SSA #7 mission 1 at 0x8 hurt my warshade bad
My 53 warshade is next up on the list to do SSA7 but this time hero side. I set the diff to 0/8 and get ready to kick butt. My casual purpled out shade is a triform slotted for perma eclipse/perma hasten, with about 17% melee def, clarion, reactive, cardiac.

Carry on!
Along with the other issues you've listed, Ghost Widows nasty high negative energy resistance is a pain when soloing her. It's a small wonder you had difficulties.
Casually purpled ftw.
I'll have a pop at this with my WS.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Over the weekend I sold off my extra purples that my shade didnt need (a 5 set of grav ancors and 5 hecatombs) that paid for all the changes and also picked up a 300mil lvl 50 Glad +3%. After all was done I netted over 1 bil inf, Gotta love the market!
I did have much better luck with the new build than the old. Only 1 hold from GW made it through my def, and I dont miss the nova form. Overall I would say the new build works as predicted, also liberal use of purple candy dont hurt either.
I am smashing through the DA arcs at 0/8 with no issue, but being at 53 versus 50s is a bit of a cheat so I didnt really expect much of a challenge. Even the cim missions with the 8 man group of minotaurs and cyclops was cake with pie on the side. Mostly dont even need eclipse when you are +3.
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Arachnos are very tough. I haven't done the new SSA on my Warshade yet, but I suspect he will be able to handle them at 54x8 much better than he ever did before. I will be using my t4 Ageless for the DDR and bringing along a tray with some small purples and break free's. If you don't have high defense already, Clarion or Barrier might be a better choice for you, but my Warshade's new build is a small purple from being softcapped to all positions so this is the best route for me to take. I'll post back with how it goes tomorrow.
Posting again to note that the Ageless DDR is worthless. This was my first chance to really test it out, even w/ a small purple bringing me to 45% defense to all positions the DDR from t4 Ageless simply does not hold up against 54x8 Arachnos. I used Demonic Aura to combat the first cascade and was fine for quite a bit, but after that they had my defense down to red numbers in about three seconds flat. I'm going to try again with Barrier.
I know Rularuu are real mean to anyone with psi.
And Arachnos are just mean to anyone. End sap with Mus especially.
Arachnos are insanely hard unless you're playing a melee set with protection to the frankly cheap and overwhelming debuffs they dish out. They do -recharge, -tohit, -end, -def, and they have a crapload of mez on top of it. Even with Destiny there's really no way to protect yourself from all of these things. The best I was able to do on 54x8 without eating a crapload of inspirations was take out 4 groups. Once I had more than one group aggroed at once (kinda hard to avoid on that first map) I was done, they were stacking their crap on me before I could even think about mezzing all of them. Maybe I should've used Megalomaniac, but oh well. These guys are one of the few things in the game that just make me want to pull my hair out.
I've popped a dozen or so Lucks on top of a soft capped S/L against Arachnos, to only be in the negative defense within 5 seconds on more than one occasion. I've come to the conclusion that going with a full out offense seems to work better than trying to stay alive against their insane amount of defense debuffs. YMMV
Don't I know you???
My 53 electric/ninja stalker finished SSA7 set to 0x8 diff. Now that catalysts and converters drop, I have more incentive to run my missions at a higher diff. The stalker was able to complete all the missions (skipping alot of the nasty eyeballs that ignore defense) with a few deaths from the eyeballs of cheatery. The one mission he has absolutly no issue with and cleared all spawns was the first versus GW and arachnos.
My 53 warshade is next up on the list to do SSA7 but this time hero side. I set the diff to 0/8 and get ready to kick butt. My casual purpled out shade is a triform slotted for perma eclipse/perma hasten, with about 17% melee def, clarion, reactive, cardiac. The first group of arachnos was cake, eclipse, void judgement, mire, clean up, pet. The second group must of had a few more Mu in it because my end dropped to zero and I wasnt having luck finding many dead bodies. My 2 puffballs died. Hrm... looks like the void judgement was doing alot of the heavy lifting for me. So I stealth to GW in hopes that he does better versus the cheaty eyeballs in the other missions.
I get to GW and get my butt kicked.... hard, a bunch of times. I run out of my combat rez powers and insps and hit the hospital. I turn off the PC and go to bed in disgust. I think about what was so hard about that fight that made my previously nigh unkillable warshade get kicked around so bad.
1. At 0/8 there are 2 bosses per group, and arachnos bosses are pretty nasty.
2. Aracnoss has alot of nasty ranged attacks, which I have almost no def against. Mu, GWs hold, Mistress debuff.
3. I could have had an easy fight with my current toon if I had just eaten 4 purple candies and went to town. (purple candies always seem to be the easiest answer!)
4. Ranged damage and effects are probably worse than melee because I have less tools to deal with ranged scattered attackers. MU is the prime example.
So I decided to respec my tri former into a bi-form Human/Dwarf. I have found I almost never use my nova form. It seems so little content requires just raw damage. I am more interested in all the extra powers I have to use in human form. With the slots saved from no nova I decided to focus on ranged def. Here is the build:
It still has perma eclipse and 5 seconds off from perma hasten, a very strong dwarf from, and 39% ranged def. One purple away from ranged softcap. It also has 23% melee def as a bonus. Let me know what you think.
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