (without being able to visually turn them off somehow, I'd agree that they would be pretty ugly). But neither of those are definitive arguments against non-unique names, just hurdles to overcome to make it happen.

    If you just personally prefer unique names, that's fine, just say so. I'll agree to disagree. But my opinion is equally as valid as yours, regardless of what you think.
    They claim "all the good names are gone", to which I respond "apply more imagination and education". When they say "this is the best and only name for a character I've played elsewhere for years", my answer is the same.

    There's more light outside the box. Folks should try it.
    Seems like you think your unique and original name makes you one truly special snowflake.

    <Looks at your forum name... does a google search of said name...>

    Irony makes me smile.

  18. bjooks

    Free the names!

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    There are games out there that will allow you to do what you want and they won't cost you a penny to play. Here's it's first come first served.

    Now if the devs are developing cross server teaming that's a valid reason to reconsider the issue.
    Wanting to give players more flexibility to create the characters they want with the names they want is also a valid reason. It just happens to be one you don't like.

  19. bjooks

    Free the names!

    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    Seriously though, in my four years on CoH, I've never had trouble coming up with good character names. Ever. Having something more than a dismally average vocabulary helps.
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Some people can't admit to themselves that the only "problem" with unique names lies between their keyboard and the chair they are sitting in and the devs can't fix that. The rest of us have no trouble coming up with new original names.
    It's not coming up with new, original names that's my problem. When I'm creating a character from scratch, the unique name policy can sometimes be a hindrance, but usually not a deal-breaker. But the problem is that I (and many others, I'd imagine) don't just play new characters we created after this game launched. I also have several toons based on old Marvel PnP RPG characters I used to play back in the day, decades-old characters with established identities and names.

    It's an incredibly amazing experience to see one of your own personal characters, developed back in your high school days, become a playable character in a video game! But when that name is unavailable, is it really the same character? Honestly, sometimes not, because of the ways that names shape identity. These types of characters are much trickier to rename due to their established histories. The reason my home server is Triumph isn't really because I like the solitude there, although that's nice, but it's first and foremost because it was the best place for my characters to have their proper names. (That, and I don't like to wear pants.)

    I very much want the ability to chose whatever name I want on the server I want. It's not that I'm malicious and want to steal your names, nor because I'm less creative and can't use a thesaurus. It's because I want to play with my own character concepts from years gone by, characters I already have a vested interest in, characters who are already defined to the point that a new name often makes them a different character.

  20. I tend to use Controllers, Dominators or Defenders when recreating magicians, sorcerers and witches. My primary mage, Pagan Sorcereress, is a Plant/Storm controller. When she reaches level 41, she'll get a fireball, and I'll be quite happy with her.

    Among my other magic users -- and I have several -- are mind/storm and illusion/empathy controllers, a pain/fire corruptor (recolored dark & blue), and a dark/electric defender.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tunnel Rat View Post
    Hahaha, no bribes necessary. I'd be curious to hear your feedback on the new Bubbles path aura, and whether this gets the job done.

    For that matter, I'd love to hear everyone's feedback on the 20.5 auras, especially the path auras. It's the first time we've released a big batch of these, so I'd like to know your reaction to them.
    I've already posted my feedback in that other thread, but I'll cut, edit heavily, and past a few of the pertinent FX things here.

    Fireworks CCEmotes actually made my boyfriend laugh out loud -- but not in a good way. He said it doesn't look like fireworks so much as a dud sparkler, and that you guys needed to go across the state line and buy some illegal fireworks to play with before you try again.

    Overall, the Path Auras look like a good first attempt with this tech, but they're not quite as polished as the regular auras. In general, I think they all suffer from being in one single "Path Aura" category as opposed to individual aura categories with more options (Path+Body, Path+Hands, combat options, etc).

    In particular, both the Lightning and Frost auras are completely out of place here, and should be included as additional options with the Electricity and Cryo/Snow auras we already have. We've seen with the Clunker aura that paths CAN be included as additional options for auras, so it would be super for all paths (but especially these two) to be included in themed categories that make sense for them.

    You specifically asked someone about the Bubbles aura, and while I addressed it just before your post, I'll reiterate: now that I've seen how cool bubbles can look, I want it as a full aura instead of as a path aura. I really want this aura to be awesome, but as is, it's just a'ight for me and will only be used in flight, if at all. Do not like its ground effect.

    The Rainbow path aura, however, fits perfectly with an old RPG character I have been trying to duplicate in this game. I'm very happy that the chest itself has a slight rainbow aura, but for me it's not pronounced enough. I really wish that glow was a bit brighter and appeared over the whole body instead of just the chest.

    Finally, I previously requested the Binary aura, and you gave us not only that, but Pixel as well. Bless you, because that's even better than Binary! Overall, some really nice work with the new auras, and some great promise with the path auras. But in the future, I hope we see more path auras included with existing sets rather than being locked in their own exclusive category.

  22. I mentioned this briefly in the "Incarnate Grind Incentives" Feedback thread, but I thought I'd add this here as well since it's more a suggestion for something new, based on something just revealed:

    Bubbles Aura. The bubble part of the Bubble path aura looks friggin' awesome, but the steamy "mud pots" ground effect... not so much. It would be great to have Bubbles not only as a path, but also as full aura set with all the options that entails (combat, body, hands, head, etc). I don't need the steamy mud pots with it, just the bubbles floating everywhere. And if it had options for many bubbles or few bubbles... gravy!

  23. So last night I'm passing through Pocket D on Virtue, heading to the tailor to update my costume with some Victorian goodness, when who do I see in the middle of a crowd on the dancefloor? Ruluruu, or more specifically one of those giant minions of his. Curious which one it was, I checked his name: Freitag. LOVED IT!

  24. To answer the OP: I honestly don't know. I'm not all that experienced with MMOs in general. CoH is the only MMO I currently subscribe to, but I still skirt in and out of a few other F2P MMOs when I can. There's a particular elementary magic school I quite enjoy, and I'd have never visited if I had to subscribe first.
    Originally Posted by baron_inferno View Post
    ...The only reality of the situation involves the day when CoH is forced to choose between trying a new business model (possibly F2P) or shut down the servers. It is inevitable because nothing lasts forever. When will the day come? Could be next year, could be 2015, no one knows except for the folks at NCSoft/PS.
    This, to me, is why it's worth discussing this. I don't see F2P as an option for growing this game, even if that's a possible outcome. I would see it more as an option for extending the game's life once the subscriptions fall below the point its financially able to maintain through subscription alone.

    I want my characters to exist as long as possible, and if, at some point, going F2P extends this games life even 6 months or a year, then I'm all for it.
