
Adeon Hawkwood



If you can solo the arc, then you have a good idea that your toon is worth the incarnate power. I use it as a test to see how good or bad my toon is. So far they have all passed.

My Elec/Elec perma dom just soloed that arc last night after dinging 50. Trapdoor was held, confused, and end drained before he got out a second bifurcation. Almost as easy as my DP/MM blaster soloing him.

The harder one to solo is the Hero1 + vanguard EB fight. If you can solo that you are ready for the incarnate trials. Hero1 even as an EB resists mez, so you have to have another stradegy for him.

Solo does not mean no temp powers, or insp candy. It just means you understand your toon, your weaknesses and you fix it up. Dont have enough damage, backup radio is cheap, so is a shivan, or a nuke. Also if you have not IOed up your toon, do you really think they deserve to do the end game content?

Bots/Traps Guide for I19.5
RO Network



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
My mastermind ate him alive.

And then again 5 mins later when someone was struggling with him.

I've never had trouble with him solo. A couple of holds and he's down in seconds.

Originally Posted by Mephe View Post
The harder one to solo is the Hero1 + vanguard EB fight. If you can solo that you are ready for the incarnate trials. Hero1 even as an EB resists mez, so you have to have another stradegy for him.
He's resistant to mez, but the Vanguard EB isn't. keep her confused and that fight is cake.



So far I've only done the Incarnate arc on my main, a bots/pain blastermind, and even then I usually had help.

On Trapdoor, my strategy is the same as any other mob fight:

  • Sic the bots on the AVs, EBs, and Bosses, prioritized in that order.
  • Pick off the Lieutenants and Minions with the Plasma Rifle, pausing to heal/buff bots and teammates as needed.
  • Emerge triumphant.



I had just the opposite experience re Trapdoor compared to the Honoree/Captain Holtz mission. With my tanks (I have 3 50s) it was a real struggle to keep up with Trapdoor's regen from the bifurcations and I couldn't get the lava trick to work reliably. (None were fire tanks, unfortunately.)

I found the Honoree/Holtz mission to be annoying, but not hard. First time through my Invul tank just plowed in and defeated all the Rikti around the portals plus the two EBs. Took a while, but it worked.

If you don't want to work your way through the tons of no-reward Rikti around the portals, I found that pulling the two EBs separately and sniping the portals in the back with ranged attacks works wells.

The real PITA with this mission is getting hit by the blankety-blank Curse of Weakness. Once I figured out what was going on I learned to retreat until it wore off; not much point trying to fight an EB with not enough end for armors or attacks. Most of my 50s got hit with once during the mish, my Invul/EM got it THREE TIMES. Grrr.

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Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012



I have had no problem with Trapdoor solo on all of my Illusion controllers . . Ill/Rad, Ill/TA, Ill/Storm and Ill/Cold. My Earth/Storm handled him pretty easily. My tanks and scrappers handled him easily. I have had a little bit of problem with blasters, defenders and a few low-damage controllers, so I teamed on those guys.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



This whole process is just too much of a chore and, like someone said previously on this thread, I'm just too lazy. My script goes like this:

1) Enter mission solo, run to Trapdoor
2) Log in 2nd account to bring in either Trapper, Mind Dom or whatever my main control and/or debuff toon is for that server. Defeating him is easy with solid debuffs and trivial when he's perma-held.
3) Do the talk-tos
4) Drop the Honoree mission. This is where 2 toons are helpful, since you need to zone to Oro twice in a short period.
5) Repeat steps 1 & 2 for minotaur. No he's not nearly as challenging as Trapdoor, but just for speed.
6) Shard time!

Anyway, when someone says "I'm having trouble" and the response is "Huh? It was easy for me", I can't imagine that's being very helpful for whoever is seeking help. My #1 advice is to get a teammate. Any should do, but if you can add any of the buff/debuff classes or control ATs, all the better. A request in either a private channel (like one your SG may have) or a public one for your server will quite likely get you some help. Personally speaking, unless I'm on a tf, I usually give a few minutes to give a hand with one my Trapdoor killers.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by Finduilas View Post
I had just the opposite experience re Trapdoor compared to the Honoree/Captain Holtz mission. With my tanks (I have 3 50s) it was a real struggle to keep up with Trapdoor's regen from the bifurcations and I couldn't get the lava trick to work reliably. (None were fire tanks, unfortunately.)

I found the Honoree/Holtz mission to be annoying, but not hard. First time through my Invul tank just plowed in and defeated all the Rikti around the portals plus the two EBs. Took a while, but it worked.

If you don't want to work your way through the tons of no-reward Rikti around the portals, I found that pulling the two EBs separately and sniping the portals in the back with ranged attacks works wells.

The real PITA with this mission is getting hit by the blankety-blank Curse of Weakness. Once I figured out what was going on I learned to retreat until it wore off; not much point trying to fight an EB with not enough end for armors or attacks. Most of my 50s got hit with once during the mish, my Invul/EM got it THREE TIMES. Grrr.
This is why I find the arc to be an interesting test of a toon. On the trapdoor fight you need alot of DPS, holds, or other tricks to out DPS his regen (or just call it a day and pop a shivan or teamup). But on the hero1 fight you are much better off if you have alot of mitigation and outlast hero1 (The vanguard EB is a joke, but good confuse fodder!). A good player+toon knows how to get around both fights, and hopefully have a better understanding of the toons week points when its all done.

Bots/Traps Guide for I19.5
RO Network



Originally Posted by Sucaba View Post
As Sucaba (a level 50 gravity/storm controller on Infinity) I have faced Trapdoor more times than I can count. Has anyone else faced Trapdoor as a solo?
I've soloed him with five different ATs, he's not very hard to beat, especially if he ends up swimming in the lava, which he seems to do pretty frequently.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



wow i fought him for about 45 minutes on my tank before i realized i couldnt kill him. at first i just let the copies go figuring wth, i can kill him before they get annoying. then i realized he was regenning faster than i could damage and it seemed like he had about 20 of them out so i started killing them and eventually knocked them all out, then went back to him, got him in the lava and started wailing on him, but i would run out of endurance before he died. so then i got smart and asked for some help and a scrapper came and punked him down for me, was real easy at that point. that guy was a pain, felt titanic me and him hitting each for that long though, that part was fun.



Between beta and live - including testing for writing that mini-guide - I'm somewhere around 70 solo beatings of Trapdoor using 21 different characters representing every AT except MM and Corr.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
Between beta and live - including testing for writing that mini-guide - I'm somewhere around 70 solo beatings of Trapdoor using 21 different characters representing every AT except MM and Corr.
It's worth noting though, that Trapdoor was significantly easier in Beta. I was able to beat him straight up with my main tank, no tricks, no temps, etc. On live, no such luck.

My Characters

Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012



Originally Posted by Finduilas View Post
It's worth noting though, that Trapdoor was significantly easier in Beta. I was able to beat him straight up with my main tank, no tricks, no temps, etc. On live, no such luck.
That must have been early beta. I didn't notice any changes to him while I was in there. But then I didn't really test that mission till after the buff range change on live.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Mephe View Post
Also if you have not IOed up your toon, do you really think they deserve to do the end game content?
Yes they do. The game has never been balanced around IOs and it should be perfectly possible to do incarnate content using SOs or common IOs.

That being said it's perfectly possible to do the inital arc with SOs. I've done the incarnate arc on 8 characters now and only 3 of them had full IO builds. Most of the others have a few set IOs (for example I tend to toss a KB protection IO on most characters) but are primarily using a mix of SOs and common IOs.



Originally Posted by Mephe View Post
If you can solo the arc, then you have a good idea that your toon is worth the incarnate power.
I'd say that's a bit backwards. If you can solo it then you have clearly shown that you don't need the extra power.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Sucaba View Post
As Sucaba (a level 50 gravity/storm controller on Infinity) I have faced Trapdoor more times than I can count. Has anyone else faced Trapdoor as a solo?
I usually face him solo; even doing so on my grav/storm. It took a while, but between me and my Singu, Trapdoor was permaheld until I had to talk to him. Was easy, but it took a little while.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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In my experience, it seems like the people who have the most trouble with Trapdoor are the ones that don't know they're supposed to take out the Bifurcations.

I must have helped at least a dozen people defeat Trapdoor who completely freak that he goes down so easily when we defeat the Bifs as they appear.



I solo'd him easily on my AR/Dev blaster and my Merc/Traps MM, but that was before the lava trick got nerfed. Tried him on my Dark/Sonic def and I couldn't do it until I got a lucky KB from Nemesis Staff and he ended up in a ragdoll hold. After that I used the "evil wife from hell" tactic and screamed at him until he died.

Fun fact: if he can't stand, he can't bifurcate.

Edit: Also, the Merc/Traps had an awesome epic battle on the Rikti mish following Trapdoor. I'd had trouble with the final room, not because of the EBs but because of the multiple portals filling the room with 100 or so rikti minions who whittled me down to nothing. So, I loaded up a tray full of purples and charged in, blasting everything in sight, resummoning as minions died, and dropping Trip mines mid-fight. The feel of the fight was just raw awesome.

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Yes they do. The game has never been balanced around IOs and it should be perfectly possible to do incarnate content using SOs or common IOs.

That being said it's perfectly possible to do the inital arc with SOs. I've done the incarnate arc on 8 characters now and only 3 of them had full IO builds. Most of the others have a few set IOs (for example I tend to toss a KB protection IO on most characters) but are primarily using a mix of SOs and common IOs.
The existing game was not rebalanced around IOs that is correct. They never said that the newer contant would not be.

The end game content (not this arc all the 54 stuff) sure seems to know what people are IOing up. Have you seen all the -def and -recharge debuffs the 50+ preatorians are throwing at you? Think most SO builds have enough accuracy to consistantly hit and do good damage against +4s?

Bots/Traps Guide for I19.5
RO Network



Originally Posted by Mephe View Post
The end game content (not this arc all the 54 stuff) sure seems to know what people are IOing up. Have you seen all the -def and -recharge debuffs the 50+ preatorians are throwing at you?
Recharge and defense debuffs do not only counteract IO heavy builds, they also counteract the most popular buff types. Buff sets like Force Field and Cold Domination are able to turn squishy characters into virtual gods, by adding more defense debuffs they reduce the ability of those sets to impact the general balance (same with Kinetics and recharge debuffs).

Think most SO builds have enough accuracy to consistantly hit and do good damage against +4s?
Take a look at the alpha slot, the Nerve tree is clearly the dev's answer to that. An SO'd build with one accuracy SO and a 45% nerve boost will be at 85% to hit against +3s. This is close enough that any other to hit buffs will push them over the edge and since all characters have access to to hit buffs it's simply a matter of building correctly. The damage difference between an SO'd character and an IO'd character isn't that much in a team environment anyway, it mostly only matters when doing crazy solo things such as soloing AVs.

Overall I've yet to see any indication that the newer content is designed to require IOs. In fact I would say the opposite, it's designed to reduce the benefit of IOs relative to basic powers.



Originally Posted by SailorET View Post
I solo'd him easily on my AR/Dev blaster and my Merc/Traps MM, but that was before the lava trick got nerfed.
They nerfed the lava? I guess I need to go do some more testing.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



The lava still appears to be working in the same old manner. Though in testing I had a harder than usual time getting Lil' Trappy to take his bath.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Recharge and defense debuffs do not only counteract IO heavy builds, they also counteract the most popular buff types. Buff sets like Force Field and Cold Domination are able to turn squishy characters into virtual gods, by adding more defense debuffs they reduce the ability of those sets to impact the general balance (same with Kinetics and recharge debuffs).

Take a look at the alpha slot, the Nerve tree is clearly the dev's answer to that. An SO'd build with one accuracy SO and a 45% nerve boost will be at 85% to hit against +3s. This is close enough that any other to hit buffs will push them over the edge and since all characters have access to to hit buffs it's simply a matter of building correctly. The damage difference between an SO'd character and an IO'd character isn't that much in a team environment anyway, it mostly only matters when doing crazy solo things such as soloing AVs.

Overall I've yet to see any indication that the newer content is designed to require IOs. In fact I would say the opposite, it's designed to reduce the benefit of IOs relative to basic powers.
People have done tin mage without Alph slots, so its always gonna be subjective to say the game needs this or needs that. I bet I could put a team together that could steam roll any content without any enchancements. Only the devs will ever be able to say that they did or did not balance things with IOs in mind. I think the devs took IOes into account for the new stuff, you dont neither of us know who is right.

I do agree that SO + Incarnate powers builds are closer in power to IOsets + Incarnate powers than SOs to IOsets.

Damage on a toon with SOs versus IOs...
I agee its not a huge difference except with powers that have short animations and long recharge which are pretty rare. I think IOs are great for extra survivabliity and endurance management.

Its your opinion that IOs provide no noticable benefit to teams? Interesting because this is the exact opposite I have seen on any team except ones full of buffing toons.

Team wipes seem to be a cascading event, once one goes down the rest go down easier. If you have 1 bubbler and a kin, you may never hit the event threshold even with SOs. But if you dont have all those buffers and everybody has IOs that bring their def up to total value 1 bubbler could give them, endurance reduction/recovery and recharge a kin could give them, then you dont need a bubbler and a kin. 2 extra virtual team members is that much more padding before you hit the possibility of a team wipe. That seems to be a pretty big difference on a team.

So my point in all this is still...
If you want your toon to be the best they can be, and be worth their slot on a PUG i20 trial you should be able to solo the trapdoor arc, you should have IOsets in all your slots that make sense, and you should have your alpha up to the rare level for the level shift. Why would you not want to bring your A game?

Bots/Traps Guide for I19.5
RO Network



Originally Posted by Mephe View Post
Its your opinion that IOs provide no noticable benefit to teams? Interesting because this is the exact opposite I have seen on any team except ones full of buffing toons.
I don't say that IOs bring no noticeable benefit to teams but they bring much less benefit to teams than to a solo player. Buffs and debuffs play a part, for example when a Force Fielder is softcapping everyone it doesn't really matter if you're individually softcapped or not but even without lots of buffs a team working together is much greater than the sum of it's parts. I've run low level TFs from time to time and in most cases the team blows through content without needing support characters and despite the fact that at low levels most characters either lack IOs entirely or have the bonuses turned of due to exemplering. The place IOs do shine on teams is speed runs but that's largely because teammates are operating more independently (and even there IOs aren't required).

So my point in all this is still...
If you want your toon to be the best they can be, and be worth their slot on a PUG i20 trial you should be able to solo the trapdoor arc, you should have IOsets in all your slots that make sense, and you should have your alpha up to the rare level for the level shift.
I agree with 1, sort of agree with 3 and disagree with 2. In the case of Trapdoor I believe any powerset combo should be able to solo him without IOs (although I'll admit it's hard for Tankers). Soloing him shows that you are able to adapt tactics and use the resources available to you (lava, temp powers and inspirations). For me it's a case of personal pride, I want to prove I can do it to myself although I can understand if others don't hold that view (and indeed if I see someone who needs help and I'm not busy I'll help them out).

As for the level shift, it's the most significant power boost you can bring to the trials (about 35%) so getting it before the Trials makes a lot of sense if possible. On the other hand if you're new to the Incarnate system when I20 goes live doing the trials without it actually makes a lot of sense. The trials effectively give components faster than the TFs so doing them to get to an Uncommon Alpha and then running the WST (and maybe one other TF) to upgrade to a rare makes sense to me.

As for IO'ing a character: why? Incarnate Trials are swimming in buffs and debuffs and the larger player count serves to minimize the effectiveness of IOs anyway. As such I'd say IO your character if you want to but if you don't then don't bother. Personally I enjoy IO'ing characters but if other people don't want to that is their business, IOs are not going to determine the success or failure of a trial.