How you guys enjoying the ATOs?
I am not enjoying them too much, since I can't afford them. At 400 merits a pop, they fit the role of "shiny thing in the window" nicely.
Anyway, the Kheld proc isn't as useful as you would think. Peacebringers and warshades don't have too much of a problem capping their resistances, so it is only useful if you are focusing specifically on the forms. The Stalker ATO, however, is great since it allows for random critical hits.
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I bought the 24 pk special and auctioned off all my ATOs...some of them went for scary amounts of influence...well...scary to me as I don't buy Purples and use Hero/Villain merits/Paragon Market for the expensive things.
So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung
For the idea of ATO's? win.
For the effectiveness and procs? meh.
For the price? ULTRA MEH.
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I just glanced and the Blaster ATO is nice. I can use in a TAoE power instead of Posi set for a slight increase in recharge but get decent bonuses also from the quick glance I took.
So far I've only bothered to slot the +Res proc. One proc caps my Smash/Lethal resistance, so that's a nice bonus. Once Issue 22 goes live I'll work on boosting them up with Catalysts then slot the rest.
Or are Catalysts already available ingame? I'm not up on all the info.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
Really? I'm finding they sold for 200+ mil up to a bil in the first few hours, but after that they rapidly dropped in price to about 10-200 mil depending on AT (With scrapper/tanker being the most valuable)
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When I say ultra meh... not counting the auction house,
I think 400 merits is a -bit- steep for these.
my opinion, not trying to bash anyone.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Here's something..
Set Bonus:Gargantuan Improved Recharge Time Bonus, Gargantuan Toxic and Psionic Resist Bonus, Huge Increased Damage Bonus, Large Increased Health Bonus, Moderate Accuracy Bonus,
Hey babe, you know what ELSE is gargantuan about my character? That's sets!
Oh and, considering these things were apparently tested, would be super cool if the descriptions were know..correct. The SoA set says it does -dam/toxic dot, when it is actually /dam and a terror. Still, they were close. Sorta. Not.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
here's a little bit more feedback, I'm checking out the brute set, it's not letting me slot them in powers that I would actually stand to gain something significant and worthwhile, such as air superiority, spring attack, basically the extra power pools don't count when trying to fit these things into a build.
it's going to take some mid's fu to work these things in for any of it to be worthwhile.
I'm sure ill think of something, but my main that would benefit from this set is purped out to the hilt, slotted with nothing but rares <yeah its one of those builds that casual gamers will never see> so fitting in these new carrots is gonna be tough.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Accuracy: 47.70
Endurance: 47.70
Range: 15.94
Recharge: 26.50
And throwing a level 50 recharge bonus onto that only gets you to 68.90 recharge
Accuracy: 66.2
Damage: 97.09
End: 39.7
Recharge: 85.6
For the power it is slotted in, Positron's Blast provides a fairly anemic recharge bonus. In fact, if you want decent recharge bonuses from a Targeted AoE set, you have to get an ATO, a Purple Set, or a PvP set. And the ATOs are far more accessible than either of the others.
So, if you don't mind losing a little endurance reduction, you're better off using 5 slots of the ATO and one slot of Range than you are using 5 slots of Positron's Blast and one slot of recharge.
Caveat emptor...
When you use a catalyst on these Origin enh, it bumps them up, it also takes them out of your set bonus stack until all enh have been catalized to equal levels.
If this is WAI it needs to be clearly stated as such.
edit: I see now, it changes them entirely when you use a catalyst, from brute to superior brute, set bonuses change, about to test it with a purped out build to see how the rule of 5 plays.
edit 2: the set bonuses seem to be just fine even with my 5 purple sets. Also noted, catalizing them makes them account bound.
edit 3: just noticed, my fire ss build has 4 purp sets not five, going to assume <ick> that when these origins are catalized that they count as purple sets via the +10% rech bonus, so safe to assume? that rule of 5 still means 5.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
I'm surprised to see people complaining about the price. At least market wise, they have been much more affordable than I expected, capping out at around 300 mil for the Scrapper and Brute pieces and significantly less for all the others.
I'm surprised to see people complaining about the price. At least market wise, they have been much more affordable than I expected, capping out at around 300 mil for the Scrapper and Brute pieces and significantly less for all the others.
for the merit vendor price? Expect complaints.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
If this is WAI it needs to be clearly stated as such.
edit 3: just noticed, my fire ss build has 4 purp sets not five, going to assume <ick> that when these origins are catalized that they count as purple sets via the +10% rech bonus, so safe to assume? that rule of 5 still means 5. |
Also, you're right, if you've got 5 purple sets, each providing a 10% bonus, you don't want to upgrade your ATO set.
for the market price? no complaints,
for the merit vendor price? Expect complaints. |
Granted, this is entirely conjecture, but I think we're seeing a certain amount of these packs purchased just to get the costume, and once that dies off, the cost of ATOs should increase.
Only one things are still a bit unclear to me. I could'nt test them on beta,so i have a question.
Each piece is unique,so we can only slot them one time in the builds. But,if you upgrade them into the superior version,can you then slot another "normal" rare version of the set again?
Only one things are still a bit unclear to me. I could'nt test them on beta,so i have a question.
Each piece is unique,so we can only slot them one time in the builds. But,if you upgrade them into the superior version,can you then slot another "normal" rare version of the set again? |

for the market price? no complaints,
for the merit vendor price? Expect complaints. |
Ah, I hadn't even looked at that cost. The Astral price is very reasonable though, I was going to flood the market with some of the more sought after pieces by buying a bunch with Astrals on my main, but the gating got in the way.

I was ready, managed to get a full set of the SoA ATO, and upgrade the proc to superior.
I am personally loving the set. The bonus ignore the rule of 5s (because it is 1 of a kind) meaning I can slot and have got myself an extra bit of recharge, the damage boost is negligible, but the proc makes it for me. A terrorize and damage debuff that works really well. I was running x8 and all the minions and some of the lts, rarely a boss would be terrorized from what I could see.
So what do you guys think of the new stuff?
Also, correct me if I am wrong but:
Brute, tanker, scrapper, SoA, Kheld, Dom are gonna be the ATOs to get because of their good looking procs etc while defender, corrupter, blaster, controller, stalker procs are somewhat less good.
Am I right?