Please get rid of the Enhancement combo screen
I agree, absolutely. With all the options we have lately, the ability to turn off the enhancement combo screen would be lovely.
I still play for fun
From Liberty to Freedom
Any team level
If there was a way to easily implement Enhancement Boosters without the combine screen, sure.
If it takes six months to figure out a way to implement Enhancement Boosters without the combine screen, I'd rather them work on something more important than a minor QOL.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
How about dragging the enhancement/enhancement booster over a slotted enhancement would cause the target to be highlighted? Release and the combination process happens. If you were already at +5, the enhancement would turn grey, similar to the way they do now when you try to slot more than 2 of the same set-io in a power.
If you have the option show enhancement combo screen on, you get the current view.
I still play for fun
From Liberty to Freedom
Any team level
Really there are a number of QOL improvements that can/should be made regarding enhancements. NAMING for one.
A "Zebulons Widget Implimenter" does WHAT? No, I can't tell just from subtle variations in color. I just want whatever the freakin' enhancement is that improves Immobilization (or whatever) and I would really like to find it without having to sort through 2 dozen other enhancements trying to find out which obscure verbal code I'm actually looking for. Is mouseover really that hard to impliment here?
Combining Enhancements. I can tell the game to stop reminding me whenever I'm slotting something of a lower level (I KNOW it's lower level - but this one is an SO, not a DO...) and other such tedious tics. Unless there's really significant coding reasons behind it - why shouldn't the combining be automatic foreevermore after I hit a little radio button that says, "Don't EVER remind me about this trivial crap again?"
Why should I have to examine the outside edge design of the enhancement to see if I can actually use it? Is the gearteeth technology origin or science? Is the wavy lines science or mutation? Is that one mutation or magic? If I can't use it why isn't its level just shown in RED the same as it is if it's outside my viable level range? Wouldn't that be an easier and obvious indicator? Why can't I mouseover it to see easily if I might want to send it to another of my own toons or give it to someone on my team who CAN use it?
Okay, I've played my solo, I'm jumping off the bandwagon now...
I'm glad there is some small support for this from veterans. With all the great additions they've made to the game over the years, there's got to be a more efficient way to combine ENH.
It's pretty danged annoying, that's certain. It actually becomes one of the reasons I hate not re-buying my enhancements as soon as I level into them, because if I let myself get another level, I'm stuck taking several times longer to do it because that stupid screen has to pop up for every. single. enhancement.
If there was a way to easily implement Enhancement Boosters without the combine screen, sure.
If it takes six months to figure out a way to implement Enhancement Boosters without the combine screen, I'd rather them work on something more important than a minor QOL. |
I just go do about 5 AE missions to get the tickets required to get all my enhancments at the highest LVL ... then forget about it for the next 2 LVLs I'm sure there's a farmer in there too that would let you go along for the ride assuming all you wanted was one or 2 runs for tickets. :P
They should allow you to send AE tickets to yourself in email. I would just get my 50 and transfere tickets to my lowbie so I could buy enhancments. More useful then influence at that LVL ... LOL
The enhancement boosters are the only reason I want it changed
I just go do about 5 AE missions to get the tickets required to get all my enhancments at the highest LVL ... then forget about it for the next 2 LVLs I'm sure there's a farmer in there too that would let you go along for the ride assuming all you wanted was one or 2 runs for tickets. :P They should allow you to send AE tickets to yourself in email. I would just get my 50 and transfere tickets to my lowbie so I could buy enhancments. More useful then influence at that LVL ... LOL |
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Really there are a number of QOL improvements that can/should be made regarding enhancements. NAMING for one.
A "Zebulons Widget Implimenter" does WHAT? No, I can't tell just from subtle variations in color. I just want whatever the freakin' enhancement is that improves Immobilization (or whatever) and I would really like to find it without having to sort through 2 dozen other enhancements trying to find out which obscure verbal code I'm actually looking for. Is mouseover really that hard to impliment here? |
Combining Enhancements. I can tell the game to stop reminding me whenever I'm slotting something of a lower level (I KNOW it's lower level - but this one is an SO, not a DO...) and other such tedious tics. Unless there's really significant coding reasons behind it - why shouldn't the combining be automatic foreevermore after I hit a little radio button that says, "Don't EVER remind me about this trivial crap again?" |
(Keep in mind, I only just got back, so I don't have a clue how the new enhancement boosters work and I don't even have access to them and probably never will given how high up on the tier they are.)
Is it possible to /inifinitesign something? If so, I'll do that. I *hate* the combination screen. I agree, can we just find a way to get rid of the damned animation sequence... or possibly allow us to upgrade every enhancement in a power in one interface (so line one would be one enhancement, line two the next, line three, etc... up to six lines; you put in whatever enhancements you want to upgrade, add in the upgrading items and hit one button and then you get "success, succes, fail, success..." and all of the ones in that power are done in one shot)...

I have no idea what you're talking about, but it's not Enhancement Boosters. You can't get Enhancement Boosters from the architect system. |
(Keep in mind, I only just got back, so I don't have a clue how the new enhancement boosters work and I don't even have access to them and probably never will given how high up on the tier they are.)

Yes. Please.
Leave the window in case someone clicks on the enhancement so we can combine it, but let us drag-combine without a bloody screen already!
What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?
PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes
I actually just combined enhancements for the first time in 3 years (enhancement boosters). I've just kind of fallen into a no-SO routine-
Level up to 22 with no enhancements
Put level 25 IOs in
Put level-appropriate IOs in as you level
Switch to Set-IO build at 50, either through respec or alt-build.
Much less hassle. I might switch to slotting SOs pre-22 now though.
I agree with your changes though, even if I would never use them.
TW/Elec Optimization
For the love of God, please get rid of the tedious combining animation of the Enhancement screen. We all get it: there is a 5% per level difference chance that an Enhancement will fail to combine.
Do I really have to click-drag-click-drag-click-exit, wash, rinse, repeat each time I combine Enh?
I'm a 5-year player. I've combined and upgraded thousands of Enh over the years and I'm really getting tired of having to do this song and dance each time I upgrade. Doing a complete upgrade of a toon can take ten minutes to buy and slot all the Enh I need -- and it ain't a fun ten minutes, let me tell you.
It would be easier to just go to the Manage screen, click and drag one Enh into the slot I want, and have the game tell me SUCCESS! or FAILURE! immediately. Fewer clicks, less pointless animation, happier veterans. Good, no? And the newbs would never know the differrence.