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  1. I've a AMD Radeon HD 6900. For a while now, every long, I've been greeted with a message to update my drivers, since mine are dated january twenty-sixth, 2011 (to my big surprise).

    Well, long story short, I've replaced my drivers with the ones that the official site reccomended, the ones in the Catalyst software suite revision 12.6, dated 6/28/2012. Ever since, so much as turning CoH on to the login screen puts my GPU and core temps at 60c+ (according to SpeedFan), more than 10 degrees higher than what was stable with the old drivers.

    I've reverted to the old drivers, but wanted to know if anybody knows more about the issue. I'll be the first to say I am very green at tweaking and drivers and monitoring.
  2. > Log onto KM / Nin stalker.
    > Save power customization both as .powercust and .powercustsecondary
    > Verify that both files were created
    > Try to load on new Staff / Nin stalker
    > The files are NOT ON THE LIST.
    > Files are on disk, but not on list.
    > Copy content of one file into old one that is on the list.
    > Restart CoH
    > Old file disappears.

    Hrm. Help? Costume saving works normally, just not power, and it's very, very annoying.

    > Try to save new character's power customization.
    > File is FULL of Incarnate stuff... this really, really should be combined and not per power...
  3. God, this is Street Justice all over again.

    Hey Marketing, protip: Having to wait months for a set that is already done and ready for no other reason than you thinking it builds hype doesn't make me excited. It makes me frustrated. And when it's finally out, the "Yaaaay I am going to play this forever!" is long gone, replaced with "About guddamn time."

    Long story short? If Staff released with I22, I would have one at 50 now. Now? I don't think I'll even be buying it.
  4. SkarmoryThePG

    Thorn Assault/?

    Earth is nice and passive but the -def won't synergize due to overkill of it.
  5. .... you know, I honestly for one don't care for the retro sci-fi, but those gloves are looking like they'll make mighty fine wrist blasters!
  6. Procs. Procs procs procs procs.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
    Also, your idea is frontloaded. Ex: If there are 8 enemies, you get 8 seekers.

    Mine isn't. You get your initial seeker(s), which would grow in number as you kill stuff.
    And that's exactly my idea. Stop pretending Seekers are a pet power and make it an area attack that scales upwards with number of targets.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    So basically what this guy said?
    While certainly what inspired me, no, there's a big difference in that this idea does not make the seekers infinitely recursive.
  9. Also, Halloween invasion zombies, as well as the ones in the House of Horrors decay near-instantly, too fast for a fluffy.
  10. So, if I'm reading this right (and mind you I prefer playing a corpsesucker than a mcbrightybright), Photon Seekers, the PB's ostensibly pet power, tends to see use as a strong ranged AoE power - basically a slightly fancier version of a crashless ranged nuke.

    And, well. Since I believe in reusing power ideas, have one I came up with for my Praetorian Epics idea:

    How would you people who have more experience than I with Peacebringers feel if Photon Seekers worked like this:

    * Cast power at ground next to thine hated foes.
    * Power spawns a pseudopet. A patch if you will. Hell, could re-use the fancy glowy from the ground graphics
    * Said patch tries to -- well, attacks every mob (well, up to a maximum - 16, maybe?) within its radius. It doesn't deal damage. It just spawns a pet. A photon seeker. One for every mob affected. It doesn't even have to move.
    * After a moment, exactly long enough for the mobs to give a heartfelt "Oh pancakes", the photon seekers explode, dealing damage in an area. Oh, of course, the damage would have to be reduced, and the target cap would have to be carefully tweaked.
    * The end result is (should be) immediately - apparent a power that deals more and more damage as more mobs are caught in the patch.

    There'd be a lot of balancing tweaking involved, of course, especially with the target caps of the patch and the explosion. The more seekers the patch can spawn, the less targets and less damage each would deal, and the power would saturate slower.

    Oh, also. There would have to be some way to make the seekers not explode at once. Reason one is that it sounds better when it's a chain of explosions. Reason two is that the game, uh, doesn't like it when multiples of the same sound get triggered simultaneously. It gets loud.

    Thoughts, folks?
  11. SkarmoryThePG

    Kheld Grace

    My Unchain Essence got a lovely purple set with the copious -rech I couldn't get for PosiBlast, and for that, I have a nice bundle of -rech and my dwarf has more HP.

    This makes me a happy squid.
  12. For your specific question:

    Carrion Creepers has poor damage and throws out tons and tons of attacks. That power is meant to make love to damage procs.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    The procs are just a bit of a bonus, what Kheldians, Blasters, Defenders, Arachnos Soldiers, and Corruptors get is a set that can be used with Targeted AoEs that actually provides a decent recharge bonus.
    ...and PosiBlast's 6.25% is what, chopped liver?
  14. A: A lot of animations wouldn't work with the guns in hands, and would require reworking.

    B: Letting an animation work both with weapons and without is difficult and hard on the system.

    C: Why would Dual Pistols be singled out? Why not the other weapon sets? ANd every one means more work and more load on the game.
  15. Count deaths because Dwarf keeps turning on and off: 3.

    Incidentally, you can use "powexec_auto """ to turn all auto-powers off.

    Combining "powexec_auto ""$$powexec_auto POWER" guarantees the bind will put the power ON auto.
  16. Yeah, definitely something wrong.

    My toggleoff binds are trying to turn the power back on.

    Makes my Kheld noticably less fun to play.
  17. I love the idea but
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    If you leave the AE building, all your AEXP is wiped out and you won't be able to get it back until you either buy more, or 12 hours has passed from the time you first got it.
    This part is stupid beyond belief.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tunnel Rat View Post
    Thanks! I'm happy with the reception they've been getting. I'd love to do similar effects for the other Darkness powersets, but the major hurdle here is time. It's just as time-consuming and costly to create a set of effects for an existing powerset as it is for a new powerset, which makes a complete Dark revamp unlikely. However, I do like the suggestions from Beta about proliferating effects for shared powers, like Fearsome Stare, into the older Dark sets.
    Would that extend to Shadow Grasp -> Midnight Grasp and Living Shadows -> Tenebrous Tentacles ?
  19. Welcome to me complaining ever since they broke the spawn code in I13 so it completely ignores how stuff worked and decides that +0x2 means "throw spawns of 2 lts and 3 minions all at +1 all mission at me"
  20. Back of cape AND back of character, please!
  21. So I'm curious.

    Are the rusty tronpunk Resistance and the sleek PPD your idea, or were you working to strict design descriptions?
  22. Are doctored screenshots okay?

    Because if so, I feel like showing off some promo art I did for my latest suggestion.

    Oh and, a scenic shot of my lovely Warshade and her Travel Form.

  23. Yes. Please.

    Leave the window in case someone clicks on the enhancement so we can combine it, but let us drag-combine without a bloody screen already!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    Probably not the best argument, given the existence of the Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Indigo, Black and White Lanterns. Sure his powers may always been green, but it's not a case where everyone who has a power ring's powers are green too.
    ...all of which have different powers, different strengths/weaknesses and different lore. My point stands. If anything, it's strenghtened.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Blasters do not like you

    In all seriousness, why not Blasters? Given nearly every other blast set is shared between those three Archtypes?
    A good question. Let me give it its due consideration, and some counter-points.

    -Weak argument: Because Resistance only has one powerset, and the PPD has two already. Three would only make it worse.

    -Stronger argument: Because the set doesn't work when paired with a Manipulation secondary. Fully half of the powerset (Maul, Wave, Shockwave and Safeties) should be excised and moved to a PPD Force Manipulation set. This would mean that A: you would have to lock down both your primary and secondary to be a "proper" PPD character and B: You would have characters running around who somehow can only use one or the other functionality of the force gauntlet. Both A and B were something I wanted to avoid.

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    It's interesting, I have to say. But I will still and always will call Shenanigens on 'Khelds shouldn't have power customisation'. Why the hell not? What explicitly states, ANYWHERE, that all Kheld/Nictus energy is the same colour? It's ENERGY, it can be pretty much any damn colour ever.
    I personally believe Kheldians should no more have the ability to color their powers than a Green Lantern characte should.

    As for where is it said? The names of the powersets and powers, for one.