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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Also to answer the question, the form shift animations aren't worth sacrificing all the positional defense I have on my human Warshade. Now when toggle suppression happens I will be in respec mode for sure.
    My WS just switched to a human/dwarf build to get 40% ranged def. Fast dwarf switch will be very nice for double mire or when clarion just wont cut it for mez res. But the toggle issue is a huge pain.

    My PB is a pure human only. PBs with all the human form buffs dont need the extra damage from nova (inner light) nor the mez, res, +hps from dwarf (inner light, essense boost). Unless the nova and dwarf get some serious buffs I just dont see either form worthwhile even with toggle suppression on a PB.
  2. I know a few of you have mentioned the singularity and here is a very informative talk from an economist and tech point of view on how it may happen and the implications of it happening:

    Its a 1:37 hour long podcast, but its pretty awesome. Once you finish that check out all the different articles about modeling mouse brains that have come out of MIT in the last few years. A shiver will run down your spine. Maybe we will see this happen during our lifetimes.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LSK View Post
    Um I think u miss read what I posted which is which TANK not toon u would want to add to the Avengers since this is the tank forum
    Yeah but my crab is so much better than my tanks at holding a door in the baf, and just as survivable.

    Besides the avengers are already melee heavy, they need more ranged damage dealers!
    Hulk - SS/Regen Brute with double stacked rage and no damage cap
    Thor - Electric/Inv Brute with hammer animations instead of punches
    Ironman - Peace Bringer with Perma LF and Perma inner light
    Cap - Street justice/Shield Scrapper (with leadership pool)
    Hawkeye - Arrow/Dev blaster
    Black Widow - MA/SR scrapper
    Agent Coulson - AR/dev blaster (veng bait)

    Just like in COH a tank would be a waste!

    <------ Runs away

    Ok if I HAVE to pick a tank it would be my Fire/Fire tank. Again this team needs more AOE!
  4. Ahh another poor soul that has to suffer with wireless internet.

    Fear not. I have had for the past 3 years a USB verizon wireless 3G dongle that is my home's internet connection. I got the USB stick that has an antenna port on it to help get a better signal. I did have the 5GB cap and was able to play about 1-2 hours every day without bumping into the cap. I did bump my connection up to 10gig limit and got a wireless router that my USB stick can plug into so my whole house has internet now. (Xbox, nook, laptops all now work fine on it).

    BUT on 3G this game will push the limits of what that network can handle when you are in iTrials (download speed not your cap). I turned off team buffs in the UI to help limit the amount of extra data sent to me and that helped some. 3G on verizon is so overloaded now that you should not expect anymore than 1M down.

    On the bright side... Verizon has said they are commited to put 4G eq at every tower they have 3G by the end of 2013 (probably sooner). About 2 months ago my 3G/4G modem switched to 4G and has not gone back. I now get about 8M down and a much better connection.

    Also verizon is now selling the home fixed 4G (only) internet service. You need to go to a local verizon store to get details about it/order it. But its a bit cheaper than a mifi or usb dongle. 60 for 10gig a month instead of 80. Also its much better than satalite which you should NEVER think about!

    Good luck!
  5. More info...

    Just soloed a pylon the other day (my first). I didnt stop watch it but since I used my T3 lore pets, I do know it took 5 minutes because they vanished just as the pylon blew up.

    Unfortunetly 5 minutes with T3 lore pets(polar lights) and T3 degenerative is pretty poor DPS (like tank level I think). I have plenty of resistance, defense and endurance, but I see I should try to bring my damage up.

    So I followed Big Soto's advice and I am slotting bolt with procs to help my single target chain do a bit more damage. -20% res should help out alot. This will drop 4% off my ranged def, but I think it will be worth it to balance out my PB a bit more.
  6. Since this is the marvel universe that we are talking about and not our own, once they release a Dr. Strange movie they will have magic. "Real" non tech based magic.

    The movie version of the marvel characters have used more comic book stuff from the ultimate line (an alternate earth) that has alot more "science" based explanations for things than magic. So currently I would agree that the movie Thor is more tech than magic but once/if they add in Dr. Strange then that all changes to tech+magic like one of the posters above mentions.

    And the toon I would bring to an alien invasion.... My crab spider. Awesome AOE, defenses, and team boosting powers. Put me up on the top of stark tower and treat the portal like a door in a BAF.... all dead or mostly dead upon zoning in!

    And Big Soto - sorry but Spidey cant be in an avengers movie. Sony currently has him and unless Disney buys him back they cant use him or any signature spidey character in any disney movie.
    Here is a breakdown of who owns who:
  7. Just a recap for any other would be PBs out there. The human only build I posted in this thread is now 50+3. The only change is I went with Ageless instead of rebirth, because I have found that my PB is more sturdy than any tank/brute I have played, I dont need the extra regen.

    Perma light-form with 2khps, and a big heal every 20 seconds mean I have never had issues with survivability. So I went with ageless to give me even more room on high recharge powers and some extra end when the AOEs start going.

    Single target attack chain is Radiant -> Gleaming blast -> Gleaming bolt. Find a boss use this chain on them and then blast the others with photon seakers, solar flare and luminous detonation. All dead after a few rounds of this. The knockback is actually fun because 2 of the 3 powers are ranged so you dont lose too much in DPS chasing the target around. But it feels OOhh so powerful when you juggle the boss.

    This toon is the closest I can get to Iron man in the game. High defense, ranged blasts, good melee powers, flying, and a couple of nukes.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
    While technically true, I am not sure that it is pragmatically acceptable to call Dark Consumption and Soul Drain attacks. Are they routinely slotted for damage?
    The oblit set works great 6 slotted in these 2 powers. Awesome recharge and damage and you get sweet global set boni.
  9. My human level 41 PB plays like an energy/energy blapper. I love the knockback because with combat flight I can control most of it, so I can turn it into knockdown if I want.

    Solo I have enough damage and enough defenses to run -1/X5 at level 39 with near perma light form.
    On a team I am even better at taking the alpha, and putting out near blaster damage. RO teams tend to have a bunch of defenders so I get alot of damage buffs.

    I use my photo seakers as a crashless nuke (I only summon them when I have a bunch of mobs around me). Works great as is.

    So far my PB is more consistant than my warshade for offense and defense. If my pets die on my warshade my damage output goes way down. If I am fighting 1 hard target my warshade has trouble with defense and offense. Not so with my peace bringer.

    So what I would recomend:
    1. Toggle suppression while form shifted.
    2. Conserve energy recharge = 300 instead of 600, to assist the PB prior to light form because the attacks are very expensive in end relative to the damage they do.

    I think I am fine with the Psy weakness. Without that my PB seems near unkillable.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    This issue cannot hit live soon enough.
    The form shifting looks great, but the Hybrid power seems to miss the mark of what Hybrid should be doing by a mile. It needs alot of work I think. I dont think changing it from a toggle to a 50% uptime click was the way to fix it either.
  11. This is awesome!

    Hrm... my pure human PB is almost level 38. I have the build but dont have most of the IOs yet... back to the drawing board I think.
  12. Here is an IO build for a human only peace bringer I am working on. My toon is level 31 now.

    I made this peacebringer as a replacement for my Energy/Energy (made in 2004) hover blaster that is level 38 and I just can't stand to play anymore knowing how awesome a peacebringer can be now with perma light form. So the focus is to replicate all the powers of a ranged energy blaster with a few strong melee attacks for the nasty stuff, and have amazing resistances, high HPs, heals and ranged defense also.
  13. Here is a slightly cheaper build considering current market prices, that focuses on the fun human PB powers, recharge (perma LF, inner light, and essence boost), near soft capped ranged defense.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  14. The big problem I have with NRG/NRG is that a peacebringer human/dwarf is going to outshine the blaster in survivability without sacrificing alot of damage.

    The peacebringer's attacks look alot like NRG with knockback, and at the high end you can get perma inner light, and perma light form for bonus dmg, mez protection, and 85% rez to all except psi, much higher hps, and an awesome heal.
  15. Over the weekend I sold off my extra purples that my shade didnt need (a 5 set of grav ancors and 5 hecatombs) that paid for all the changes and also picked up a 300mil lvl 50 Glad +3%. After all was done I netted over 1 bil inf, Gotta love the market!

    I did have much better luck with the new build than the old. Only 1 hold from GW made it through my def, and I dont miss the nova form. Overall I would say the new build works as predicted, also liberal use of purple candy dont hurt either.

    I am smashing through the DA arcs at 0/8 with no issue, but being at 53 versus 50s is a bit of a cheat so I didnt really expect much of a challenge. Even the cim missions with the 8 man group of minotaurs and cyclops was cake with pie on the side. Mostly dont even need eclipse when you are +3.
  16. My 53 electric/ninja stalker finished SSA7 set to 0x8 diff. Now that catalysts and converters drop, I have more incentive to run my missions at a higher diff. The stalker was able to complete all the missions (skipping alot of the nasty eyeballs that ignore defense) with a few deaths from the eyeballs of cheatery. The one mission he has absolutly no issue with and cleared all spawns was the first versus GW and arachnos.

    My 53 warshade is next up on the list to do SSA7 but this time hero side. I set the diff to 0/8 and get ready to kick butt. My casual purpled out shade is a triform slotted for perma eclipse/perma hasten, with about 17% melee def, clarion, reactive, cardiac. The first group of arachnos was cake, eclipse, void judgement, mire, clean up, pet. The second group must of had a few more Mu in it because my end dropped to zero and I wasnt having luck finding many dead bodies. My 2 puffballs died. Hrm... looks like the void judgement was doing alot of the heavy lifting for me. So I stealth to GW in hopes that he does better versus the cheaty eyeballs in the other missions.

    I get to GW and get my butt kicked.... hard, a bunch of times. I run out of my combat rez powers and insps and hit the hospital. I turn off the PC and go to bed in disgust. I think about what was so hard about that fight that made my previously nigh unkillable warshade get kicked around so bad.

    1. At 0/8 there are 2 bosses per group, and arachnos bosses are pretty nasty.
    2. Aracnoss has alot of nasty ranged attacks, which I have almost no def against. Mu, GWs hold, Mistress debuff.
    3. I could have had an easy fight with my current toon if I had just eaten 4 purple candies and went to town. (purple candies always seem to be the easiest answer!)
    4. Ranged damage and effects are probably worse than melee because I have less tools to deal with ranged scattered attackers. MU is the prime example.

    So I decided to respec my tri former into a bi-form Human/Dwarf. I have found I almost never use my nova form. It seems so little content requires just raw damage. I am more interested in all the extra powers I have to use in human form. With the slots saved from no nova I decided to focus on ranged def. Here is the build:

    It still has perma eclipse and 5 seconds off from perma hasten, a very strong dwarf from, and 39% ranged def. One purple away from ranged softcap. It also has 23% melee def as a bonus. Let me know what you think.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  17. Plasma, can you help me boil this down to some simple rules for turning dropped stuff into inf?

    From your guide it seems that the optimal use of each currency assuming current prices are:
    Rmerits - gamble on a C roll
    H/Amerits - gamble on 5 C rolls
    Emps - converters always
    Astrals - highly dependant on market, but probably best to buy converters

    Its never optimal to buy a purple or PVP via merits at current supply and demand. Not gambling seems to be a waste of money now that there is incentive to drain the cheap crap out of the market.
  18. I would like to be able to sell my server transfers and get Paragon points. Also in the future I would like to only get paragon points per month instead of anything else like server transfers or name changes... etc.

    I would love to be able to sell back paragon points for account credit.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
    I can't go to the Player Summit, but could somebody please go to the "Design a Powerset" panel and suggest Pirates for MMs?
    Any time invested in MMs from now until the end of COH should be spent making all the pets be player configurable, as if each one was a seperate toon that needs a costume. Once they do that they never need to make a new MM set ever again, and each time they add new costume part or animiation rig MMs would be able to use them on thier pets costumes.
  20. Awesome discussion. A few points I would like to make:

    We already have near limitless do-content with the AE:
    The AE system is a way to have do-content that is made almost as fast as people can consume it since it is crowd sourced instead of dev sourced. BUT I think at least for me, if I am not earning progress (XP, IOes, Powers in this game) content seems to feel hollow no matter how cool the story is.

    But... for some of us do-content is not what we want:
    Every game I have ever played is some sort of competition. For me a game has never worked like a book or movie, its never been passive experience it do-content. I wonder how many other people are like this.

    COH endgame can be a fun treadmill:
    I have found the end game content in COH is more interesting gameplay than WOW endgame, mostly due to the streamlined raid group formation, and the ease of sucess.

    This treadmill has a TV on it!:
    I know Sam will never agree with me on this, but I do find the incarnate treadmill a interesting way to feed game lore and stories to the player. A treadmill doesnt have to give you a story it just needs to run forever and spit out a carrot every few minutes, but I like that this treadmill also has a TV hooked to it.

    I am excited to see the new DA treadmill. I think we all know that hardmode older trials will be coming one day, it was a pretty big miss that they didnt add them along with the BAF and LAM but you cant always be right.
  21. Last night I got 5 of 6 of the stalker set for less than 250mil total (including the proc). I replaced a 5 slotted crushing impact in charged brawl for a pretty major upgrade in set bonuses (more def, more recharage) and the proc to help up my single target damage dps.
  22. Mephe

    New ATIO proc

    The set is without +def so to me it wont replace any of my ranged attack set that have 6 slotted thunderstrike for 4% ranged.

    The set is better than posi for ranged AOE, because it gives better recharge. But not enough to make me want it.

    Now if it had +def or def debuff resist in it that would have been awesome but as it currently is only the proc is of any interest to me, the rest are frankenslots at best.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Battle-Born View Post
    I am looking to be more ranged and pets based. So, I was looking at Mephe's build and wondered if there was a reason you took the soldiers frag grenade instead of the crab's? wouldn't that cause redraw time?
    Thats an easy question! The answer is... Mids had/has a bug in it that wont allow me to pick the crab frag grenade attack. Dont pick the soldier one, it causes redraw.
  24. The build you posted is very expensive and non optimal. I would not recommend you proceed with your build, it has too many non optimal errors to list.

    Trilby's build is very good and optimized for defense with a good amount of offense.

    My build is expensive and optimized for recharge(offense) and ranged defense. I have a full AOE attack chain, and perma serum/hasten/pets.

    Either build will be amazing in any content.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  25. Does anybody have a mirror for Mids downloads? The site is down and has been down all week and I lost my copy of mids due to a machine upgrade.