
Adeon Hawkwood



As Sucaba (a level 50 gravity/storm controller on Infinity) I have faced Trapdoor more times than I can count. Has anyone else faced Trapdoor as a solo?



I soloed him on my broadsword/regen scrapper, fire/kinetics controller and.... hmm.. one of my tanks. I forget which. I did it with a team for everyone else. Soloing him can be tedious.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I've solo'd him for every 50 I have, which is something like 20 now (about half are scrappers). Although I admit in two instances I duo'd him -- but that mostly meant that a defender on one account stood around while a scrapper on the other account solo'd him.

I really did try to duo him with my illusion/rad troller and my broadsword/shield scrapper, and it was a highly messy and annoying experience, but I managed to do it.

But I've never actually teamed with another player to take him out.

As an aside: last Saturday I made it my mission to make sure every one of my 50s on Virtue had the alpha slot unlocked. This meant finishing the arc on two defenders (they had already taken care of Trapdoor back when he was easier I think), doing the whole thing on the troller, and running two shield scrappers through it as well. I did all that on Saturday, and then all of my Virtue 50's had their alpha slot.

Then on Saturday evening and Sunday morning I played another defender who was 47, and got to 49, so I joined an ITF and hit level 50 on Task Force completion. And then I decided to take my level 49 dual pistol/devices blaster and finally get them to 50. And then I spent the rest of the week levelling my night widow, from about 44 to 50 by Saturday morning. I ran the widow through the arc and opened up the alpha slot right away, but I still need to do it on my other two characters. I think I'm going to try to solo it on my defender -- dark/arrow, I think I can manage it. And of course the blaster can solo it.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I solo'd him on a lot of my toons. But really, it's just so trivial it's not worth mentioning.

Bring 4 lucks, 2 or 3 greens, and fill the rest of your inspiration tray with reds. If you can't do it with that setup something is seriously wrong.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Fought him and beat him, solo, on all of my 50s, including a level boosted SO only DP/Mental Blaster on the test server. Stocking up on purples help.


Also on Steam



I've fought him and failed on all of my 50s (a FF/Rad Defender, a Dark/Dark Corruptor, a Spines/Dark Scrapper (Toggle-Man inspired build - didn't really expect to win), and an Electric/Energy Blaster). I believe each of them are set to -1 difficulty.

With the Defender, Corruptor, and Blaster I simply couldn't do enough damage - he'd Bifurcate and I'd kill it and return to find him with a full health bar. Ultimately, the inspirations would run out and I'd lose or retreat.

The Scrapper couldn't kill the Bifurcations before another Bifurcation was summoned, but that's due entirely to his bizarre build.

I'd expect a Controller to be able to keep him locked down with Holds and thus prevent his Bifurcations altogether allowing him to be readily dispatched (if, perhaps, a bit slowly depending on the Controller in question).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Other than 2 Defenders who duo'ed the arc with someone asking for help, I soloed it with all my other characters. I did purposely do it as -1 even on my highly capable characters because with so many runs to do, this unlock requirement was going to be a lot of "work". And I'm lazy.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I did this arc yesterday for the first time, on my ill/ta controller. If there were no debt cap, I probably would have walked away from there with a couple million debt.

I had to call in help - first with Trapdoor, after which the person had to leave and I took a break, then again with Holtz/Honoree. This was mostly because my character is very oddly optimized - she is meant to be permanently part of an ill/ill duo and her other half was not present because of the weird hour I was online. (With alternating PA, she is geared more toward support/debuffing instead of damage/recharge.)

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I've only done it on my MA/SR scrapper (who has a really hodgepodge build and slotting.) Until I realized I had to go kill the dopplegangers, it was a pain in the *** trying to move his health bar. Once I figured that out, I had to run around and kill 6 or 7 of them at once. After that, I'd crane kick him into the lava and go kill the double when he split, then beat on him some more. Running normal missions at 0/x8 is far harder than this was.

All in all, I thought it was a nicely thought-out mission. Wish we'd see more like that.

EDIT: Now Holtz/Honoree was hard. Managed to solo it without dying, but had to run off and let Elude crash after killing Holtz and beating on Honoree some, then go bug hunting to refill on cookies.



Only 50 I haven't soloed him on (other than the one I just finished tonight... who, since it's a mastermind, is going to be absolutely trivial to do) is my Plant/Thorn dom - and that's solely because I had friends on who also needed to run the arc. I've soloed him on everything else - even characters only on SOs.



My mastermind ate him alive.

And then again 5 mins later when someone was struggling with him.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



I never been able to defeat him alone.
Maybe because I tend to run the Incarnate arc with poor and unfinished builds and melee characters but thats it.
Most of you guys are defeating him with SO enhancements and solo... WOW



i've beat him solo with a tricked out ill/kin, tricked out rad/dark defender, an SO'ed ice/fire dominator and a SO'ed bane spider soldier.

definitely being able to either defeat the bifrications quick (they are only minions) or leading him into the lava are good ways to defeat him solo.

50: Ill/Kin(A+,R,J)-1047 badges RE/Dark(A) Fire/Elec Warshade BS/Regen Necro/Poison Ice/Fiery(A+) Son/Son Bane(A) FM/DA(A) DM/Nin Grav/Icy
lvling: Inv/EM DM/Sheild Arch/MM Bane NW Elec/Earth Grav/Elec Elec/FA Rad/Ice
Paragon Elite/Rogue Elite Joined Oct 2004



My plant/emp controller soloed him during the week. Not a tricked out build (a few procs and a fair chunk of frankenslotting), no magic temps. He wasn't that bad really. Hunt down the duplicates as they spawn and kept Fly Trap buffed and healed.

The Honoree / Captain combo were harder and required running away and splitting them. The Minotaur Eb in the last one was tricky too, mostly because he hits hard and dropped Fly Trap on me.

Inspirations are your friend in all of these missions really



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I really did try to duo him with my illusion/rad troller and my broadsword/shield scrapper, and it was a highly messy and annoying experience, but I managed to do it.
  1. Hit Lingering Radiation
  2. Beat his face in
  3. ???
  4. Profit.



Beat him silly with my mind/kin. Fun fact: when he's confused, his bifurication thingies don't boost his stats =)

Had to drag him into the lava to beat him with my tank >_>


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Sucaba View Post
As Sucaba (a level 50 gravity/storm controller on Infinity) I have faced Trapdoor more times than I can count. Has anyone else faced Trapdoor as a solo?
I've beaten Trapdoor solo with nearly all of my characters, including many controllers and defenders. A few times when I knew it would be too tedious at +0, I ran it at -1 difficulty. If you're having a hard time, I'd recommend doing the same.

The last time I did it I had accidentally left my difficulty at +1, and it was royal pain: I was playing a brute and none of the gimmicks worked (he would NOT stay in the lava and I didn't want to get in there with him, though now I wonder if I could have). Eventually the Envenomed Dagger helped me know him down fast enough.



I thought he was easy because the first time I used my thug/dark I didn't even know what the Bifurcations were when I read about it later.

I was going to get lots of pets for my dk/dk but I will try the load up on reds suggestion first.



My Mastermind couldn't beat him alone- but he couldn't beat me, either.

What would happen is every time I took my eyes off him to kill a bifrucation there, my minions would go swimming in the lava and die, instead of killing him.

But he could barely touch my health, even with my minions dead. So it got to the point where I had to call in help and have someone just pick off bifrucations while I kept my minions on him, but more importantly, out of the lava.

At that point, I beat him in about 4 seconds.



I guess I got really lucky and my thugs knocked him straight into the lava and then picked him off from range. I saw him turn blue and went and talked to him, I didn't look around at the map so I didn't see the bifurcation he called.

When I read about how hard it was on the forums I said wut!?



To be honest, the only reason I kicked him into the lava was that I was miffed at myself for taking as long as I did to realize the doubles weren't AVs and were feeding his regen. The first time he went into the lava, he already had 3 or 4 clones, and I mentioned on SG chat that it was BS that he wasn't taking damage in the lava :P

Right after that, I noticed the clones were minions and it all clicked.



My Perma-Dom was my first to try & didnt realise that trapdoor could bifrucate. Wham Bam.

My Scrapper had no issues. Just downed a red and slaughtered away.

My purpled Ill/Kin had trouble, face planted once but had more trouble with Rikti Horde mission.

My Peacebringer left imprints on the ground repeatedly. Needed to pull out the back up radio & swalloed a lot of inspirations. Had trouble keeping him in the larva.

My generic IO Kin/Psi Defender hasn't manged it yet. Tried a few different times, used a buffed back up radio, wolf and snowbeast. Will set it to -1 next but will probably just get someone to help me. I'm not deadset on having to solo him, more curious to see which on my characters can.

Have a elec/elec blaster to do after the defender. Think I'll probably need inpirsations but will be okay.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
I thought he was easy because the first time I used my thug/dark I didn't even know what the Bifurcations were when I read about it later.
Yep, I soloed him the first day with my scrapper. When I saw the onscreen warning, my first thought was the fight with Dr. Aeon in the STF. I figured the clones were going to attack me so I just beat Trapdoor down as fast as I could.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



When this arc was first introduced, I soloed both Trapdoor and the weakened Honoree with both my BS/WP scrapper and my Mind/Fire Dom. Then the Devs "fixed" at least the Trapdoor mission. Last week I teamed my latest 50 with a scrapper and we had to call in a third to take down Trappy, then we needed four to take down the Honoree and whoever the other EB/Av is in that mission.

Definitely seems like it got harder to unlock your Alpha slot.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon